Acha Septriasa in Malaysia

Jun 26th, 2008, in Celebrities, by

Actress-singer Acha Septriasa on life in Malaysia, doing household chores, and missing home.

Acha Septriasa, one of our Top 10 “hottest” women, whose full name is apparently Jelita Septriasa, has since a few months ago been living in Malaysia, where she is studying film production at Lim Kwok Wing University in Kuala Lumpur.

Acha Septriasa
Acha Septriasa

Acha says that she struggles to adapt to life in Malaysia, and very much misses her hometown of Jakarta. She’s returned for visits four times already, to take back in the atmosphere of Jakarta, see her family, and re-unite with her handsome beau Irwansyah.

Acha Septriasa
Acha & Irwansyah

Acha says living in Malaysia has forced her to learn some new tricks, including washing her own clothes and cooking for herself, as well as taking the bus to visit her father (who works for Petronas) on Sundays, but on the whole things aren’t all that different, since the people there also speak Malay, if mixed with English. inilah

4 Comments on “Acha Septriasa in Malaysia”

  1. jack says:

    acha..ur so cweet
    i luv ya..

  2. nancytracy says:

    Hai acha, just want to say good luck in everything you do. Hope you will more comfortable to live in malaysia.

  3. qoqo says:

    please help me to access her, coz a lot songs i had been made for her

  4. nur aliya bt yahya says:

    assalamualaikum acha, you are my inspire and i love your acting and song..

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