Hosting the Islamic Games in Serang is Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah’s new obsession.
The Governor of Banten province, Ratu Atut Chosiyah, fresh from playing host to a national Quranic recital contest, the 22nd Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran Nasional (MTQN) in Serang, has a new, she says
to make Banten the host of the Islamic version of the Olympic Games, for the 53 countries in the world that are regarded as Muslim.
Ratu Atut Chosiyah.
The Islamic Solidarity Games is staged every four years, first time in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 2005, next year in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Indonesia seems to have won the rights for 2013, although some reports suggest Syria has, which if true would put a dampener on Ratu’s grand plans.
Ratu has already contacted the Sports minister, Adiyaksa Dault, to seek his support for Banten’s effort to host the Games for Indonesia in 2013.
Sisters are doin it by themselves.
On the MTQ National Ratu said winning wasn’t important, nor was the prestige of holding the event, the main thing was that the people of Banten were encouraged to live according to Quranic precepts, both in behaviour and attitude.
No doubt she has a similar attitude to the Muslim Olympics, and added that Banten people were well known for being very religious, and this was a big advantage for the province in its efforts to host the Games. antara
Right on! Ratu Atut Chosiyah we good muslims are all for you! As a matter of fact we should have our own system in Banten too, that is Aulloh swt law, the good old sharia law! To hell with democrazy! Muslims should be living under sharia law! Jihad is king…islam will prevail! Aulloh….akbar….!!!!!
Decapitation Relay – A definite yes.
Horizontal Folk Dancing – Might fail to launch.
And no, Ustad Achmad: the Ukelele is Haram. You’re going to have to try your hand at recitation.
Interesting, there’s a Taliban among us.
…..and added that Banten people were well known for being very religious,
Are Banten people also well known for their cult and black magic?????
Will I be seeing women wearing jilbab playing basket ball?
“Will I be seeing women wearing jilbab playing basket ball?”
Impossible, but maybe women in jilbab trying to break the world record in butterfly style (dolphin crawl): 100 mtrs in 56,61 sec. 🙂
Will these games be televised, unlike the real Olympics? Will kafirs be allowed to attend events or will the events be kafir free zones or only attended by kafirs carrying Dhimmi Cards?
“Will I be seeing women wearing jilbab playing basket ball?”
“Impossible, but maybe women in jilbab trying to break the world record in butterfly style (dolphin crawl): 100 mtrs in 56,61 sec. :)”
Tomaculum, they’ll be wearing a burkini, not a jilbab! hahaha!!
Mullah Omar said
Right on! Ratu Atut Chosiyah we good muslims are all for you! As a matter of fact we should have our own system in Banten too, that is Aulloh swt law, the good old sharia law! To hell with democrazy! Muslims should be living under sharia law! Jihad is king…islam will prevail! Aulloh….akbar….!!!!!
The venerable mullah is right. Let’s convert ‘en masse’ to Islam. Alhamdulillah, nothing beats a nice spectacle of stoning or amputation after Friday prayers. Gratis, no entrance fee required, just bang your head on the floor and you’re in. Cameras and handycams for repeated viewing are allowed. Jihad is king…Islam will rule the world… free Amrozi…death to all kafir. Allahu akbar.
This really is sad. Instead of making a convergence with the rest of the world, the politically horny (Moslem) politicians just sell anything cleavage-creating ideas in return for votes: Islam is different, Islam is superior, other floks in rest of the world are lower than worm (according to the venom-mouthed Ba’ashir). Moslems are eschatologically the Aryan folks of heaven. To achieve political orgasm, it is absolutely necessary to create a purely “Islamic Olympic Game.” What a spritual masturbation! Meanwhile the Shias and the Sunnis keeps killing each other, bombs keeps exploding in Kabul, Karachi, or Baghdad. Oh yes, of course those were the bombs created by the Jews, the f*cking Jews, the Zionist, the Mossad and the CIA!
Very, very sad.
shouldn’t be any shortage of amputees for the disabled islamic games 😀
The venerable mullah is right. Let’s convert ‘en masse’ to Islam. Alhamdulillah, nothing beats a nice spectacle of stoning or amputation after Friday prayers.
By doing so Indonesia GDP could jump to 20% because the money in which currently spent to finance HIGH COST of CORRUPT COURT and JAIL SYSTEM can be invested to more productive facilities and activities.
How’s this for an idea? An Olympic games pitting muslims against non-muslims. This way they can compete against each other without going to war, waging jihad or any other form of bloodshed.
Smart move.
1. Sportsmen/women are today’s heroes in Indonesia. Not soldiers or politicians.
2. Sports is also the one thing that can unite both Muslims and non-Muslims. For instance, who doesn’t love soccer? I bet most people in this country, regardless their religion, share the same passion for soccer. Will this Olympic games de-unite them?
3. Sports is commonly associated with victory, glory and nationalism. Replace nationalism with a certain religious political ideology. Should we see thousands of sports audience (and hooligans) chanting Allahuakbar in the stadium now?
Overall, the Islamic Olympic Games is yet another implementation of theopolitical ideology in the modern culture. Let them try. I cannot say that it’s wrong or right, but I do fully support the sportsmen and sportswomen playing in the field. Go, Indonesia!
Is there a list of events that will take place? Events like stone throwing, maid beating , limb amputation, honor killing, wife or daughter beating, gang raping, suicide bombing, forced conversions, church bombing, rocket launching, female genitalia mutilation, homosexual and apostate execution, Jew kidnapping, Kurd gassing, Mut’a, etc.
I’m guessing these games are taking place because Islamic countries are so woefully pathetic in the real Olympics, competing against kafirs.
shouldn’t be any shortage of amputees for the disabled islamic games 😀
I was thinking circumcision when I read this! “yes, they are all amputees” I thought, but then I started thinking about the actual ‘limbless’ of the many wars in these countries, and that’s also a lot… so yes… disabled islam games…. good idea.
As for the regular games….. I’m trying to imagine the burkha ladies doing the butterfly! what a laugh! better have infidel aussie lifesavers at the ready!
so what have we got?
1.Stone Throwing (starting with gravel (lapsed faithful weight) and proceeding to boulders (infidel weight.)
2.Woman beating (this can be any of wife, daughter maid etc) at first I thought this wasn’t really a sport…. but I guess if you make them run first, we’ll let it in.
3.Shooting (this is also a mainstream olympic sport, but they use non-live targets, and we think this kind of detracts from the thrill of this sport, so we’ll be using live targets…(so yes, kafirs, WILL be allowed to participate).
4. Bomb building.
5. Jew baiting… (this event will be closely monitored by the RSPCI (Royal Society for
Protection of Infidels(A great society modelled after the RSPCA and started by the Saudi royal family to protect their infidel interests)) in order to guarantee that no infidels will be harmed in the execution of these events.
6. Camel racing
7. Head Banging. (a beautiful new mosque with an extra hard granite floor has been constructed for this purpose)
8.Swimming. (the main focus of this event will be the marathon up the river Nile… hence the name of this extremely popular event…. Denial Marathon.
Oh, I forgot, the suicide bombing event….. this event has no heats or try outs, but goes straight to finals…. (for obvious reasons) We overheard the trainer saying to the athletes involved in this event the other day…. “right lads, I’m only going to show you how to do this once….”
also, about prizes, not having medals… winners will be awarded a gold virgin, runners up a silver virgin and third place the town bike.
Enough sarcasm guys. If she wants Games that’s her right. We have to respect that.
I agree with PrimaryDrive, sort of.
I mean, gays can have their olympics. Why can’t the moslems have theirs too?
Gays have their own olympics?! Damn…. the events….?
Anyway, I think it’s weird to have olympics based on religion. But that’s just me. Imagine a ‘Christian Olympics’ ….. get a grip.
Imagine a ‘Christian Olympics’ ….. get a grip.
I agree, unimaginable. the same reason why we can have a 53 country islamic bloc but no similar christian one.
I don’t feel the idea is quite right. It’s like, what’s the purpose? Like, anything at all, aside of vanity? Ironically I read this, very accidentally, while listening to U2’s “Where the Streets Have No Name“, an exasperated cry for people to stop being so tribalistic.
If you want to arrange communities based on their beliefs, it has to serve some clear purpose. Islamic or Christian student organizations in schools and colleges I can understand; maybe they wish to arrange religious events or pray together. Islamic or Christian political organizations I can somehow understand as well; maybe they wish to prevent discriminatory acts against their faith and act as the community’s guardian in the dirts of politics.
But religion-based sports games, I can’t see some good out of it at all.
I’m not saying it should stop or anything. It’s their right to do so, and not mine to suppress them. But then again, it’s just my two cents. It’s my right to speak, and not theirs to shut me up. 🙂
I dont think having an islamic olympic games is a good idea.. especially after so many event,riot,incident that happened in indonesia that based on “religion”.
but i really want to see our muslim ladies doing sports while wearing jilbab..that must be cool.
Imagine a ‘Christian Olympics’ ….. get a grip.
Not too bad idea, at least we can learn how fierce the competition among the holy priest in molesting the boys and little girls
i really want to see our muslim ladies doing sports while wearing jilbab..that must be cool.
Go to MI/MA scattered in cities. They do volleyball, basketball, badminton, etc. with their jilbab on. (Where do you live, btw?)
“Not too bad idea, at least we can learn how fierce the competition among the holy priest in molesting the boys and little girls”
And you’re sure there are no Imams or something like that molesting boys and girls?
Don’t be so naive, Cuk. 🙂
I just want to know, what would they give the men who win? Certainly not gold medals, ya? Haram!
@jaka :
i didnt say that there is no woman doing sport while wearing jilbab. It’s unusual i think(my personal opinion)
i live in indonesia.. If i dont live in indonesia why should i care bout indonesia matters ?
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Clearly this bird isn’t getting enough.
Well, we should put our collective heads (while we still have them) together and try to come up with some new sports suitable for such a gathering.