Great article in the Los Angeles Times of March 20th entitled “Separation of Mosque and State Wanes in Indonesia” dealing with the persecution, under blasphemy laws, of Yusman Roy, who sits in prison for the crime of having led prayers at his local mosque in the language of his country and people – Indonesian.
The writer, Richard C. Paddock, visited Yusman Roy in prison and interviewed him.
The government and the [Indonesian Ulema] council have been working together to suppress my ideas. But this will not stop me from doing what I believe.
Despite Condoleezza Rice‘s optimism the news is getting out that so-called secular Indonesia persecutes people based on their religious beliefs.
Yusman Roy.
The article deals with a number of recent cases of blasphemy, apart from Yusman Roy’s, including the Lia Eden case, and a couple of others, although not the recent Batam example, that I admit I have never even heard of but which are real humdingers, like:
Sumardi Tappaya, 60, a high school religious teacher on the island of Sulawesi, was locked up in January after a relative told police he had heard Sumardi whistling while he prayed. The whistling was declared deviant by the local ulemas, and Sumardi is now in jail awaiting trial on charges of religious blasphemy. He faces five years in prison.
Extremely good article, read it all.
Dear Readers, I am Yusman Roy himself, who’s been spending almost 2 years in jail, because I was defending what I believe till right know. Whether you agree or disagree with me, and would like to contact me, please write to : KH. Moch. Yusman Roy, No. 136, Sumber Waras Timur, Lawang, Malang, East Jawa, Indonesia. I’ll be glad to answer all of your questions. Thanks, and God bless you all.
Mr. Yusman Roy, I’m Carla, from ADN Kronos International, Italy-based news office (I replaced Parama Dewi). I’ve tried to contact you a lot of times today but I could not get connected to you at all. Not to your home phone numbers, nor your Flexi.
Could you please let us know how we can contact you? We would like to hear the update of your case with MUI.
Thank you very much in advance.
Regards, Carla.
Dear Yusman,
I am doing a research on the blasphemy law now. I need to interview you. Is it possible to get your phone number?
salom .., young Indonesian nation fighting nation with the hope that the nation can be free of colonial affairs ARABNISASI in worshiping God. Because given the Arabic language is not identical with the religion of Islam. While it is ah’lak Islamic religious / moral character who is good and right according to the law of God.
God forbid / prohibit any man who worshiped at his use of the foreign language not understood the meaning of intent and purpose.
But the fate of the other talk, I have received prison sentences and must be willing to leave his wife and children and colleagues.
I believed and believe that a country that would not have the security and peace when their inhabitants are people who fail to pray, because the promise of God, the prayers of good quality and sure enough that would have the most noble character.
Then the question is what is the ruler of this nation really does not want to accept correction from the child of his own people who love the homeland???
Kami bangsa Indonesia, kami melaksanakan tata cara sholat / sembahyang dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Mengingat bahasa arab itu bukan identik dengan agama Islam, agama itu adalah BUDI PEKERTI YANG LUHUR. Bahasa arab bukan simbul Persatuan umat islam , persatuan umat itu tergantung dari akhlak / budi pekerti.
Yusman Roy Muslim Mukmin & Qur’an Teks Indonesia Terjemah.
Saudara sesama penyembah Allah, berhentilah membenci dan menghujat kami, marilah kita tingkatkan saja rasa persaudaraan dan mari kita berlomba mengerjakan amal saleh demi terwujudnya kerukunan antar umat beragama.
Peliharalah karunia Allah, ”Damai Sejahterah Indonesia,,
Dengan demikian sudah BERAKHIR dan TAMATLAH SUDAH segala hujatan yang pernah kami terima dari banyak pihak, berkat do’a kami yang selalu memohon kepada Allah agar saudara seiman yang belum sepaham itu diberi hidayah Allah.
Termasuk juga dengan SEGUDANG DALIL-DALIL LEMAH yang menyertai fatwanya MUI daerah sampai pusat yang pernah ikut memfonis sesat dan menodai agama Islam terhadap hasil i’jtihad kami tentang sholat bahasa Indonesia itu selesai ceritanya dan nggak ada lagi hal yang perlu diperdebatkan.
Pesan Yusman Roy,
berhentilah membenci dan menghujat kami, biarkanlah kami melakukan apa yang menjadi keyakinan kami hal yang sehubungan dengan cara sholat kami yang menggunakan bahasa bangsa kami Indonesia berkat adanya Qur’an teks Indonesia terjemah yang dapat dengan mudah kami pahami isi maksud dan tujuan Qur’an teks indonesia terjemah yang sudah diterbitkan oleh para ahlinya dan juga disahkan oleh departemen agama repubik Indonesia.
Marilah kita tingkatkan saja rasa persaudaraan dan juga mari kita berlomba mengerjakan amal saleh demi menciptakan rasa damai sejahterah Indonesia.
Firman-Nya ;
16:125. Serulah (manusia) kepada jalan Allah-mu dengan hikmah dan pelajaran yang baik dan bantahlah mereka dengan cara yang baik. Sesungguhnya Allah-mu Dialah yang lebih mengetahui tentang siapa yang tersesat dari jalan-Nya dan Dialah yang lebih mengetahui orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk.
53:30. Itulah sejauh-jauh pengetahuan mereka. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu, Dialah yang paling mengetahui siapa yang tersesat dari jalan-Nya dan Dia pulalah yang paling mengetahui siapa yang mendapat petunjuk.
14:4. … Allah menyesatkan siapa yang Dia kehendaki, dan memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki…
49:10. Sesungguhnya orang-orang mukmin adalah bersaudara karena itu damaikanlah antara kedua saudaramu dan bertakwalah kepada Allah supaya kamu mendapat rahmat.
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Sad that the Arabs treat Indonesians like they do – very sad treating a whole populace thus. This is of course about using only Arabic in prayers. Either you Indonesians are seen as a lesser people than Arabs or your god cannot understand your Indonesian languages. Regards, R. Patterson