Suster Ngesot Strikes Again

Feb 15th, 2012, in Society, by

A security guard leaps into action against a possible crawling nurse ghost on the loose in a Bandung hotel.

A news item from the Bali Advertiser:

Suster NgesotA 38- year old Indonesian security guard has been charged with assault after kicking a 20-year old woman in the face after mistaking her for a predatory ghost. The guard was on duty in Bandung, Java, when suddenly a figure, who was sitting on the floor and clad in white with hair covering her face, moved slowly in a weird way toward the elevator. The guard sensed a threat to himself and the others in the elevator and kicked the ghost to the floor so that everyone… could run and save themselves. But guard Sunarya’s seemingly noble deeds have landed him more punishment than accolades, as the “ghost” turned out to be the 20-year old daughter of a coal businessman who was in the hotel playing a “ghost trick” for a friend’s birthday. She was later hospitalized for a bruised face and broken tooth. Sunarya now faces charges of assaulting the girl, who was dressed as suster ngesot, a “crawling nurse ghost”. But the security officer remains modest.

I have a wife and two little children, I hope everything will be fine


I just did my job as a security guard.

A video of the drama:

9 Comments on “Suster Ngesot Strikes Again”

  1. Chris says:

    Or maybe it could be called “Suster Ngesot Strikes Back” like the second Star Wars movie?

  2. BrotherMouzone says:

    If you believe you are seeing a ghost, is your first impulse really to kick it in the face?

  3. Chris says:

    If you believe you are seeing a ghost, is your first impulse really to kick it in the face?

    I don’t know what I would do if I saw a ghost – I have my doubts whether any exist – but I think the security guard was very brave and did his job. He kicked the nearest bit of the “ghost”, which – as she was crawling along the floor – was her head. (See Youtube footage).

  4. berlian biru says:

    If you believe you are seeing a ghost, is your first impulse really to kick it in the face?

    If you are a courageous and conscientious security guard of limited education but determined to do your job protecting the young people in your lift, I would say yes.

  5. bonni says:

    If you believe you are seeing a ghost, is your first impulse really to kick it in the face?

    I guess I might read some shalawat and doa-doa and nyebut of course…

  6. Yaser Antone says:

    Sebuah tendangan yang jika dilakukan dengan benar dan dengan kekuatan penuh seharusnya bisa membuat suster ngesot pura pura menjadi suster ngesot beneran, dan pastikan jika anda bukan seorang kidal maka kaki yang harus digunakan untuk sebuah tendangan yang bisa dinamakan lower atau special upper cut itu mestilah kaki kanan, dan ingat anda harus melakukannya dengan kekuatan dan konsentrasi penuh, dan alangkah sempurnanya bila tendangan itu diulang sampai tiga kali dengan tanpa mengurangi kekuatan dari tendangan itu sendiri.

  7. deta says:

    the “ghost” turned out to be the 20-year old daughter of a coal businessman who was in the hotel playing a “ghost trick” for a friend’s birthday

    This is just the way a two-tier justice system works: when a satpam committed an offense and the victim happened to be a daughter of a top person, it was a crime. But, if it had happened the other way around, the incident would’ve been considered to be a successful practical joke.

  8. BrotherMouzone says:

    This reminds me of one of the funniest ever scenes in a movie; Zombieland;

  9. tik tok says:

    the indonesian ghost make me nightmare, more than gringo evil…Lol

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