Ki Gendeng Pamungkas

Aug 21st, 2008, in News, by

Ki Gendeng PamungkasParanormal figure Ki Gendeng Pamungkas enters the world of politics in Bogor.

Ki Gendeng Pamungkas, most famous for casting a voodoo spell on president George Bush during the latter’s visit to Indonesia in 2006, is running for the office of mayor of Bogor, West Java, as an independent.

Ki Gendeng Pamungkas
Ki Gendeng Pamungkas, sorcery has its rewards.

Ki Gendeng Pamungkas, real name Iman Santoso, says he received a message from the heavens while performing a ritual in the Bogor Gardens. In the message he was instructed to try to free the people of Bogor from the chains of poverty, and to sort out the bureaucratic mess in City Hall.

For two of his opponents in the race he has a warning

My inner voice says something is going to happen to those two.

What would happen, he wouldn’t say, except okezone

Just wait till September, there’ll be some news that’ll shock you.

As part of the electoral rules Ki Gendeng Pamungkas filed a report to the Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) in which he claimed to have almost 17 billion rupiah in assets. The source of his wealth: kilasberita

It’s a secret, but I’m not corrupt.

14 Comments on “Ki Gendeng Pamungkas”

  1. Sri L. says:

    To Ki Gendeng Pamungkas:

    After you have sorted out the bureaucratic mess in Bogor, please, come and rescue the good citizens of Toronto (Canada) from the bureaucratic mess of the municipality. But cutting off heads of any kind of animal will not work very well here. Torture of animals will put you at grave risk of a jail sentence, not to speak of demonstrations by PETA

    I am sure you are very creative and can replace animals with some inanimate objects. Or would that take away the magical consequences?

    Anyway, Canadian politics is so dull that some political street theatre is desperately needed here. I still miss the Rhinoceros Party!!!!!!

  2. Andrew says:

    By the way, what happened to the plan to cast a spell on Bush? it didn’t work? LOL

  3. bigwhiteinfidel says:

    Gendeng. What an appropriate name!! Hahaha!!

    How come FPI, Hizbut Tahrir, MMI, and all the other Islamofascists haven’t attacked this paranormal? Is he not Muslim on his KTP? Is he not practicing mystical beliefs contrary to “pure” Islam? Or does Ki Gendeng have more backing than say, Ahmadiyah, and isn’t as easy a target to bash and intimidate? Or are Islamofascists afraid that he can cast a spell on them and Allah can’t protect them?

    “As part of the electoral rules Ki Gendeng Pamungkas filed a report to the Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) in which he claimed to have almost 17 billion rupiah in assets. The source of his wealth: [2]

    It’s a secret, but I’m not corrupt.”

    Gendam? hmmm?

  4. Rob says:

    It won’t be a secret for long!

    I wonder as a mystic can he channel the votes of the dead and then count them?

    Is his inner voice a veiled threat?

    Good luck to the citizens of Bogor…I will be there on the weekend! I will be there trying to channel my inner voice to find out what my next career move is going to be.

  5. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    I sense jealousy here. White men can’t stand successful Brown man with Benz. Typical.

  6. Rob says:


    No Jealousy on my part 😀 I am happy for him to have as many cars, houses, and possessions as he legitimately can afford. Legitimately being the key word here!

    It does not matter what colour, race, or religion he is as far as I can see. What does matter is that if he wants to run for public office and in essence control the purse strings for Bogor then it is fair that the citizens of Bogor be entitled to see an accurate accounting of his current wealth. If for no other reason than to compare this to what he leaves office with at the end.

    The inner voice issue has nothing to do with him being a brown man either. I am sure there are plenty of white, yellow, and red men out there too who claim to hear inner voices directing them along their resepctive paths of life.

    It is not always a case of us against them…

  7. ultratupai says:

    It is obvious that the voodoo spell on Bush DID work.

  8. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    @ Rob

    It does not matter what colour, race, or religion he is as far as I can see. What does matter is that if he wants to run for public office and in essence control the purse strings for Bogor then it is fair that the citizens of Bogor be entitled to see an accurate accounting of his current wealth. If for no other reason than to compare this to what he leaves office with at the end.

    Brown man is not going to rob and run off to Singapore or China anytime sooner when the pressure is on. If this is not jealousy, tell me why a White man should care about how much a Brown man can accumulate in his own land.

  9. Rob says:


    Why does it have to be about jealousy? My earlier comment did not concern myself and any worry I had about the man’s wealth. The part of my comment that you cut and paste also highlights this.

    In the end it makes no difference to me whether he makes a proper accounting of his wealth or not. I am not an Indonesian citizen. I do not claim to speak for or on behalf of my Indonesian friends (although Lairedion might argue to the contrary), rather I listen to what they say and process this within the framework of my own experience and then comment in my own blog, IM, and other places. I do not feel superior to any other race and I do not think that any of my comments evidence such a degree of superiority nor do they allude to any kind of jealousies on my part.

    AAB, perhaps I care because I can! And perhaps caring is part of our human nature (at least for some of us)…

    Enjoy your day!

  10. Purba Negoro says:

    I always find it so amusing how the Whte Man’s Burden is so ingrained in whitey’s mind.

    Whitey needs to be a paternal hero to poor brownie- or better yet- a noble savage- like an Irian.

    If we reject his help- he looses self-worth.

  11. Rob says:


    As usual PN you miss the point as you are too self-absorbed in your own belief system that you fail to grasp the basic ideas of my posts here to date. There is no “white man’s burden” at play here.

    I am not offering suggestions on what Indonesia must do. I am not a citizen and therefore the matter is one for Indonesians to decide. I, though, may have an opinion. It seems that you have opinions on all manner of things and do not see a problem in voicing those opinions no matter how objectionable they might be.

    More to the point it is amusing that whenever someone questions your opinions or expresses an opinion of their own that your response usually is something to do with guilt, the white man’s burden, a failure to understand the intricacies of the argument because they are white, or that it is the paternal hero in them coming to the fore.

    This only highlights that your arguments are devoid of substance and the most convenient way of deflecting criticism in your mind is to try and belittle the commentator by suggesting that they are arguing only because of some racial superiority.

    I am married to an Indonesian, my kids will be part-Indonesian and therefore have an Indonesian heritage that I want them to learn about. So, when I say I care about what happens and how things turn out in this fine land, then I can assure you it has nothing to do with any white man’s burden or any pity for the poor brown man.

    But, I am sure that you cannot fathom these arguments because you are a person not capable of taking a step back, taking off the horse blinkers, and seeing that not all whities are the same. I, for one, know that you are not representative of a vast majority of Indonesians no matter what your claims to the contrary might be!

    But as always, have a nice day!

  12. Purba Negoro says:

    Hello Rob
    I knew that would be the onion in the ointment- I don’t mean it- it was a spinning lure.

    If you seriously enjoy fishing- as much as I enjoy baiting I recommend off the coast of Madura island- spectacular.

    Which fly shall I use next…?

  13. Andrew says:

    Why not attack again mr Bush mr gendeng pamungkas.

  14. Logical Girl says:

    Kurang kerjaan bgt, cari sensasi voodoo Bush hahaha

    Anyway I don’t believe in mystics.

    But it DISGUST me that Iman Santoso (why put Ki on his name?? He’s no ‘aki2’/grandad.. neither he’s a pundit) tried to threaten the other political candidates..

    “My inner voice says something is going to happen to those two. What would happen, he wouldn’t say… Just wait till September, there’ll be some news that’ll shock you.”

    Well my inner voice says that “mystics” and supernatural curses are all he can do…. leave politics alone!!

    *ps: I’m no Caucasian so none of you can say I’m jealous of Iman Santoso (what to jealous about?? a gendeng guy who wear all black all day – in a scorching hot country??)

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