Satria Naradha, a leading figure in Bali as the owner of the main local news outlets, warned visiting parliamentarians from Jakarta about the dangers of aggressive Islamism in Indonesia and consequent break-up of the country.
In the light of the “Summons” issued by the Indonesian Mujahadin Council over Bali’s opposition to the porn bill and the prevalence of creeping sharia in the country Satria Naradha’s remarks make timely reading.
Bali will never betray Indonesia, we will never secede. Instead, we shall fight until the end any group that is trying to subvert the nation into a monolithic society based on the teachings of one single religious belief.
If Jakarta and Aceh want to betray the republic (by suppressing religious freedom and multiculturalism) then we will let them go (from the republic). Bali will not go away, we will fight to keep this nation as a nation that respects religious freedom and celebrates multiculturalism.
Satria Naradha views the matter as a patriotic struggle.
My ancestors sacrificed their lives to build this republic. I and my fellow Balinese will not let this sacred heritage be ruined by a small group of people who want to impose their moral values on this nation.
At the end of the meeting, Satria shocked the legislators by presenting them with gifts – red and white flags of the Republic of Indonesia.
May these flags always remind you of what this republic really stands for.
All of these whole opinion is right and true. Like this statement:
Satria Naradha, a leading figure in Bali as the owner of the main local news outlets, warned visiting parliamentarians from Jakarta about the dangers of aggressive Islamism in Indonesia and consequent break-up of the country.
It is the most real at all. There many regions and provinces in Indonesia will follow the steps of East Timor, if there is a group forcing to impose Islamic-Arabic imperialism in Indonesia. All regions and provinces in Indonesia is the most original “Indonesia”. All people supports Sharia and Islamic law are the true children of evil forces.
Let Islam infiltrate Bali, and soon it will lose its uniqueness and charm.
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I entirely agree with the opinion of satria naradha and applaud him for daring to say the “very truth” which many even so-called “pribumi” Indonesians/javanese themselves expressed in silence and among good friends at discussions.
Indonesia consist of many “sukus”, which i include the Chinese, Indonesians (who are a very typical breed and entirely different than any people of Chinese origin from other asian countries – they are already “very typical Indonesian”) and Indonesians has been known in the western world as very tolerant and flexible people, even the ones with Islam as religion. Thus the many “sukus” with the very diverse religions of Indonesia is a “very positive” fact and should therefore be maintained by all means.
History has proven that diversity is always much better for a nation than any extremism. Just take a look at the USA – not the government! – but the people and the great success of the USA as a nation. The great success of the USA as a nation is clearly based on the diversity of the people coming from so many races of the world with so many different religions back-grounds.
Keep Indonesia diverse and remember the great inner meaning of the “pancasila”, created by the wise Indonesian founders.