VIP Escort

Apr 28th, 2008, in News, by

Jusuf KallaMajor General Suwarno of the TNI, escort for VVIP Jusuf Kalla, has a lot on his mind.

Car Free Day

On 27th April one of Jakarta’s “Car Free Days”, – when major thoroughfares are closed to private vehicle traffic, – coincided with the celebration of Intellectual Property Rights Day, which was marked by a fun walk in which vice-president Jusuf Kalla took part.

To the dismay and outcry of many Kalla was seen to be whisked away by a staff car once he was done with the jalan sehat.

Very Very Important Person

Major General Suwarno of the TNI, with no wars to fight or separatist rebellions to crush, keeps himself occupied as the head of the presidential bodyguard squad, Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden (Paspampres), and he explains in detail about the Kalla car controversy. detik

VVIP procedures are fixed, when a VVIP enters a place then those procedures apply. For example, airports have their own rules, but when a VVIP goes there the VVIP rules take precedence.

Major General Suwarno
Major General Suwarno, right

I’m not talking about whether it’s alright or it’s not alright. If Pak Kalla walks from Monas to Hotel Indonesia where am I supposed to pick him up? I was going to pick him up at Hotel Indonesia so how am I supposed to get there?


Other fun walkers with JK were Trade minister Marie Elka Pangestu and Jakarta governor Fuzzy Bozo Fauzi Bowo, although it is not clear whether they are VIP’s, or VVIP’s like Kalla, or whether they were allowed to violate the sanctity of “Car Free Day” as well. kompas

5 Comments on “VIP Escort”

  1. jaka says:

    That’s just an excuse. Bad excuse. He can pick him up in Jl Kebon Kacang or Jl Agus Salim. Kalla wouldn’t mind to walk more a bit. Damn, this mentality still persists, eh?

  2. rima says:

    the VIP escorts in Europe are usually tall, leggy, sexy, busty and expensive. In no case have I seen a VIP escort ad of a mustached-man wearing a peci.

  3. Heard you can pay a couple of millions to get treated as (VV)IP with riders etc. Would be very useful when I land back in Jakarta at macet time…

  4. Rob says:

    Perhaps the VP prefers mustachioed men to be his escorts!

  5. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Aha. So that’s where Aluang Anak Bayang hangs out these days.

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