
Jan 16th, 2008, in Opinion, by

Iqhbal Sukokiman takes on the tough issue of Australian pedophiles in Indonesia.

Australian Pedophiles

Australian paedophiles keep washing up on our shores and it is time to do something.

Their modus operandi is well known: they are mostly middle-aged men, 40 or older, and pose in respectable jobs, often English teachers, in a bid to win the trust of their prey, Indonesian children.

Just last week, according to the Agence France Press, an Australian man, Philip/Philippe Robert Grandfield, 61, was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia.

This warpo, (Sicko #1), was a retired accountant and had been luring village boys into his house to play “pool”. His lawyer’s defense was amusing, the man couldn’t be a pedophile (he didn’t deny the age), because the boys didn’t refuse the money. Sicko # 1 had lived in Bali for 10 years.

In 2006, according to the Sydney Morning Herald, Indonesian police received reports that at least a dozen suspected paedophiles were on the loose in Indonesia. The SMH reported it had uncovered,

widespread sex abuse in Indonesia, with Australians and other foreign pedophiles.

The SMH continued, that two Australians, language teacher Peter Smith and hotel manager Don Storen, were in custody facing pedophile charges.

I find it amazing that the Australian media and even Australian bloggers in Indonesia criticize this country for corruption and human rights abuses whilst often turning a blind eye to what their own citizens do.

Why are so many sickos coming here from Down Under? Indonesia has bent over backwards to be helpful (some have just bent over), including letting in Australian police to investigate the Muslim group Jemaah Islamiah in 2004.

To be honest, I don’t know why Australia produces so many pedophiles. It could be that the country, due to its convict past, has a greater tolerance for criminals. Perhaps Australia has a different definition as to what is acceptable due to the ratio of men to women from 1788 to 1840, or the first fifty or years of its colonial history.

Sicko Smith, for example, according to the SMH, admitted he had committed offences, saying

obviously, or I wouldn’t be behind bars

Once again, he denied forcing any of the boys into sex but confessed to molesting 50 of them and filming pornographic videos of them.

I can only hope Australians will read this article and realize that Indonesia has different values. I also read that Australians have widely embraced atheism and agnosticism, which is fine: Islam teaches,

your belief is yours, and mine is mine

But visitors, especially the Sickos mentioned above, have to understand Indonesia still prizes family values, based not only on religion, but also just plain human decency.

Also, Indonesians will have to take greater care, and not be so trusting. Some of those sickos might be reading this site, for example.

Finally, perhaps the Australian government could do a better job providing moral education to its citizens. Australians seem to do well at sports, but in some areas, as discussed their standards of behaviour could do with some work. What’s ok at home is not always ok overseas.

Life’s not all about winning Olympic medals, Australia.

90 Comments on “Pedophiles”

  1. matthew says:

    Australia produces ‘so many paedophiles’? Really? Are you really insulting all 20 million Australians by suggesting that “Indonesia has different values” i.e. implying that Australians don’t realise and abhor paedophilia? And all based on the behaviour of a few dozen sickos?

    Paedophiles from lots of countries travel to the third world because law enforcement is weak and people are poor so children and often parents are willing to consort with paedophiles for the sake of a very small sum of money. It would be much harder for them to behave that way in the West. That’s reality. Normal Australians and other Westerners, etc. if they knew that a paedophile was behaving this way in THEIR area would report it to the police. But in Indonesia? Not so often. They just turn a blind eye. They can see what is going on. It is obvious to anybody, big white bule you can spot him a mile off, hanging around young boys. But no action, not my business they say. Trust me, it’s far, far, more accepted in Indonesia than it would be in Australia.

    That’s why they have to leave Australia. Do you think they would be in Indonesia if it weren’t much easier to molest children there than in Australia? Is that Australia’s fault? Are they supposed to come and tell the Indonesian police to stop taking bribes and start acting like a real police force, are they supposed to raise all the poor Indonesians out of poverty so it’s no longer worthwhile to do this?

    The fact is in the West paedophiles are public enemy number 1. The public, the institutions of state (police, courts, etc) are all set against them.

    In Indonesia, however, antisocial people such as terrorists and rich murderers get special treatment, support from many in the police, support from the army, from their corrupt buddies in government.

    Perhaps Indonesia should ask for assistance of British, Australian police and others, to HELP, rather than just implying that molesting children is normal in Indonesia…..

  2. Sylvester says:

    Again, Matthew, well said
    Nice to have you here

  3. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    There are just as many white pedopliles as Asian pedophile.

    ** I am responding on behalf of tomaculum **

  4. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    Thanks for the reply.

    Iqhbal wrote most of this — I helped him with the English. He’s out earning a living so might not be ablt to get to a warnet till later.

    On a personal note, it seems like you don’t want to confront harsh realities.

  5. osra says:

    Hi tomaculum and others indonesian what about Ryan from Jombang. You wrote this articles without open your eyes in every part of Indonesia, you just wrote base on what the Indonesia done for foreigner and the journalists wrote in newspaper. But if you have a trip around Indonesia you will find many pedopliles living in masjid.

  6. Cukurungan says:

    It is obvious to anybody, big white bule you can spot him a mile off, hanging around young boys. But no action, not my business they say. Trust me, it’s far, far, more accepted in Indonesia than it would be in Australia.

    Of course no action…because we are good people and we never have suspicion that a big white bule would f**ck a litle brown boy …until lately your guy intrudocing this new culture to our society.

    I do not think that it is the matter of acceptance but it is the matter of opportunity? However the striking question why Australia and in general white community become biggest producer of pedophile? My best answer, it could be because of widespread the tyranny of feminism in which make the white man are no more feel un-comfortable to serve the white pussy.

    In Indonesia, however, antisocial people such as terrorists and rich murderers get special treatment, support from many in the police, support from the army, from their corrupt buddies in government.

    It is the same Australian is also asking the white convict of the Bali nine to get remission

  7. Ken Lovell says:

    The sad truth is that child sex abuse is much more prevalent amongst indigenous Australians than others. Sexual exploitation of children is also a characteristic of many Middle Eastern cultures and has been for centuries, so suggestions that it’s a ‘white’ phenomenon are misplaced.

    Pedophilia is regarded as abhorrent in the general Australian community. Far from ‘turning a blind eye’, Australia was, as far as I know, the first country in the world to make child abuse in another country a criminal offence for which Australians could be prosecuted in their own country. These laws were introduced precisely out of concern that some neighbouring countries were turning a blind eye to Australians who exploited children.

    My country has many shortcomings but condoning pedophilia is not one of them.

  8. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Interesting, Mr. Lovell,

    So Australian Aborigines (I know you people have many names for them), are the worst offenders. And it sounds like you’re saying they are not part of the “general community.” Do you mean the general “white” community ?

  9. Cukurungan says:

    But if you have a trip around Indonesia you will find many pedopliles living in masjid.

    Friend there is 700 thousand masjid in Indonesia tell us the truth how many you found the pedophilies in Masjid Indonesia and please compare to your holly man in link here

  10. Ross says:

    One problem is that some schools, not all by any means, do not discriminate in their hiring policies.
    They accept openly deviant applicants, and it is a fact that homos are much more prone to child abuse than normals.
    As previously noted, Western cultural imperialism is trying to force its pro-queer attitude on Asian nations. Islam and Christianity and anybody with a sense of comon decency, should stand together on this issue.

  11. matthew says:

    >>In Indonesia, however, antisocial people such as terrorists and rich murderers get special treatment, support from many in the police, support from the army, from their corrupt buddies in government.

    >It is the same Australian is also asking the white convict of the Bali nine to get remission

    No, Australia do that because basically there’s a pretty standard international process of countries trying to protect their citizens accused of crimes abroad.

    It’s not the same thing at all.

    >Of course no action…because we are good people and we never have suspicion that a big white bule would f**ck a litle brown boy …until lately your guy intrudocing this new culture to our society.

    >I do not think that it is the matter of acceptance but it is the matter of opportunity? However the striking question why Australia and in general white community become biggest producer of pedophile? My best answer, it could be because of widespread the tyranny of feminism in which make the white man are no more feel un-comfortable to serve the white pussy.

    No idea. They are deviants, very few in number, they are abhorred by white people: if you are convicted of paedophilia for instance, your life will be HELL in prison, the other criminals treat will abuse you.

    But the idea people don’t know what is going on is just silly.

    Have a look here, 9 minutes onwards

    Everybody knows what these bule are doing. The hotel staff, the police, locals, everyone. People know what is happening, nothing is done.

    This could not happen in Australia, USA, UK, in the West.

    I am not sure why but there seems to be this laissez-faire attitude: oh well, they get money from the bule, never mind the sexual abuse. In England if this was happening in any neighbourhood these men would be in fear of their life or in prison. It’s cultural.

  12. matthew says:

    Of course paedophilia happens in Indonesian-run hotels to Western children.

  13. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    But Pak Matthew,

    All of these reports also come from the Bule. How are we to know he is not making the reports to discredit Indonesia ?

    As Pak Iqhbal mentioned, Indonesia is a country based on family values, not individual, doing-what-you-want all the time, like Australia.

    I thank you.

  14. perseus says:


    More utterly tedious Aussie bashing from a pair of dingbats who belong to a nation of 200 million plus than can win 1 gold medal in the oh so manly sport of badminton.

    And Australia with a mere 20 million can get 11 gold medals…

    There is more to life than medals. There is also jealousy, inferiority complexes and the fact that Achmad can’t stand the sight of Australians winning anything…

    Sorry mate, there is no gold for the ukelele or the poetry…

    The article is not worth rebutting but to be blunt the handful of Western pedophiles in Indonesia is a lot less of a problem than the hordes of Indonesian parents willing to sell their children into prostitution for a pittance and the police who will overlook any infringement for a bribe.

  15. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Blame the victim, Perseus.

    Let’s not forget how popular pederasty was in ancient Greece, where the Olympics were founded.

  16. Chris says:

    Good work, Matthew.

    Shame on you, Achmad. A serious and very worrying problem deserves a more thoughtful response, not another xenophobic rant. Are you seriously suggesting that there are less or no home-grown pribumi Indonesian pedophiles? What about this one:

  17. Ken Lovell says:

    I mistakenly thought the author was genuinely concerned about a serious problem but now I see he is only interested in entertaining himself by editing and deleting comments to make himself look clever while he parades his juvenile prejudices.

    I’ll leave him to it.

  18. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    I’m not the author: I just helped edit the piece. Nor do I have editorial control over this website. Mr. Iqhbal is the author, but he has a long working day without internet access, so can’t address all concerns. I’ve got a slightly polemical style.


  19. David says:

    I mistakenly thought the author was genuinely concerned about a serious problem but now I see he is only interested in entertaining himself by editing and deleting comments to make himself look clever while he parades his juvenile prejudices.

    No comments were edited, a couple were deleted, starting with Achmad accusing you, and your response, since the response didn’t make sense without the accusation…

  20. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    In fairness, to Patung, he does have to maintain standards…

  21. matthew says:

    I think this one is pretty much done….

    As others have noticed, Indonesians can face up to their own problems (in this case, poverty, poor policing, and Indonesians routinely and almost universally turning a blind eye to all kinds of crimes, from fraud/corruption up to even murder), or they can blame the bule again.

    Blaming Mr. Bule probably makes them feel good, but it doesn’t do them any good. Oh well, Indonesians are responsible for themselves now (and since 1949 in fact when they eventually got the Dutch to leave).

  22. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    I love how this has all got back to blaming Achmad, blaming Indonesia. Why blame the victim ? What about the perpetrators ? Have to ask what the motivation is.

  23. ultratupai says:

    Perhaps there would be less pedophiles in Indonesia (both homegrown and foreign) if Indonesia would stop selling their women as they do on the streets of Jakarta and Surabaya. The root of the problem is poverty and lack of human rights which allow the sex trade to thrive. Which is worse the Australian pedophiles or the Indonesian pimps who sell the children on the cheap?

  24. matthew says:

    my wife’s friend (bencong) bought a child. Not for sex, but for adoption. Human life ain’t worth much in Indonesia.

  25. Sylvester says:

    my wife’s friend (bencong) bought a child. Not for sex, but for adoption. Human life ain’t worth much in Indonesia.

    Sadly, it is true. You can buy everything in Indonesia, from dignity, honesty to human life.
    Look at the victims of Lapindo, poor people in the village.
    Indonesia is still under colonization of its own pribumi official.
    Like Max Lane said in his book, it is still Unfinished Nation.
    The question is when will it finish and what would be the outcome. But for sure the attitude shown by some of pribumis here will not bring any good for Indonesia.

  26. osra says:

    As others have noticed, Indonesians can face up to their own problems (in this case, poverty, poor policing, and Indonesians routinely and almost universally turning a blind eye to all kinds of crimes, from fraud/corruption up to even murder), or they can blame the bule again.

    Like Max Lane said in his book, it is still Unfinished Nation.

    As Papuan I never proud my nationality Indonesian. I believe in the process to become finished nation, Papua will apart from the unfinished nation Indonesia.

  27. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    @ Mas Achmad,

    As fellow Indonesian who are English literate and have access to internet connection, it is our duty to protect our peasants’ children from Bule predators.

    The responses of Oz readers astounds me. They are openly upfront in this tragic issue involving Brown children like:
    a) “Prostitution is even worse”;
    b) “So what? It is okay because Brown men do that too”;
    ** I liked this last 2. The nail must have hit hard on these posters and I can bet they are English teachers.**
    c) “In Oz land, aborigines abuse their own children too so it is okay”;
    d) “indonesia have poor policing, poverty, etc. They need to address this before worrying about their children sexually by us.”

    Achmad, the innocence of peasant parents leaving their children with seemingly trusting Oz Bule neighbours offering them lollies were lost at least a decade ago. I mentioned ‘Oz Bules’ because they are in the majority.

    Other genuine White tourists (Oz Greek & Italian and other Europeans) usually visited Indonesia in family units. Oz tourist with Anglo heritage always come singlularly or posing as English teachers. Be warned.

  28. janma says:

    For every white pedophile in Indonesia, there are ten brown ones.

  29. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    How do you know this ? Anything to back it up ?

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