Bra Art

Apr 4th, 2008, in Society, by

Artistic Surabaya women make statements by decorating their bras.


At the French Consulate/Cultural Centre (Pusat Kebudayaan Prancis, CCCL) in Surabaya, East Java, is currently showing “BRAngerous – Woman Art Exhibition“.

There are some paintings and photos of women and girls, and some decorated bras, sometimes just prettied up, sometimes with a message, like:

Locked up bra.

Gardening bra.

Hands off bra.

Love and milk bras.

2 Comments on “Bra Art”

  1. Ollie says:

    Wow… very interesting hehe

  2. Rob says:

    Ahhh…the French Consulate is displaying this art!

    The question is whether this is art that one is going to wear out on a Friday or Saturday night as a means of displaying it and making a statement to the world at large or just as they will at the Consulate hang it on a wall…

    There was a time where Madonna used to wear her underwear on the outside of her outfits, just like superman 🙂 and if fashion is cyclical then just maybe that trend will find its way to Indonesia!

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