The president continues his musings on religion, and islamophobia among Australians and Balinese.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in a speech on 25th March marking Muhammad’s birth, advised Muslims to avoid being excessive or extreme in the way they viewed their unity as a group, or their solidarity. tempo
[Feelings of] solidarity which are too exclusive or excessive can disturb the peace, especially in very diverse countries.
Later on 9th April he spoke again on religious topics, this time advising Muslims to take “islamophobia” in their stride, and respond to it by showing that Islam was a peaceful, harmonious creed.
Face what is unpleasant in a broad-minded way and try to show that Islam is a religion of peace which teaches love and harmony to its followers.
He also asked Muslim clerics to guide Muslims towards living peaceably with other religious communities. antara
Islamophobia in Australia
A researcher from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, Yulianingsih Riswan, has been studying Australian intellectual attitudes to Islam and has concluded that Islamophobia is not a big problem among scholarly types in Australia.
In general she said Islamophobia was mainly created by the mass media, which tends to report news that reflects badly on Islam.
Australians, she thought, regarded Indonesia in a much more positive light than other Muslim lands.
Islamophobia in Bali
She went on to say that Islamophobia was not just a problem in western countries, but also in Indonesia itself, where, for example, in Bali recent influxes of Muslim transmigrants had been perceived to have caused economic problems. republika
islam as dictated in the koran was never meant to be a religion. Hence there was no reference to build mosque/do daily prayer rituals/obey the religious scholars or imams. The islam of today contradicts the messages in the koran by performing pagan ritual in the form of the Haj in mecca, whilst the koran clearly states that paganism and idol worship is unforgiveable.
Everyone should worry about today’s muslims as they take their imams such as Osama as their leader, when they should only seek God’s guidance. Whoever promised the 72 virgins will have alot to answer for in the next life.
When abaham asked if his creed will be blessed in the hereafetr, God replied (as stated in the koran below) :-
2:124 And when Abraham was tested by His Lord with the words (kalimatin) – thus, he completed it. We said, “Indeed I am making you for mankind as the head (imam)”. He asked, “And from my descendants”? I replied – “My promise does not include the unjust people”.
Those who thinks that descendants of prophet mohamed are blessed, think again. there is no such thing as royalties in God’s system, and everyone will be judged fairly.
I Agree with sputjam that The word Islam or salam in Quran is not for the name of religion from the middle east.
The most abuse verse from Quran is :
“The only religion approved by God is Islam”
That translation is an innovation from islamic clerics. Humble explanation from the word islam which have root word ‘salam’ mean ‘peace’ and ‘Dien’ with tradition mean religion but further study Dien mean also law or way of order. So the correct translation is :
“The way of order by The God is peace”
Islamphobia is not correct word because no body affraid of peace but if this word is meant for a group of people who follow arabian clrerics then I couldn’t agree more. But we have to be fair that not only Quran had been wrongly translated. Bible (injeel) and Taurah is also fabricated to become religious movement (in other word, war between religious group). So I advice everybody who is so called muslim, Christian, Judaism and any other religious movement to think more deeply about what you have been told.
3 religion had lost in their true meaning of the word given by God :
Islam = Peace
Yahudi (Judaism)=Knowledge
Nasrani (Christianty)= Supporter
We had been told to support peace and knowledge, as simple as that.
Forget to mention there is Islamphobia then fair to say there are also Jewphobia and Christphobia, Hinduphobia, Budhaphobia, Atheisphobia etc.
Imagine this : If every body fear of religions then PEACE IT IS.
note : Atheism is also religion because it follow their atheism clerics. Every religion is mas made.
Atheism is a religion?
Even great apologists like Keith Ward is having troubles in classifiying what religion is, and in the end even he who detests atheism never said that it’s a religion. Because atheism (and other forms of freethinking) lacks dogma. It’s just a group of people agreeing each other.
And WTF did you mean, atheist clerics? If you call atheism a religion then Vegetarianism is. Way of life, worldview, maybe. But religion?
Just dump all these religions in a garbage can and forget it once for all and this world will become a much better and peaceful place.
Hahaha, “Please end this before it ends us”?
Still got a long way to go for that. Disillusionment is more expensive than we’ve ever thought.
Because atheism (and other forms of freethinking) lacks dogma.
If it is only just free thinking then is no harm and I can deal with it. But how about this atheism start to take shape in controlled organization which already happen before ? from this point ‘dogma’ is needed because most people like it. Then ‘clerics’ start preaching people to follow atheism as a way of life. And that is religion. And I am not as confuse as Keith Ward. It has to be simple logic explanation for all things.
Communism under stalin and chairman mao was like a religion.
In North Korea, Kim Il sung is worshipped.
Concentrate on doing good things in life. God guides the righteous.
So we need to clear up the definition of religion :
“Political engineering to misslead people by selling God or anti God or Supernatural power or Idol in order to create differences between groups by different kind of symbolic ritual, holy places, faith and dogma”
The goal is the feel of difference among others and this is enough to create chaos and against peace.
Sputjam said,
God guides the righteous.
I think that Righteousness guides the Righteous.
and Nur said;
It has to be simple logic explanation for all things.
Now, you see, this is the trap which all the God created the world people fall into…. it has to have a simple logical explanation….. Firstly, I don’t see why the explanation has to be simple, it’s obviously been illuding humankind for thousands and thousands of years, and the world itself is far from simple.
Secondly,….. “God created the world in seven days from a short list with some kind of solder iron attachment on his finger… well actually in six days, cause apparently on the seventh day he just kicked back and whittled some.” Now you see, that definitely fits the simple criteria…. but logical? Come now, you can’t pretend that is a logical sequence of events to describe…… oh wait, and there was a chicken and an egg in there somewhere….. and a cat in a sack…. maybe a spare rib bone or two…. oh, and lets not forget…. inconceivable manifest power…… now, we can believe that ‘God’ has this, but we can’t believe that the universe and nature have this?
*actually just kicking back and stirring some, since her computer is busy being scanned*
The most abuse verse from Quran is :
“The only religion approved by God is Islam”
That translation is an innovation from islamic clerics. Humble explanation from the word islam which have root word ‘salam’ mean ‘peace’ and ‘Dien’ with tradition mean religion but further study Dien mean also law or way of order. So the correct translation is :
“The way of order by The God is peace”
“Think not that I am come to send peace: I came not to send peace but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34)
[002:216] Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not.
M. Nur said:
That translation is an innovation from islamic clerics. Humble explanation from the word islam which have root word ‘salam’ mean ‘peace’ and ‘Dien’ with tradition mean religion but further study Dien mean also law or way of order. So the correct translation is :
“The way of order by The God is peace”
I don’t think that’s the right translation. Islam means surrender or submission. The word salaam (which means peace) come from the same root as silmun (which means submission, root of Islam). Both come from the same root of sim-lam-mim (s-l-m), which indicates wholeness, safe, intact.
If you listen to typical sermon, the word “deen” was never translated as simply religion. The khatib usually said that the word “deen” doesn’t have literal translation in Indonesian, because it means “way of order”. But people can use the word agama (Indonesian word for religion) as the closest approximation. That’s because agama came from sanskrit word of a-gama that means “absence of disorder” which coincidentally means the same thing.
It’s probably better translated: “The way of order by God is total submission to Him” which supposedly how man should get his peace of mind, by surrendering himself to God.
Firstly, I don’t see why the explanation has to be simple, it’s obviously been illuding humankind for thousands and thousands of years, and the world itself is far from simple.
If you don’t understand something it doesn’t mean that there is no logical explanation. You just don’t know at least in the meantime. Don’t be ashamed to stand up and say I don’t know, how many day the universe created ? I don’t know, but somewhere there logical explanation. To my understanding 6 days is only metaphor for there are time and phase needed. Simple.
Cukurungan give examples that probably that verses had been fabricated.
Both come from the same root of sim-lam-mim (s-l-m), which indicates wholeness, safe, intact.
Is all that word are elements for peace ? so peace it is……. and you said :
which supposedly how man should get his peace of mind, by surrendering himself to God.
So the intention of surrender or submission or whatever its is for peace of mind as you mention. So peace it is…..indeed
@ M. Nur
The working definition of religion is a belief system with metaphysical claims with dogmatic elements. It is a *belief*, with which one’s objections must be suspended to a certain degree. Atheism is not a belief; your everyday atheism is not a there-is-no-god sentiment, that *is* somehow a belief in a broad sense. Atheism is a lack of theism, if being religious is employed, atheism is akin to being jobless.
Of course, you can define religion as you wish. “Political engineering to misslead people by selling God or anti God or Supernatural power or Idol in order to create differences between groups by different kind of symbolic ritual, holy places, faith and dogma” Yea, then maybe a lot of atheistic movements will fall to that category. Like I said, you can define it as you wish. You can even define religion as peanut butter, but that won’t get us anywhere.
p.s. I knew Quranites will infest the topic.
Ah, I missed a very vital point.
You can call it belief, way of life, deen, or anything. It’s just that I define religion like I stated earlier. “Metaphysical belief” or the like would be have a broader application; it can be applied to the ‘denominations’ of freethinking, from atheists to agnostics, from deists to apatheists. It’s just that I object to freethinking being called religions.
So I say we just ignore this quasi-grammatical argument and discuss about the real issues.
Don’t mix between atheism and freethinking because they are not the same. You
can’t claim both at the same time. Freethinker will not fall in Atheism or
Theism nor unreasonable belief or so called faith as your gesture that you
believe in atheism. So you just look alike to religion believer.
I can’t ignore philology since from example the word God itself is come from ‘text’ so
quasi-grammatical argument is likely taking place all time or we don’t have the
start point to go. Our responsibility is to test it.
Muslims have caused economic problems in Bali. The bombings destroyed their economy and many industries including the budget airline ‘Air Paradise’.
that’s true on the other hand local tourist are more willing to owe money just to go Mecca and spend billion rupiah there….. this is so sad. Not only that Indo Christian also spend money to visit Jerusalem…. Indonesia is a victim of religions.
@ M. Nur
Are you Javanese?
I am sundanese, living in bandung west-java.
Back to Islamophobia for a second.
Islamophobia in Bali
She went on to say that Islamophobia was not just a problem in western countries, but also in Indonesia itself, where, for example, in Bali recent influxes of Muslim transmigrants had been perceived to have caused economic problems.
The Balinese may become again more muslim-tolerant if those in charge decide once and for all to exterminate the vermin Amrozi et al.
pangesto, sawangsulna dupi anjeun oge damang ? I would prefer as Non-Religious rather then non-muslim because to me muslim is not person who belief in islam as religion but person who in peace state of mind. The philology tell me that. Yes I am rare among sundanese….
Andy Says:
April 15th, 2008 at 5:27 pm
Muslims have caused economic problems in Bali. The bombings destroyed their economy and many industries including the budget airline ‘Air Paradise’.
Many more people are rendered bankrupt and killed in iraq.
religion means having preist/popes/dalai lama/ doing RITUALs LIKE attending mosque/churches/temples, having prayer session, holy places.
God does not require to be worship as He is free of all wants. No holy places/buildings, preist/imams etc.
Submitting to God is not slavery. we are merely discouraged from doing bad things, vile environment.
respect for the parents. Forbidden to speak harshly to them.
Discouraged from drinking and gambling.
forbidden to eat flesh of swine, blood(rare cooked meat is a no-no) and meat of rotten animals.
Forbidden to participate in ventures that gives excessive profits.
Muslims are suppose to confront tyranny and oppression.
but of course, in the end, who are we to judge individuals. For only God is the Almighty, The Judge.
That is some of the things i understand from the readings of the koran.
our president said :
He also asked Muslim clerics to guide Muslims towards living peaceably with other religious communities
I said :
pak SBY, pls search YouTube under ‘bashir, solo’ yourself or attend bashir’s islamic teaching, I am sure you will arrest him, else talk is cheap, we want to see you ‘walk the talk’. Why are you hesitate to bring all the muslim clerics, church pastors, Buddhist monks who are dare to preach hatred & manipulate religion teaching for political agenda ?
for example, in Bali recent influxes of Muslim transmigrants had been perceived to have caused economic problems
I said : 100% agree, that is the fact, why we want to stay away from reality ?
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‘Scholarly types’ don’t live in the souks and ghettos of South West Sydney. What is this with ‘Islamophobia’? I don’t think Australians fear Islam, I think they detest it. Different emotion. Perhaps ‘Islamocontemno’ would be more appropriate.