The lyrics and music of Slank’s song “Gosip Jalanan” (Word on the Street).
Slank, in the jungle.
Slank’s “controversial” ditty “Gossip Jalanan”, which, because of the second last verse, had parliamentarians in Jakarta threatening to sue him for besmirching the good name of the DPR. They dropped their plans after the arrest of Al Amin Nur Nasution.
Listen to the mp3:
The lyrics:
Pernah kah lo denger mafia judi
Katanya banyak uang suap polisi
Tentara jadi pengawal pribadiApa lo tau mafia narkoba
Keluar masuk jadi bandar di penjara
Terhukum mati tapi bisa ditundaSiapa yang tau mafia selangkangan
Tempatnya lendir-lendir berceceran
Uang jutaan bisa dapat perawan
Kacau balau 2X negaraku iniAda yang tau mafia peradilan
Tangan kanan hukum di kiri pidana
Dikasih uang habis perkaraApa bener ada mafia pemilu
Entah gaptek apa manipulasi data
Ujungnya beli suara rakyatMau tau gak mafia di senayan
Kerjanya tukang buat peraturan
Bikin UUD ujung-ujungnya duitPernahkah gak denger teriakan Allahu Akbar
Pake peci tapi kelakuan barbar
Ngerusakin bar orang ditampar-tampar
This is something that everybody in this country knows:
“Mau tau gak mafia di senayan
Kerjanya tukang buat peraturan
Bikin UUD ujung-ujungnya duit”
The fact that there is a common mocking on UUD (supposedly Undang Undang Dasar or Constitution) as Ujung-Ujungnya Duit (it’s all about money) HAS IN FACT proven that Slank represents majority of the people’s opinion – and with the House being mad IS ridiculous.
My favorite Slank song (the harmonica lick is sexy), so it was quite a surprise when they wanted to sue the band because of the song. Come on, it’s not like it’s new.
what ever slank is slank it’s not slank if no critics! cause’ slank in my blood!!!!!!!!!
parlement full of corruption…in slank we trusth…….peace!
Good luck slank this song very goods to MAFIA SENAYAN
I love you slank.
T trust you all.
Our representatives are corruptor.
Go to hell DPR.
DPR should look indonesian people.
Halo slank, I like you about critics to our country.
PISS buat anak2 slankers di Palembang.
Yaay! Dont be a slacker DPR!
Like “mafia di senayan” as we know its Nurdin Halid
Its badass if DPR critize with Slank =_=
Nice post… I have already posted about this
Ah, DPR is over reacting by trying to sue Slank for their song. But, DPR cancel the plan, right?
Hey. DPR you crazy, slank I love you.
Hay slank , that is a good lyric.
Slank I Love You.
Go to hell DPR.
DPR should look indonesian people.
And the fact that the DPR wanted to sue or even considered suing is undoubtedly a boon for album sales!
Crticism and media coverage broadens the audience and introduces people to the music of Slank who might have never heard it but for this song!
UUD — ujung ujung duit is an old joke and has done the rounds before! Perhaps the DPR dropped the plans to sue because after they took legal advice they realized that they would have to prove that there was no overlap between money and politics! The recent and not so recent scandals would suggest that the overlap is real and it is there…
The current Governor of Bank Indonesia is subject to an inquiry relating to just one such overlap!
DPR must be destroyed, that department look like rats . go on slank , kill heart of DPR people
a song of Slank (Gosip Jalanan) is telling about the reality not only DPR, but also DPRD.
it’s ridicilious. why BK DPR wants to sue?.
i think DPR is very weak as a representation of Indonesians
slank is right. his song is true.
Mau tau gak mafia di senayan
Kerjanya tukang buat peraturan
Bikin UUD ujung-ujungnya duit
Pernahkah gak denger teriakan Allahu Akbar
Pake peci tapi kelakuan barbar
Ngerusakin bar orang ditampar-tampar
Tags: Lyrics, Music, Slank, Song, Songs
may be FPI and another muslim organization need to realize that what they do is wrong… not right to use mass power in a rough/ coarse way.
this country have police/army. we dont need you to kill or slap (tampar) poeple.
we need you to teach poeple about islam. that kind, gentle, have good reputation and full of love.
Dear Slank
I would like to say many thanks to all of you special promotor who arange in many ways to arrive in my beloving country Timor Leste so we are as young generation/supporters are very proudful of your present. your present was wonderful different with others in 5 years ago
“My God bless all of us”
With best regards
All slank’s song is real from the reality, the content so nature from what was happening in this country… and the rule in this country so weak… not stronger from the war victim.
I like this song.
I adore this song!
It’s so true and I give a lot of props and love to Slank for having the guts to pen it!
I’m not at all surprised that members of the DPR decided to sue..
Hey, if they win, they’re getting more money right?
(Because money from UUD obviously doesn’t suffice…)
The only reason (in my opinion) they decided not to go on with suing Slank was that they had a rare intelligent thought that told them that if they sue Slank they would prove the lyrics of ‘Gossip Jalanan’ right.
And so they crawled back into their little holes and brooded and cursed together.
I agree abaout your critic of MAFIA SENAYAN.. so go to Hell DPR.
N God Bles to Slank..Piss
Good on ya!! Slank!!
@ Suryo Kontho
(What the hell were they going on about? Schmerly, lend a hand to a poor old wong ndeso sing nggak iso mudheng)
Didn’t Pak Ahmad Sudarsono tell you. Sooner or later, he will come around.
Let’s not be too harsh on this fellow. Afterall he tried hard to assimilate.
@ schmerly [sic]
Yes and Yes, Good on ya!! Slank!!
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So true..! Honestly I never heard the song before, until the DPR wanted to sue Slank.