Of modest means, relatively, but Indonesia leads the world in levels of reported happiness.
Poor people from countries like Indonesia are happier, according to a poll of 18,687 adults conducted from November 1st to 15th 2011 in 24 countries by Ipsos, a Paris based research company, and published in the suitably named but Canadian “What Makes You Happy” magazine.
On being asked whether they were “very happy” a thumping 51% of smiling Indonesians answered in the affirmative, well clear of the pretty cheerful Indians and Mexicans (both 43%), with a large gap again down to the Turks and Brazilians each on 30%.
“Very happy” levels, with GDP numbers
A further 42% of Indonesians reported being, if not very happy, “rather happy”, which is close enough, bringing the total happiness level in the country to a staggering 92%.
The average “very happy” percentage for the world as a whole was a meagre 22%; miserable, po-faced Europeans were most responsible for this low figure, with Hungarians and Russians polling only in the single figures, with their wealthier, welfare-cushioned, dying breed cousins to the west like Italians and Frenchmen not faring much better, in the teens.
Continent-wide Europe managed only a 15% average, with Latin America leading the world in self reported cheeriness at 32% average, followed by North America on 27%, and then all on 24% were Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa.
Tukul: a typical “very happy” Indonesian
For Indonesia the triumph of leading the world in the happiness stakes was tempered with the fact that the country saw a sizeable 7% drop in “happiness intensity” from the last time the poll was conducted, in 2007.
People who can’t get enough of these sorts of statistics can view the full PDF report here.
i’m very happy live in indonesia ๐
:-))) he he he, :-)) :-))) ha ha ha ๐ We hope & we wish !!!!
Bmj & Agan,I agree,keep to the topic without becoming overly psychopathic towards people with differing opinions or comments.Hence,I offer ET…..:-)) :-)) :-)) :-))) :-))
:-))) :-)) :-)))
Boring…I’m out of these….got my own happiness…:)..cheer up…!!
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Ms Zoffman,I humbley suggest you visit Java in depth where the vast majority of Indonesians survive, to observe & experience the increasing binge mentality to emulate western culture & cities.This will lead to a lower or nitemarish standard of living for all as this thinking & behaviour is not condusive to any real happiness & quality of life.The idyllic holiday island of Lombok with a population of some 300,000 is not a good example to compare to Java’s 140 million,of which a far greater proportion exist on the western side, increasingly unhappy with their lot in life by what they see going on around them.As “bluemoejoe” intimates,what ? are the basic necessities that lead to fulfillment (& happiness) for all, or are the majority going to become prisoners of the minorities current mindset.Java especially is fast being destroyed to create far more wealth,not happiness & a real quality of life. Amen