World’s Happiest People

Mar 9th, 2012, in Featured, Society, by

Of modest means, relatively, but Indonesia leads the world in levels of reported happiness.

Poor people from countries like Indonesia are happier, according to a poll of 18,687 adults conducted from November 1st to 15th 2011 in 24 countries by Ipsos, a Paris based research company, and published in the suitably named but Canadian “What Makes You Happy” magazine.

World Happiness by Country
A giant among nations

On being asked whether they were “very happy” a thumping 51% of smiling Indonesians answered in the affirmative, well clear of the pretty cheerful Indians and Mexicans (both 43%), with a large gap again down to the Turks and Brazilians each on 30%.

World Happiness Levels by Country
“Very happy” levels, with GDP numbers

A further 42% of Indonesians reported being, if not very happy, “rather happy”, which is close enough, bringing the total happiness level in the country to a staggering 92%.

The average “very happy” percentage for the world as a whole was a meagre 22%; miserable, po-faced Europeans were most responsible for this low figure, with Hungarians and Russians polling only in the single figures, with their wealthier, welfare-cushioned, dying breed cousins to the west like Italians and Frenchmen not faring much better, in the teens.

An unhappy European
A European

Continent-wide Europe managed only a 15% average, with Latin America leading the world in self reported cheeriness at 32% average, followed by North America on 27%, and then all on 24% were Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa.

Tukul Arwana, a happy fellow
Tukul: a typical “very happy” Indonesian

For Indonesia the triumph of leading the world in the happiness stakes was tempered with the fact that the country saw a sizeable 7% drop in “happiness intensity” from the last time the poll was conducted, in 2007.

People who can’t get enough of these sorts of statistics can view the full PDF report here.

89 Comments on “World’s Happiest People”

  1. camion says:

    Ms Zoffman,I humbley suggest you visit Java in depth where the vast majority of Indonesians survive, to observe & experience the increasing binge mentality to emulate western culture & cities.This will lead to a lower or nitemarish standard of living for all as this thinking & behaviour is not condusive to any real happiness & quality of life.The idyllic holiday island of Lombok with a population of some 300,000 is not a good example to compare to Java’s 140 million,of which a far greater proportion exist on the western side, increasingly unhappy with their lot in life by what they see going on around them.As “bluemoejoe” intimates,what ? are the basic necessities that lead to fulfillment (& happiness) for all, or are the majority going to become prisoners of the minorities current mindset.Java especially is fast being destroyed to create far more wealth,not happiness & a real quality of life. Amen

  2. ET says:

    Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening. (Greta Garbo)

  3. agan says:

    I think many bule here are actually the happiest peeps albeit in this forum some of them maybe grouchy and complainer just because they can
    (they think they the only one who have bugs up their asses, ya know).
    They have come from far away land of law and order but choose to live among us and stick it out to the bitter end here in the macet, humid and stinky durian republic and call her new home.
    That’s real happiness, Iโ€™d tip my kopiah to them bule.

  4. ET says:

    Very much so agan. Confucius said “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without”. But there are limits to the macet, the polusi and the bising before the happy smile fades into a weary sniff.

  5. Nay says:

    The hedonism bordering on insanity(hey hey the look at me,Ive made it scenario)

    The men are only doing what they have to do to enable access to women who want the finer things in life… knowing full well that the women are making comparisons between them and other men.

    With so many similar looking men around, they are going to be judged on frivilous things… like whether they have an iPhone or blackberry.

    Well, this sort of comparitive sexual behaviour has been around since caveman Ugg discovered fire, Grug didn’t, and all the women moved to be with Ugg. Mindless consumerism and social propaganda aimed at women – telling them what to desire, and what men should aim for is partly responsible…. but again, mass media and financial markets always play off on predictable human behaviour.

    You’ll have to change what men and women find desirable sexually before you ever fix this. Religion can try all it likes,… how’s that been working for everyone again?

    The wealth needs to be shared more fairly to create real happiness I repeat,the majority of Indonesians are not genuinely happy as the foreign poll suggests.

    That would be like being the CEO of a company, and giving your valued technology and trade secrets away to a competitor for free.

    Not. Going. To. Happen.

  6. krisnanto (OM Kris) says:

    i’m very happy live in indonesia ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. bluemoejoe says:

    what ? are the basic necessities that lead to fulfillment (& happiness) for all, or are the majority going to become prisoners of the minorities current mindset

    well dude … let me point that against you too …. what’s the “standar” basic neccesities for you ??? are they the same as mine ?? you don’t know a sip about that do ya’ ?? nothing does …. but let stick on the most basic needs which is foods . housing and fabrics.

    it is true that no one should brought to this world with the silver spoon in their hands . but that would be defies the physc laws …. would they :p .

  8. bonni says:

    World’s happiest people… Glad to know…

  9. bluemoejoe says:

    Worldโ€™s happiest peopleโ€ฆ Glad to knowโ€ฆ

    surely you won’t blame on my “cigarette packs” too …will you ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. ET says:

    I have noticed many Indonesians laugh or smile a lot – or use smiley emoticons in internet discussions – to show ironic condescension and make believe they have the situation under control. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. camion says:

    :-))) he he he, :-)) :-))) ha ha ha ๐Ÿ™‚ We hope & we wish !!!!

  12. ET says:

    It may also be to hide insecurity, confusion and embarrassment.

  13. bluemoejoe says:

    seriously dudes took this net’s lifes too seriously …. take my advice : get a life …all this chatting wouldn’t give you the real “touching” and “feeling” like the real life . then maybe , yes it only might …. you could be a less introvert and less tactles to be welcomed

    lifes means to be enjoyed and cerished , so if you can’t and not allowed to give some color the life it self …. what a boring and droughty world that would be . Enjoy the life … live your life to the fullest. stop mind on small stuffs ….’cause the next stop wouldn’t be wider than 2X1 m in props …. surely it sucks to stay all alone in the night without someone to talk to ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. ET says:

    See? Just like I said.

  15. ET says:

    surely it sucks to stay all alone in the night without someone to talk to ๐Ÿ™‚

    Prying into someone else’s bedroom, bluemoejoe? You must be a muslim.

  16. bluemoejoe says:

    Prying into someone elseโ€™s bedroom, bluemoejoe? You must be a muslim.

    i’m a moslem allright …. do you have a problem with it ??? obviously i’m not , because i have the wife’s and the kid … surely, i’m not alone at night and had a full life by the day or you do have a problems with that too ( soory , i’m forget you’re an eunuch right ?? )

    insecurity, confusion and embarrassment

    insecurity : why would i feel so insecure ?? … last time i check i had a steady life with the steady income …. oh , i’m sorry without spent some night on “hailai” that wouldn’t be a hip , rite ??? so sorry i’m a jimmy hendrix and slash kind a guy ( techno & house don’t cut me in )

    confussion : i’m a proud indonesian … blessed with this great country and people with all it’s faults . i take as gifts and i couldn’t ask for more …. and how we should polish and crafts this nation… it up to us not you !! we take the advice allright but that’s all …
    BTW, let’s time i check no one forced you to work and lived lingering around by here …

    embarrasment : enlight me ( again !! ) why i should be embarrased with all the said above

    well ET , instead minds on others bussiness and behaviours and picks other to go on internet wars so you just can “minds masturbating” again .( …what a fantastic lifes you had there dude )… let’s do some works on yours . fix it now before turn into cancer and eat up your daily lifes dude .and that would be an appropriate things to do

    up and down on all forum be it KASKUS, talk.skycrapper etc…. this would be the first time i see and heard people commenting about the “emot” not the “essence” of the post ๐Ÿ˜€


  17. ET says:

    bluemoejoe, you should check your blood preesure.

  18. bluemoejoe says:

    bluemoejoe, you should check your blood preesure.

    thanks for the concern .as matters of facts been on the checks up recently … and all OK ๐Ÿ˜€

  19. agan says:

    If Indonesians were one happy lot why then so many of the pop genre like dangdut albeit the vibrant tempo and seksi gyration their lyrics are often sing of unhappiness, despair and cengeng if you will.

    But then again Mas Bluemoejoe has valid point in wondering if Pak ET was carrying all this baggage of spitefulness and Indo hating around with him from the way he was shooting from the hip to all Muslim matters.

    So Pak ET make us proud you might want to get that check out by your family dukun pronto por favor.

  20. camion says:

    Bmj & Agan,I agree,keep to the topic without becoming overly psychopathic towards people with differing opinions or comments.Hence,I offer ET…..:-)) :-)) :-)) :-))) :-))
    :-))) :-)) :-)))

  21. ET says:

    Mas agan

    But then again Mas Bluemoejoe has valid point in wondering if Pak ET was carrying all this baggage of spitefulness and Indo hating around with him from the way he was shooting from the hip to all Muslim matters.

    So Pak ET make us proud you might want to get that check out by your family dukun pronto por favor.

    Not all Muslim matters, mas, only the one I was referring to.

    But you are right, I consulted my family dukun (balian in my case) about what to do when someone is stalking you with uninformed insinuations about your private affairs and in his wisdom he told me that if you see a dog barking up a tree you either don’t take notice or throw him a stick.

  22. berlian biru says:

    If Indonesians were one happy lot why then so many of the pop genre like dangdut albeit the vibrant tempo and seksi gyration their lyrics are often sing of unhappiness, despair and cengeng if you will.

    Could be they are a lot like the Irish of whom it was said

    “The Irish are the people whom God made mad,
    All their days are happy
    But all their songs are sad.”

  23. ET says:



  24. deta says:

    When Indonesian people say that they are happy, I donโ€™t understand why anyone would suggest otherwise. My grandma told me to be glad when someone else is glad. And Barry Manillow too, for that matter.

    Anyway, trying to figure out if the type of food contributes to peopleโ€™s happiness. Indonesia, India and Mexico are well known for their spicy, hot food. And some studies revealed that chilli can stimulate brain to release endorphin, a morphin-like substance that can trigger happiness. That can delude people for a while before waking up to harsh reality.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ *genuine smile*

  25. bonni says:

    Is there anyone else or is it just me starting to like bluemoejoe’s posts! ๐Ÿ˜€

  26. Ann says:

    Boring…I’m out of these….got my own happiness…:)..cheer up…!!

  27. ET says:

    Mas agan

    When I asked the family balian what to do when two dogs are barking up the same tree then he said to call the Dinas Kesehatan bacause there might be an outbreak of rabies.

  28. bluemoejoe says:

    Bmj & Agan,I agree,keep to the topic without becoming overly psychopathic towards people with differing opinions or comments.Hence,I offer ETโ€ฆ..:-)) ๐Ÿ™‚ ) ๐Ÿ™‚ ) ๐Ÿ™‚ )) ๐Ÿ™‚ )
    ๐Ÿ™‚ )) ๐Ÿ™‚ ) ๐Ÿ™‚ ))

    well camion thanks for the offer ….but, no thanks we take no reject stuffs ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Could be they are a lot like the Irish of whom it was said

    โ€œThe Irish are the people whom God made mad,
    All their days are happy
    But all their songs are sad.โ€

    while i appreciate on your effort for trying comprehends and in some point it do applicable … but, BB i’m sorry for disagree with you on this matters .
    no one nor nations should be compared to against others for simply they are too much traits and costum that are meants to be different . and i’m not high and might enough to pass for their judgment . it’s stereotyping …and by my believes … god forbade any arrogancies upon

    When Indonesian people say that they are happy, I donโ€™t understand why anyone would suggest otherwise. My grandma told me to be glad when someone else is glad. And Barry Manillow too, for that matter.

    Anyway, trying to figure out if the type of food contributes to peopleโ€™s happiness. Indonesia, India and Mexico are well known for their spicy, hot food. And some studies revealed that chilli can stimulate brain to release endorphin, a morphin-like substance that can trigger happiness. That can delude people for a while before waking up to harsh reality.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ *genuine smile*

    there could be a logic in there …. but , i’ll take that with a spoon of salt ๐Ÿ˜€

    regarding the happy looks …. while some said it was pretending . well … it could be yes but it could be a big NO for that too

    sure life was hard and demanding …. but , fretting over too much over it wont change the reality …. hell , you can curse ET forever and beats up all the dogs you can found on the streets till hell freezes over . but still … yes , you’re still poor with a wasted energy
    so instead moaning , cursing and bashing others… ( borrowed the notion from ” ikhlas ” ) they already accept the reality and passes the ” denial phase ” and make peace with the minds

    then my countrymen comes up with a brilliant ideas … hey , why can’t we live our lifes to the fullest . why don’t we spent those build up energy to furnishing the cryptic lives of us into more color . be it into making song . scriptures or even overtime on works
    oh yes we are poor alright …. but , that doesn’t mean we couldn’t entail the path of happines … while for some it was costly . a mere bad singer and their song like “trio macan” surely amuse enough for some of us …. and you can’t argue about someone else tastes

    oh yes … it would be called mirage by some . a dellusional way of life …. a peculiar one

    but mate …. we create our own happines regardless . in the ends they the ones who laughing hards freely with dignity while some of us wringkles his foreheads out of curiossity …. for not having a single laugh today

    isn’t it ironic ……… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  29. agan says:

    Pak ET

    This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you, but you once again have begun your little tango that now escalate to tari kecak- ( Ibu Deta prolly is typing fast n furious while BB is howling his bag pipe to the tune of Danny Boy by now)- the carnal repartee, the back to and fro, why risking your all IM’s boy squeaky clean image?

    Of course you can go on, break a leg.
    or hold ur horses as Rodney King a former dukun appealed for calmโ€ฆ.people can we all just get along?

    Btw is your balian my olโ€™ good friend Ketut Lieur ?

  30. deta says:

    Nagh, kang Agan, I am remain calm cool collected. You know how much I prefer single-style jaipongan over duet-style tango or mass-style tari kecak ๐Ÿ™‚

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