Muslim Groups Rally for Anti-Porn Bill

Mar 10th, 2006, in News, by

Muslim groups staged rallies yesterday at the Tangerang local council and the administration office in support of the pornography bill, which is being deliberated by the House of Representatives.

The Indonesian Hisbullah Front, Lembaga Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia and Majelis Taklim Larangan, said the bill could save the younger generation from moral degeneration.

Our intentions are pure. It’s nothing political. The Tangerang council and administration must convey our wishes to House members so they can speed up their work. We want to see it endorsed soon.

one of the protesters said.

He said the depiction of erotic behavior was the start of moral decline and that there was no excuse for pornography.

We are ready to fight against those who try to oppose the deliberation of the bill.

5 Comments on “Muslim Groups Rally for Anti-Porn Bill”

  1. SuDjoko says:

    Well, political or not, they want the big action. That is, officially to become the vigilantes, the moral police, the syariat police (wilayatul hisbah), the nightmares on all streets.

  2. Karlira Kanakahuko says:

    I aggree with SuDjoko. Those who promote sexual morality and decency/modesty are instrument of devils(iblis) only. They want to destructs Indonesia’s beauty and pleasure. All who supports sexual morality, go and live to hell forever and you/they have no right to live in Indonesia, because Indonesia is not the sexually conservative society, unlike Malaysia and Brunei.

  3. emuh says:

    The existence of the discriminative laws in Indonesia has a correlation with the practices of strong of patriarchal culture and the fundamentalist religious teachings (Islam), which have blinded people from the issues of women’s rights and gender equality. There is a tendency to implement the Islamization of Indonesian bureaucracies, which may explain why protests concerning anti pornography bill has not been successful yet. (Please keep protesting if we want change happen in this beautiful country. Of course, we need a good strategy to win our protest).
    In addition to patriarchal culture, the membership of the lawmaking bodies in Indonesia, both in DPR and MPR has been dominated by males who are lack of the knowledge about gender equality. This has caused law to be gender bias. So women involve yourselves in politics, use the quota of 30 percent!!!! I might do it but not in this time h ehe he he.

  4. Tomas says:

    Let indonesia be another whore-driven thailand.

  5. Agnes says:

    Indonesian is famous of its hypocrisy.

    Women must not like this and like that.

    But men can satisfy their libido by having ‘sexuality’ with a number of wives!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now, they battle for Anti Porn Bill.

    In the other hand , maybe they collect porn pictures under their pillow!!!!

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