Some remarks on the typical attributes of girls in Jakarta, from an experienced observer.
Ripped off from the sadly departed Indcoup blog, some observations on Jakarta girls.
If this leaves you curious to meet the real thing, virtually, there’s always the dating site Indonesian Cupid!
I have just created me a typical Jakarta woman…now what to do with her?
Keep your hand on your wallet and run, run, run…
As a Kuta Cowboy perhaps you could enlighten this forum on the typical attributes of a bule woman?
Because I am guessing the advice would not be to hold your wallet and run, run, run 😀
Because I am guessing the advice would not be to hold your wallet and run, run, run
That’s exactly what I do after being rewarded for my services.
Unemployed, Fitness Center, Playboy Bunny Tattoo (on hip) just above the g-string line, streaked hair (subtle), Nokia E-93, decked out in Mango (tank top and hot pants), a guess bag, no panty line as she wears a g-string, bright red lipstick (being close to independence day and all), Bulgari Pour Femme (an exquisite scent combining jasmine tea, rose and pepper), an ANZ platinum card and a Danamon gold card, BCA platinum debit card, and IDR 500K in cash, and a photo of her friends.
Why are you spying on my daughter (minus tattoo as far as I and mother know)
PS- tattoos are called tramp-stamps for a reason.
malls, malls, malls because it is too hot, hot , hot on a typical jakarta day.
So, you practice what you preach? Cool 😀
Has your daughter inherited your penchant for the English language and “like” for Westerners and Chinese?
Which fitness center?
Rob- like I would tell you! Cheeky man.
Actually- I would pity you, lol. She is her mother’s daughter- like a “cabe rawit”- very spicy and very quick temper. I am talking calm-to-Screach in less than one eye blink.
My daughter’s English is good- but she has awful faux Californian tinny Yankee accent- so annoying- like mindless MTV.
And yes- like all Javanese she is wholly enamoured with the Chinese, sees them as moral, upright and honest, adores the beauty of their spoken language and esteems their culture immensely and especially notes their distaste for baubles and trinkets for social status recognition.
It only represents the Blok-M area underage girls… Not sure if Indcoup had ever been in Stock Exchange Building, for example…
Actually I dare say Indcoup has visited the SE frequently, so have I and there’s quite a lot in common between the ladies working there and those in Blok M, with the exception that the Blok M girls have better business skills and higher quality fake Louis Vuitton bags.
Berlian- you’re worse than Julian Clary in Essex. Highly amusing…lol…
Ya, I’ve seen them. But that is not all there is and it’s a pity to make the stereotype. It’s a joke right? Not really serious I hope.
After being in thailand and phillipines, malaysia for the last seven years and only in jakarta for the last 3 months I’m quite impressed with indonesian ladies and its quite refreshing to see that certainly in the case of the ladies I’ve met that they seem more genuine than phillipina girls and certainly the Thais ..fair play I say.
Similar to Michael above I’ve been in Thailand for 5 years, Bangladesh and South Korea so I quite savvy on the types of girls in each country. I’ve been all over South East Asia and find the girls quite attractive but for me I would more appreciate the company or group of friends that were more more open, a better laugh in general so Mikes genralisation of the Jakarta girls sounds refreshing as he says. Notice I chose to include friends instead of just girls? I think if your going to have a good time and enjoy a culture, country and people a mixed group of friends is far better to learn from, have a good time and of course better contacts for work, accommodation and basic living needs.
Where can I get Jakarta Girl for booking per day?
How much caj girl for 1 day?
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The typical attributes of Jakartan women, nice. It seems that the list covers a lot of attributes in order to make as many Jakartan women typical as the author can.
So, does this mean that we can pick and choose from the various categories listed here and create out very own typical Jakartan women?
For example:
Unemployed, Fitness Center, Playboy Bunny Tattoo (on hip) just above the g-string line, streaked hair (subtle), Nokia E-93, decked out in Mango (tank top and hot pants), a guess bag, no panty line as she wears a g-string, bright red lipstick (being close to independence day and all), Bulgari Pour Femme (an exquisite scent combining jasmine tea, rose and pepper), an ANZ platinum card and a Danamon gold card, BCA platinum debit card, and IDR 500K in cash, and a photo of her friends.
I have just created me a typical Jakarta woman…now what to do with her?
Hopefully, one of these typical (or not so typical) Jakartan women will respond with a typical stereotypical (nice combination) description of a typical Jakartan man or a foreign man so that we all can get to have a good little chuckle at ourselves and the irrelevance of stereotyping.