Indonesian music talent, traditional and modern.
From my travels of the South East Asian countries, I believe that two countries are outstanding for their talent in song and music. They are the Philippines and Indonesia.
Aneke Gronloh
I recall winning a song competition when I was 10 years old. I sang “Burung Kakak Tua” at the school song competition. The Indonesian who made it a hit was Aneke Gronloh (famous too for her rendition of Nina Bo Bo). I was taken to a concert where Aneke Gronloh and the Blue Diamonds (two male Indonesian singers) performed. They are great singers.
Aneke Gronloh.
That was my first introduction to Indonesian talent and songs. It is a pity whenever I ask Indonesians of the present generation about Aneke Gronloh, I get “Aneke! Siapatu?”
That was an age give-away for me.
Later on during my first employ, we had a middle age Indonesian who worked as the Group Facilities Engineering Director. He was fond of keroncong music. Had it not been for the objections from our General Manager, we would have had keroncong piped in music at our work premise.
And now a few decades later, during my visits to Indonesia, I have found to my delight that Indonesia has a treasure of songs.
Pance Pondag
Pance Pondag is one of my favourites. I bought a few of his CD’s, learned them and sing his songs at Karaoke’s in Indonesia.
Smoke on the Water
There was one occasion, when together with several Indonesian friends we were walking past a public square. There was a show going on and I heard an Indonesian band giving a wonderful rendition of Deep Purple’s “Smoke On The Water”. It made me spontaneously to dance on the road. My Indonesian pals joined in. There we were, frolicking on the road. The polisi on duty at the road junction cubicle watched us and had a good laugh
The music of “Smoke On The Water” is so catchy. You know how it begins”¦.
Da Da Da.,
Dada da da da
Da Da Da
That Indonesian band that was playing Deep Purple, they were really, really good musicians too!
Melody & Lyrics
Oh, the melody, especially the lyrics and the timelessness of Indonesian songs such as these.
Hetty Koes Endang “tau ingin kusendiri” “hati lebur jadi debu”
Bob Tutupoli “widuri” “mengapa tiada maaf”
Broery “angin malam”
Betharia Sonata “kau tercipta untukku” “hati yang luka”
Ratih Purwasih “hati dan cintamu”
Arie Wibowo “Singkong dan keju” @ anak singkong
My neighbours giggle with mirth whenever they catch me outside my Indonesian house singing and dancing to these songs.
These and many, many other Indonesian “evergreens” I am sure you would agree.
Song and music-wise, May the Force be with you Indonesia.
I am disappointed you didn’t mention my numerous cabaret peformances in Jakarta performing such classics as “Darah Manisku” (Koes Ploes), “Jablai,” and “Kereta Api Malam,” on my Ukuele. Back in the ’80s I did many duets with Gito Rollies, Bimbo and Achmad Albar of God Bless.
Indonesia music IS Achmad Sudarsono, friend.
I heard a fantastic rock band at block ‘M’. they played led zep, deep purple until 8pm. Then it was request session and someone requested ‘feelings’. What a waste of talent.
Some time ago I heard on the radio here a song in Dutch
Geef mei maar nasi goreng
Met een gebakken ei”¦
sung by a guy named Lonny, but I didn’t catch his full name and the title. Seemed a very funny song.
As a music lover and fan of ‘Hollands Glorie’ do you eventually have an idea who the singer is and where the record is available?
No, I didn’t mean Aneke Gronloh but the guy whose name is partly Lonny and who sings about ‘nasi goreng’.
Is that purty looking babe caucasian? Where did you find her. Private collection and a secret admirer ya…ohh careful your wifi.
Anyway Titiek Sandhora, Muchsin and that Broery is better. This guy Broery likes green and red jacket and like to play at the Rawamangun Golf club..when Soeharto like to play golf there with Bob Hasan being his caddy.ha.ha.ha attract attention..
Blue Diamonds with Anneke Gronloh..Dutch!
Like Keroncong tuned..ha.ha.ha.ha…
Hey iamisaid honestly the gremlins have eaten into the email you sent. One more time plzz. to either leonlzt or tks.
Thank you. How can I obtain that? Appreciate. Tks.
Besides, there are still many, many more “indonesian” music treasures.
Javanese gending, langgam, pantun from Sumatra etc, etc.
And talking about Keroncong or kroncong, then go to
Here is one more web site about indonesian music:
Have much pleasure iamisaid
Yes, I remember both Aneke Gronloh and The Blue Diamonds. My favourite song – Asmara by Aneke n Carmen My Love by Diamond. Cant get these song anywhere except sometimes played over our radio station. Lost my vinyl records when moved house years ago.
Please let me know if I can purchase CDs or VCDs or DVDs of keroncong music in Rotterdam or Amsterdam? Thank you. Banyak terima kaseh
The “Nasi Goreng” song can be found here:
The song nasi goreng is from the 80, a dutch female sing it her name is Wieteke van Dort,she act like she is a old indonesian women named Tante lien, In the 80 she has ashow on tv with the name late late Lien show,The man Lonny i think is a cook in the netherlands and his name is Lonny Grungunan if i did get the last name wright
My love for all my Indonesian friends began when I was amazed by how musically-talented they generally are and how their true passion for music shows! When I told this to my grandma, she also recounted that back in her university years (during the 50s) all her Indonesian friends were good at either playing musical instruments or singing (or both!).
As a music lover myself, I really hope to visit Indonesia asap 🙂
Aneke is great! I used to listen to her when I was little.
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