Yusril Ihza Mahendra, legal theorist, presidential aspirant, and Admiral Cheng Ho film star.
Since being dismissed as Justice minister Yusril Ihza Mahendra has kept busy and in the public eye.
Yusril Ihza Mahendra.
He started publishing his thoughts on the internet in November 2007, on his own website http://yusril.ihzamahendra.com/, and even paid a visit to this site to correct perceived misunderstandings about him.
Role of Islamic Law
On December 5th, 2007 he spoke at a seminar in Jakarta, “Islamic Law in Southeast Asia: Opportunity and Challenge”, and concluded with the remarks:
The Indian constitution states firmly that India is a secular state but who would say that Hindu law has not had an influence on modern Indian law? Several studies have shown the influence of Buddhism on the laws of Thailand and Burma. Marriage law in the Philippines forbids divorce – who would say this is not because of the influence of Roman Catholicism?
Therefore, and by comparison, in a democratic system the Indonesian government must not ignore the sway of Islamic law among the people, and pay it due respect in the formulation of national laws. yusril.ihzamahendra.com
At the same conference Constitutional Court president Jimly Asshiddiqie agreed that the values and beliefs of the people, based in Islam, had to be a basis for the making of law. hukumonline
Constitutional Court
Jimly Asshiddiqie’s term as Constitutional Court head ends in August 2008, and Yusril Mahendra is being touted as his replacement. Jimly says: antara
He’s great, he would be good for the job.
Yusril, who is from the Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB), a small Islamic party, however says he is preparing for a run at the presidency in 2009. antara
I’ve been a minister several times, I’ve worked in the administrations of presidents Soeharto, Habibie, and Yudhoyono. If you ask me whether I’m suitable for the job, I say I am and I’m ready for it.
Film Star
And finally a preview of Yusril’s role in the film production of the life of Admiral Cheng Ho (see Islam and Chinese).
Yusril as President?? Very, very unlikely.
1. His party is way too small and none of the larger parties would ever nominate him.
2. He is just not very popular. He wouldn’t stand a chance in a direct vote against SBY or Mega, or even Gus Dur or Wiranto for that matter.
He better try his luck in Hollywood. Or Bollywood. Just stay out of (Indonesian) politics.
Past movie stars who became President:
The list is not exhaustive…
Think about it…
It is so tiring to listen to politicians who use Islam or religion as their agenda (and taking any opportunities to become celebrity).
How about Obama or Osama! Being President and Head of Constitutional.
Jimly Asshiddiqie agreed that the values and beliefs of the people, based in Islam, had to be a basis for the making of law.
Don’t know WTF is this Jeremy saying when Indonesian law has to be base on Islam. I think he should be sent to Tim Tim to Head the Council, religiously speaking.
The quality of the film somewhat looks like DKI. If he made his way for the Council or runs for presidency, I would surely say that Indonesia was like “Out of the frying pan and into the fire”. Don’t you think so yourself.
A person accused, but was not charge yet, for his part of being discriminative towards the minorities, the Chinese while in office as Justice Minister, and being part of launderingand transfering illegal money belonging to an ex-con while in office as Secretary of State.
Indonesia will be made to look like having clowns in a political arena.
dragonwall Says:
February 28th, 2008 at 1:11 am
A person accused, but was not charge yet, for his part of being discriminative towards the minorities, the Chinese while in office as Justice Minister, and being part of launderingand transfering illegal money belonging to an ex-con while in office as Secretary of State.
Indonesia will be made to look like having clowns in a political arena.
Don’t we ALREADY have clowns in the Political Arena? Think Yuddyboy and Kalla.
Yeah guess you are right, but it may go to extra lengths when suddenly there will be more and more of them popping up.
With these people considering them highly educated and providing Indonesians with their kind of rubbish and comparing to the quality of politicians 20 years back where there is the no nonsense things, these people currently in office should know when tot take a look at their face in the mirror.
Yusril run for presidency ?!? Why Not …
Never forget a thing, Yusril almost be RI-1 in 1999 but he’s not take that chance and let’s Gus Dur for keeping Islamic unity in parliament with “poros tengah”, Yusril was sucess to play many political strategy include suppoting SBY in 2004 election.
Yusril is smart leader with long experience and his potency will needed by this country for significant change after this.
Go on Yusril for Presidency anf never loose that chance again.
i would like the film shown in the Philippin theaters, it is very classic and Mr. Mahendra has
done a great job in his role.
Mr. Mahendra is the peerfect president for Indonesia, he is not corrupt, he is very down to earth, he abides by the principles of humanitarian, a very intelligent person, a friend, a confidant and a true blooded leader.
we met n manila, philippines and got to know his personal side, i cant say any bad things about him. He is ready for presidency.
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Please, not a movie star president after a song writer one who’s in office now.