Dukun/shaman practices in Indonesia.
Dukun & Law
I heard, as well as read, that there is a law in Indonesia that forbids a person to invoke the assistance of a Dukun to cast a spell on an enemy or for whatever reason that compels a person to seek intervention from a Dukun.
The law forbids the practice of a Dukun too.
The law aside, it would be a feat to prove in the Courts of Justice matters that involve the supernatural. However, it does make sense because there is intent to do harm.
I gather from discussions with Indonesians that there are “black” Dukuns (those who have the means to inflict evil) and “white” Dukuns (those who use their skill to heal and/or ward off harm).
In making the following statement, it should not be misconstrued that I do not agree with the law. The moot point is – given that Dukuns are outlawed, it would also summarily outlaw the antidote for a victim of a black Dukun.
Dukun Practices
I find that despite the law, Dukuns continue to thrive and Indonesians continue to indulge.
To cite a few examples:
1. A teacher never gave up hope that she would marry her first love whom she met when she studied in Yogyakarta.
They parted ways after completing their University course but kept their correspondence and love aglow. He became a policeman in Jakarta.
She accompanied me on a trip I made to Jakarta. When we arrived in Jakarta I learned it was a one-way trip for her. She would ask him to marry her and she would make home in Jakarta.
Her mother consulted a Dukun on several occasions before she made that trip to Jakarta. She wanted the Dukun to cast a spell on the guy and that would ensure that the guy would accept her daughter’s proposal for marriage.
They married.
2. A close Indonesian couple friend had this thing going between them.
Each of them would visit their own Dukun. Each of them had some kind of talisman in their purse. Each would plant some “power” item(s) in the personal effects of each other and hope that it would not be discovered.
This entire charade finally ended in a divorce. The result, I presume, of too many Dukun spirits fighting between this couple.
3. Someone deliberately threw sand along the entire width of the shop’s front pavement of a friend’s shop. I learned from an Indonesian that it was sand from a Cemetery.
He explained that this is one of the methods used by a Dukun and what affect the sands would have on a shop business.
The affect on his business? Customers who arrived at his shop later complained that his business was shut for several days when in fact his shop was not.
4. An Indonesian took revenge on someone who borrowed his hand phone and never returned it despite a few attempts to regain it.
He had a Dukun to dispense a revenge deed on the borrower.
I learned from the borrower that he started to bleed profusely only at night, from his ears and nose. Whatever medical assistance that he sought, it merely gave him temporary relief.
The borrower out of desperation consulted a Dukun to counteract his extraordinary bleeding. His Dukun informed him that his condition was a result of an evil deed cast on him.
His bleeding ceased after his Dukun did his thing.
1. For obvious reasons, I cannot mention the name of persons, their religious and group ethnicity in the cases that I have cited above.
2. This is Indonesia Matters, so, the article corresponds. It does not serve to be derogatory towards my fellow Indonesians.
dear parishyden
where re you from and how can i contct you to give you more information about the dukun ?
its my pleasuer to help you 🙂
by the way are you male or female?
i have sent message to you
so i hope from the admin to delete the email of parishyden plz
thanks in advanced
hi rose,
do you think your dukun can help me to get back my ex boyfriend? please help.
Is there any way a dukun can help an ugly person become more attractive? It may sound wrong but I feel like anything should be possible with magic. Any experiences or advice?
Where can I learn to be a dukun?
Iplan to visit jackarta with in two weeks and idont know exactly where to go but iam very much intrested to find excellent dukun I speak english and arabic only no indonesian languge and i only have seven nights can you give me advise of where and when to go maybe some names and addresses also will help
sincecrly yours
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thank you soooooooooo much Linda
I talked with a good dukun by the help of my friend 🙂
thanks again for all of you guys