Presidential Ethnicity

Nov 12th, 2007, in News, by

The president doesn’t need to be ethnically Javanese.

Ambitious man, anti-sharia crusader, presidential hopeful in 2009, wayang enthusiast, Asian values man, and never-ending source of material for IM, vice-president Jusuf Kalla, said on 2nd November that the president need not be a Javanese person, as has been the case ever since independence.

Jusuf Kalla
Jusuf Kalla.

The commonly held notion that the president must be Javanese, because Javanese are the biggest ethnic group in the country, was discriminative and lacking in clear thought, he said to a gathering discussing “Tiga Tahun SBY-JK”.

People these days were able to evaluate whether somebody was a good candidate for office regardless of his ethnicity, but he admitted that some Javanese people were not happy when he brought the topic up. indopos

48 Comments on “Presidential Ethnicity”

  1. iamisaid says:

    Now, now, would a non-Javanese President adversely impact Achmad Sudarsono’s vision of his Mojopahit Empire?

  2. Andrew says:

    As far as I’m concerned, I couldn’t care less if we had a Martian as a president, as long as he/she does the right thing for the country :))

  3. Dragonwall says:

    JK is counter indoctrinate people so that he he could transform the traditionally adopted Javanese president could be change into a bugis.

    1. A president needs to be highly educated not business orientated.

    2. a president needs to have political background with the years of his achievements and performance.
    3. a president needs to be politically motivated and capable.
    4. a president needs to be impartial to all religion, race and ethnicity.
    5. a president needs to posses the flair in handling social and political problems with flair and finese.
    6. a president needs to carry out what he promise his people and make sure all those dick tom and harry shut their mouth before consulting the president or the parliaments.

    Does JK posses any of these?

  4. Janma says:

    Does JK posses any of these?

    ummm…. he’s politically motivated?

  5. TheWrathOfGrapes says:

    Now, now, would a non-Javanese President adversely impact Achmad Sudarsono’s vision of his Mojopahit Empire?

    No, it wouldn’t. The Presiden cannot be an “alien”.

  6. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    Only the Javanese have the wisdom and subtlely to run a place with the complexity of Indonesia. We Javanese are comfortable with contradiction and ambiguity. Indeed that’s why many don’t trust a word we say. But Friend, only a person of true subtlety would understand such wisdom. That’s why the Bataks, Bugis, Acehnese, let alone the Florese, Timorese, or worst of all, smelly Papuans can never rule Nusantara, Friend. A Balinese might – might be ok, but only the ones descended from the Javanese.

    Oke Friend ?

  7. Sputjam says:

    Papuan did not want to be part of indonesia in the first place, never mind majaphait empire. And I doubt if any papuan has any intention of ruling indonesia. Best if they be left alone by getting their freedom and independence from indonesia.

    Let the Chinese manage indonesia. At the very least, they will be neutral in any conflict between regions. At the most, indonesian wil be ruled by people with great ability.

  8. Rambutan says:

    Funny thing is, beginning of this year Kalla said he didn’t consider running for the Presidency as he is not a Javanese and it would be impossible for him to win. His plans have changed apparently.

  9. Arema says:

    The president doesn’t need to be ethnically Javanese.

    Why, of course!

    And that means the president doesn’t need to be a pribumi either.

    As long as he/she is Indonesian, qualified for the job, objective, a person with integrity and sincere desire to bring Indonesia forward, he/she should be the president! I don’t care whether he/she is from which racial group or religion or gender or whatever, if he/she can bring Indonesia forward towards prosperity, that’s the guy we need!

    TheWrathOfGrapes Says:
    The Presiden cannot be an “alien”.

    I’ll even support “an alien”, if he/she has the necessary credentials 🙂
    Hahahaha, just kidding 😛

  10. Rambutan says:

    he president doesn’t need to be ethnically Javanese. I wonder if the President also doesn’t need to be a Muslim?? Somebody ask Kalla, quick!!

  11. Wati says:

    I would like to vote the president who often visit this blog, so he/she knows what is the best for Indonesia, because we are more competent to lead the country ha ha.

  12. Chris says:

    Of course, this statement has NOTHING to do with:

    – the fact that JK isn’t Javanese

    – his likely nomination for president in 2009

    does it?

    It’s a shame that JK isn’t willing to stand up for the rights of minority groups when he doesn’t benefit from it.

  13. Janma says:

    well, it’s all kesiangan. Habibie was president and he isn’t javanese, and he isn’t even indonesian! he is a german citizen.

  14. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    I will run for President in 2009.

  15. Rambutan says:

    well, it’s all kesiangan. Habibie was president and he isn’t javanese, and he isn’t even indonesian! he is a german citizen.

    He was not elected by the people. And I think he is still holds the Indonesian citizenship.

  16. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Will you be my vice president, Rambutan ? Janma can be Menteri Kewanitaan. If it’s not “basah” enough we’ll give her state enterprises if she joins Golkar. People: this has been my agenda all along.

  17. wongcilik says:

    ask JK to force Lapindo to pay the damages in Porong mud-volcano first, then ask him to process law inorder by declaring Lapindo & it’s holding/affiliated parent companies in bankcrupcy declaration & delisting all the cronies in touching our rare & invaluable hydrocarbon reserves.
    Then we will se if JK deserves to be elected as our next president …

  18. Enigmatic says:

    In Macbeth, Malcolm tells Macduff that a king must have the following qualities.

    But I have none: the king-becoming graces,
    As justice, verity, temperance, stableness,
    Bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness,
    Devotion, patience, courage, fortitude
    I have no relish of them, but abound
    In the division of each several crime,
    Acting it many ways. Nay, had I power, I should
    Pour the sweet milk of concord into hell,
    Uproar the universal peace, confound
    All unity on earth.


    1) stableness– Stability of character
    2) Bounty—— generosity
    3) Lowliness— Humility
    4) Devotion—- Piety

    While JK is just going for presidency and not the throne, it is important to note that most if not all of the qualities listed above are what a president needs. To me, race and religion doesn’t matter as long as he / she has the qualities listed above IN ADDITION to having had a good education.

    Of course, racists cannot be Presidents

  19. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Achmad Sudarsono said

    I will run for President in 2009.

    TheWrathOfGrapes said

    No, it wouldn’t. The Presiden cannot be an “alien”.

    Andrew said

    As far as I’m concerned, I couldn’t care less if we had a Martian as a president, as long as he/she does the right thing for the country

    May The Force Be With Him.
    Jusuf Kalla, phone home…

    Majapahit will rule the again. Merdeka!

  20. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Achmad Sudarsono said

    A Balinese might – might be ok, but only the ones descended from the Javanese.

    And what about a Javanese-Balinese mix like Sukarno? At least he had the charisma of a genuine Majapahitan ruler.

  21. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    No, my Friend. Couldn’t work these days. The TNI generals have too many overseas investments, hedged in Rupiah-investments, including stocks and other assets. Such assets are vulnerable to volatility, Friend. For a minor taste of what Soekarno-ish politics do to such assets, think back to Gus Dur. Wheeee–heeee-laaaah ! Up and down, but mostly, down, down, down, down, down…

  22. Dragonwall says:

    Not if a person who is racist, discriminating and smelly armpits. But be careful of a German invasiion. No wonder JK is making is promotion with free publicity now. ‘Gak Mau Kalla Ya”.

  23. Andrew says:


    I will run for President in 2009.


    It doesn’t get any better than this!!!

  24. Dragonwall says:

    Right. It doesn’t get any better than these. He will end up with a lots a arguments with literally every government especially the Australians….HA.HA..HA..

  25. TheWrathOfGrapes says:


    It doesn’t get any better than this!!!

    Does this mean Indonesia will be exploiting its UFO technology after 2009?
    Hooray – Indonesia will be become the first alien-nation on earth.
    Out of this world!


  26. WP says:

    With that kind of statement, it seens that poor Indonesians will have to choose between Kala and Sutiyoso as their next president. Perhaps we should all stay at home until they can come up with a sensible list of candidates huh?

  27. TheWrathOfGrapes says:


    It doesn’t get any better than this!!!

    You mean you want someone who wears a tin foil on his head, believes in UFO and corn circles to be the next President? So, no to Sono. Say no to Sono. Sudah lah…

  28. Violet says:

    WP Says:
    With that kind of statement, it seens that poor Indonesians will have to choose between Kala and Sutiyoso as their next president.

    Well it seems like we’ll have to choose between devil and demon. Then I’d prefer an alien, go Sono go…go Sono..go…he..he..

  29. iamisaid says:

    I caught up with this late.

    I read here about Achmad Sudarsono’s mention :

    “Friend, I will run for President in 2009.”

    Reminds me of my answer when my sister asked me what I thought about Gus Dur when he was Indonesia’s President.

    I answered : Indonesia could not have made a wiser choice. The blind leading the blind.

    Now in the case of our Mojopahit champion running for President?

    My answer : May God have Mercy on Indonesia!

    Ha ha ha ha ha

  30. Janma says:

    Gus Dur was blind in his eyes. not in his heart….

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