Quranic Ringtones

Nov 12th, 2007, in News, by

The Quranic ringtones for mobile phones debate.

A raging debate on the question of using Quranic verses as mobile phone ringtones has crossed the Indian Ocean from Saudi Arabia and caused some consternation here.

Amlir Syaifa Yasin of the Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia (DDII) worries that the ringtones could sound when a person was attending to nature, in the toilet. The verses of the Quran couldn’t be heard just anywhere, above all in the toilet, as they were the words of God, he said. He advised serious study of the matter. detik

The rector of a university in Surabaya, Professor Ridwan Natsir of IAIN, however says the ringtones could become a method of dakwah, or spreading the message of the faith. For example, a ringtone consisting of the “Azan”, call to prayer, could remind anyone within earshot of their obligations to pray. detik

Meanwhile head of the MUI, Ma’ruf Amin, says there is no problem at all with the ringtones

They’re great.

Whenever a person received a call he would be reminded of the Creator, and there couldn’t be anything wrong with that, he said. detik

6 Comments on “Quranic Ringtones”

  1. iamisaid says:

    *speechless !

    (3gp porno on handphones cannot. Quranic ringtones maybe also cannot. Corruption and other kinds of scandals can)

  2. Andrew says:

    Amlir Syaifa Yasin of the Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia (DDII) worries that the ringtones could sound when a person was attending to nature, in the toilet. The verses of the Quran couldn’t be heard just anywhere, above all in the toilet, as they were the words of God, he said. He advised serious study of the matter.

    I’m sure a lot of people could hear adzan from inside their toilets in Indonesia, what’s the difference?

    I don’t know, but isn’t it your heart and your intention that counts? it’s between you and God, I just don’t understand why life is so complicated?

  3. iamisaid says:

    Andrew said : “I’m sure a lot of people could hear adzan from inside their toilets in Indonesia, what’s the difference?”

    I say : Hi Andrew, how so inarguably correct with that. To add more to the possible scenarios, there would be people in their 7th. heaven while adzan is being orchestrated to complete to bring their union to a blissful crescendo!

    The problem with these religious loonatics is that in this age and day hardly anyone gives them a damn. They must be heard, willy nilly because that is their raison de’etre.

  4. Ihaknt says:

    Does it sound as annoying as the Crazy Frog? Azan Ringtone?? How much is it to download? What if one’s HP doesnt stop ringing??

  5. Dragonwall says:

    Mass prophesizing with perhaps tunes like ” Na.na.na.na., na.na.na.na., o.o.o.Akhbar” will sound great. Reduce the noise from loudspeakers.

  6. pj_bali says:

    Whats wrong with a ringtone

    I am suprised that the companies like xlcom haven’t offered a service to send a azan ringtone to their subscribers at the appropriate times. Then we wouldn’t need to have those precorded azans cranking out of the mosques at 100 decibels.

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