
Dec 10th, 2007, in News, by

Attempts to have local religions in Kalimantan recognised by the government.

On 6th December representatives of the Kaharingan religion in Kalimantan (Borneo) visited the Department of Religion offices in Jakarta hoping to have their faith formally recognised by the state.

One of the petitioners, Arton S. Ndorong, said:

We want to get the same services that those of other faiths get.

Presumably he meant having the births, marriages and identity cards (KTP) of Kaharingan people recorded with the correct religion. Currently Kaharingan people are regarded as Hindu by the government and previous attempts to have animism as a category on identity cards have recently failed.

Arton said regional governments in Kalimantan did not restrict the activities of Kaharingan followers but that he wished the national government would give its recognition.

Arton and his band of 14 men were accompanied by figures from the Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P), one of whom, Agung Sasongko, said:

The constitution guarantees religious freedom.

The minister of religion was too busy to meet with the delegation, but the Secretary General of the Department of Religion agreed to receive them. tempo

View this article in an Indonesian translation – Agama Dayak.

10 Comments on “Kaharingan”

  1. Janma says:

    Better yet, abolish the whole bullsh*t of having to state your religion on official documents!

  2. Rambutan says:

    …and recognise more than only six religions officially. This limitation doesn’t make sense anymore.

  3. Carla says:

    Better yet, abolish the whole bullsh*t of having to state your religion on official documents!

    Indeed! They never read it anyway. It’s like the other day I had my Bali KIPS made and I had to submit the photocopy of my KTP which stated clearly that I was a Christian, but they changed (or just practically skipped the religion part and assumed that I was a Moslem for I’m from Surabaya?) it to Islam.
    Not that I mind. I couldn’t care less, actually, I’m not a religious. But what’s the point of having it stated when it’s not really functioning? To make it look less “empty”, maybe?

  4. Dragonwall says:

    Better still have one like this on the KTP. Orang Misssssskin. Bego

  5. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Carla said

    It’s like the other day I had my Bali KIPS made and I had to submit the photocopy of my KTP which stated clearly that I was a Christian, but they changed (or just practically skipped the religion part and assumed that I was a Moslem for I’m from Surabaya?) it to Islam.

    So that’s how dakwah operates”¦

  6. Sputjam says:

    If you are from malaysia/Singapore or Indonesia, religion/race will be a factor printed on your identity card.
    This was inherited from the colonialist who wanted some kind of statistical work for their administration.
    In some cases indicating race could be useful in detecting certain diseases.
    But religion have no known usefulness whatsoever.

  7. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Sputjam said

    But religion have no known usefulness whatsoever.

    Except for discrimination.

  8. iamisaid says:

    Agung Sasongko, said:

    The constitution guarantees religious freedom.

    Hmmm guarantees? It merely states.

    Whether or not words are put into practice is another thing.

    Arton S. Ndorong, said:

    We want to get the same services that those of other faiths get.

    Hmmm and by services, that would include acts of religious intolerance too.

  9. Teguh S says:

    Its must socialization first, until “recognized” by “Petinggi-2 in JKT ”

    In marriage matters (that always entangle RELIGION elementary body) to get state legitimization then arranged according to with AGAMA and what KEPERCAYAAN that marriage is executed.

    Khong Hu Cu, Wiwidan Sunda, Penghayat Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan YME dllnya, and too may KAHARINGAN caw can be called “RELIGION” as the same manner as islam, Christian, Hindu and Budha, but only called KEPERCAYAAN…(Ps 2. UU No. 1 Thn 1974), or “Aliran Kepercayaan”.

    Confession likes RELIGION…?. it possible that only have the character of REGIONAL.. ?.

    There are many criteria that “there must be” so it can be called RELIGION…

    Maybe not objection caw once gets Information/books hits this KAHARINGAN, there are netter exchanges information/book s than I.


  10. Lairedion says:

    Interesting article:

    With Old Gods Under Attack, Dayak Re-Brand Their Beliefs

    Why can’t people leave the Dayak (or any other ethnic with beliefs not fitting into the 6 recognized ones) alone?

Comment on “Kaharingan”.

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