Most Influential Women

Oct 27th, 2007, in News, by

The most influential women in Indonesia.

Globe Asia’s list of the Top 99 most powerful Indonesian women, not the “hottest” (although Agnes Monica is on both lists): globeasia ririanwar

Most Influential Women

  1. Megawati Soekarnoputri – Former President of Indonesia
  2. Sri Mulyani Indrawati – Minister of Finance
  3. Kristiani Herawati Yudhoyono – Indonesia’s First Lady
  4. Miranda Gultom – Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia
  5. Siti Hartati Murdaya – Social Entrepreneur, businesswoman, politician
  6. Mari Elka Pangestu – Minister of Trade
  7. Mooryati Soedibyo – Entrepreneur, politician
  8. Kartini Mulyadi – Entrepreneur
  9. Itjih Nursalim – Entrepreneur
  10. Yanti Sukamdani – Head of Hotels Association
  11. Butet Manurung – Social Worker
  12. Yenny Wahid – Director of Wahid Institute
  13. Melinda Tedja – Entrepreneur
  14. Shanti Soedarpo – Entrepreneur
  15. Erna Witoelar – MDGs Indonesia Chairwoman
  16. Siti Fadilah – Health Minister
  17. Fatimah Kalla – Entrepreneur
  18. Meutia Hatta /Minister of Women Affairs
  19. Khofifah Indar Parawansa – Politician
  20. Dewi Fortuna Anwar – International Researcher at LIPI
  21. Viven G. Sitiabudi – Business Executive
  22. Sinta Nuriyah Wahid – Gender Issue Activist
  23. Suciwati – Human Rights Activist
  24. Rina Ciputra – Entrepreneur
  25. Ratu Atut Chosiyah – Governor of Banten
  26. Herelina Candinegara – Entrepreneur
  27. Ratna Maida Ning – Entrepreneur
  28. Nani Wijaya – Director of Jawa Post Group
  29. Dian Soedarjo – Entrepreneur
  30. Pia Alisjahbana – Entrepreneur, Journalist
  31. Krisdayanti – Artist
  32. Kanjeng Ratu Hemas – Sultan of Yogyakarta’s Wife
  33. Yani Panigoro – Entrepreneur, Social Engineer
  34. Martha Tilaar – Entrepreneur
  35. Orie Andari Sutadji – President Director of PT. Askes
  36. Siti Hardijanti Rukmana – Entrepreneur
  37. Christine Hakim – Actress
  38. Sukmawati Widjaja – Entrepreneur, Socialite
  39. Agnes Monica – Artist
  40. Marwah Daud Ibrahim – Politician
  41. Titik Puspa – Entrepreneur, Artist
  42. Emmy Hafild – Walhi & Transparency International
  43. Wardah Hafidz – Chairwoman of UPC
  44. Sri Indrastuti Hadiputranto – Lawyer
  45. Rini Soemarno – Entrepreneur
  46. Roosniati Salihin – Deputy Director of Panin Bank
  47. Giwo Rubianto – Chairwoman of Children Protection Commission
  48. Koesmariharti – Telecommunications Regulator
  49. Rita Subowo – Chairwoman of Indonesian Sport Commission (KONI)
  50. Dita Indah Sari – Labor Activist
  51. Nursyahbani Katjasungkana – Gender Issue Activist, Politician
  52. Siti Fadjriah – Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia
  53. Rustriningsih – Regent of Kebumen
  54. Winny Hasan – President Director of Bank DKI
  55. Maria Lukito – Publisher of Indonesian Tatler
  56. Catherine Hambali – Entrepreneur
  57. Eva Rianti Hutapea – Entrepreneur
  58. Suryani Motik – Entrepreneur
  59. Ratna Ani Lestari – Regent of Banyuwangi
  60. SK Trimurti – Senior Journalist
  61. Lily Kasoem – Entrepreneur
  62. Harkristuti Harkrisnowo – Director General of Law
  63. Tri Mumpuni – Activist
  64. Susi Darmawan – Entrepreneur
  65. Inke Marris – PR Consultant
  66. Lily Widjaja – Banker
  67. Non Rawung – Social Entrepreneur
  68. Husniah Rubiana Thamrin – Chief of National Agency of Food and Drugs
  69. Obin – Fashion Designer
  70. Betti Alisjahbana – President Director of IBM Indonesia
  71. Melsiana Tjahyadikarta – Entrepreneur
  72. Shinta Kamdani – Entrepreneur
  73. Lie Phing – Entrepreneur
  74. Mia Dinata – Director, Film Maker
  75. Ratna Sarumpaet – Film Director
  76. Gadis Arivia – Feminist
  77. Felia Salim – Activist
  78. Lisa Tirto Utomo – Entrepreneur
  79. Puan Maharani – Activist
  80. Dyah Maulida – Director General of Foreign Trade
  81. Siti Nurbaya – Secretary General of Regional Representative Council (DPD)
  82. Herawati Diah – Journalist
  83. Retno Iswari Tranggono – Entrepreneur
  84. Kemala Chandrakirana – Chairwoman of Komnas Perempuan
  85. Baby Jim Aditya – Activist anti AIDS/HIV
  86. Dewi Motik – Entrepreneur
  87. Poppy Dharsono – Entrepreneur, Fashion Design
  88. Nunun Nurbaetje Daradjatun – Entrepreneur
  89. Mira Lesmana – Film Director
  90. Maggie Liem – Specialty Fashion Retailer
  91. Tri Sudwikatmono – Entrepreneur
  92. Titi Said – Chief of Film Censor Board
  93. Shally Bachtiar – Entrepreneur
  94. Sandra Ang – Entrepreneur
  95. Saparinah Sadli – Psychologist
  96. Retnowati Abdulgani-Knapp – Author
  97. Rosianna Silalahi – Editor in Chief of Liputan 6 SCTV
  98. Mien Uno – Motivational Trainer
  99. Veronica Colondam – Social Activist YCAB

22 Comments on “Most Influential Women”

  1. Ihaknt says:

    I only know Agnes Monica as an artist, but please tell me in what way she is powerful and influential. I only know her great success at such a young age.

  2. iamisaid says:

    Ihaknt said :

    “I only know Agnes Monica as an artist, but please tell me in what way she is powerful and influential.”

    The long shot answer : Agnes Monica is capable of making countless males stand up for her. That’s powah mannn. It could put Pfizer out of the Viagra business in Indonesia.

  3. Gre says:

    🙂 I cannot find inul daratista. Am I misreading?

  4. Parvita says:

    Puan Maharani Megawati’s daughter? Who did she influence?

  5. Parvita says:

    Oh, misread. It should be powerful. What did Puan used her power against (or for)?

  6. Bas says:

    Inul daratista is far more influential and powerful than Agnes….

  7. Parvita says:

    I agree Inul should be on the list.

  8. Aniko says:

    Hi, I am a hungarian medical student, and I came back home from Indonesia just one week ago. On the airport I have seen this magazine, and I started to read the article about Siti Fadilah, the Health Minister. Unfortunately I couldn’t finish reading the article, and now I can not buy that magazine :s Is it possible to find that article somewhere online? Could anybody help me?? It would be very important to me. Thanks in advance!!!

  9. heavenlysword says:

    agnesm is overrated..

  10. Rehana Batool says:

    I have been in Indonesia couple of weeks ago to attend the International Training Session Leadership and Climate Change. There I met Mrs. Tri Mumpuni and found her superb. Would somebody forward me her email address. Thanks

  11. HRA says:

    There I met Mrs. Tri Mumpuni and found her superb. Would somebody forward me her email address. Thanks.

    I agree that Mrs.Tri Mumpuni is very an amazing woman, if you want, I have her email address, just send me PM and I will tell you okay.

  12. anakpejabatkurangduit says:

    We have several indonesian ambassadors that are women.

  13. Ytre says:

    In that way this magazine is rubbish.

  14. Wandry says:

    Are you all kidding me?? Agnes Monica has inevitably influenced so many girls in Indonesia.. she’s proved that she’s able to reach what she’d been dreaming of since she was small in a really appropriate way.. that’s why she’s powerful. powerful?? why?? because she chose not to be involved in celebrity craps (drugs, free sex, you name it..).. and she’s proved the whole world that she’s a big girl……

  15. Broker says:

    I disagree on Agnes Monica.

    Her actress personality is copied from Britney Spears. Especially her songs that have dances. What kind of influence that a faker has? I support Indonesian talents but definitely not con artists.

    Listen to her new song, Godain Aku Lagi. Its totally similar with Britney’s, I’m a Slave for You. Also half of the video clip of the same song copies NSYNC’s, Drive Myself Crazy. She also told everyone how shes going to US to be a singer like nearly a year ago. Until now she’s still the same old Agnes Monica.

  16. Bebe says:

    Like it or NOT, it’s true Agnes Monica is influential among youth.

  17. Adinda says:

    Hey, i really appreciate with number 51; Nursyahbani Katjasungkana 🙂 i adore her so much badly, agree? lol

  18. David says:

    Why do you like her Adinda? Don’t know much about her myself….

  19. adinda says:

    Oh, really? are you don’t know about her? she’s working to social women and children and she’s very independent.

  20. Pakmantri says:

    you can find most of things about Nursyahbani Katjasungkana here.


  21. artha says:

    Agnes to my personal observation influence many teenager that now “Agnes wannabe”, they learn agnes dance, her song (which to some show ‘girl power’, her free thinking, her dream, her ‘ambition’ (the fact that her voice improve significantly), her financial free, and some admire her free fashion style…

    so, how many teenager have access to television show of Agnes, that’s her influence count.
    I have one teenager at home who also “Agnes wannabe” – saying ,” she’s cool, succeed in school, good thoughts, and succeed in ‘free-ing her mind’ from what-so-called culture prison but not overly’

  22. zend says:

    OMG! Can’t be more shock than this when I read Agnes Monica is in the list.


Comment on “Most Influential Women”.

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