
Nov 19th, 2006, in Asides, by

I’ll be travelling for a few weeks so likely few or no posts from me for a while. Anyone who wants to submit an Opinion piece feel free as I’ll check in every few days to see if there is anything to publish.

6 Comments on “Away”

  1. dewaratugedeanom says:

    I hope this Yusril thing has nothing to do with your going away for a while.
    Come back soon. We will always support free speech and won’t give in to intimidation.

  2. JOY says:

    Have a safe trip, Patung.

  3. Andrew says:

    I hope this Yusril thing has nothing to do with your going away for a while.
    Come back soon. We will always support free speech and won’t give in to intimidation.

    What, is Yusril threatening Patung?

  4. Dragonwall says:

    What, is Yusril threatening Patung?

    Perhaps, didn’t you read that Yusril had said in his blog that …..penulisnya yang bernama Patung…..menyerangi seseorang dan.. Islam dengan nada provokatif dan sinis…

    Don’t felt intimidated…Bon Voyage…

  5. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Not really threatening, more like taunting.

  6. Janma says:

    Not really threatening, more like taunting

    Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.

    *who finds limitless opportunities to have a python moment*

Comment on “Away”.

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