Mini theocracy in Bogor and Padang.
MUI Fatwa
On 4th October the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a fatwa against the “Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah” sect, which is led by Ahmad Moshaddeq, real name Salam.
MUI Chairman, Ma’ruf Amin said the sect had grown rapidly since 2000 and that since July 23rd 2007 Ahmad Moshaddeq had been claiming to be a prophet after he spent 40 days and nights in meditation at Mount Bunder, Bogor, West Java.
The MUI spent 3 months studying the group before finally deciding that it was heretical, and had already informed the police of its decision, in the hope that Ahmad Moshaddeq would be prosecuted for blasphemy against Islam. tempo
Police Action
After the fatwa, in Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah’s home base of Bogor, police sealed off two villas belonging to Ahmad Moshaddeq on 5th October, apparently to prevent any attacks on the properties from aggressively orthodox-minded Muslims.
Meanwhile in Padang, West Sumatra, similar to last year’s legal-police assualt on the Jamiyatul Islamiyah sect, the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office formally banned Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah, and police raided the group’s headquarters and took into custody 11 of its members, again supposedly to protect them from attack by other, excitable, Islamic groups. All 11 were later released, although Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah’s local leader, 44-year-old Dedi Priadi, is required to report himself to the police station once a day.
In West Sumatra, Dedi Priadi claims Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah has 4000 followers, mostly young people. In his teachings, he says praying once a day at night, instead of five times, is adequate, but denies that the sect is blasphemous.
Gusrizal Gazahar of the West Sumatra branch of the Indonesian Ulema Council said they had been monitoring the sect for some time and had even sent two spies inside the organization.
The sect is misleading and not Islam. But it claims to be Islam so we ask the government to ban it and call its members to return to the right path.
Story continued at
You said so because you have not known about the concept–The truth. And as far as I know, Muhammad never taught his followers to be destructive or anarchist… 🙂
And as far as I know, Muhammad never taught his followers to be destructive or anarchist”¦ 🙂
Actually he did… but then it depends what part of the Quran you read… pretty confusing really…
Have came THE PROMISED SAVIOR which his name is AL MASIH AL MAW’UD. Allah’s Messenger. From surah Al Jumuah 62 : 2 & 3, Allah said :
Dialah yang membangkitkan dari kalangan yang ummi (not word’s blind but blind of Sunnatullah) seorang Rasul diantara mereka. Membacakan kepada mereka ayat-ayat-Nya, dan mensucikan mereka, dan mengajarkan mereka tentang apa itu KITAB dan HIKMAH. Dan sesungguhnya kamu sebelumnya benar2 dalam kesesatan yang nyata.
Dan dia juga membangkitkan Rasul dari kalangan yang bukan mereka yang belum pernah berhubungan dengan mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Adil lagi Maha Bijaksana.
For Joshua bin Nun, Angel, and New Messenger please anyone from u translate that cause my english is not very good. And I am sorry if there’s something mistake from what I have wrote. I am one of u guys. Trust that Allah and His Messenger will won. Keep strugle and Allah bless us.
Janma said :
Actually he did”¦ but then it depends what part of the Quran you read”¦ pretty confusing really”¦
Cukurungan :
Could you please elaborate which part in the Quran was confusing you because for me everything is very clear.
If you want to cut a meats ..use knife , if you want to open bolts…. use bolts opener, if you want to eat rice… use spoon, …if you want to eat mie…use chopstick…the Quran is the same like tools boxes everything in there …what you need to do just pick and use the tools properly …
Allah Messangers weren’t assigned to save anyone but to remind all mankind that God already made:
1) Heaven and the way to go there
2) Hell and the way to go there
Both of them will be fully filled with mankind.
Therefore, there’s no compulsory in religion because either hell and heaven have to be filled .
Citizen of heaven will enjoy the real face of GOD …the MAKER OF ALL BEAUTIES…
whereas Citizens of Hell also with GOD because one of God Leg will be dipped to Hell
I agree with you Parvita. Some Moslems are so angry because some other moslems have different perception from theirs. And ujung-ujung nya ngamuk. So sad. All they can do is just invite them to debate……not mob them.
Mbak Parvita re,
As long as they don’t teach killing, bombing, stealing, raping, then fire away, spread the teachings. Who cares, I don’t.
If you want to kill..use bomb , if you want to bomb“¦. use explosive, if you want to steal”¦ make sure it is non-muslim, “¦if you want to rape”¦non-believer is halal”¦the Quran is the same like tools boxes everything in there “¦what you need to do just pick and use the tools properly “¦ dig it?
Do unto others as you want them to do unto you!
No other law is necessary. All the “holy” books are proper tools for political manipulation, for mind control! But it is useless to argue with people who are blind! The Europeans were fighting for 30 years the most brutal war over religion! Countless people suffered and died. For God? No, for some fanatic individuals who were obsessed with the desire for power! Humans are really scaring me! They are looking for heaven in an afterlife while they create hell on earth!
Parvita said:
So Al Qiyadah Al Islamiyah is wrong, so what, whatever is in Imam Samodra’s brain is even worse. And the teachings Imam Samodra believe is better?
Cukurungan :
Al Qiyadah is a fake islam and we will destroy them either you care or don’t, what we have set in our mind we will do it whatever the whole world’s say, and only God willing can stop us.
Aren’t christianity and judaism heretical forms of islam too?
If that is true, at least these guys don’t claim to be Moslems. But is it true?
Isn’t Islam a heretical form of Christianity which in turn is a heretical form of Judaism
Cukurungan, excuse my ignorance but was is the true Islam? And who decides what is the true and what the fake Islam? If you destroy fake Islam you will not be able to prove that the true Islam is true! Every coin needs two sides to be recognized as such!
How come no one ever think they’re Buddha? Always Mohammed or Jesus.
It’s in some respect similar to heresies that occurred in the dark ages I think. It’s natural for people to have hatred towards others that differ from their principal belief (the belief or values the say they hold strongly, at least). And I think, people should treat those who deviate with care and not with hatred, lest the people themselves deviate from the principal values (religion).
But, I realize, never judge people from their religious symbols, because often the people’s attitude contaminate their religion, and the religion is used to fulfill people’s ego. And my conclusion is don’t trust people when they speak or act for their religion. And in the case of Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah, I don’t expect moslems to act in the really Islamic way, although I do hope they deal with this matter the caring way.
There are more important things to do. Ice melting, volcanoes coughing, people starving. If a mega eruption happens again, all this will become irrelevant and your love to the One and His pople and creations is all that matters.
Why can’t we just see Al Qiyadah Al Islamiyah like the Christians see Mormons?
Why can’t we just see Al Qidayah like the Roman Catholic see the other Christian heresy after Council of Nicea
Cukurungan, excuse my ignorance but was is the true Islam? And who decides what is the true and what the fake Islam? If you destroy fake Islam you will not be able to prove that the true Islam is true! Every coin needs two sides to be recognized as such!
Can we make another analogy? Let us try to create and declare a new country let us name it “Free Singapure” in Singapore land…what do you think?? hi hihi…I know the answer, Singapore Authority will give us a flower and welcoming our new country.
Friend we live in the real world…Truth is nothing without a power to gripp it.
Cukurungan, I give you only half a point! Truth is! With or without the power to get the grip on it. The danger with the power is the abuse of it! Best example: The so called American President! He uses the power to spread the worst of lies and thus brings terrible suffering to this planet!
I believe that there exists an absolute truth but we are too small to be able to understand it totally!
God created diversity, let us not destroy this by making everything uniform!
Life is a challenge! It would be much too simple if we were all the same!
Everything have the own philosophical basic thinking. Wa are talking about Islamic Religion. It has own methodology and way of thinking. If we will discuss about this case, please make an agreement first. What methodology that will be used. Islamic pointview or others?
I’ll give you all the basic principle of way of thinking that agreed by all Moslem Schoolars for the first generations until now. And being a knowledge philosophy in Islam. Here they are:
(first) Al-Qur’an as the first of resource. Find this case well in al-Qur’an. Is there discussion about the last messenger. What and how al-Qur’an said about Muhammad as the last messenger of Allah. And must be underlined in this case, use the interpretation of texts like what Muhammad SAW has said.
(second) Sunnah Rasulullah as the second resource. Please find what Muhammad SAW said about nubuwwah ect. About his predictions and teachings.
(third) His big students (shahabah), the students of the big students (thabi’in), and the students of the students of the big students (thabi’i al-thabi’in) as the central resources after al-Qur’an and al-Sunnah.
After we agreed with this way of thinking, we still must use the arabic language and literatures as instrument tools in discussion. Without that, our discussions are not scientific but NGAWUR (with our own perspective. Are you genius???)
If we use this way of thinking well, it means we are a moslem that obey the islamic texts. without that, we just like a philosopher. AND WE MUST HAVE UNDERSTAND AND HAVE A HIGH CONSCIOUSNESS THAT ISLAM IS A TEXT RELIGION, AND VERY RIGID ABOUT THAT.
Mostly I agreed with what you said as my beliefs say “there’s no compulsory in religion” but the problems with Al-qidayah they created a new religion within the existing religion.
You may create “Time Traveller Religion” or David Coperfield Religion or Panji Tengkorak Religion as you wish…we don’t care but it will becomes different story if you dare to make “Islam Asli” or “Muslim Angles”
And the most important thing about Al-qidayah we are fully aware who behind them and all their wording too easy to be recognized such as …I will save you…the savior is coming …..hua ha ha….let see what kind crap they can save
So just let them!? gitu aja kok repot! If they are talking rubbish only stupid people going to follow them right? So if Islam (your islam) is the correct and true form, what do you have to be scared of by some offshoot group? Don’t have to get SO excited hey?
Is it possible to use dialogue and not attacks and fear based emotions?
A “religion” within a religion is a sect. These can be found within all the religions of this world. Most of them are the result of the desire of their founder to be “important”. Some are the result of a psychopathic mind. But I think it is part of the nature of quite a lot of humans to be on the lookout for something – maybe – better than what they have! So they follow every pied piper that comes their way.
If we force them to come back to the mainstream, they are likely to become “martyrs”! And that would strengthen the power of the sect! So why not leave them alone and pray for them? And let us educate and warn our children so that they don’t fall for fakes!
Gosh..what a tiring topic…
All I know there was only sahadat if you are a moslem that is “Ashadualla ilaa ha ilallah was asyhadu anna muhammadarrasulullah….”
I was taught about that by my father when I was young. I might not as good as you guys in thniking of what religion really is…
But I think I’m smart enough to know that my sahadat is the right one.
The hadith was written near yaumal kiamah there would be many human being that would proclaimed themselves to be Prophet and even Dajjal would appears and could do better by making a person dead and alive again and could show heaven & hell by his hand.So don’t be shock>> All the Mukmin would knows this because of their amal’s and there would be some muslim that would fight this Dajjal Lakhanatullah .Nevertheless if we could fight them with our arms or with our word or the least in our heart (our least iman). But for this particular Sect Al Qiyada we should fight them with our arm and change them back to Kalimah As Syadu AlAlla ila Ha ILLAHilLLAH wasahaduannaa Muhammadan Abduhuu wa Raslluhu.
Muhammad Sayidul Mursalin
Muhammad Khatamanabiyin
But for this particular Sect Al Qiyada we should fight them with our arm and change them back to Kalimah As Syadu AlAlla ila Ha ILLAHilLLAH wasahaduannaa Muhammadan Abduhuu wa Raslluhu.
Do we really have to endure this nonsense?
So just let them!? gitu aja kok repot!
Agree Let them go to Aussi or US …gitu aja kok repot
A “religion” within a religion is a sect. These can be found within all the religions of this world. Most of them are the result of the desire of their founder to be “important”. Some are the result of a psychopathic mind. But I think it is part of the nature of quite a lot of humans to be on the lookout for something – maybe – better than what they have! So they follow every pied piper that comes their way.
Your religion is for yours and my religion is for mine, there is no sect in Islam, we have the same GOD, the same Quran and the same Sahadat.
If we force them to come back to the mainstream, they are likely to become “martyrs”! And that would strengthen the power of the sect! So why not leave them alone and pray for them? And let us educate and warn our children so that they don’t fall for fakes!
I am 101% confident that no one of them are willing to become “martyrs” and we never let rubbish and trash scatter in our own street, we will use our hand to put them in the trash bin..yes “¦. of course, we pray first prior to do this dirty work.
I am 101% confident that no one of them are willing to become “martyrs” and we never let rubbish and trash scatter in our own street, we will use our hand to put them in the trash bin..yes “¦. of course, we pray first prior to do this dirty work.
That’s funny, I see trash on the street everywhere I go here!?
Overall, I believe that Allah is the only God that exists and Muhammad s.a.w. is the last messenger!! not u…freak!!
The al-qur’an tells every thing that is supposed to happen after all the surahs are reported, so where does it say that there is the next prophet after Muhammad s.a.w? haha this is one of the signs of Qiyamah..people claim themselves to be prophets,, what next angels? then wot ur God??
soon..u guys r starting to become like Dajal!! HE is here though somewhere in this world already, claiming himself to be Allah!!
Cuk, I personally think that radical, blow people up, jihad version of Islam is more damaging to Islam than this sect. Don’t you think so? If not Why??
Islam has right to prevent the corruption on its fundamental, the same case with other religions, no need to mention but i believe all of you know several case on other religions.
If you do not agree with the fundamental of a religion, never said that you belong to that religion. It is better if you declare as a new religion not merely a sect.
Killing people without any reason is not jihad, that is a murder. And the punishment for murderer is also being killed.
Your religion is yours, mine is mine. I will never pray as you pray and you will never pray as we pray (while you are still in your religion).
I believe that Allah has more power than anyone or anything in the world. If someone’s trying to desecrating His name, He is more than able to defend His righteousness. Instead of acting anarchist to the Al-Qiyadah, why not using persuasive ways to deal with them?
The use of excessive force will only create hate and misunderstanding, and in some cases, makes them more militant than before. Remember, the leader (Ahmed Moshaddeq) once pronounced: “…… It’s me against the world……….”
Crush ’em, and they’ll grow bigger
Persuade them, bring them to the real teachings, then you’ll show the real Islam……. a religion of peace
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ANGEL Said :
Cukurungan :
Yes there’s no compulsory in Islam but it is a muslim obligations to destroy every Islamic fake include Al-Qidayah Al-Islamiyah and Sputjamdiyah.