Ramadan Fasting

Oct 8th, 2007, in News, by

Video of an FPI raid on people not fasting for Ramadan.

This Ramadan, without much variation on last year, some militant Islamic groups, mainly in West Java and some of the more Islamically austere parts of the other islands, have attacked places selling food, and people eating in them, during the daylight hours, while Muslims are supposed to be fasting.

These news reports show men from the Islam Defenders’ Front, Front Pembela Islam (FPI), attacking food stalls in Ciamis, West Java.

84 Comments on “Ramadan Fasting”

  1. Andrew says:

    WOW is all I can say. So, help me understand here: not fasting is a big sin, but destroying others’ property (and beating them up) isn’t?

    How did the law enforcement react? this could (and maybe has) spread like cancer.

  2. Yuki says:

    Why am I not so surprised? I think I am getting used to FPI’s vandalism. Ridiculously, the government rarely did something to stop them.

    I do not really know much about Islam and its believers. FPI might think that they are the true believers, but this destructive habitual practice of them can worsen and worsen people’s opinion about Islam.

  3. Janma says:

    Those boys really are celebrating the spirit of ramadhan hey? Batal deh!

  4. Zthenk says:

    This is stupid. I don’t know where these people learn Islam but they just like to destroy things. As soon as they start doing all those crazy stuff, their fasting is already invalid. Some people just don’t understand what Islam is and using it like stupid uneducated Muslim.

    But again this is sadly typical Indonesian, even not because of fasting or Islam related subject, they just looove to destroy anything. Bravo.

    By the way please don’t think I’m assuming all this, cause I’m originally from Indonesia and I experience this destruction mentally of our country. way the go for making the country MAKMUR DAN MERDEKA.

    I guess other countries, especially western country got what they want. These are seeds planted in Indonesia so our country got divided and then when they want to take over would sooooo easy. It’s part of the plan.

    So please realize that nobody will help Indonesia but our own to be stick together.


  5. Teng says:

    All I can think of when I see FPI is: Get a job, and a real life, playtime is over kids

  6. Teng says:

    I guess other countries, especially western country got what they want. These are seeds planted in Indonesia so our country got divided and then when they want to take over would sooooo easy. It’s part of the plan.


    Yes it was the western countries that planted the seeds of muslim fundamentalist groups in Indonesia. Just like the western countries are to blamed for Soekarno’s failed economic policy, the rise of the PKI, Suharto’s corruption etcetara etcetera.

    Its all a big VOC/CIA/West conspiracy to keep Indonesia down, and now the West has what it wants! FPI members poking sticks at warung that are open during Ramadan, the evil masterplan works.

    When I hear people like you I think Indonesia’s biggest problem is a total lack of self-criticism and introspection.

  7. Sylvester says:

    This kind of thing did not happen during suharto’s. Is Indonesia getting worse?

  8. Andrew says:

    Sylvester said:

    This kind of thing did not happen during suharto’s. Is Indonesia getting worse?

    Exactly. That fact, and where Indonesia is now, led me to believe that they aren’t ready to accept responsibility that comes with freedom.

    These FPI idiots are just mentally retarded – and I do hope they read this post.

  9. Teng says:

    These FPI idiots are just mentally retarded – and I do hope they read this post.

    They might read it…. but wouldn’t understand it because they don’t speak English.

    They don’t waste their time on education and getting a job… they have more important things to do… like destroying property of “kafir”

  10. Sputjam says:

    I am telling you, the religion of islam is not the message relayed by Mohamed. Mohamed confronted pagan arabs who were steep in their religion of stone worship. The present religion of islam is also steep in stone worship.
    Presently followers of islam belief that Jesus, Moses failed in their mission.
    They did not realised that mohamed also failed to convince pagan arabs to change their beleifs.
    Instead pagan arabs succeeded in decieving billions into believeing that they are actually serving God by doing rituals around the stone embedded in the cubical structure.

    The more intense your belief in the arab religion, the further will your behaviour be away from what was revealed in the koran.

    The present muslim calender is completely and utterly disorganised. Instead of following the annual seasons, the muslim religionist calender follows the lunar calender. hence the month of ramadan (translation means to be hottest/heated month) cannot be called ramadan if it falls in december or january, for the northern hemisphere or July/august in southern hemisphere.

    In fact syaum, translated as fast by muslim religionist, could also mean self discipline, or self restraint.

  11. Dimp says:

    Hey Andrew:

    These FPI idiots are just mentally retarded – and I do hope they read this post.

    Even if they read these postings, as you said they are simply retarded, so there’s no point even if they actually read and understand these postings.

  12. Janma says:

    surah 2:217
    Fighting (in the prohibited month) is a grave offence…But tumult and opression are worse than slaughter. It also says somewhere that to attack other muslims is the most grevious offence, and you get invited to satans BBQ for it….. don’t seem to scare them that bit though? I wonder if they have found another part where it says its ok…. myself, I’ve got a crick neck trying to find it.

  13. Pena Budaya says:

    where is the police anyway?

    is there any possibilities to sue the police as for their failure in protecting citizens who were attacked and actually contributing the economy to the society?

  14. Dimp says:

    Hi Pena Budaya (PB),

    is there any possibilities to sue the police as for their failure in protecting citizens who were attacked and actually contributing the economy to the society?

    Thanks for the jokes.

  15. Raden says:

    We should export FPI to patrol in Gaza & Israel territory, in Tel Aviv, all the restaurants & night-clubs are offering more ladies night during Ramadhan.

  16. Bas says:

    Zthenk you should apply for a job in the FPI lol. You have exactly the same mentality. “We are pure, we are right and nothing to learn from the West (the far West), western is evil, bla bla bla”, lol

    Always putting the fault on others yeah, Chinese are responsible for the narcotic problem in the country as I learned in UI, depravation comes from the West as taught by your beloved Soekarno.

    If you cannot see the reality then you can live in your dreams as long as you want but at the end you always got what you deserve.

    This turbaned guys have no idea they are prejudicing Islam by doing that.
    Reminds me of all those guys proudly wearing CIA T-shirt, not knowing their relatives had been killed with the help of that organization in the 60s.

    Anyway, idiots usually do the exact opposite of what they should do. As Pramoedya thought, if you don’t know what to do in a situation X, ask an Indonesian, and do the exact opposite. You can’t be wrong that way 😉 At least that’s working for me very well.

    Andrew, of course not fasting is worse than destroying private property in Indonesia. Exactly the same way publishing a nude picture is much worse than raping a woman or stealing a wallet is worse than killing a pickpocket. That’s just the way it is in this nice “country”.

  17. Dragonwall says:

    Always putting the fault on others yeahh”¦ Chineses are responsible for the narcotic problem in the country as I learned in UI, depravation comes from the West as teached by your beloved Soekarno

    What makes you think that the Chinese and not Indonesians are responsible for narcotic problems? How you learned from UI is simply an indoctrination, like when Islamic clerics tell you to do this you think it is the religion that tells you to do so. Do you think this as the right concept?

    Lets introspect how narcotics came by this country. How did they get into the country. It just doesn’t come from the air. It has to be a port of entry. If the country’s law were tough enough to deter these people from importing drugs and narcotics, forget who they are, then it would not have surface in Indonesia. think more carefully who were involve. It is the big guys up there. without them they won’t be able to get into Indonesia. so like what you said.

    Always putting the fault on others yeahh”¦

    Soekarno was pro Chinese and had many friends like Chou En Lai etc. So automatically western culture were more or less shun away during his era. Doesn’t he makes mistakes? Even Moz Tze Dong made mistakes and it was openly discussed after his death.

    This turbaned guys have no idea they are prejudicing Islam by doing that

    So you realize that! So who started the problems. It doesn’t mean that when you want to fast, others don’t have to live. By living the day simply just piss those f**k**g FPI of? Protecting Islam? My foot. Islam needs no protection like any other religion. They should be implore on the broader scope rather than using the namesake of Islam and bullying others each year, year after year. No one other country is like those MF is Indonesia are doing. You came name them in any Arabian countries. The Saudi’s allowed food to be sold with a but. The operators were only told to put a curtain to cover up to prevent those passerby from seeing and that’s about it. It never have been like that in any Asian countries.

    Andrew, of course not fasting is worse than destroying private property in Indonesia. Exactly the same way publishing a nude picture is much worse than raping a woman or stealing a wallet is worse than killing a pickpocket. That’s just the way it is in this nice “country”.

    Ah.. So you think this is what must be done. That killing is not much worse more than stealing. You also agree that raping is better than someone publishing a nude
    picture! Destroying private properties is condone when you fast!

    Did you show yourself how mediocritic you are in this modern society and I also got the feeling that you even prayed hard so that Indonesia could go back in time so that you could pretend to be a warlord for once in your life.

    You thinking are worse than any vulgarity described.

  18. Ade Wanto says:

    Zthenk says: This is stupid. I don’t know where these people learn Islam but they just like to destroy things. As soon as they start doing all those crazy stuff, their fasting is already invalid. Some people just don’t understand what Islam is and using it like stupid uneducated Muslim.
    But again this is sadly typical Indonesian, even not because of fasting or Islam related subject, they just looove to destroy anything.

    dragonwall says: Ah.. So you think this is what must be done. That killing is not much worse more than stealing. You also agree that raping is better than someone publishing a nude picture! Destroying private properties is condone when you fast!

    You are absolutely right Zthenk. You do too dragonwall. We have to find a way to pressure the govt to take action properly. There no excuse to whoever done it.

    Where is Ahmad Sudarsono? Afraid lose your account, big daddy?

  19. Ade Wanto says:

    dragonwall says:

    Protecting Islam? My foot. Islam needs no protection like any other religion. They should be implore on the broader scope rather than using the namesake of Islam and bullying others each year, year after year.

    Whose their protect? They mean to protect Allah. Who are they protecting for Allah behalf? Do they have a note from Allah that they destroy almost everything?

    Better they stop before Allah send revelation to them.

    However, hundreds years ago, Allah had had prediction about phenomenon about habib or habaib. And, some moslems (?) whose wearing clothes as moslems but have not better understanding about moslems at all.

    This is the prediction from Allah:

    Muhammad is the father of no man among you. He is the Apostle of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets. Surely Allah has knowledge of all things. (Quran 33:40)

    Do you know what Habib (singular. Habaib plural) stand for? It means he whose claims himself as a great great great grand son of the Prophet Muhammad. Therefore he/they claim hold the truth about Islam. Then enforcing people, in the name of Allah, to obey him/them. Even to worship him/them cause he/they great great great grand son of the Prophet Muhammad. People must wear what they wear. People must act like they act.

    Whooooops. Better, if you meet them, ask them, “do you have ever read this verse?”

    Where are you Mr. Achmad Sudarsono? Still count your personal assets?

  20. Ade Wanto says:

    Janma Says: surah 2:217

    They ask you about the sacred month. Say: “To fight in this month is grave offence; but to debate other from the path of Allah, to deny Allah, and to expel Allah worshippers from the Holy Mosque, is far more grave in Allah sight. Idolatry is more grievous than bloodshed.”

    They will not cease to fight against you until they force you to renounce your faith – if they are able. But whoever of you recants and dies an unbelievers, his works shall come to nothing in this world and in the world to come. Such men shall be the tenants of the Fire, wherein they shall abide forever.

    Those that have embraced the Faith, and those that have fled land and fought for the cause of Allah, may hope for Allah’s mercy. Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Quran 2 :217-218)

    Do they, Habib and Habaib, not know about these verses?
    Kiss my butt, Habib, if you say, you don’t know!

  21. Andrew says:

    Ade Wanto said:

    Islam needs no protection like any other religion.

    Care to enlighten me what other religion needs protection?

  22. Pakmantri says:

    Sylvester said:

    This kind of thing did not happen during suharto’s. Is Indonesia getting worse?

    Yes it did happen during Suharto’s time!! I was there to experience it all.
    The only difference is they were banned from the media (it is considered as “sara”) and the internet was not as accessible as today.

    We had “Pemuda Pancasila” at that time. It is the same sh*t different pile!

    I think FPI stand for “Front Perusak Islam”. 😉

  23. ronald says:

    If they had a job, they would be busy doing their jobs. Poor them, they are cheated by their leaders. They are using their time for those useless activities. They don’t use their time to get life skill so that they could get a job easier. They are loosing thier time in their productive age plus commiting more sins which sadly they think it’s right. Poooooor them………………….

  24. Ihaknt says:

    All Suharto’s supporters…the reason that Indo is now like this is because of Suharto. He’s already bau tanah. Move on, if he was reinstated, it wouldnt change anything. He was greedy, and selfish. Do you really want another leader like that? Move to North Korea.

  25. dewaratugedeanom says:

    These videos give us one more opportunity to witness what Islam and its notion of jihad can do to people. A ‘holy’ excuse for low-life destructive behaviour. Probably the blueprint of how Islam has spread since Muhammad’s days. And yet there are commenters in this forum who insist that we kafir should learn from Islamic philosophy. Why not teach those thugs that call themselves muslims in the first place?
    Thanks to this cult our beautiful country is becoming a sick joke. Soon this blog’s name is to be changed in INDONESIA DOESN’T MATTER. Shame.

  26. Janma says:


    that is funny….. I gave up smoking today, and that’s the first time I’ve smiled.

  27. Raden says:

    Today I shop in 2 of the neighbourhood Indomart shops in Jl. Hayamwuruk Jkt which I knew it belongs to Indofood retail chains. I found the fact that Indomart shops supports Ramadhan month by picking up muslim Ramadhan songs which is gambus with Quran lyrics. I found it very peaceful song, what you guys to expect more than a chinese owned retail chains plays gambus song all the time just to please the Muslim people? I think this is good already. This will never happen in Malaysia like in Johor, Penang, KL or Miri’s chinese own retail shop, they just ignore the Ramadhan festive season that belong to the majority. This is for sure also happen in Singapore & Phillipine & Thailand.
    Why FPI asking more than what we have today? It is too much

  28. HeavenlySword says:

    Well, they are hell season ticket holders. 🙂
    I just can’t wait until hell welcomes them all. 🙂

  29. ausdag says:

    Don’t wait around for the police to do anything. Where is the mass public outcry and peaceful demonstrations by fellow Muslims condemning the actions of the FPI? If the majority of Muslims in Indonesia find the actions of the FPI disagreeable, why don’t they confront them in public, peacefully? Or is the Muslim population secretly in favour of this increasing Taliban-isation of Indonesia?

  30. Dragonwall says:

    Indo is now like this is because of Suharto.

    First let me say this, I am not a pro Soeharto fan and so is many of them in Indonesia, neither did I like what he did during his cour d’etat on Sukarno with the G30S PKI operation or the Supersemar.

    When you enjoy the good time you wouldn’t be saying this but in hard time you feel that what Indonesia today is all because of him?

    How much do you know about politic to be honest? I would say beside reading from hearsay, it is absolutely nothing. Am I right! Even if you consider a person with knowledge in Socio Politic then your comment needs more filtering.

    Besides not able to have Chinese writings and teachings with much pressure and during his regin did you experience anything like what is hapenning in Indonesia? You have the answer, right.

    So lets analyze and not put blames. You should be more aware that it started when everyone starts demanding a reform leading to the massacre and the unprecedented riot in Indonesia. This was followed by the Muslims demand and so on. The situation is slowly deteriorating like cancer spreading all over Indonesia.
    Simply one thing. The Muslim detest the Chinese and Christians.

    So I suppose if without a person like Soeharto, I don’t mean him, Indonesia will rendered herself helpless and hopeless. Mark my words. Even if the whole of Indonesia wants Soeharto to be back, I can bet you that nothing in this world will bring him back. Look back the 30 something glorious years of prosperity down the drain for an Islamic cause?

    One other thing I find it quite annoying that there were some of my comments being shun off and also that I seemed to find a kind of discrimination from the moderator. Look at some of my comments which were marked grey, can I know why? Anyway I will stay away from this blog for good. So much for freedom of press release. Thank you anyway.

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