Naked Student

Oct 1st, 2007, in News, by

Posing naked on the internet and death threats.

A 16 or 17 year-old student in the secretarial stream of a vocational high school in Parung, Bogor, was expelled last week after hundreds of her schoolmates demonstrated and demanded the school punish the girl for posing nude in photos that were then spread on the Internet without her knowledge.

The principal of Citra Bangsa vocational high school, Eka Dwi Yunaida, said the school had already collected evidence to confirm that “DN”, a second-year student, had posed naked for the photos.

We heard about her nude photos about a month ago but we couldn’t do anything at the time because we needed confirmation first. We sought the opinions of people who could identify whether the photos were real or faked.

The girl, with her parents by her side, confessed the photos were hers.

Earlier, hundreds of students rallied inside the school grounds on Jl Raya Parung Hijau, urging the school to expel the girl. One concerned student, Ilham, said: tempo

We need to see our school uphold the moral values they teach us. This is embarrassing but our school has not done anything about it.

She deserves to be expelled because she disgraced us all.

Rony, a 17 year old, explained: antara

We’re protesting to save the good name of our school.

Students chanted their demands and placed yellow paper flags around the school, symbolizing death.

Some students also carried threatening banners, like: kompas

Hey you who posed for vulgar photos, cover up your aurat, or you’ll have a white cloth covering you.

37 Comments on “Naked Student”

  1. putu alberto lee says:

    Aww… those kids…. time flies so quickly. Look how cute they’re now. Upholding moral values….

    Can we have at least close up fotos of those children doing the demonstration? I guess they’re all fing-uglies. I’d like to spit on them. I wonder, how many of them _dont_ browse the internet for “immoral contents”.

  2. Robert says:

    One concerned student, Ilham, said:

    We need to see our school uphold the moral values they teach us. This is embarrassing but our school has not done anything about it.
    She deserves to be expelled because she disgraced us all.

    Rony, a 17 year old, explained:

    We’re protesting to save the good name of our school.

    Students chanted their demands and placed yellow paper flags around the school, symbolizing death.

    Some students also carried threatening banners, like:

    Hey you who posed for vulgar photos, cover up your aurat, or you’ll have a white cloth covering you.

    What kind of school is this, anyway? Do they have so much time left that they can make banners and flags? Making death threats is evidence of a lack of moral values. The principal should have interfered and expel those who made the death threats, but maybe he is the evil genius behind all this protests.
    The school better change its name into Citra Bangsa Psychopath Training Center. They only produce very disturbed and brainwashed students.

  3. Colson says:

    In a decent society death threats ought to be prosecuted. And hypocrisy ought to be frowned upon.

  4. Korrill says:

    I say this is one case of over-reaction. Flags symbolizing death? Death threats? As if demanding expulsion wasn’t severe enough. This is just plain issue overkill.

    Welcome the new breed of inquisitors and extremists!

  5. iamisaid says:

    Is the secretarial course spelt as “kursus seksitarial” for the course offered at that vocational school at Parung, Bogor?

  6. Sylvester says:

    Hypocrite, oh dear.
    Those students even worse than that poor girl.

  7. dewaratugedeanom says:

    I suggest the Indonesian authorities to confiscate all cameras, mobile phones and to block the Internet to uphold our moral values. Our beloved Prophet (alaihissalam) would never have tolerated these satanic devices.


  8. Arema says:

    Well, we only hear one side of the story… and I believe the protesting students too, so we (and them) have no full right to condemn the girl to hell, before questions like the one below are answered:
    1) what made her pose naked?
    2) how could that photo reach the internet? was she backstabbed / cheated?
    3) who find that photo in the net? how could he/she find it? conspiracy?
    4) is her confession true or “forced”?

    But to all fairness, the poor girl is inviting trouble, playing with fire, and she got “burned”… badly. But at least she admit it.

    Well maybe I’m just too dramatic and complicated by thinking that someone with an evil plot is actually trying to kick the girl out from school or just hate her to the core for some unknown reasons, but hey it’s still a possibility.

    My whole point is, don’t judge others too fast, give him/her the benefit of the doubt, and even if proven to be guilty, don’t condemn him/her like you’re the holiest person on earth and he/she deserved to dwell on the bottom-most pit of hell. Because… you won’t know maybe sometime later you will fall into the same “trap”. We’re a bunch of weak people, seriously… only God makes us stronger.

  9. iamisaid says:

    Arema’s reasoning is sound with regards to the case of this girl. Yes, there are several ponderables and perhaps futile whether the consipiracy theory can ever be bared and proven.

    Now, that girl may have such an overpowering phobia about being naked at any instance. She would probably bathe fully clothed and may seek psychiatric counselling.

  10. Maj Frukt says:

    So, this is where KPI recruit their members…

  11. Andrew says:

    I think Ilham and Rony have ED, hence the reaction. 🙂

  12. Rebecca says:

    I wish I could meet Ilham and Rony, would be fun…

    And those agressive kids need a real school, with real education and REAL teachers…
    Sorry, but is it a school, or an Afganistan Taliban Camp?

  13. Dragonwall says:

    This could probably be a job of talent scout or someone close to her preying on the innocent and then photographing her in certain pose then started to make demands.
    When demands were not met they were posted in the net all over. It is just like the case of Taiwan and China where many were being seduce to pose for big screen but ended up in porn shop.
    I wonder how many of them were victims of circumstances in the presence of poor economy where every one is earger to be the one to make big bucks like promised but were in fact deceit.

  14. Hechter Schlenzendorff says:

    I shudder at the thought that my daughter would have to study at such a high school. Poor DN! Such rotten values! And what hypocrisy! (Tellingly, nobody mentions the guy who put the photos on the internet…)

  15. Oigal says:

    “Hey you who posed for vulgar photos, cover up your aurat, or you’ll have a white cloth covering you.”

    What’s to investigate;;;;;;;; arrest the the thugs and morons who made the death threats.

    What great school and they say Indonesia will improve with the next generation ..YUP!

  16. Ihaknt says:

    photos that were then spread on the Internet without her knowledge.

    So, we punish her and not the person who distributed the fotos? Gee.

  17. Peter says:

    This is ridiculous. I feel sorry that poor girl. She made a bad choice and it’s bad enough to be embarassed in front of all her peers like that. She should not have been expelled. If the school is so morally upright, they should have worked with the girl to help her understand the error she made and become a better person.

    This is the classic mob mentality of many Indonesians playing out. Indonesians have quickly caught on to the benefits of being able to mass mobilize and voice their opinions, but unfortunately the rule of law is so weak that there is little to stop mobs from intimidating people into obeying them. If that happened in the US, the students making death threats would immediately be gathered up and punished, so that others would learn that it’s not acceptable to act in such a way. But there is little to stop the mobs in Indonesia. They just ‘run amok’, as we would say here in the states (pun intended). I hope things get better in the next few years.

  18. Ihaknt says:

    I want to know what happens to the person who posted the fotos on the net. He/she should be the one prosecuted for distributing item without consent.

  19. HeavenlySword says:


  20. ronald says:

    Jesus : “Whoever is sinless, let him throw stones to the whore.”

    Me : “Whoever student is sinful at that school, let him out of the school.”

  21. Ihaknt says:

    Gee Ronald, means that the school would be left with no students. They are HUMANS, they are not sinless. No human is.

  22. ronald says:

    What I mean is those students forget that most of them have done some or many mistakes. They shouldn’t do the protest, because it’s like throwing the stones to the whore. If they want her to be out of school, why only her? There are many others sts who must be out of the school because of their shameful conducts (if they can introspect). But maybe it’s not 100% their mistakes, you know, educated by some blind fanatics.

  23. Ihaknt says:

    Oooo…ok then. But I still think it’s the person who distributed the fotos who needs to be punished.

  24. Ade Wanto says:

    Earlier, hundreds of students rallied inside the school grounds on Jl Raya Parung Hijau, urging the school to expel the girl.

    If she was not enroll any school, I have many friends help her to find best school for her in Indonesia either abroad. She must not the only one to take blame from her school’s friend. The Teacher and the School also her School’s Friend must take the responsible what she has been done. What she did is what she see in her everyday live: at School, on TV and on Movie. Also, in her society. What she did is what her parents show everyday. What she did is what her friend do also.

    Gurls, you don’t have to take that blame alone.
    But, don’t naked on front of camera, please.

  25. Teng says:

    Jesus : “Whoever is sinless, let him throw stones to the whore.”

    “He who is without sin, throw the first stone”

    It’s the sentence that nowadays separate’s the christians (well..most of them) from the muslims. But truth be told, christians had the same obsession with this too..

    Religious zealots always have some weird obsession with lewd women… or women in general. They have to be wrapped up in burqa’s or punished for being naughty… a naked girl is “a disgrace to the school” and should be killed for being “naked”.. while probably half of those students protesting have already wanken on the picture.

    Why are religious zealots so scared of female sexuality?

  26. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Why are religious zealots so scared of female sexuality?

    Because it has a stronger grip on most men’s minds than they have.

  27. iamisaid says:

    “But truth be told, christians had the same obsession with this too..”


    I beg to differ. Christianity does not have the same obssession with stoning.

    It is in the Old Testament or the Torah of the Jews that stoning is meted as punishment.

    Christianity began with and after the time of Jesus of Nazareth and not before him. His life and teachings are contained in the New Testament. The New Testament does not mention stoning as punishment.

  28. Foundation One says:

    iamisaid said,

    I beg to differ. Christianity does not have the same obssession with stoning.

    I agree. They were much more obsessed with rioting, burning heretics at the stake, and holy wars.

    iamisaid, grow up; the NT doesn’t mention burning and holy wars, either, but did that stop the Christians? NO.

    Anyway, I feel sorry for the girl. Those rabid schoolmates of hers are scumbag hypocrites on their high horse, yelling for her death during the day but wanking themselves off to her pictures at night. What a bunch of losers.

    Hey you who posed for vulgar photos, cover up your aurat, or you’ll have a white cloth covering you.

    Hey you screaming for other people’s deaths, shut your filthy mouth, or someone just might shut it for you. For good, too.

  29. iamisaid says:

    “iamisaid, grow up; the NT doesn’t mention burning and holy wars, either, but did that stop the Christians? NO.”

    No, you Foundation One, you need to grow up till you know how to debate.

    The point here about stoning.

    Within Sharia law it is cited as a capital punishment. It is not in the NT.

    You beg the question as to what believers in other religions do as a mob reaction or for political reasons which is not the point in discussion per se.

    Oh and take your flaming elsewhere because you do not sound any better than the ones screaming for the death of that schoolgirl.

  30. Foundation One says:

    No, iamisaid, you need to wake up: this isn’t even a debate.

    The point here is not about stoning, it’s that you’re raising up a straw man. Christianity has deep roots in Judaism, and therefore it wouldn’t be surprising for them to continue Jewish traditions, including the stoning of heretics. You sound as if Christianity could do away altogether with the OT and live on by the NT alone: this could not be further from the truth. Jesus himself condoned Jewish practices (note that the passage about “casting the first stone” is a later addition to the NT, not originally there), especially implicitly, by claiming he came to “fulfill” the OT.

    Moreover, I suppose what Teng was talking about punishment in general, not only stoning. Your extremely narrow interpretation of people’s opinions are quite pathetic, and serves only to reveal your ignorance. For example, what I said above was neither a flame, nor was it directed at you. So what’s your problem? You, sir, are starting to sound like the people you equate me with, what with the knee-jerk vitriol to a simple “grow up” comment.

    Shame on you.

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