Religious TV

Sep 27th, 2007, in News, by

Television programs that violate Islamic law.

The annual topic of Indonesian television immorality during the fasting month of Ramadan.


In Sumenep, Madura, East Java, the local branch of the Nahdlatul Ulama vowed on 12th September to boycott all television during the hours of 5pm and 8pm, because watching television at these times interfered with Muslims’ holy obligations. antara

The NU often threatens to boycott television, in the past over infotainment gossip shows.

SMS Gambling

The NU in Madura, and East Java as a whole, also in particular condemned the watching of Ramadan-theme quiz shows that offered viewers prizes via SMS messaging. Miftachul Akhyar of East Java NU complained:

If we’re not careful our fasting will be dirtied by gambling if we participate in Ramadan quizzes.

Such quizzes were a form of gambling, he said, because viewers had to pay fees to send SMS messages. The money collected from the fees was then used to buy cars and motorbikes to be given as prizes. antara

Business & Faith

Solahuddin Wahid, or Gus Solah, a former vice-presidential candidate, complained on 20th September that television programs which had a Ramadan theme were just means to profit from the “holy month”.

When television stations change their programming for Ramadan it’s done to continue making money, not to make Muslims more faithful.

If stations were going to make special Ramadan programs then they should consist of sermons by clerics, and Islamic music like Bimbo, Opiek, and Hadad Alwi, among others, he said, otherwise Muslims who watched television were not having their faith deepened.

Regulating & Punishing

In response to Wahid’s comments one Surochiem of the East Java Broadcasting Commission (Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia, KPI) said the KPI was ready to stop any programs that insulted the holy month. antara

We’re going to pay special attention to soap operas and comedies which go against the spirit of fasting, as well as mystical, gambling, indecent, hedonistic, and consumerist shows.

Later, on 26th September, the national KPI sent warning letters to eight stations, SCTV, TPI, RCTI, Indosiar, Trans7, ANTV, Lativi and Global TV, for showing programs during Ramadan which were not in the spirit of the holy month and even insulted Islam.

The warnings were sent as a result of research carried out over the first 10 days of Ramadan by the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI). In a joint press conference held by the KPI and MUI Amidhan of the MUI said 90% of shows were found likely to increase the incidence of schoolboy-schoolgirl relationships, were not educational except at the end, had bad language, kissing, implicit or explicit sex, violence, and superstition. antara

The MUI said similar things last year.

Fetty Fajriati of the KPI said: suarasurabaya

If the MUI says the shows are against Islamic law then the KPI will prosecute the TV stations.

According to the MUI some of the programs deemed unacceptable are Tukul Arwana‘s “Empat Mata Sahur” from Trans 7, which used “porno” language, “Cowok Ideal” from SCTV, which portrayed schoolyard romance and was unfit to be viewed during the holy month, “Legenda Buta Kala” from TPI, which had scenes of rape, violence, and bad language, and “Ketupat Ramadan” from Trans TV, which was not Islamic enough, and only a vehicle for advertising. antara

And on 27th September Executive Director of the Public Empowerment and Enhancement Agency (LAMPIK) Major General Simanungkalit said most television programs during Ramadhan did not convey Islamic teachings, and were even satanic.

Simanungkalit said that showing transvestites or idiots as leading figures in shows was one example of satanism, as was the lack of effort at dakwah, or the promoting and strengthening of Islam in the country. Muslims should be portrayed on television in a better way and religion was serious business, he said, and freedom of expression could not allow religion to be made fun of. antara

9 Comments on “Religious TV”

  1. Dimp says:

    It is simple guys, if you don’t like it then don’t watch it. Turn off your bloody tele, nobody is forcing you guys to watch/participate/listen to their programs.

    Solahuddin Wahid, or Gus Solah, a former vice-presidential candidate, complained on 20th September that television programs which had a Ramadan theme were just means to profit from the “holy month”.

    So boycott everything that will “profit” from Ramadhan, including the sale of ketupat, greeting cards, parcels etc. Then I bet you someone else will say that the businesses are not respecting Ramadhan by not participating in the “holy month”.

  2. Ihaknt says:

    Can’t these people focus on things that matter and more important? Like…the education system maybe? I guess they are themselves are under educated!!

  3. Janma says:

    Muslim Authority: “Your TV shows are interfering with our brainwashing efforts. We simply can’t allow people to see all manner of material and wordly things and then; horror of horrors, make up their own mind on these matters.”
    TV Station owner: “Yes, well you see, we are working for satan, and he doesn’t take too kindly to us not slipping a few highschool kids kisses in to test the faith of the faithful. He will come eat our children and rape our women if we don’t comply!”

  4. iamisaid says:

    Whoops ! its back to the Dark Ages.

  5. What’s this fuss about “satanic shows”???

    Satan _was_ here, already.
    And she already left us behind, not so long ago.

    So, relax guys. She’s gone.

    Remembering the satan:


  6. Oigal says:

    “idiots as leading figures in shows was one example of satanism”


  7. Arema says:

    It is simple guys, if you don’t like it then don’t watch it. Turn off your bloody tele, nobody is forcing you guys to watch/participate/listen to their programs.

    Well said Dimp. I agree completely.

    So what if it violates Islamic law? As long as it conforms with the law of Indonesia, it should be fine.

    NU, MUI, or whatever are not the government, so they should not act like one.

    If they don’t like the programs, then they should not watch it, they should ask their followers not to watch as well. They have every right to do that, and the TV broadcasting stations have equal right to broadcast anything that does not violate the law of Indonesia.

  8. Maj Frukt says:

    I think we should send all the members of KPI to a country far far away. They’re like the idiotic symbol of Indonesia.

  9. Vinz says:

    The government saw the non-sense problem, why try look around and find what is the most important thing to do, why in this month only they saw those TV programs that used scenes of rape, violence, and bad language, are you drunk or sleeping?

    Look at the Poso what happened their and try to fix their conflict ok, this best thing to do.

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