Pasuruan Bomb

Aug 16th, 2007, in News, by

Fish bombs, or terrorist bombs.

A very powerful bomb exploded in a house in Pasuruan, East Java on 11th August killing three people and damaging 15 houses.

Initially many suspected that Islamic terrorists were responsible, believing that the house in which the bomb exploded was being used for storage of materials and a terrible accident then occurred, or even that a deliberate attack had taken place.

However police now believe that the bomb was of the fertilizer “bondet” variety, used for illegal fishing, which is common in the area. East Java Police chief Insp. Gen. Herman Sumawireja said:

We haven’t found any relationship between the bomb blast in Pasuruan with any terrorism act.

The explosion left a 30 cm (1 foot) deep crater and threw bodies, or body parts, as far as 40 metres, and one victim had his head blown clean off. A colossal amount of TNT and bomb-making paraphernalia was later found in the destroyed house, which was owned by a man who, the deputy mayor of the town explained, was very religious and often hosted prayer meetings.

One of the people who originally believed that terrorists were at work in Pasuruan was “intelligence expert” Wawan Purwanto (see Ambon Bomb & Jafar Umar Thalib), who said soon after the bombing:

This is the work of an old group, but they’ve formed into a new small group. They’re not Afghanistan veterans, but a new group.

New or old, or both it seems, these radical Muslims in Pasuruan, Wawan says, had deliberately exploded a bomb in a residential street of the town in order to show that they were still around, still fighting for Islam, and to ruin the image of Indonesia in the world and retard foreign investment.

Wawan Purwanto
Wawan Purwanto.

But why had they chosen Pasuruan in East Java to hide and even explode a bomb?

They often move around, from Jakarta, to Bandung, to Tasikmalaya, to Purwakarta, to Subang, to East Java, and then back to Central Java and Yogyakarta.

He worried that East Java police were too focused on the Sidoarjo mudflow disaster and weren’t paying attention to terrorists. detik

Din Syamsuddin
Din Syamsuddin.

Meanwhile Muhammadiyah leader Din Syamsuddin on 12th August advised the police to thoroughly investigate the case, but not to connect the bombing with Islam. There could be no connection to Islam because Islam was very much opposed to terrorism, he said. mediaindo

So during the investigation if they arrest terrorists then don’t connect them with any religion, particularly Islam. Don’t attack the mosques and Islamic schools.

9 Comments on “Pasuruan Bomb”

  1. Shiva says:

    So during the investigation if they arrest terrorists then don’t connect them with any religion, particularly Islam. Don’t attack the mosques and Islamic schools.

    Hmm, do I believe Din Syamsuddin, or my lying eyes.

  2. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Friends, do not panic. Our Islamic scientists at work. Accident happens. No big deal.

  3. dawud farquhar says:

    It’s funny how every act of violent is by default attributed to Muslims. Such is the extent of global anti-Muslim sentiments that the bias of media that no one uses their intellect and logic to read between the lines.

    Those who are responsible for the bombings can be any group or individual who have a vested interest to see instability and turmoil in Indonesia. No Muslim would see his/her own country become prey to the enemies of Islam, so this does not make sense.

    Taking example from the the Moluku crisis in recent history proves that both sides play dirty to score physical and political points. The conspiracy theories of the Bali bombings also have a lot of questions that remain unanswered and the bottom line is that neither the media nor the police have any idea as to who was behind the latest bombings.

  4. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    These are works of the Jews and their CIA acolytes. Their modus operandi is to quote authentic verses out-of-context to make Islam looks bad. Here are few,

    “There is no doubt that Allah commanded us to strike the Kuffar (unbelievers), kill them, and fight them by all means necessary to achieve the goal. The servants of Allah who perform Jihad to elevate the word (laws) of Allah, are permitted to use any and all means necessary to strike the active unbeliever combatants for the purpose of killing them, snatch their souls from their body, cleanse the earth from their abomination, and lift their trial and persecution of the servants of Allah. The goal must be pursued even if the means to accomplish it affect both the intended active fighters and unintended passive ones such as women, children and any other passive category specified by our jurisprudence.”

    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Sunni.

    “I did not act out of hatred for Americans, but love for Allah instead. I live only to serve Allah by obeying all of Allah’s commandments, of which I am aware by reading and learning the contents of the Koran.”

    Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, Sunni.

    “The Koran says: ‘Fight them until evil disappears and all religion becomes Allah’s [religion].’ The suicide activists who blow themselves up are carrying out the Koran’s commandment.'”

    Ali Osman Zor, Sunni.

    Not to mention the Bali bombers.


  5. Julita says:

    Aluang Anak Bayang: These are works of the Jews and their CIA acolytes.

    That is a good start, why do you have to include Jews etc. You think they have nothing to do going to Pasuruan? Come on, make sense.

  6. Peter says:

    Stuff like this would not be at all worrying, were it not for the bumbling incompetence of Indonesia’s government.

  7. dewaratugedeanom says:

    dawud furqahar said

    The conspiracy theories of the Bali bombings also have a lot of questions that remain unanswered and the bottom line is that neither the media nor the police have any idea as to who was behind the latest bombings.

    Yes, the truth is getting revealed. The Balinese themselves were behind the bombings to create instability in Indonesia, spread Hinduism throughout the Archipelago and reinstall Majapahit. 🙁
    No to Islam and syariah. Majapahit rules. Merdeka!

    Those who are responsible for the bombings can be any group or individual who have a vested interest to see instability and turmoil in Indonesia. No Muslim would see his/her own country become prey to the enemies of Islam, so this does not make sense.

    Wait a minute. Since when is Indonesia Muslim’s his/her own country? Has there recently been a secret kudeta inspired by Piagam Jakarta?

  8. Bas says:

    That’s a good news… for the fishes! I am very happy they died. Kena loe!

  9. Ismayanto Prihandariyanto says:

    It is made by Muslims, right? That must be a terrorist bomb. That must be a Muslims’ plan to terror this world and a proof again of Muslim act of loving killing, not like ours, the religion of love!
    Look we come to Iraq for making democracy. Look! When we come to Australia to kidnap Aborigine’s children it is nothing but for the sake of love! John 14:6!

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