Presidential Scandal

Jul 28th, 2007, in News, by

The President is accused of being a closet polygamist.

Zaenal Maarif, who until a few days ago was a deputy chairman of the national parliament from the Partai Bintang Reformasi (PBR), was expelled from the PBR late in 2006 after he took a second wife. After losing his long running battle to keep the position of deputy speaker Zaenal Maarif has now lashed out in bitterness and accused president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of being a polygamist, and suggested that he also be removed from his position.

Zaenal Maarif
Zaenal Ma’arif, bitter.

Zaenal said on 26th July that he had evidence that SBY had married early in his life, before entering or while attending the Military Academy, and that his young bride was not the First Lady, Mrs Ani, thereby accusing him of two “crimes”: being a polygamist, and attending the Military Academy under false pretences (cadets must not be married nor have children). He even claimed he had evidence that children had resulted from the union, in the form of video recordings and the names and addresses of the children. mediaindo

Zaenal says he will inform the parliament and the Constitutional Court of this evidence on 30th July.

SBY, offended.

In response SBY seems likely to press criminal charges against Zaenal, for insulting the president. mediaindo

Presidential staffer Yenny Wahid meanwhile says she is pretty sure her boss is a one-wife man. okezone

As far as I know Mrs Ani is SBY’s only wife.

Yenny Wahid
Yenny Wahid, disbelieving.

In possibly related circumstances billionaire business tycoon Tong Djoe complained on 27th July that Indonesians these days were always insulting each other and accusing one another of wrongdoing. This prevented the country from advancing, despite all its wealth of resources, he said. suaramerdeka

Tong Djoe
Tong Djoe, finger-wagging.

March 17th 2008. Zaenal Ma’arif was sentenced to eight months prison for besmirching the good name of the president, four months less than the prosecution has demanded. l6

19 Comments on “Presidential Scandal”

  1. Putu Alberto Lee says:

    Ha ha.

    I really like the captions on the figures.
    Feels like reading a tabloid.

  2. Bas says:

    Indonesians are polygamists by nature no? I cannot wait for those evidences!

  3. Sylvester says:

    Man like Zaenal should be kicked out a long time ago. However, it is interesting to see what he will show next week.

  4. Hehe, very funny. I’m so curious to see what next. This country is going even worse.

  5. Raden says:

    I agree with Tong Djoe, this country can not progress because all the leader’s freak ego maniac. If Zaenal want to ensure a monogamy Indonesian president then he should elect a Christian president. I am okay if SBY have 4 wives, he is a Muslim anyway, Zaenal is moron.

  6. Ihaknt says:

    If SBY divorced the first wife then it doesnt matter no? That doesnt make him a polygamist. It’s a joke really. Hey Bas, it just doesnt go for only Indo la. Many cultures do. But Indos do it in the name of ‘God’. Yeah, the ‘God’ between their legs.

  7. Budea says:

    Agree with Tong Djoe and Raden, sometime we have to think of separating personal life to professional life. Mixing up them all together only cause disadvancing.

  8. Bas says:

    Right, as Ihaknt said, Most of Indonesia are not only polygamists, they are hypocrite polygamists.

  9. Dimp says:

    Hi ihaknt,

    This is obviously the work of the “devil” Americans, they have been trying to divide the Indonesians over this matter.

  10. Tomaculum says:

    This is obviously the work of the “devil” Americans, they have been trying to divide the Indonesians over this matter.

    Ooooops, they did it again?
    Ooooops, is Z. Maarif a CIA agent?

  11. Dimp says:

    Hey from that photo, Z Ma’arif looks a bit like Kang Ibing…. or is it just my imagination.

  12. Tomaculum says:

    who is Kang Ibing?
    For me, he looks very “high”. 🙂

  13. Dimp says:

    Damn I feel old, Kang Ibing is a comedian back in my era, try to google him.

  14. Ihaknt says:

    Dimp I agree with you. Tom, Kang Ibing used to play the Kabayan. A long long time ago.

  15. Tomaculum says:

    now I remember Kang Ibing and “his” Kabayan. Great!
    Nowaday we sadly cannot find any Kabayan anymore, can we? Thanks.

  16. Ihaknt says:

    Tom, yes sadly we can’t cos Kabayan is not Muslim enough. Now kabayans have to wear robes and grow beard.

  17. Tomaculum says:

    This Ma’arif guy is unbelievable. Read news about him in
    He wants to be back in the news by hook or by crook, even through immorality and impertinence.
    Now he accused SBY to the police.
    My, my, this is Indonesia and its leaders.
    And you are waiting for an advance?
    🙂 🙂

  18. KSJ says:

    Indonesians are polygamists by nature no? I cannot wait for those evidences! Right, as Ihaknt said, Most of Indonesia are not only polygamists, they are hypocrite polygamists.

    I see that you are desperately want to be polygamist but you can’t since your country doesn’t allow you to do so, hehehe but you can do what your friends from the same nationalities as you: you get married but you still f***k other women or men (God knows that I don’t care) without your wife/husband knowing it, otherwise, your marriage cannot be saved. And you still can smile and tell your friends that you both are happily married ever after. Hmmm, I’m wondering about the term “hypocrite” you were trying to say.

    What’s the fuss about someone else’s private life? Are we going to be like the Americans who were ‘shocked’ before Clinton-Lewinsky scandal? A scandal that was ‘minor’? Are we going to be hypocrite as the Americans are? Come on.

  19. KSJ says:

    What’s the fuss about someone else’s private life? Are we going to be like the Americans who were ‘shocked’ before Clinton-Lewinsky scandal? A scandal that was ‘minor’? Are we going to be hypocrite as the Americans are? Come on.

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