Tight Clothing

Jun 22nd, 2007, in News, by

Women university students in tight clothing, or not.

The Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) in Aceh will shortly issue a regulation banning the wearing of tight clothing by female students. On 18th June the Rector’s assistant, Edi Nur Ilyas, said:

A ban on women students wearing tight clothes will be enforced in stages.

A staged enforcement of the new rules on Muslim clothing was necessary, he said, so as to allow students time to learn what was acceptable in their way of dress, according to Islam. He said lecturers would be free to disallow women students from entering classes if the girls’ clothes were very tight.

All female students at Unsyiah currently wear the jilbab, or headscarf, it is said. gatra

He said the ban was in response to the demands and protests of many students at the university, probably including the Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI), which, on the same day, staged a protest march in Banda Aceh from the Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ar-Raniry to nearby Unsyiah calling on university administrators to fully apply Islamic law on campuses.

A spokesman for KAMMI, which is affiliated to the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Rusmadi, said:

Islamic law is meant to be applied in all places, so we demand that sharia be upheld properly on campuses.

The marchers carried posters that said things like:

We need sharia to be actually applied, not just exist on paper. Uphold sharia on campus. Don’t make my campus a place of sin, those who violate sharia law can go to hell.

Rusmadi complained:

There has been sharia for five years now but why do violations of it still often occur on campuses like the wearing of tight clothes and young men and women mixing freely, and lectures that are scheduled when it is time to pray?

On the issue of tight clothing and fraternizing another KAMMI spokeman, Basri Efendi, said he hoped the students and university officials could sit down together to agree on the rules. republika

Examples of incorrect and correct Muslim dress for women.

Wrong. Skirt is too short; headscarf doesn’t cover chest.

Nope. Short sleeves, ankles visible; too tight, figure hugging, wearing lipstick.

Way off. Too tight and short; short sleeves, ankles showing, slit in skirt.

Just right. Only hands and face visible.

46 Comments on “Tight Clothing”

  1. Sylvester says:

    Poor Acehnese women.
    Always become the object, second class human. It also means that Acehnese men are just dirty minded animals without brain like those hardliners Wahabis.
    Even though the women are covered with burqa, it will not protect them from those dirty minded guys who always dream about seven virgins in heaven.

  2. Ihaknt says:

    F*cking hell (sorry Patung I just had to use that word)!!! Sylvester, it’s 72. Why can’t these people focus on more important stuff? I reckon it’s just a matter of time before they are banned from taking education anyway.

    THe last picture said ‘karena itu mereka tidak diganggu’. And yet the opposite happens. They are stil diganggu and harrassed.

  3. Masindi says:

    Sylvester is right!

    Islam in Aceh is NOT going anywhere and may perhaps even be going BACKWARDS.

  4. Ibucat says:

    So I take it this means no sport clothes (or playing) either!

  5. Dimp says:

    Might as well kept all the women at home and never ever allow them out of the house.

    Wonder how the clothing industry in Aceh will be, I bet you there will be a boom in fabric sales.

  6. Arema says:

    Disgusting. But don’t bother. No sane non-Muslims would go to Aceh University anyway! What education they have to offer? Some stupidity like this all the way until graduation? Even if I get paid millions, I’ll not send my kids there.

    Why sharia people always emphasize on outward appearance? Why must women make themselves unattractive to deter the “wolf” in men from harming them? These questions have been raised numerous times on similar discussions in the past.

    But another question to Muslims in this forum: Is that really the command from Muhammad SAW as they quoted? If yes, why you oppose it?

    Islam in Aceh is NOT going anywhere and may perhaps even be going BACKWARDS.

    It’s not perhaps. They ARE going backwards, and really fast! They almost go 500 years backwards now, good job!

  7. Janma says:

    Muslim men are scared of women.
    Everything is based upon a weird dynamic of fear and desire.
    There is hardly any rape or harrassment in places where nakedness is a part of the culture. In bali women bathe in rivers with the men, the men aren’t going nuts because it’s all normal to them, they’ve been doing it for hundreds of years like that.
    So what’s the answer? I don’t know… ummmm… maybe castrate the men in front of the mosques on fridays after prayer? That could work, permanently. Problem solved.

    *sick sick sick of it*

  8. Raden says:

    No, no, no. All the above tudung pictures are WRONG because they are colorful, the correct one must be in BLACK! And only 2 holes are allowed, her mouth & her M F! Yeah it’s true, the second hole it must be made as big as the Arab men’s size, ha ha ha.
    Then you will apply it in Aceh, wow, the holes are just too big for you guys! That’s why don’t try this at home.

  9. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    God, what assholes. This is as bad as the Communist apparatchiks who sent women to the Gulag for wearing plunging necklines.

    What I don’t understand is this: what healthy man – gay or straight – would discourage university women from wearing tight clothes ? I don’t get it.

    The female form – in all its shapes and sizes – is one of god’s most beautiful creations. Why would you not want to celebrate it ? I think the Balinese had the right idea before those Dutch assholes made them cover up. (I suspect it was probably due to pressure from the Dutch wives who were getting jealous).

  10. Rani says:

    I was in Aceh for one week and they did not seem to be in line with KAMMI/PKS type of islam. The women in Aceh are really tough and outspoken. Although they put headscarf, I rarely seen a woman with loose clothing, usually they will wear something sporty (although not tight), with medium length head scarf, very much unlike the ones recommended above. Most of the women i talk to tend to discuss issues related to tsunami reconstruction, and they all agree that superficial syariah implementation (such as dress code) is the least that they need for now. Many acehnese thinks that syariah implementation is a political tool sent by Jakarta to pacify the acehnese. In conclusion, I think what is recommended above by KAMMI it is not typical Acehnese Islam but more typical of PKS-Javanese type. Correct me if i’m wrong.

  11. Tomaculum says:

    I personally wonder about the women. Why do they let themselves being more and more pushed in such a “holly” edge? Are there some (maybe 30 or 40 or more) male angels waiting for them? 🙂

    If God doesn’t want us men to see the “aurat” of the women, I think he would have to create women just with face and palms of the hand. Without the rest of their body they have now to cover ……

  12. Dimp says:

    If God doesn’t want us men to see the “aurat” of the women, I think he would have to create women just with face and palms of the hand. Without the rest of their body they have now to cover “¦”¦

    Or He would have created all men blind or gay.

    God has created human with intelligence (although some are questionable), with integrity, and common sense. Why do we allow human to limit these based on rules that were applied back in the 7th centrury?

  13. Janma says:

    As far as I know it wasn’t the dutch who made the balinese cover up, but the Indonesian government… the dutch loved it. Even now plenty of old women still go topless in Bali.

  14. Bas says:

    No the dutches didn’t like it. At that time it was a VERY strict puritanism period in most of European country. Search info about queen Victoria times for example. Not so far from the Sharia. That’s why the dutch did all they can to fight prostitution and other local bad sexual habits (always totally unccessfully). Indonesian first activity and hobby is f*****g arround and it’s not gonna change soon.

    And never forget that during the middle age Sharia was NOTHING compared to the european sexuality rules of the time. In France for example sex was a big sin. You must did the thing WITH your clothes and in the dark. ONLY to procreate and only during very definite and short periods of the year. Grosso modo you only had a few weeks (if not days) every year to do the thing. At one time, some branches of the Church even totally forbid any sexual activities (wich has been finally considered to conservative by the Vatican since it would lead to the total extinction of our species). And the people just accept that cause they really believed it and was so afraid to go to hell, uhhh things have changed a lot.

    Westerners have learned, they got more intelligent and educated. That’s not the case everywhere.


  15. agam says:

    I have a plan to start a textile industry in Aceh. Our product will be printed naked man body so when female wore it, it will reduce male harrassment on them. I bet the KAMMI or Acehnese clerics will support this. And as soon as it improve to reduce rape cases in Aceh, we will start to get permit from MUI to market it in all Indonesia or even export it to all moslem countries.

    Anybody interest to invest on my idea?

  16. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Brothers and Sisters,


    Female students wearing tight clothing on campus! O ye, don’t they realise that sjayaatien(satan)-inspired attire like this pertains to khalwat and is therefore haram? Aren’t they aware that behaviour like this eventually leads to illicit actions like ikhtilath and even to the ZINA, for which they will burn in Hell and forever eat the fruits of the zaqqum tree that taste like molten metal?

    Shame, shame, shame on them!

    By the way, Janma, the Dutch only made the Balinese women cover up in front of bule soldiers. The Indonesian government made them cover up in front of everybody. However, in the countryside many Balinese women still take their mandi topless in the rivers and canals. So we urgently need the Wilayatul Hisbah (syariah police) to set up a detachment (Densus 69 ?) in Bali to make them repent this immoral display of aurat.

    Astagfirullah, astagh firullah, astagh firullahal’azim !!!

  17. Raden says:

    Yes. I will support Agam’s business plan, the market will be so huge, oh yes it is true. One more thing, you must print a special edition, black tudung for Aceh woman with the fort tudung part using male’s genital organ, put the Arab’s one, the loooongest one, yeah, it is true, it will discourage any sexual harrasment to women in Aceh.

  18. g10bdg says:

    I’m quite sure that you guys love to see nude magz, watching porn movies. You try to liberate others while what happens is that you make yourself fall to fubar.

  19. Parvita says:

    I wonder about women who wear jilbab but showing their curves, what is the point?

  20. Ihaknt says:

    Instead of worrying about the rules on how women should cover themselves, maybe the authorities should take a look at how some people live, even in a city like Jakarta, extreme poverty etc. (this is a blog written by a Malaysian, still, a good insight from a different angle)


  21. g10bdg says:

    If God doesn’t want us men to see the “aurat” of the women, I think he would have to create women just with face and palms of the hand. Without the rest of their body they have now to cover.

    If God want this world to be perfect, he wouldn’t have created evil and you.

    I wonder about women who wear jilbab but showing their curves, what is the point?

    You’re absolutely right. It is also prohibited. In Islam, nudity, using transparent material (although not curvy), or showing body curve (although not transparent) is all equal, prohibited.

  22. dewaratugedeanom says:

    g10bdg said:

    I’m quite sure that you guys love to see nude magz, watching porn movies. You try to liberate others while what happens is that you make yourself fall to fubar.

    By the way, did you know that Abdul Aziz alias Imam Samudra, leading islamist terrorist and mastermind of the Bali bombing in October 2002 – considered by some in this country as a mujahid (defender of the faith) or a pahlawan (hero) – when arrested on 21 November 2002 in Merak, Jawa Barat, carried a laptop computer whose hard drive revealed after examination pornographic pictures of Western women, among other pictures of Abu Bakar Bashir and disturbing images of the dead from the bombing?
    Do you think the Jews or the CIA put those pictures there in order to discredit Islam?

    Thank you.

  23. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    On special are jilbabs from these mail order sites:


  24. Hana says:

    SubhanaAllah…You all need some serious help. Repent fast before its too late.

  25. Tony says:

    Aceh is such a paradox. On the one hand, conservative followers of Islam seem to be making the rules in Aceh on the other hand the Achenese grow some of the best herb 🙂 in SouthEast Asia. If the University has a dress code and it is a private institution then so be it–there are other choices in schools around Indonesia.

  26. Nouf says:

    I am v happy because I am Muslim, I cann’t write english v will but I want say to all of you.. read more about Islam to understand its rules befor say any thing..

  27. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Hana Says:

    July 9th, 2007 at 3:27 am
    SubhanaAllah”¦You all need some serious help. Repent fast before its too late.

    Assalamu alaikum Mbak Hana, tolong minta bantuan di “Heretic Outreach”. Some yahudi is spreading lies about islam. We need mbak like you to reveal more ayats from the quran to set him on the right path.

    Salam, Aluang.

  28. mingo says:

    Janma Says:

    June 22nd, 2007 at 9:39 am

    Muslim men are scared of women.
    Everything is based upon a weird dynamic of fear and desire.
    There is hardly any rape or harrassment in places where nakedness is a part of the culture. In bali women bathe in rivers with the men, the men aren’t going nuts because it’s all normal to them, they’ve been doing it for hundreds of years like that.
    So what’s the answer? I don’t know”¦ ummmm”¦ maybe castrate the men in front of the mosques on fridays after prayer? That could work, permanently. Problem solved.

    *sick sick sick of it*

    I totally agree with you Jamma, Reading a lot of these posts I have come to the same conclusion, Is there a sexual side to all this, Why do the men ( ESPECIALLY THE MEN WHO DEMAND SHARIA LAW ) want the woman to cover up, Are these men sexually inadequate and do not want other men to see and have something that they themselves CANNOT or are not ABLE to have, Just have a look at the age of the men in the spot light pushing for Sharia law, they all seem to be old and past it and I would not mind betting that the younger men are either gay or impotent and or are terrified of woman, I say to all you gentlemen ( and I use the term Gentlemen lightly ) the human body is a thing of beauty, don’t hide it and do not use religion for force your woman to cover themselves to cover up for your own inadequacies.

  29. Khusnul Khotimah says:

    Do they think they can control women, waow I am surprised when they gone used their common sense? I am not that stupid those pictures are applied to all female Muslim in Indo. We know some group of Muslim try to push but until when? Until they die I suppose. What can they give? Safety? 24 hours? I don’t think so. Honor? What type of honor “MORAL”. Not enough, no need. One think I know they just get greedy. I am not vulnerable women my life is not depend on anyone. You can’t make me? Am I bother….?

  30. Hassan says:

    khusnul khotimah: Apparently, those women’s decision to wear the Muslim clothing weren’t based on common sense alone, but rather with the addition of something called ‘faith’. Look it up, in case you missed it.

    Wayne: So basically you’re saying: ‘Just throw religion to the dumpster, and simply endulge your senses in viewing the bare human body. Don’t pay attention if God, through religion, told women to cover their body, just feast thy eyes!’

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