Islam & Terrorism

Jul 25th, 2007, in News, by

Islam has no relationship to terrorism.

Australian ambassador to Indonesia Bill Farmer said on 23rd July that the various acts of terrorism around the world in recent times had nothing to do with Islam. He told Antara reporters: antara

I can’t see any relationship between Islam and terrorism.

He said he had learned this after having lived in Indonesia for some time.

I realised that the connection between Islam and terrorism was false after living in Indonesia, because what I have heard and read from Indonesian Muslims is that they are opposed to terrorism.

He said that in Australia there were 370,000 Muslims and that the Australian government treated them no differently from anyone else. For example, the government provided funding to Islamic schools, just the same as for other faiths’ schools.

Bill Farmer
Bill Farmer.

Australia was also keen on having good relations with Indonesian Muslims and was currently funding programs here in Muslim boarding schools and madrassas. Relations with Indonesia could not be carried on without giving Islam due respect:

Islam is an important part of Indonesia and cannot be rejected.

83 Comments on “Islam & Terrorism”

  1. Raden says:

    Bill Farmer is an idiot Australian politician. He knew exactly how to deal with Indonesian but there is no need for him to carry the Indonesian Muslim’s balls, it will not soften our Muslim terrorist’s hearts to the Australian. Who are in the earth said that there is no connection between Islam and Terrorism? Is he blind? after 200+ Aussie people died in Bali bombing? Please see the trial video of Imam Samudra, he is a Muslim terrorist moron with freak mind, and THERE IS NO CONNECTION BETWEEN ISLAM and TERRORISM? Mr Bill you must get an Arabic translator to read the Quran verses for you to understand what is in it!

  2. Putu Alberto Lee says:

    Is it like saying there’s no connection between the “back orifice” and the “copulatory aparatus”?

    On second thought… : *is there?*

  3. Arema says:

    First of all, welcome back Patung. =)

    LOL, this is a prime example of kissing someone’s A$$ at its best! If Australia want to have a better relationship with Islam-dominated countries, there are many ways to do that, but sucking up with ridiculous comment like this will give them the boomerang effect, coincidentally also their traditional weapon.

    And of all people, it’s Australia’s ambassador who muttered this utter nonsense. I can’t believe it! A lot of Indonesian Muslims oppose terrorism, that’s true. But that doesn’t make Islam have no relationship with terrorism.

  4. Shiva says:

    Islam has no relationship to terrorism.

    Australian ambassador to Indonesia Bill Farmer said on 23rd July that the various acts of terrorism around the world in recent times had nothing to do with Islam. He told Antara reporters:

    I can’t see any relationship between Islam and terrorism.

    “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.'”


    7/23/07 ( Kishtwar, India ) – The Mujahideen kidnap and execute a 22-year-old man who was collecting firewood.

    7/23/07 ( Anantnag, India ) – Islamic militants ambush a security patrol, killing one member.

    7/23/07 ( Narathiwat, Thailand ) – A 35-year-old is shot to death while fishing in a pond.

    7/23/07 ( Boumerdes, Algeria ) – An Algerian security personnel is killed in a bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists.

    7/23/07 ( Muqdadiyah, Iraq ) – Muslim gunmen take down two electrical workers.

    7/23/07 ( Khanqeen, Iraq ) – Five truck drivers are murdered by Islamic terrorists.

    He said he had learned this after having lived in Indonesia for some time.

    I realised that the connection between Islam and terrorism was false after living in Indonesia, because what I have heard and read from Indonesian Muslims is that they are opposed to terrorism.


    JAKARTA (Reuters) – Controversial Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir launched a court case on Thursday demanding Indonesia’s anti-terrorism police unit be disbanded because it harmed Islam.

    The lawsuit charges that Detachment 88, a police unit funded and trained by the United States and Australia, targets innocent Muslim activists and does the bidding of Western powers hostile to Islam.

    “Special Detachment 88 is harming Islam because they say Muslims are terrorists and they give Islam a bad name,” said Bashir.


    Qur’an 47:24
    “Do they not understand the Qur’an? Nay, on the hearts there are locks preventing them from understanding.”

    He said that in Australia there were 370,000 Muslims and that the Australian government treated them no differently from anyone else. For example, the government provided funding to Islamic schools, just the same as for other faiths’ schools.


    A woman forced to relinquish her NSW Young Australian of the Year title after being arrested during a cocaine bust is suing the State Government for up to $750,000.

    Iktimal Hage-Ali, 22, alleges she was wrongly apprehended and detained by Middle Eastern Crime Squad officers during a drug bust in Sydney’s southwest late last year.

    The young Muslim role model claims she suffered trauma during the arrest, which occurred eight days before she was given the Young Australian of the Year award.

    Hage-Ali allegedly admitted in a police interview she had been in possession of cocaine for her personal use, and NSW police used their discretion to release her without charge.


    Qur’an 2:6. “As for the disbelievers, it is the same whether you warn them or not; they will not believe. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts, upon their hearing, and a covering over their eyes. There is a great torment for them.”

    Australia was also keen on having good relations with Indonesian Muslims and was currently funding programs here in Muslim boarding schools and madrassas. Relations with Indonesia could not be carried on without giving Islam due respect:

    Ishaq:326. “If they ask you for peace on the basis of Islam (submission), make peace on that basis. Be of one mind by His religion.”

    Islam is an important part of Indonesia and cannot be rejected.

    Ishaq:578. “Crushing the heads of the infidels and splitting their skulls with sharp swords, we continually thrust and cut at the enemy. Blood gushed from their deep wounds as the battle wore them down. We conquered bearing the Prophet’s fluttering war banner. Our cavalry was submerged in rising dust, and our spears quivered, but by us the Prophet gained victory.”

  5. Stephen says:

    OK if islam have no connection with terrorism then maybe MUSLIMS do. Idiotic ambassador.

  6. dewaratugedeanom says:

    What a brown nose!

    When are the next elections in Australia?

    Your sweetbalineseturnedsourfiveyearsago
    Very sour. Better beware.

  7. Odinius says:

    Islam as a broad, heterogeneous faith, has little connection to terrorism, just as democracy, as a broad, heterogeneous political system, has little connection to nationalism. but in specific circumstances, manifestations of islam condone or incite terrorism, just as specific manifestations of democracy (e.g. the united states, inter-war eastern europe) can incite powerful nationalisms.

    Shiva: every religion in history has and is used to justify violence. Even Hinduism and buddhism. See Hindutva in india and sinhala buddhism in sri lanka for evidence.

    Religion is a system built on assertions of divine right and inevitable doctrinal contradictions. The old testament, held sacred by both Jews and Christians, condones slavery and genocide. The koran is full of rules for war. Hinduism, islam and Christianity, in their soundest theological forms, all condone “limited and defensive war,” but people inevitably stretch that to include whatever is politically expedient.

    Christianity has been used to justify the crusades, colonialism, the destruction of the native peoples of the americas, etc. Hindutva, to cite another example, uses the gita and other sources to justify their “defensive” campaign against indian Muslims, which includes mass killings of the unarmed. Hmm, sounds a lot to me like laskar jihad in maluku!

    The common denomenators here are people and politics. The problem, then, isn’t a given religion, nor even religion-as-a-system-of-beliefs itself, it’s the organization of religion.

  8. Ihaknt says:

    Stephen, spot on. It’s the followers who are violent!

  9. Cukurungan says:

    Dear for the islamic hater and basher,

    Every Moslem should be a terrorist. A terrorist is a person who cause terror. I hope that I can becomes one of them who cause terror to anyone who dare to touch our rights, our wealth, our land and our beliefs.

    You can sing whichever tones of song as you wish we don’t care.

    You want to play dangdut we will do joget and if you want to play a heave metals, huahaha I am going to take a rest and laying down while waiting my FPI and FBR brother do their Job.

  10. Djoko says:

    Wow people are really getting riled up about political-speak. Its a wonder you don’t go on a riot every time a politician says ‘i honestly, truly care about the people’.

    He’s an ambassador for God’s sake, what is he meant to say?

  11. Shiva says:

    every religion in history has and is used to justify violence. Even Hinduism and buddhism. See Hindutva in india and sinhala buddhism in sri lanka for evidence.

    Yes, I can agree to this.

    Religion is a system built on assertions of divine right and inevitable doctrinal contradictions.

    Basically, I can agree to this also.

    The old testament, held sacred by both Jews and Christians, condones slavery and genocide.

    When was the last time you saw a video of a Christian beheading a Muslim while yelling Jesus is Great.

    The koran is full of rules for war.

    So full, it could be an Instruction Book for a Perpetual War-Machine.

    Hinduism, islam and Christianity, in their soundest theological forms, all condone “limited and defensive war,” but people inevitably stretch that to include whatever is politically expedient.


    I beg to differ, Islam does not condone “limited and defensive war,” Islam is the only religion I am aware of where people actually openly preach and advocate the complete annihilation of any other religion.

    Christians and Hindus have done plenty of harm themselves, but Islamist extremists threaten to destroy the entire planet in the name of Allah.

    Christianity has been used to justify the crusades,

    Kicking the Muslim invaders out of lands they invaded is enough justification.

    Christianity has been used to justify the crusades, colonialism, the destruction of the native peoples of the americas, etc. Hindutva, to cite another example, uses the gita and other sources to justify their “defensive” campaign against indian Muslims, which includes mass killings of the unarmed. Hmm, sounds a lot to me like laskar jihad in maluku!

    The common denomenators here are people and politics. The problem, then, isn’t a given religion, nor even religion-as-a-system-of-beliefs itself, it’s the organization of religion.

    You are partly right here. The problem with your statement is you ignore the fact that Islam is also a Political System.

    Hindutva, to cite another example, uses the gita and other sources to justify their “defensive” campaign against indian Muslims, which includes mass killings of the unarmed. Hmm, sounds a lot to me like laskar jihad in maluku!

    laskar jihad in maluku!


    7/25/07 ( Kandahar, Afghanistan ) – The Taliban shoot a Christian man to death.
    7/24/07 ( Mogadishu, Somalia ) – A pregnant woman is among three civilians killed when Islamists toss a grenade into a market.
    7/24/07 ( Bannu, Pakistan ) – Muslim terrorists fire rockets into a village, killing ten civilians.
    7/24/07 ( Dattakhel, Pakistan ) – Islamic militants attack a security post, killing four members.
    7/24/07 ( Hillah, Iraq ) – A suicide bomber detonates in a marketplace across from the maternity ward of a hospital, killing over thirty innocents.
    7/23/07 ( Kagai, Pakistan ) – Two men are abducted by al-Qaeda militants and executed by having their throats slit.

  12. Odinius says:

    If you want examples of Christians butchering Muslims and yelling crap about god, maybe you should take a look into what the orthodox Christian serbs did to bosnian Muslims from 1992-1995. Or how about Christian dayaks butchering Muslim madurese in kalimantan? Sure that wasn’t about religion, but don’t forget who did the beheadings there! Or how about basically anywhere in india? Sri lanka? RWANDA? CONGO? 4 million people have died in congo since 1998, and not a single Muslims among them!

    Those killings are every bit as ritualistic, as barbaric, etc. as the sh*t in darfur or iraq.

    But let’s not forget that the worst slaughters in human history have been committed by secular ideologies in Christian and Buddhist countries (nazism in germany, communism in the USSR, china and cambodia).

    Other bad ones have been motivated by nationalism: in bosnia, ww1 turkey, rwanda, etc.

    It just comes down to human nature, which is base and foul. It uses social constructs like organized religion, nationalism, ethnicity or political ideology to justify slaughter.

    And shiva, all religions were meant to be political systems.

    No religious authority in history was as powerful as the medieval Catholic church. A separation of church and state evolved in europe.

  13. Sputjam says:

    Number of people killed by pagan Muslims pale in comparison to the numbers killed in

    a) WWI and WWII where tens of million perished.
    b) Vietnam war where 50000GI’s and over a million vietnamese perished.
    c) Cambodia under Pol Pot
    d) china under tyarnts such as emperors and Chairman Mao
    e) Soviets under stalin
    f) Aboroginese/natives the world over killed by european settlers, including those inaustralia, new zealand, US and south america.
    g) Indonesia under Soeharto
    h) Timor under Indonesia
    i) papuans by Indonesia
    j) papuans killing papuans in Papua new Guinea
    k) Tamils and Buddhist kiling each other in sri lanka
    l) Buddhist thais killing malays under Thai rule after their conquest of northern malay peninsular
    m) Christians burning herectics alive (Joan of Arc being the most famous)
    n) Hindus killing chrisitians/Muslims in india

  14. Odinius says:

    spot on Sputjam.

    12 million were murdered by the nazis
    27 million died as a result of stalin
    1 out of every 6 cambodians was killed under pol pot.
    800,000 were killed in rwanda in 4 months
    250,000 bosnians were killed during that war

  15. Cukurungan says:

    Possibly) The Twenty (or so) Worst Things People Have Done to Each Other:

    Rank Death Toll Cause Centuries
    1 55 million Second World War 20C
    2 40 million Mao Zedong (mostly famine) 20C
    3 40 million Mongol Conquests 13C
    4 36 million An Lushan Revolt 8C
    5 25 million Fall of the Ming Dynasty 17C
    6 20 million Taiping Rebellion 19C
    7 20 million Annihilation of the American Indians 15C-19C
    8 20 million Iosif Stalin 20C
    9 19 million Mideast Slave Trade 7C-19C
    10 18 million Atlantic Slave Trade 15C-19C
    11 17 million Timur Lenk 14C-15C
    12 17 million British India (mostly famine) 19C
    13 15 million First World War 20C
    14 9 million Russian Civil War 20C
    15 8 million Fall of Rome 3C-5C
    16 8 million Congo Free State 19C-20C
    17 7 million Thirty Years War 17C
    18 5 million Russia’s Time of Troubles 16C-17C
    19 4 million Napoleonic Wars 19C
    20 3 million Chinese Civil War 20C
    21 3 million French Wars of Religion 16C

  16. Raden says:

    Cuk, I am with George Bush after learning how tough Muslim militant people like you defending your evil ideology. When the international world are no longer see people like you as human being and no longer patient to negotiate then WAR is the answer. Fyi, Muslim nations are cursed will never become superior in technology, I think sooner or later the American hero will sent the nuclear bomb to places like Taliban, Hamas therefore to flaten the ground, in this case based on your ideology is okay right.

  17. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    ….. I think sooner or later the American hero will sent the nuclear bomb to places like Taliban, Hamas therefore to flaten the ground, in this case based on your ideology is okay right.

    Dear Raden, finally you reveal the ‘moslem’ in you.

  18. Shiva says:

    When was the last time you saw a video of a Christian beheading a Muslim while yelling Jesus is Great.


    That got all you muzzie wuzzies hopping like ya got red ants in ya pants.

    Is that such a difficult question to answer?

    I did not ask for great lists of genocides, which have all been acknowledged and condemned in the West.

    But if you are into making lists then every list would be topped by this:

    #1. 200 Miilion plus, and still counting. Islamic Jihad. 622: First year of Islamic calendar to present day.


    7/26/07 ( Narathiwat, Thailand ) – Islamic terrorists attack two groups of teachers with roadside bombs and shoot a 44-year-old man to death.
    7/26/07 ( Tiarza, Pakistan ) – A Pakistani soldier is killed when Taliban militants fire a rocket into a base.
    7/25/07 ( Doda, India ) – A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
    7/25/07 ( Mogadishu, Somalia ) – At least three civilians are killed when Islamists bomb an intersection.
    7/25/07 ( Baghdad, Iraq ) – Islamic terrorists stage two massive car bombings that slaughter over fifty Iraqis celebrating their country’s soccer win in the street.
    7/25/07 ( Kirkuk, Iraq ) – Two farmers are shot to death by Muslim radicals.

    When was the last time you saw PHOTOS of Hindus raping Muslim women yelling Hari Kristna?

  19. Odinius says:

    Shiva: I hope no one on here would justify the awful things done by a radical minority of Muslims, supposedly to non-Muslims but let’s face it, mostly to other Muslims.

    But that’s a far cry from saying that this is representative of a heterogeneous faith of way more than a billion people, not to mention doing this provocatively on a web site with many Muslim members, and that seems to be your purpose.

    If you’ve lived in Indonesia, I think you’d understand that most Indonesian Muslims are, well, moderately conservative. Every american I know who has lived in Indonesia feels that there are many parallels to the conservative Christians who live in the us bible belt, only in a poorer, less stable political environment. Having lived in both countries, this is how I feel as well.

    YES Indonesia has a problem with radical islam, but NO this is not a problem with Indonesian islam, but a minority subset of that, maybe that’s what the ambassador meant?

    If you want proof that this is the case, look how political parties that favor adopting sharia as law have done in national elections. PBB gets 1%, PPP gets 8% and the “sort of want sharia” PKS got 7%. Together that’s 16%. Hardly a majority.

  20. Cukurungan says:


    I am happy to see you becomes a real man that’s good we are the real man have to take side either with a terrorist or sattan and let God decide our fate.

    I would glad to see a Bomb Nuclear deliver to us but I doubt it because Mr Bush still consider us as His best friend and I heard even Mr Dick Cheney start looking property in Dubai.

    I tell you no one dare to challenge moslem and Islam in the real world’s and what the Islam basher can do just cry in internet and nothing else like you, shiva and dewa.

  21. Cukurungan says:




    The worst genocides of the 20th Century.

    It is very clear evidence that the moslem are much cleaner than the rest.

  22. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Here are a handful of verses for the instruction of Bill Farmer, Australia’s ambassador to Indonesia.

    Qur’an 9:5 When the prohibited months for fighting are over, slay the pagans wherever you find them. Take them captive and besiege them. Lie in wait for them in every likely place.

    Qur’an 9:38 Believers, what is the matter with you, that when you are asked to go forth and fight in Allah’s Cause you cling to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? Unless you go forth [and die in Jihad], He will afflict and punish you with a painful doom, and put others in your place.

    Qur’an 9:19 Do you make the giving of drink to pilgrims, or the maintenance of the Sacred Mosque, equal to those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and fight in the Cause of Allah? They are not compArable in the sight of Allah. Those who believe, and left their homes and strive with might fighting in Allah’s Cause with their goods and their lives [Jihad], have the highest rank in the sight of Allah.

    Qur’an 9:29 Fight against those People of the Book [Christians and Jews] who do not follow what Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) acknowledge as the true religion (Islam), nor accept Our law [shariah], until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission, and feel themselves subdued, being brought low.

    Qur’an 47:8 But those who reject (Allah and Islam), for them is perdition and
    destruction, and (Allah) will render their deeds ineffective. That is because they hate the (Qur’an and Sunnah) Revelation; so He has made their deeds fruitless. Have they not traveled through the earth to see the fate of those before them? Allah wiped them out, bringing utter destruction, and similar (fates await) them.

    Qur’an 3:1 We shall strike terror into the heart of unbelievers.

    Qur’an 4:89 Seize them and kill them wherever you find them.

    Qur’an 47:12 And how many cities, with more power than your city (Muhammad) which has driven you out, have We destroyed?

    Bukhari:V4B52N260 The prophet said, ‘If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.’


    Hello Mr. Farmer”¦ Mr. Farmer”¦ Your Excellency”¦!? There are family members of the Bali bombing victims who would like to have a word with you”¦!

    No reply. Probably too busy promoting Australia’s commercial interests in Indonesia.

  23. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Cukurungan said:

    …A terrorist is a person who cause terror….

    I’m impressed by your verbal intelligence.

    Odinius said:

    12 million were murdered by the nazis
    27 million died as a result of stalin
    1 out of every 6 cambodians was killed under pol pot.
    800,000 were killed in rwanda in 4 months
    250,000 bosnians were killed during that war

    Why didn’t you put Sudan on the list?

  24. Shiva says:


    The worst genocides of the 20th Century.

    It is very clear evidence that the moslem are much cleaner than the rest.

    Very clear evidence indeed,

    Just take a look at your list again you will find that nearly 50% of the skumbags are moslem

    And at least two had training in guerilla camps in Libya sponsored by Muammar al-Qaddafi, where Muammar al-Qaddafi was preaching revolutionary ideas to West African dissidents.

    Odinius Says:

    If you’ve lived in Indonesia, I think you’d understand that most Indonesian Muslims are, well, moderately conservative.

    I think you will find a lot of Indonesian Muslims are sick to the teeth of islam, and are scared to say anything, due to the violent nature of Muslims against anybody who says anything against islam.

    Look how many people who converted to Islam when NU ran amok and murdered close to a million Indonesians in 1965. They did not convert because they thought islam was good, they converted because thet where scared of being murdered.

    Just to see how brave you are, go to your local Kecamatan and try and change your religious status on your K.T.P.

    See what happens when you want to change from Islam to another religion.

    So do not give me bullsh*t about how Indonesian Muslims are, well, moderately conservative.

    I have lived in Indonesia long enough to see how Indonesian is slowly down grading from Meccan Islam to Medinian Islam

    And don’t try giving crap about Indonesian islam Islam is Islam full stop.

    I hope no one on here would justify the awful things done by a radical minority of Muslims, supposedly to non-Muslims but let’s face it, mostly to other Muslims.

    At last, a little truth sneaks in, I would not argue the fact that more Muslims have been killed by the radical minority of Muslims, than by kafirs.

    But that’s a far cry from saying that this is representative of a heterogeneous faith of way more than a billion people,

    I have no qualms to telling the truth, as I firmly believe the radical minority of Muslims who follow Islam according to the koran are more than representative of Islam, than most Indonesian Muslims who are quite ignorant of their faith.

    The former President of Indonesia, and a Muslim cleric, Gus Dur, put it more bluntly: “most Indonesians know nothing of their religion”. What they in fact do know are the rituals, the meaningless, archaic movements of the hands and other silliness.

    The percentage of Muslims in Indonesia who have read the Quran in any detail is very small.

    What they understand about their faith can only be very limited and we believe it is limited mostly to a sense of belonging to a wider group, the umma, and that this belonging will entitle them to reward in the afterlife.

    As long as they follow the rituals they are Muslims.

    From Indonesian Democracy and Islam.

    not to mention doing this provocatively on a web site with many Muslim members, and that seems to be your purpose.

    If you do not like what I write then Look here so as a reminder of What is Indonesia Matters (IM) about?.

  25. Raden says:

    Dear my brothers, mr. Aluang & Cuk, he ha. I read & typed my last comments in KLIA airport when I was very tired, you know Malaysia gov’t is generous, it was free wireless access, unlike Changi/Sgp which always to be paid services or Cengkareng which don’t have it all. This morning I feel very good & fresh after a good slept, I can think better and don’t worry I’m your brothers & will never do any harm to you all, peace on earth & Indonesia.

  26. R. Patterson says:

    Please note – death loving moslems killed innocent westerners, including Australians, in Bali. Australians on the other hand PAID for a new Eye Hospital in Bali no not for Australians or Western Christians but for all including moslems. Doesn’t that say something about the difference between decent people and insane death loving pagans?

  27. Raden says:

    Yeah .. agree with Patterson said, look at those Muslim clerics living in Sydney and Melbourne, they came from Lebanon & other middle-east country for Aussie PRs, then afterawhile instead of being the minority to assimilate with the majority westerner’ culture but prefer to spread their Islam dakwah to Muslimize the Aussie in the name of equal rights ?
    I share your view Patterson, whenever Muslim being as the majority citizen they press the minority’s rights, whenever Muslim being as the minority citizen they demand more by commiting rebellion & any other attrocity acts to dominate & convert the rest majority into Muslim.
    It happens in everywhere, it is clear the Muslim’s behaviors are not a good example for the entire human being in this planet.
    – the Muslim minority in sgp ever demanded their children wearing jilbab / tudung in school time, ha ha … what do u think the other people look at u ?
    – the Muslim minority in thailand beheading & commit crime in the name of Allah to expand their ideology
    – the Muslim minority in phillipine being as the centre of terrorism training
    – etc etc … very tiring indeed

  28. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Cukurungan said:

    I tell you no one dare to challenge moslem and Islam in the real world’s and what the Islam basher can do just cry in internet and nothing else like you, shiva and dewa.

    The keyboard is mightier than the sword.

  29. Shiva says:

    R. Patterson

    Please note – death loving moslems killed innocent westerners, including Australians, in Bali. Australians on the other hand PAID for a new Eye Hospital in Bali no not for Australians or Western Christians but for all including moslems. Doesn’t that say something about the difference between decent people and insane death loving pagans?

    You are forgetting about Mohammeds contribution.

    Camel Piss.


    The keyboard is mightier than the sword.

    In some cases yes, in some cases no.

    This is a primo example.

  30. Cukurungan says:

    Raden Says:

    July 28th, 2007 at 12:01 pm

    Dear my brothers, mr. Aluang & Cuk, he ha. I read & typed my last comments in KLIA airport when I was very tired, you know Malaysia gov’t is generous, it was free wireless access, unlike Changi/Sgp which always to be paid services or Cengkareng which don’t have it all.

    Cukurungan :

    Brothers please be beware that the wireless access given to you just a bobby trap by moslem malaysia once you got a sleep a moslem hackers will chopp-off your head.

    R. Patterson Says:

    July 28th, 2007 at 12:50 pm
    Please note – death loving moslems killed innocent westerners, including Australians, in Bali. Australians on the other hand PAID for a new Eye Hospital in Bali no not for Australians or Western Christians but for all including moslems. Doesn’t that say something about the difference between decent people and insane death loving pagans?

    Cukurungan :

    Don’t tell us about your AID and Hospital if you don’t like with moslem just put banners on the front of your hospital don’t receive moslem patient. It is much better if you paid back 500 millions USD in which you have been stolen from Aboriginal laborers than spending money abroad while let them sniff on kerosene until dying …sorry better for them to death so you can stole all theirs land.

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