Eka Deli & Cinta Ini

Jul 4th, 2007, in Asides, by

Over and out at IM for a while, and Eka Deli.

That’s it here for a few weeks or so, mid-year break. For now, unexpectedly, a song, “Cinta Ini” by the lovely Eka Deli.


Eka Deli
Eka Deli

14 Comments on “Eka Deli & Cinta Ini”

  1. Arema says:

    Enjoy your deserved holiday, Patung. =) We’ll be waiting for your return.

    Thanks for the song, it’s very nice. =)

  2. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Dear Patung,

    A fantastic effort and IM is a very welcome addition to the discourse on Indonesia, the Blogosphere, and even journalism. You both complement the veteran Indonesia mailing list and give it a run for its money in terms of a one-stop shop on politics and social affairs. Synthesizing and boiling it down’s a great service. I’ll try not to taint the pages with too much idiocy when you get back. Apologies to anyone else reading who’s been genuinely offended by my comments. Have a good holiday,

  3. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    oops – PS. that’s the veteran Indonesia mailing list “joyo.”

  4. The last Mardiyker says:


    Surely “apakabar” was the mother of Indonesian web-dialogue.

  5. Tomaculum says:

    Achmad, it’s a pity, I miss the hook of irony, cynicism and sarcasm in your last comments.
    Have you lost your teeth? 🙂

  6. Dimp says:

    it’s a pity, I miss the hook of irony, cynicism and sarcasm in your last comments.

    Yes, what happened to the real Achmad Sudarsono? Will the real Achmad Sudarsono please stand up!

  7. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Achmad needs a rest for a while. Even Diponegoro took a break from time to time. But rest assured, Friends, as long as the White Man is still in Indonesia, Achmad will still keep up the fight. Dimp — Achmad will be lying down for a while, doing what he does best. 🙂

  8. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    All, this post is supposed to be about thanking Patung for his tireless efforts…and Mardiyker — yes Apa Kabar was the Kakek of all listserves on Indonesia, but for now, Joyo reigns supreme in terms of clippings. Or you could just read Indonesia Matters. .

  9. Shiva says:

    Achmad Sudarsono Says:

    Achmad needs a rest for a while. Even Diponegoro took a break from time to time. But rest assured, Friends, as long as the White Man is still in Indonesia, Achmad will still keep up the fight.


    You forget that when-ever there is a major disaster in Indonesia, it is the white man is the first to send aid.

    Where are your Arabic puppet masters, when Indonesia is hit by the wrath of Allah when he sends his earthquakes and Tsusami,s.

    If it wasn’t for the white man you would still be eating Cassava roots, and getting drunk on Tapai

    Achmad will be lying down for a while, doing what he does best.

    And what would that be, “masterbate” while dreaming of the promised 72 raisins.

    The white man has a good description for the likes of you.


  10. Putu Alberto Lee says:


    don’t be such a faggot.
    get some humor (or buy some).

  11. Abul says:

    folks, shiva reminds me of my old self. narrow-minded no-life adolescent-freak-with-acnes who flunked out of college and spend his most time dirty speaking and bitching around in internet forums and browsing around for porn and masturbate himself to the point of exhaustion so he can get some sleep.

    don’t feed the trolls folks, and shiva my boy, pu-leeze.. get some life.

  12. fanglong says:

    I’m sure Shiva’s joking !
    As much as Achmad was.
    You’ll never bee as depressed as we are here in France !
    At least you LAUGH, guys. Here one seriously EXPLAINS.
    I’m so bored with this all sh*tty Earth !

    Thanks Patung for the space !

  13. David says:

    Eka Deli is back. She’s given away the gospel music for now and gone back to pop – Eka Deli Kembali ke Pentas Musik Pop.

  14. Rob says:

    But is Achmad?

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