Dark Rooms

Jun 19th, 2007, in News, by

Heresy in Banten usually occurs in dark rooms.

After the recent True Islam (“Islam Sejati“) sect case in Lebak, Banten, another heretical Islam sect is now said to exist in Nyompok village, Kopo, Serang, Banten, according to the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI). Like Islam Sejati this new sect, which doesn’t seem to have a name yet, conducts some of their religious activities in dark rooms, or so it is said.

Syafe’i AN of the MUI Serang branch said on 15th June that a number of reports had been received from concerned residents of Nyompok village about the presence of a deviant religious group and the MUI was currently investigating.

The MUI had already interviewed two people and found that the group advocated that daily prayers, sholat, were unnecessary, and replaced these with dzikir, or the chanting of praises to God. Such chanting was said to happen in a dark room, beginning from midnight and lasting until 7am, and what was actually chanted was not clearly audible.

Those who wished to join the group were required to take an oath and pay a fee in accordance with the number of their sins.

The group is also said to have spread to Kragilan in Serang and Jatiuwung in Tangerang. antara

7 Comments on “Dark Rooms”

  1. Fanglong says:

    Kind of outrageous, no ? Why the hell do people believe in such mean ways to overcome the difficulty of living — and calling it adoration of God ?

    Hi Patung ! Long time no see… I come back from everywhere, and especially from Bali where all human hearts I met have been so great… Back I am in France where I’m overworking, translating for Buddhists who sometime mumble things at night & pay to get rid of their sins…

    Tonight the world makes me rather sad…

  2. John Orford says:

    “Such chanting was said to happen in a dark room, beginning from midnight and lasting until 7am, and what was actually chanted was not clearly audible.”

    So all night sex romps with the lights off is Haram now?

    Me personally, I don’t mind doing it with the lights on, but it’s unfair to ugly people.

  3. Ihaknt says:

    Welcome back Fanglong, ca va?

    Those who wished to join the group were required to take an oath and pay a fee in accordance with the number of their sins.

    Great. Who the hell do they think they are to be able to count sins and charge people? Obviously there are many smart people who see the opportunity to use the others morons who believe that by paying these f***ers that their sins are gone?!?!?!??! Man I wouldnt have enough money in the world!!!! Hahahhaaha

  4. Dimp says:

    Wonder what is the going rate, is there any difference between sins as well?

    1. Lies = Rp. 1000
    2. Blasphemy = Rp. 2500
    3. Adultery = Rp. 10000
    4. Theft = Rp. 5000

    and so on.

  5. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    Those Buddhists sound a bit misguided about their own teachings. There’s no ‘sin’ per se. Some behaviour isn’t recommended in the same way scarfing super-size servings of French fries isn’t recommended if you want to drop your cholesterol count. In some traditions, prayers and chanting are used to focus people on the real work.

  6. Peter says:

    They should get the FPI to go out and start destroying all dark rooms. That would be the Indonesian thing to do here, sadly.

  7. El Gran Combo Puertorico says:

    Heresy in Banten usually occurs in dark rooms.

    Gay bear party.

    … and what was actually chanted was not clearly audible.

    Uh… ah…, oh…, yeah….

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