Alternative Medicine

Jun 13th, 2007, in Society, by

Banning mystical and alternative medicine on television.

Four television stations in Bandung, West Java have been reprimanded by the Broadcasting Commission, Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) for screening talkshows which discuss the use of alternative medicine. The KPI considers that the discussion of alternative medicine on the programs verges towards the approval of mystical or magical beliefs.

Representatives of the four stations, they being TVRI West Java & Banten, PJTV, STV, and Bandung TV, were called into the KPI offices in Bandung and given a verbal warning over the content of the alternative medicine shows early this month.

Dadang Rahmat Hidayat of the KPI says “mystical medicine” can be included among the four topics which television stations are required not to delve into, they being horror, sex, pornography, and violence. Specifically, talk of alternative medicine violates Article 10 of the Broadcasting Code, which requires television content of a “mysterious” nature to be based on empirically proven facts.

Dadang worries about the effect of such programs on people:

People [who watch] could be encouraged to practise these magical [medical] techniques. Their influence has to be eliminated.

Such supernatural medical programs cunningly clothe themselves in religious garb, he said:

Although they use religious symbols these programs have already been judged to violate the norms of religion.

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8 Comments on “Alternative Medicine”

  1. Ihaknt says:

    Halah kabeh kok dilarang. Are we really that stupid and incapable of self-filtering information that many subjects are made taboo to show and discussed? Are we really that stupid to have things sorted/censored for us prior to viewing?? Gee, no wonder many are narrow minded.

  2. Dimp says:

    Hi ihaknt,

    Are we really that stupid and incapable of self-filtering information that many subjects are made taboo to show and discussed? Are we really that stupid to have things sorted/censored for us prior to viewing??


  3. Tomaculum says:

    I’ve seen in an Indonesian TV-Programme about a cleric (wearing a typical dress) “healing” a so called obsessed woman with the “power” of the holy words of his religion.
    Is this also an alternative medicine? Or mystical? Also forbidden?
    I would wonder!!

  4. Ihaknt says:

    It’s probably a set up.

  5. Janma says:

    Do you think those ghost buster guys on tv in Indonesia really get rid of ghosts? my husband is an educated Indonesian, not stupid, but he is ngotot that they really put those ghosts in jars!
    Is it real?

  6. Dimp says:

    Hi Janma,

    Some things cannot be explained with logic, whether or not these things are real or not depend on the person itself. If you believe that there is such thing as supernatural then maybe it does exist, I myself am a sceptic, but as I said before some things cannot be explained…. the truth is out there, Scully.

  7. Acomplia says:

    Well alternate medicine is a good option, even though they are not fully proven, some forms of alternate medicine have shown pretty good effects on a lot of patients.
    Its worth the shot.

    And you are right Dimp some things cannot be explained by logic. Especially the Chinese acupuncture. One may ask how on earth can a bunch of needles which are stuck into my body cure me. Well i cant answer that question but it has worked on me. I cant explain it but its true.

  8. ashvient says:

    What kind of alternative medicine that is being banned??
    Is it like our people’s alternative medicine jamu kuat that sold by the beautiful woman carrying basket or the one like some water that already dipped with some-certain stone??

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