We’re not always entirely sure what to think of “our President” Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. He always seems to say the right thing to the right people at the right time, which may arouse suspicion in some, it does me, but in a rather inarticulate way. Anyhow he did it again today in a speech to a conference on terrorism in Jakarta.
The big, burly, handsome man said, at the opening of the Building International Cooperation Against Terrorism (which Kompas has given as “Buliding International Corporation Against Terrorism”):
I hope that the efforts to build an international coalition against terrorism can be done without increasing the tension between nations, communities, religions and cultures. (Saya berharap usaha kita untuk membangun koalisi internasional melawan terorisme dapat dilakukan tanpa harus meningkatkan ketegangan baru antarbangsa, antarkomunitas agama maupun peradaban.)
In the end what we hope for is not only the defeat of terrorism but also the strengthening of the bonds between communities internationally in stability and cooperation. (Pada akhirnya, apa yang kita harapkan adalah bukan hanya mengalahkan teroris tapi juga memperkuat ikatan komunitas internasional dalam stabilitas dan kerja sama yang lebih besar.)
We are still active in pursuing terrorists like Noordin M Top, Dulmatin, and others but of course because they are on the run does not mean they are no longer dangerous. (Kami terus aktif mencari para teroris seperti Noordin M Top, Dulmatin dan lain-lain. Tentu, meski mereka dalam pelarian, bukan berarti mereka tidak berbahaya.
Terrorism is obviously dangerous for society and has become our top priority in national security policy. (Terorisme sudah jelas berbahaya bagi masyarakat dan telah menjadi prioritas utama dalam kebijakan keamanan nasional kami.)
Actually the first quote is probably him trying to say don’t blame Islam for terrorism, or something along those lines, but he can’t be expected to say anything other in this area.
Go on president, combat those terrorists, they deserve these, how many fellow Muslim killed by these terrorist that act as if they are pious.
I’m wondering if these terrorists act is a sabotage from malaysia, imagine the terrorists that initiate these radical act are azhari malaysia and noordin malaysia, come on while we suffer from terrorists act the malaysian are having fun by the number of tourist that come to malaysia Malaysia “truly terrorists”.
Malaysia are in fact exporting these unwanted elements into Indonesia. These terrorist knew well that if they are caught they will face the gallow. But by committing a crime outside Malaysia does not mean they can’t return to Malaysia because the Malaysian government cannot prosecute them.
They may repartriate them to Indonesia if Indonesia can provide proof, so that they could stand trial here. But they doesn’t seemed interested in that. The more chaos they created it will benefit Malaysia because people will not come to Indonesia. The victims were those ignorant pris assisting them.
Slowly but steady those FPI and terrorists are moving in the direction of those PKI in the 50’s then who knows when the government will come in with another cleansing and see who will the the victims of another person’s crime.
As for terrorist the police should not be rely on for doing the investigation.
The American uses the CTU which is part of Homeland Security. The unit that was use for crippling the terrorist should be rename as a unit by itself made up of very special people properly screened to speciallly handle terrorists and activities of unwanted elements. They should also carry out separate investigation by utilizing people from BIA and counter attack unit. Support the contitutiton in passing a law like the ISA of Singapore and Malaysia. These unwanted elements and terrorist, with regardless and overwhelming the religious factors, should be prosecuted under such jurisdiction and not the common law. Like what the pgi head Basyir and it would be likely the same fate for Abu Dujana that durian.
The President Mr SBY could pass a special decree if wanted to.
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Actually the first quote is probably him trying to say don’t blame Islam for terrorism, or something along those lines,
Well, he is in a very difficult position isn’t he?
BTW, is he a “religious” Muslim?