The Aceh Thaliban Party gains support.
The province of Aceh is permitted the existence of local, Aceh-only, political parties and one of these, the Aceh Thaliban Party, is gaining support particularly from the residents and students at Islamic boarding colleges, pesantren.
One student in Banda Aceh, Nawawi Hakimis, said on the 13th of June:
I’m personally very supportive of the forming of Thaliban Aceh so that the aspirations of the thousands of boarding school students can be put to the local parliament.
Nawawi says that so far Islamic sharia law has not yet been applied fully in Aceh and that he hopes the Aceh Thaliban can rectify this problem.
Another student, Hasbi Al-Bayuni, agreed and said an Islamically based party was needed in Aceh in order to provide some balance against the secular tendencies common in the province these days.
The Aceh Thaliban Party are not the only party to struggle for Islam, he said:
I think that 80% of the locally based parties are in favour of the application of Islamic law here.
Therefore the local party system was to be welcomed as part of the effort to fully apply Islam to the apparatus of the government, he said. antara
Those numb-skulls should definitely see what the taliban did to Afghanistan before saying anything. dammit, I hate when idiots stole the headlines.
Nawawi says that so far Islamic sharia law has not yet been applied fully in Aceh and that he hopes the Aceh Thaliban can rectify this problem.
Nice. I am sure the Thalibans will rectify the problem is a very good way indeed. After that Aceh will probably become a better place. A future competitor holliday destination for Bali?
These people never learn from mistakes.
Instead they emphasise that the problems that arose from mistakes is a test from the creator.
This is the result of neglecting the koran and God, and embracing the pagan Arab religion which emphasise on man made rule written in hadiths and sunnah.
I thought after long and ruthless decade of soeharto regime, people in Aceh deserve every right to establish and construct their land. If they were making a mistake, let it be the learning point.
I just wish no people in Aceh harms other people, even in the name of implementing religious law.
Here we go again….
I guess since the tsunami caused by the lack of implementation on sharia, then to prevent that they need to make sure the sharia implemented , that where the Tleban came, thats just clever. Look at the facts that Osama never got any Tsunami……
Hei, ho, hei ho lets start implementing the law,
Hei ho, hei ho, we’ll soon head for the paradise.
hei,ho, hei ,ho anything less must be killed.
If we die killing them, we still going to paradise.
Isn’t this the irony of democracy?
No it is not a democracy but a rebelion, democracy is within the corridor of Pancasila. Taleban is not welcomed in Malaysia but Aceh invited them in this republic? I think Acehnese is asking too much, it is time to grilled them down like in ORBA. The Taleban infiltration in Aceh will be a regional issues not only Indonesia because they are a well trained soldiers who can disturb the Mallacca Straits International Oil traffic, the Malaysian & Sgp authority will deal with them if Indonesia gov’t hesitate to deal with them.
Seriously, to those who are good seamstress, open a business in making burqa. You’ll be making a fortune.
No it is not a democracy but a rebelion, democracy is within the corridor of Pancasila.
Presumming this “Aceh Thaliban Party” is a legal party, it’s all perfectly within democracy corridor. Yes, it’s likely to be a dangerous movement. But it is our own new democracy that gives them political space.
You are probably aslo right as well in this:
The Taleban infiltration in Aceh will be a regional issues not only Indonesia because they are a well trained soldiers who can disturb the Mallacca Straits International Oil traffic
As to how to solve this … well, to be honest I’m getting sick of trying to think of how to solve problems caused by people who openly invite the problems in the first place. Anyway, I don’t think Indonesia can solve this. Their politics is deadlocked, and will remain so for quite some time.
the Malaysian & Sgp authority will deal with them if Indonesia gov’t hesitate to deal with them.
True, and more generally, due to its declining central authority Indonesia is now a high risk variable for the entire SE region. Malaysia, Sgp, and Australia should dare to take a line, or risk being dragged down to the chaos should Indonesia fall apart. We’re not that far yet, but such a contigency plan should be prepared.
WP, if Aceh Taliban party is legalized because everyone in Aceh justify & give them license as a ‘legal party’. Reciprocally if Banten want to justify a communist party then this will also be a legal within democracy ‘s corridor? I think there are a lot of confusion regarding Indonesia’s democracy definition, what a big mess!
Taliban present in Aceh will be a regional issue, yes it is true, so we can NOT blame why the USA are having their hand’s dirty in every part of this world?, is that because of reciprocal action & reaction ? you know the Singapore & Malaysian joint forces may not be capable enough to deal with such sophisticated world-class Taleban militants! Who say only western ideology is being the only imperialist ? the Taleban too, in case of Aceh, the Taleban initiated a provocative move entering into this Republic.
It is a real & present danger of living in Indonesia.
Although I don’t think this “Aceh Thaliban” will be a good thing I do wonder if there is ANY influence from the Afghan Taliban.
Arent they just using a “cool” word? I know you have the Hezbollah and the Hizbullah, which are by no means the same, it just seems certain islam fundamentalist groups are recycling words.
Don’t get me wrong, I hate these kind of groups but somehow I really doubt the Taliban have anything to do with this new pathetic party in Aceh.
Don’t get me wrong, I hate these kind of groups but somehow I really doubt the Taliban have anything to do with this new pathetic party in Aceh.
Talib means ‘student’, and thus would explain this from the original article:
The province of Aceh is permitted the existence of local, Aceh-only, political parties and one of these, the Aceh Thaliban Party, is gaining support particularly from the residents and students at Islamic boarding colleges, pesantren.
Students at pesantren and madrassah in Indonesia are often called ‘santri’ but at times also called ‘talib’.
So calm down, theres no Afghan takeover of Indonesia imminent. This party doesnt even have a proven level of support. People here seem to be getting as hysterical about Islamic politics as a lot of Muslims already are about communism. Everybody needs to have a bex and go lie down.
Presumming this “Aceh Thaliban Party” is a legal party, it’s all perfectly within democracy corridor. Yes, it’s likely to be a dangerous movement. But it is our own new democracy that gives them political space.
Does this mean that it should be legal to have a Communist Party in Indonesia as well?
Does this mean that it should be legal to have a Communist Party in Indonesia as well?
It should as legal as having Playboy magazine in Indonesia. 🙂 Though unlike Playboy, communism is a boring, and pretty dried up guy. It won’t sell.
Guess the tsunami was not enough to wash their brains.
Initially, the Thai authorities suspected the insurgents in southern thailand had malaysian assistance. But investigations are now focused on Indonesians being involved, including Achenese.
Beheading of monks and teachers, the procedure (not found anywhere in Thai or Malaysian history) believed to be brought in by the same people who had done these in sulawesi and Ambon.
Some foreigners (suspected to be Indonesian) have been nabbed.
Wasn’t hambali caught in bangkok, and now handed over to the CIA?
The Thais are caught in a religious jam. If similar situations occured in Malaysian territory, authorities in malaysia will not hesitate to take drastic actions in order to curb insurgency movement before it gets out of hand.
In the case of Thailand, taking drastic measure against Muslim militants may seem to be a case of racial discrimination/intolerence and may bring criticism.
On another note, Muslim insurgents in southern thailand is contained in the east coast. No violence in the west coast of southern thailand despite large Muslim population there. Oil is also found on the east coast. Maybe the local Muslims want a share of the oil wealth.
You believe it or NOT, every land occupied by major Muslims, there are the oil wealth of land. God really blessed Muslims more than the rest of other believers.
Southern part of Thai in the border with Northern malaysian where the CPOC = Carigali PTT joint Operating Company, CTOC = Carigali Triton Operating Co, and PTT’s gas reserve are, together with Vietnam’s south china sea territory = those are the oil & gas reserve for Viet, Thai & Msia, they often quarrel about border dispute.
In Aceh – the largest deposit of gas used processed by ARUNA.
In Central Sumatra, Riau province – the largest CPI who produced 770K bbl/d.
In Kalimantan, Brunei with BSP, Serawak with SSB/Carigali & MurphyOil, INdonesia with Chevron, Vico, etc ….
In China – only Urumqi who majority are Muslim, the land have oil, in the east cost – tak ada!
In middle east – oil oil oil = Muslim Muslim.
yeah….. loads of Muslims in texas too… and in the north sea…
sheesh…. can’t we use some logic in our arguments here?
*who finds it hard to believe God organized oil in the earth using religious priorities*
Having oil doesnt necessarily mean a blessing. A blessing is when you can and are able to nurture it and not abuse the natural resources.
In Kalimantan, Brunei with BSP, Serawak with SSB/Carigali & MurphyOil, INdonesia with Chevron, Vico, etc “¦.
and ..
God really blessed Muslims more than the rest of other believers.
How ignorant!
Hi all regarding Borneo the Land of the Dayak. (oil rich Brunei and Sarawak, Diamond in Kalimantan, timber in Sabah, Sarawak and Kalimantan)
Let us not forget that the original inhabitants of Borneo belongs to the Dayaks. Keling the Lord of war together with Singalang Burong the war deity blessed these people with fertile tropical paradise with all the rich tappings.
Aluang, as we knew that Kalimantan or Borneo used to be the natural habitat of Dayaks tribe hundred years ago. I talked within the framework of today modern life, who stay in power in Borneo? The Dayakis or The Malay?
You knew, to be a supplier in either Sabah or Serawak, we must play ‘Ali – Baba’ business model or it doesn’t work because of the ‘bumiputra’ protection. The Ali surely the Malay who dominate the gov’t bodies. However there are few differences unlike in Java, when we say the Baba in Java = the Indonesian Chinese (although now are shifting toward bumi baba too especially in Jkt) but in Sabah / Serawak, the Baba means either the Chinese Malaysian or the Dayak who normally Muslim Dayak and mostly you hardly distinguish whether they are chinese or origin Dayak until you make friend with them. I have some Dayak friends who converted as Muslim to be more successful as local businessman in Miri & Bintulu, yes it is true, via Politic dominance, they can persuade people to be as a Muslim believer or you lose your tender? As long as you carry Mohammad or Abdullah name, at least you are safe & can survive better there!
Sarawak is not dominated by Muslim malay.
The present chief minister of the state is of melanau origin.
Melanau has a distinct language and culture of its own and they are split 50/50 Muslim/Christian.
The dayak tribes (Iban mostly) are split. Always bickering amongst themselves. Hence their party have been declared illegal due to the nomination of two groups claiming leadership to the party. Until today that dispute has not been settled and the dayaks are contemplating inviting the dominant malay party (Umno) into the state in order that dayaks are represented through it.
Other bumis in sarawak are not excited in having UMNo coming in.
In sarawak, malaysian from other states are required to produce a passport to enter the state. You will then be given a 60 day pass, after which it has to be renewed. To work in sabah or sarawak, peninsular malaysians require work permits.
Malays are a minority group in the two states, but malay is widely spoken language and understood by all bumis.
UMNO entered sabah during the helm of the great dictator, liar and cheat, mahathir Mohamed, whereby Phillipinos and indnesian ilegals were given identity cards to vote during election to bring down the opposition Berjaya parti dominated by Christian kadazan dusuns from power in sabah. Number of illegals in sabah probably consist of about 1/3 of the population if not more.
This is possible as election commission is a federal agency(not a state agency) and list of voters are scrutinised by them.
Bumis, whether is sabah, sarawak or peninsular malaysia, will not have advanced as they could possibly have if not for government support. The CEO of malaysia airlines is not a malay but a kelawit (or something) from sarawak by the name of idris jala.
In Malaysia, where oil is found, whether in terengganu or sabah or sarawak, the state government will insist that a portion of the contracts be given to people from the state. State also get beteen 5-10% of oil revenue.
There is abundant oil and gas field off the island of sipadan, and due to this, there is a lot of tension with Indonesian/malaysian navy in the area as although the world court has given sipadan island to malaysia, the seas around the island is still disputed. If only both side can settle this issue, that oil and gas field will lie undeveloped.
In malaysia /Thai border, border dispute did not prevent petronas and PTT from forming a JV company to develope the oil field there.
Sarawak and part of sabah were under the rule of malay sultanate based in brunei. The eastern part of sabah was under the rule of sultan of Jolo, now southen phillipines. I do not know if the sultan of Jolo are malays.
British stopped marauding dayaks pirates and hence sarawak and sabah were ceded to british.
Hi guy!
You have to know that Thaliban in Aceh is totally different with Thaliban in Afganistan. Thaliban in Aceh is the the Islamic Student Association or we call “santri” the word of thaliban is based on word “thalib” it does mean “student”. So, All of the Islamic Scholar (Pesantren) had established their own organization to aspiration in the democratic country of Indonesia that was legally by the law.
According to the Islamic rule, we as the moslem must be implementing that law to our life – we couldn’t implemented it in the context of Indonesia system a whole due to Indonesia is a secular country. Therefore, we has been struggling of Indonesia government to allow the Moslem in Aceh to implemented the Shari’ah law – So, why you are worry so much! We do what we believe to do
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