Pig and pork eating issues in the news in Sumatra.
In early June 2007 a housekeeper in Medan, called Risma, who comes from Palembang, reported her boss Andi (50) to the police for forcing her to eat some pork meat.
The case excited some passions in Medan, easily understandable for those who have noticed the visceral disgust and loathing that many Muslims have whenever pork appears in view, or when the subject of pork eating or even touching of pork comes up. Abdullah Syah of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), for example, said anyone who forced a Muslim to eat pork was committing an insult to the whole Muslim community and he hoped that Andi would be given a suitably severe punishment. republika
Meanwhile, in early August 2007, further south in Risma’s home town of Palembang, South Sumatra province, an unrelated incident involving accusations that a producer of bakso, meatball soup, fills his meatballs with pork instead of beef, and then sells them to unsuspecting people.
A bowl of bakso.
An unnamed man reported Saparuddin bin Ramlan (48) to the police and claimed that Saparuddin was motivated by profit:
He makes more money that way.
Saparuddin bin Ramlan, who is from Kediri, East Java, supplies bakso to five mobile sellers and admits to having used pork in his product for two years, and buys eight kilograms of pork to last for three days production. Pork costs 20,000 rupiah per kilogram, he says, while beef costs 50,000.
Police arrested Saparuddin and two of his sellers on 10th August, and confiscated four kilograms of pork, and hundreds of bakso “balls”. okezone
Ooops, CIA (or MOSSAD?) did it again ?!?!?! 🙂
Saparuddin and Andi are definitely subversive agents trying to destabilize …… hm …. what ..?? 🙂
It is not important what come into our mouth as long as it is healthy. But what come out from our mouth is much more important.
Hmm, I am not so familiar with Islam, just curious, so if Muslim eat pork…is it a sin (so it will make you go to hell)? or it is just a suggestion (you’d better not eat pork for your healty, but it will not cause you to go hell)……
Pork eater who didn’t kill any human beings can be mercilessly thrown to the hell forever, but jihader can enjoy wine and 72 virgins all the way?
if domestic pigs are dirty eaters, and that is the reason for them being haram as I understand it,
So can you the pig be blamed for being a dirty eater
then bush pigs are at least marginally cleaner.
It only take a stroll to the local rubbish tip to see what goats eat, and by the way, chickens are not so choosy when it comes to eating s–t
Praise be to Allaah.
Consumption of pork is prohibited by Allah saw as it is considered “impure” (Q6:145). Many health risks are associated with the consumption of pork as it may contain dangerous worms (trichinosis) and germs. Since it is not possible at all times and places to get “healthier” pork, its consumption is prohibited. Allah saw knows best.
There is a direct relationship between our behaviour and what we consume as food. The consumption of pork is thought to adversely affect human behaviour. Fellow Indonesian Chinese, Dayaks, Balinese and Timorese are untamed because of thousands of years consuming pork. Pigs have certain instincts that are necessary for their role in their ecosystem but undesirable if humans were to display them.
Therefore, Muslims do not eat pork. Having said that, pigs play an important role in cleaning the environment and becoming a food source for other animals in the ecosystem in which they live.
There is a direct relationship between our behaviour and what we consume as food. The consumption of pork is thought to adversely affect human behaviour. Fellow Indonesian Chinese, Dayaks, Balinese and Timorese are untamed because of thousands of years consuming pork. Pigs have certain instincts that are necessary for their role in their ecosystem but undesirable if humans were to display them.
Therefore, Muslims do not eat pork. Having said that, pigs play an important role in cleaning the environment and becoming a food source for other animals in the ecosystem in which they live.
What a scientific conclusion! No wonder Islam is fall behind any other civilization around the world. Tell me how to make Moslem terrorists tame, ha ha.
Actually pigs are very clean animals, they cover themselves in mud only to protect themselves from sunburn, they are the only animal apart from ourselves which suffer this ailment.
This I suspect is the real origin of the objection to eating pork (remember it isn’t just Islam, Judaism eschews pork too). Cannibals refer to human flesh as “long pig”, I knew a fireman who could not abide the smell of burnt pork due to his experience of removing charred corpses from burnt buildings, pigs are extremely intelligent, omnivorous animals whose biological make-up is rather similar to ourselves, I believe the ancients were aware of this and this is what lies at the root of the porkophobia.
Before anyone criticises Muslims for not liking pork, ask how do English people feel about eating horse? Or indeed most westerners about eating dogs, or cats or locusts? Or anybody about eating rats.
We all have our culinary taboos.
Sylvester Says:
No wonder Islam is fall behind any other civilization around the world. Tell me how to make Moslem terrorists tame, ha ha.
Cukurungan :
What should be proud to be the civilized people if those civilization were on expense of the extinction and annihilation 100 million natives America and Australia.
Muslim is the best human being on earth and we are very happy that we haven’t involved in the western civilization in both continents.
Every Muslim should becomes a terrorist otherwise our fate will be ended up as afore mentioned natives people.
Muslim is the best human being on earth and we are very happy that we haven’t involved in the western civilization in both continents.
Every Muslim should becomes a terrorist otherwise our fate will be ended up as afore mentioned natives people.
Yeah but those radical Muslims are the ones who are responsible for all the bombing in Jakarta, Bali, etc. You know there are Muslim victims as well on those bombings. So not all Muslims are good people. Don’t generalise people.
I still believe it’s better to be a human without a religion rather than have to kill in the name of God. Human are an intelligent beings, human has brain to analize which one is wrong or not.
I still believe it’s better to be a human without a religion rather than have to kill in the name of God. Human are an intelligent beings, human has brain to analize which one is wrong or not.
And who give you the brain? It is Allah wa taalla.
I am talking about the current situation. Do not mix up with history. Surely I agree that those massacres are evil.
You should know that massacres occured when there was no recognition of HUMAN RIGHTS. You also need to know that Islam empires ALSO DID many massacres when they fought with what they called infidels. Again, you have to see how brutal your Muslim brother in Congo and Somalia in killing, raping hundred thousands of native Africans until today.
Most civilization in the world have evolved to respect human rights. But how about Moslem?
Also, what about massacres and rapes in Darfur, Rwanda?
What about Indonesian female workers in Saudi?
The point is not eating pork doesn’t make you become a better human.
Please see what happen today.
*Volunteer spokeperson on behalf of Muslim brother Cuk.*
Also, what about massacres and rapes in Darfur, Rwanda?
Muslim can also have sex with as many slave or captive women as they could have. It is called, “women of right hand possess” (Q 4:24; 23:5-6; 33:50,52; 70:29-30).
What about Indonesian female workers in Saudi?
Allah the most merciful planned this for her 50,000 years before the Big Bang.
The point is not eating pork doesn’t make you become a better human.
Please see what happen today.
Islam is on their triumphant march around the globe. Pork eating religions are on the decline. Proof: Read last paragraph on link.
Ha ha ha, aluang..aluang
I am wondering are you really trying to “honor” islam.
Some religions out of islam such as Christianity may reduce in the number of people who practise the religion. The practise such as going to church.
But…, the teaching is still living intact and soaring.
How the most people in for example many western countries and some Asian countries are kind? Who teach them? How they know to love & respect others?
Respect human rights, compassion, being humble, equality, loving nature are the examples of the fruit of Christianity or Buddhism or other similar religions, which hardly found in islam.
Many people do not say they are Christian or Buddhis but they are practising the teaching, which are a lot better than people who are proud to become moslem but killing others.
Thus, islam itself is on the way to the deep cliff. Moslem poeple should try to fix this, as some good NU and Muhammadyah people have admitted it themselves.
Don’t the police in Indonesia have better things to do?
Saparuddin should quite rightly be charged with an offence – the offence however should of misrepresentation, and dealt with under consumer protection laws.
He misrepresented/lied about his product.
Indonesia is, and should remain, a secular state. you want to protect religious or other behaviours/practices? – Enact anti discrimination and vilification legislation, and apply it equally – a balinese Hindu insulted by a javanese Muslim gets equal treatment.
Back to our man – who in commerce (particularly Indonesia) can claim holier than thou?
Would the story have legs if the complainant was Jewish or non Muslim?
What’s the bet that the complainant was a competitor or disgruntled employee?
Regarding dietary law – Aluang Anak Bayang is correct, but you must remember that such law was written with regard to conditions of the time. They were written for health, not religious reasons.
Aluang Anak Bayang Said:
I still believe it’s better to be a human without a religion rather than have to kill in the name of God. Human are an intelligent beings, human has brain to analize which one is wrong or not.
And who give you the brain? It is Allah wa taalla.
Who told you that? Is it because it’s written in your religious holy book? Because it’s there therefor it’s true? Than my friend you are just a puppet.
Aluang Anak Bayang Said:
Muslim can also have sex with as many slave or captive women as they could have. It is called, “women of right hand possess” (Q 4:24; 23:5-6; 33:50,52; 70:29-30).
I wonder if you still can say the same thing if one of the woman/girl who got rape is either your mother, sister, wife or daughter.
Sylvester Says:
I am talking about the current situation. Do not mix up with history. Surely I agree that those massacres are evil.
You should know that massacres occured when there was no recognition of HUMAN RIGHTS. You also need to know that Islam empires ALSO DID many massacres when they fought with what they called infidels. Again, you have to see how brutal your Muslim brother in Congo and Rwanda.
Cukurungan :
Could you please ask to UN rep. who were killing each other in both countries I don’t think any Muslim involved on those
horrific parties.
After 9/11, in US there was famous word “Never Forget” , so why you asked other people to forget the white man horrible crimes (killing more than 100 million people ) if you don’t want to forget a loss of life only handful people.
If You wanted to talk today time, there is still on going massacre by US on Iraqis and Afghan people.
I tell you that the white man has no the moral grounds to talk about humanity and democracy towards us because how can a countries with 30% of theirs citizens over weight couldn’t settle a trade deal with the countries in which 40% of theirs citizens suffered malnutrition, how can you talk you care about our health while you have been dumping your dangereous waste and sickening our poor brother and sister in Africa and India.
The koran is very clear about pork consumption. It is forbidden to consume whether bred or found in the wild.
the koran did not state the reason why pork meat is forbidden, nor did it say that pork or pig is unclean.
The trader to include pork meat in bakso, to a community that do not consume such a meat, is irresponsible.
Such traders and businessmen who put profit before reponsibility, are the ones who are smuggling subsidised kerosene to singapore, underdeclaring coal shipments and other minerals for exports, extracting timber under the guise of plantation, and then sell the concession for a large profit to the genuine plantation operators.
Businessmen like these are the one who are destroying the country.
Could you please ask to UN rep. who were killing each other in both countries I don’t think any Muslim involved on those
horrific parties.
Oh yeah, I guess I mean in Somalia, Sudan, and part of horn of Africa.
My mistake. Sometime I mix Rwanda with Sudan.
However, never heard about janjaweed in Darfur?
My points:
1. Any people can do a horrible thing, does not depend on races or religion.
2. Apart from history, currently islamic civilization is far behind western and far east civilization, even propably african too. There is hardly any technology produced by islamic countries.
Thus, moslem should spent more time in self-reflecting, rather than cursing others.
Thus, moslem should spent more time in self-reflecting, rather than cursing others.
Sylvester…keep dreaming. Yeah right. AS IF…and that’s a big IF.
Fellow Indonesian Chinese, Dayaks, Balinese and Timorese are untamed because of thousands of years consuming pork
New. Favorite. Quote.
Personally, I eat everything as long as it tastes good. Beef, chicken, duck, pork, rabbit, snail, horse, dog, bat, snake, crocodile, kangaroo…
Friends, it is foretold that when the day of judgement come, Prophet Mohammad pbuh and Prophet Isa pbuh will start killing wild boars and pigs to make way for Allah wa taala.
Ha ha ha, what a story aluang! Wakakakaa
By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the Son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizyah (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it.” Abu Huraira added “If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): — “And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) before his death. And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness against them.” (Quran 4:159)
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 657; Fateh-ul Bari, Vol. 7, P. 302)
He who laugh last, laugh loudest.
Fellow Indonesian Chinese, Dayaks, Balinese and Timorese are untamed because of thousands of years consuming pork
Thousands of years huh? Perhaps the admirable defenders of Java might have forgotten what their ancestors were eating until about 5 centuries ago. I’m sure the residual effect of such a potent toxin as pork will continue to plague the Javanese for years to come. Let us pray for them. Or better yet consult a Dukun. 🙂
Is that from quran? If it is so, that is a typical radical moslem who interprete the book literally, just like abny other radicals.
I am 100% that the pig in that book is just a symbol. Understanding the holy book needs a socio-cultural and anthropological background, and pray. Otherwise, chaos!
How retarded the radical moslem are! I am laughing again, wakakaka. Not too loud, because I am not a crazy guy.
Sylvester Says:
2. Apart from history, currently islamic civilization is far behind western and far east civilization, even propably african too. There is hardly any technology produced by islamic countries.
Thus, moslem should spent more time in self-reflecting, rather than cursing others.
Cukurungan :
History isn’t only part but it will becomes a permanent stamp to “never forget” real cost of the white man civilization and “never forget” that on every lunch given by the white man , it always a hidden bill need to be paid.
No more argument, I agreed 100% with you that Islamic civilization is far behind the western civilization especially in the crimes innovations such as women rapes boys, boys rapes mother and holyman sucking kids, women teacher sucking her students. And more over the rates of murder, rape, divorce, suicide, abortion, drugs abuse in the western civilization are far advanced than in Islamic world’s.
Why Muslim have to bother with a technology discovery, God give us abundant oil and mineral that’s it can be used to buy the technology we need, it is the same like we are riding a horses but we have to feed the horse.
We won’t curse other people if the white man also stop in teaching us their fake humanity and democracy.
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Funny thing about pork in Indonesia, they breed some of the nicest I’ve tasted in West Java, in and around Bandung. And that is a seriously Muslim area. In many poorer Muslim areas up here the imams and other authorities have declared that ‘babi hutan’ is halal, just so the locals can get some protein other than scrawny chicken and goat. I can see the distinction, funnily enough – if domestic pigs are dirty eaters, and that is the reason for them being haram as I understand it, then bush pigs are at least marginally cleaner.