The bomb went off at Al-Dzikr mosque inside the Cirebon police complex, injuring the police chief AKBP Herukoco and a number of other policemen.
The bomber was killed, making it a suicide attack, as he had the bomb strapped to his waist. He is believed to have sat behind the police chief during Friday prayers.
The bomb appears to have been of the nail-filled variety.
we better do something before bad things happen.. kill the bombers.. But where should it be started first and how we could identify those who have bad ideas of destroying Indonesia.
I recognise the usual suspects mentioned in this thread as the dalangs, but why are my people always excluded – the Hugenots? Equal blame for Hugenots, I say.
I never heard any follow-up to the Tempo article linking senior cops to bank deposits of banyak milliar2. Any possibility of a connection here?
So we have the police permitting the FPI and similiar cohorts to run amok targeting places of entertainment and latterly decadent malls. And Saudi benefactors with billions of quisence loot, supplied by the House of Saud, free to indoctrinate Salafist-ism ‘no fun till heaven’ creed, misery here regardless of any consequences for enhanced harmony.. So why now target the cops, who d’before heve shown little inclination to protect Pancasila? Maybe they’ve begun to renege on the pact they’ve made with the desert killjoys.
the bombing was only an explotion. poverty has become its detonator. It kills your conscience and your body, mine, or anybody else eventually. corruption is the real matter here. being at the top chart of indonesian corruption watch’s list, who’s that gonna be? speak of the devil!
What are you saying Diego? That is the most ridiculous explanation I have ever heard. Why is it too difficult to accept that this is the work of fundamentalist Islam? I do have many moslem friends and I appreciate them. I tend to make friends with the moderate ones.
If Islam can weed out these fundamentalists I believe people will respect their teaching more. I do support the Liberal Islam Network. Although they have been getting several threats recently.
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Breaking News: Bomb Explodes in West Java Mosque, Killing 1