Pasuruan Incident

Jun 7th, 2007, in News, by

Business and foreign interests in the Pasuruan shootings.

On May 30th a unit of the Navy’s Marine Corps opened fire on residents of Alas Telogo, Legok, Grati, Pasuruan, East Java, killing four people and wounding several others. The villagers were protesting as part of a land dispute between themselves and the Indonesian Navy. Five marines were also hurt in the clash with the villagers, of whom there were about 300.

Although four people lost their lives Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Slamet Soebijanto said the incident did not represent a gross violation of human rights, because it was not planned. The marines who shot the villagers were following standard procedures, he said, protecting themselves and the property of the Navy.

The Marines
The Marines, professional.

The Admiral said the Marine Corps had a very good reputation and, for example, had not been involved at all in the May 1998 rioting. antara

Let’s see the marines’ track record. When the May 1998 unrest broke out, was there anybody hurt by the marines? Have the marines ever hurt the people?

Sri Yunanto of the Institute for Defence, Security and Peace Studies (IDSPS) says the dispute between villagers and the Navy is connected to the business interests of the latter in that a particular company has an agreement with the Navy over the use of the land. Sri points out that according to Law No. 34 of 2004 the ownership of all military (TNI) connected businesses must be surrendered to the government by 2009 at the latest.

While the Navy claims that the land is needed for training purposes Achmad Yakub of the Federasi Serikat Petani Indonesia, Farmers’ Union, says the Navy has rented the land to PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia for 160 million rupiah per year. hukumonline PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia Investment Holding is a conglomerate involved in agri-business, the pharmaceutical industry and general trading, and is headed by one Rama Prihandana. rni

Rama Prihandana
President Director of RNI, Rama Prihandana.

A Navy commander, Moekhlas Sidik, admitted that the land, 2,600 hectares, had been rented to RNI until 2018, however he claimed that the Navy would cancel its agreement with RNI this year. republika

It was later learned that a subsidiary of RNI, PT Kebon Grati Agung, had actually rented the land, since 1981, in an 80%/20% profit sharing agreement with the Induk Koperasi TNI AL (Inkopal), a Navy front for business activities.

Meanwhile Kiki Syahnakri, a former deputy Chief of Staff of the Army and a man with a rather bad reputation from East Timor occupation days, says that foreigners were behind the clash in Pasuruan.

There are indications of foreign involvement, like how the psychological conditions were created in which the military side lost control in facing the villagers.

In normal circumstances, he said, it was impossible that the military would respond to the peoples’ provocations by acting violently. The TNI had certain procedures that it always followed, he said.

Kiki Syahnakri
Kiki Syahnakri.

Therefore foreigners must have caused it, he said, because foreigners wanted to weaken Indonesia and one method they used was to create problems between the armed forces and the people.

So we have to watch out for this, or else the country will be broken apart.

Safzen Noerdin
Safzen Noerdin.

Major General Safzen Noerdin of the Navy agreed in part, saying that provocators were behind the trouble. He said at the outset of the fight some “commandos” had gone about shouting in the streets and over mosque loudspeakers “either we die or the marines die”. antara

12 Comments on “Pasuruan Incident”

  1. Tomaculum says:

    Kiki syahnakri said:

    There are indications of foreign involvement, like how the psychological conditions were created in which the military side lost control in facing the villagers.


    Therefore foreigners must have caused it, he said, because foreigners wanted to weaken Indonesia and one method they used was to create problems between the armed forces and the people.

    And I’m sure he (K. Syahnakri) meant white-foreigners. CIA? MOSSAD?

    This was surely also foreign involvement:
    or this,20050817-65399,id.html
    or this,20060109-72032,id.html
    etc., etc.

    I would like to laugh, but it is so sad, that Indonesia is in the hand of such people.

  2. Bas says:

    Once again that bunch of corrupted monkeys use the old good trick of the “foreigners provocators” to hide behind. I can predict innocent foreigners will soon be arrested for whatever issue. Foreigners are so useful. Than can be screwed with fake investment and be used as “kambing hitam”. Why the hell foreign companies still invest in that damned country?

    And why foreigners caught with a few grams of cocain or canabis get life time enprisonment while Indonesian with hundreds of kilos of ectasy only get a few years?

    There is such a bad smell in that country.

  3. This is a sad incident for sure, but I hope the investigation could be fair, I mean those soldiers were like low-ranked soldiers, right? Not sure myself.

  4. Dimp says:

    And I’m sure he (K. Syahnakri) meant white-foreigners. CIA? MOSSAD?

    This means that the CIA/MOSSAD is controlling either the Indonesian people or the TNI, if they control the TNI then Kiki Syahnakri is/was also under the influence of them. Now I am confused….

  5. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Are you kidding ?? Did Kiki really say this stuff ? ? I thought only morons like me spread deluded paranoid, nationalist-reality denying bullsh*t ?? Ha ha. This is very amusing.

  6. Dimp says:

    Hi AS,

    This is why I failed to lobby the government to initiate “razia orang goblok”. People like Kiki who is too afraid that this razia will target him.

  7. Naga says:

    “Why the hell foreign companies still invest in that damned country?”

    They don’t, fdi is going backward.

  8. Tom Muller says:

    As long as characters such as Kiki Syahnakri are in position of power, there is absolutely no hope for a country to get anywhere. The problem is not so much the fruitcakes and cruel f*cks per se, but the mentality and culture that allowed such miserable characters to grow into positions of power – and stay there. It’s absolutely misleading to finger point at such scum bags. They will be gone tomorrow and they are not the real problem. The real problem is the screwed culture and mentality out of which Kiki Syahnakris grow – and keep on growing. That damaged culture will still be there long after Kiki Syahnakri’s grandchildren have died of old age.

    Dictators, local or national ones, don’t fall from heaven. Every society has the leadership it deserves. That’s true for democracies and dictatorships alike. Leaders are a reflection of the society. In civil societies scrupulous ignorants do not grow into positions of power.

    The problem is not gone with the dictator. That’s true anywhere, in Indonesia as much as in the Philippines or Uganda. If the problem were the f*cks at the top, there would be hope. The problem is – and this is truly sad – the millions of little f*cks below.

  9. Rockstar says:

    Damnit! I should have known, it was CIA all along that closed down this ‘warung ayam bakar’ (translated: small bbq chicken restaurant?) near my parent’s house.

    Damn you CIA!!

    Thanks Kiki. 🙂 Thanks Indonesia. 🙂

  10. dewaratugedeanom says:

    Tom Muller wrote

    Dictators, local or national ones, don’t fall from heaven. Every society has the leadership it deserves. That’s true for democracies and dictatorships alike. Leaders are a reflection of the society. In civil societies scrupulous ignorants do not grow into positions of power.

    No society whatsoever deserves a leadership like this. Nevertheless it happened throughout history and it still happens, even in so-called civilized societies. Remember Nazi Germany and Hitler, to mention only one. Monsters like these rise the power-ladder using charismatic tricks and well-proven demagogics and once they are on top and have the support of enough brown-noses, groupies and other penjilat pantat they will use the most powerful weapon at their disposal: FEAR. In Nazi Germany the Jews were the kambing hitam, in Indonesia it is the foreigners (whoever they may be).

    As the millions of wong cilik don’t have a clue about what is really going on, busy as they are trying to make ends meet, I think it is unfair to put the blame on them. But you are right to say that it is a screwed culture and mentality out of which Kiki Syahnakris grow. Unfortunately culture and mentality are tough cookies to tackle. Nevertheless they should be the primary focus of change. Although there is no miracle recipe for this, learning the younger generations to use their own brains instead of being obedient to charismatic loudmouths and outdated or misinterpreted traditions and beliefs might be a good start. And if this fails, evolution will certainly take care of it.

  11. Odinius says:

    Damnit! I should have known, it was CIA all along that closed down this ‘warung ayam bakar’ (translated: small bbq chicken restaurant?) near my parent’s house.

    Damn you CIA!!

    Thanks Kiki. Thanks Indonesia.

    no, you’re wrong. the CIA only shuts down ayam goreng nyonya suharti, because it is too delicious.

    the warung black op stinks of malaysia, a ploy to gain ambalat!

  12. riccardo says:

    I particularly liked the quotes by well-known scholar Kiki. He’s a brilliant man that we should all look to for proper guidance! (for the wry humor-impaired, that was a joke)

    But on to PT RNI. This is one of the most corrupt, TNI cash cows ever. The company itself was started over 100 years ago by a fabulously successful Chinese Indonesian, Oei Tiong Ham (known as the Sugar King, or Raja Gula), and was called OTHC. All through the 1950s Sukarno and his military used and abused OTHC and extorted billions of dollars from the company. Finally, in 1961 Sukarno simply stole it and gave it to the military boys, without any compensation paid to the heirs of Oei Tiong! Sukarno ‘gave’ it to them to keep them happy and on his side. Anyway, PT RNI was born and was and still is nothing but a gigantic, corrupt cash cow. The company, which is technically a BUMN (state owned) is totally controlled by the generals, and it still controls all the sugar, and millions of hectares of other plantations that OTHC developed around the archipelago.

    It is interesting that the Indonesian media and so-called local “analysts” don’t even realize that incidents like Pasuruan are all just “chickens coming home to roost” (bad karma) for bad decisions, injustice and corruption from years ago. Nobody has done anything to change the mindset of the jawa/sukarnoists/suhartoists/mafia. And nothing will change for the better until that stuff is dealt with properly. But Kiki’s biggest fear (breakup of RI) will probably happen before those mafia thugs realize their own errors are leading to that very breakup.

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