Against Pornography

May 29th, 2007, in News, by

Dealing with pornography and protecting children.

Dr Risman Musa, an expert on multi-cultural affairs at the Co-ordinating Ministry of the People’s Welfare, says the pornography industry in Indonesia is well organised because pornography was such a profitable business to be in.

Risman Musa
Risman Musa.

Speaking at a meeting of the Anti-Pornography & Indecency Movement in Bandarlampung on May 24th Musa said the pornography industry’s attack on Indonesian society, particularly on its children, had to be challenged by parents, and:

What is very important is the role of religion.

He stressed the need for clear rules and regulations to prevent porn being available to children in order to save the young generation.

Tatti Elmir of the Save the Children Alliance then spoke saying that the mass media were most responsible in influencing children towards “pornoaksi”, or indecent or free behaviour like free sex.

There are television programs and films about giving up one’s virginity and having sex which are screened when families gather together, like at 8.00 in the evening.

Besides television, comic books, handphones, dvd’s and vcd’s, newspapers, and magazines were most commonly used to spread pornography in Indonesia, she said.

In America, she said, the porn business generated more money than all the combined salaries of professional footballers and basketball and baseball players, as well as revenues from basketball team franchises. The American porn industry was more valuable than the combined worths of ABC, CBS and NBC, she said. Globally porn netted $57 billion per year with child pornography, she went on, accounting for $3 billion of this.

On the internet the biggest users of porn sites were 12 to 17 year olds, Tatti said.

What was to be done? Tatti recommended improving communication within families and giving children confidence in themselves by involving them in decision making. Further, children should be taught to respect themselves and know how to distinguish between the different types of close contact or touching, and how to react to them.

Parents should also know where their children were at all times, and who they were with, – the most dangerous people were those who were known to the child, or close to him/her. antara

4 Comments on “Against Pornography”

  1. Janma says:

    Quoted from above article:

    “There are television programs and films about giving up one’s virginity and having sex which are screened when families gather together, like at 8.00 in the evening.”


    “What was to be done? Tatti recommended improving communication within families and giving children confidence in themselves by involving them in decision making.”

    Perfect! So problem solved, parents can educate their children while watching TV that includes these issues, government can concentrate on more pressing issues now.

  2. Enigmatic says:

    Why didnt anyone think of sexual education in, let’s say, high schools?

    It’s not as if sexuality education has no link to pornography…

  3. iamisaid says:

    Hold there for a second Dr Risman Musa.

    It should not come as any surprise to you just how much Indonesian children know about sex. I am talking about the vast majority of Indonesian children and not specifically Indonesian children who are blessed with enough daily stipend to browse the internet at cyber cafes or to purchase sex whatever.

    So, do not talk about morality amongst Indonesian children like a horse with blinders on.

  4. Stupid Bule says:

    There are television programs and films about giving up one’s virginity and having sex which are screened when families gather together, like at 8.00 in the evening.

    What’s this guy selling???
    What’s his position on child genital mutilation in this country?
    Where does he stand on the exploitation of countless indonesian children?
    What’s his views on images of murdered children on prime-time TV?

    Well the good doctor is obviously not talking about his own family….because he probably has the good sense to, TURN OFF THE TV!!!

Comment on “Against Pornography”.

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