National Ideology

Jun 4th, 2007, in News, by

The basis of the state, Islamic or Pancasila, is still a nagging issue for some.

Former leader of Muhammadiyah Youth, Abdul Mu’ti, said on 24th May while launching the book “Gerakan Islam Syariat: Reproduksi Salafiah Ideologis di Indonesia”, The Islamic Sharia Movement: Reproduction of Salafi Ideology in Indonesia, that the issue of making Indonesia an Islamic state was still “latent”.

Abdul Muti
Abdul Mu’ti.

The rise of democracy since 1998 had given room for the sharia movement to grow, while, going back to 1945, the amending of Article 29 on Religion in the constitution still excited debate. Those who advocated an Islamic state could not be criminalised, he said however, provided they did not break existing laws in their struggle.

What drove the sharia movement, he said, was a concern over morality, specifically the issues of gambling, sexual immorality, and alcohol. The matter of poverty did not excite their interest, he said.

Haedar Nashir of Muhammadiyah agreed that since the fall of Suharto the Islamist movement had grown considerably and said that this was understandable – times of crisis often produced radical responses. He suggested another reason for their growth was the marginalisation they had experienced under Suharto had now been lessened.

Haedar Nashir
Haedar Nashir.

Islamists often regarded mainstream Muslim organisations like Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) as essentially non-Islamic, Haeder added. okezone

Meanwhile former president (2001-2004) Megawati Soekarnoputri said on two occasions recently, the first on 30th May in Surakarta or Solo, Central Java, the second on 1st June in Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), that the national ideology of Pancasila was increasingly being ignored.

Megawati Soekarnoputri
Megawati Soekarnoputri.

In Solo she claimed that certain groups were deliberately trying to get rid of Pancasila as the basis of the state, and that evidence of this could be seen in the frequent attempts of late to pass amendments to the 1945 basic law or constitution. detik

In Ende she said that many people in society had forgotten the meaning of the principles of Pancasila, and that the political direction of the country was one of aimless drifting. antara

A leader of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), Said Agil Siradj, said on 31st May in Jakarta that Pancasila was the final form of the state and could never be changed.

The unitary state of Indonesia and Pancasila are final, there can be no debate. For NU the door to debate these issues is closed.

Ten years before Indonesian independence in 1949 an NU leader, Hasyim Asy’ari, had said that a free Indonesia had to become “Darussalam”, a peaceful country, and one that accomodated all the cultures, traditions, and religions that existed here, Siradj said. At that time in history, Siradj went on, some Muslims said there were only two choices for Indonesia – become an Islamic country or an Infidel country – but Hasyim Asy’ari added a third option, “Darussalam”.

The prophet Muhammad himself had not come to establish an Islamic state, he said, but to deliver a message of peace, moderation, prosperity, modernness, and education, among other things. The evidence for this could be seen in the Medina Charter, the agreement that Muhammad concluded with non-Muslim citizens, he said – out of 47 articles in the Charter not one of them spoke of an Islamic state, and nor did any part of the Quran. antara

8 Comments on “National Ideology”

  1. Julita says:

    Meanwhile former president (2001-2004) Megawati Soekarnoputri said on two occasions recently, the first on 30th May in Surakarta or Solo, Central Java, the second on 1st June in Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), that the national ideology of Pancasila was increasingly being ignored.

    Thanks Megawati Soekarnoputri for reminding the people. ‘Bersatu Teguh’ don’t get side tracks stay together.

  2. Ronald says:

    There is no Islamic law, Christian law, Buddhist law or others’ law which can be fair for all people. It’s only the law that based on all people’s consensus.

  3. Ade Wanto says:

    This is an era which the clash of civilization in all over part of the world will begin. The effort to replace Pancasila is a way to start clash in Indonesia. How? Because Pancasila is the only basic principles that accept diversity. The basic thought of Pancasila is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Indonesian have accepted the unique of people for many years ago. So, Indonesian founding fathers has to decided and final that they do not want Indonesia become religion state or secular state. Indonesia is Pancasila state.

    Under Soeharto’s regime, Pancasila has lead to a wrong understanding. Soeharto has forced all organization to accept Pancasila without better understanding and proper interpretation of Pancasila. Because of Soeharto’s misleading nowadays many people want to get rid of Pancasila as the basis of the state. The latter is an anti-historical effort.

    All believers in Indonesia must face the reality that God Himself do not want six billion people in this world must believe in only one religion. They must realize too that Indonesian must not accept just one religion. Allah do not force all human accept Majusi, Christian, or Islam. People have their own way to believe what they believe. Moslems do not have a right to make all people become they believer. Also, Christian do not have a right to make somebody else to follow Jesus. Hinduism or Budhism too. Everyone does not have a command from God to changing other people follow what his believe. Let us face the reality that God never want all people are the the same. Peoples live in diversity. We unite as Indonesian because we are Indonesian. There are plenty rooms in heaven. Room for Hinduism Believers. Room for Buddhism Believers. Room for Jesus Believers. Room for Islam Believers. All believers have their own room in heaven. The hell is only for evil. Who is evil? Even sometime they believe in God, but they who do not fear of God is an evil. They make destruction to this God-made world. They who make poverty in all over the world, they who make destruction in our environment, they are evil.

    The clash of civilization will start when “the believer” face to face “the other believer” to join evil way. The clash will begin if “somebody else” make war to “somebody”. Pancasila is the only way to avoid the clash of civilization in this world. The bigger war must stop before it begins. People must accept the diversity of human. People of the world must accept the diversity of the religion.

    For Indonesian, let us find ways to solve Indonesia’ problems such us poverty, lack of education, unemployment, etc rather than force somebody else believe what we believe. Let us live in many kind of differences. Why we must force somebody else to agree with our believe, follow us, if Allah do not want it.

    We do not have a chance to choose our mother who birth us. Why we must choose somebody else believing. Someone become Majusi, Christian, or Moslem because their “parent”. Where you born and grow up decide what you believe. We don’t have a right to seduce someone else follow what we believe. Your believe is yours. Mine is mine.

    In the global stage, the clash of civilization has begun. And, the trigger came from “the groups of fear of God” versus “the groups of no fear of God.” This clash has been waiting for involvement from “the group of the believer” versus “the group of the other believer”. If they meet each other in evil way, I think, the world will close to the end. Who could stop the WW III?

    Who is “the groups of no fear of God” in the world? They who have thrown away God from daily life: They who has accepted the guy marital, they who want to erase “in God we trust” from greenbuck, they who want all the believer disbelieve to each other. They are evil.

    In Indonesia context, someone who want to replace Pancasila is an “evil way”. This include the group of people who want to make Papua as Christian territory, also the group of people who want to make Islamic country, also the group of people who want to make Bali is only for Hinduism, also the group of people who want to Buddha has a their own territory.

    Let us pray the world will not go to the end because this evil.

    Long live with Pancasila.

  4. DoOs says:

    There is no Islamic law, Christian law, Buddhist law or others’ law which can be fair for all people. It’s only the law that based on all people’s consensus.

    I beg your pardon, but there is a law in every religion. Even nature has a law that is not fair, what makes fair is the people that want fairness.

    The world will not die because of evil, in fact sometimes the world is saved because of evil. :D. And do not blame the fact that our crisis had been the effect of religions coming into Indonesia. No… religions help us condemn our fears, some people don’t need it but some do. You should realize that the breakdown of Pancasila is due to the effect of Disidentialization. You can figure it out yourself how we lost our identity.

  5. Ade Wanto says:

    The world will not die because of evil, in fact sometimes the world is saved because of evil

    Of course the world will not end by the evil. The world will end by them who follow what evil do. Who are they? They whom reject diversity. Pancasila is a philosophy based on diversity, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

    You should realize that the breakdown of Pancasila is due to the effect of Disidentialization.

    What is evil work? They who claim they are the truth and follow their way and force somebody else to follow their believing. God made this this world colourful, not just black and white. So we must appreciate the diversity of human.

    How come sometimes the world is saved because of evil, DoOs?

  6. DoOs says:

    Enough with the talk of evil and good. Everyone claims they’re own truth buddy, even the elder prophets promote what they think is truth even though they are just some limmited being god put into this earth. We are and what we are cannot be denied, face the reality buddy.

    How can e vil save the world? When you’re in the top of mount Everest, you are dying of hunger and you see your only friend there with you almost passing out, the only way you can survive is to eat him. You decide to be good and die, or be bad and live. Its our nature, you can talk about being good but by the time you are judge, I will call you a hypocrate.

    Got that mate?

  7. Julita says:

    Abdul Mu’ti:

    What drove the sharia movement, he said, was a concern over morality, specifically the issues of gambling, sexual immorality, and alcohol. The matter of poverty did not excite their interest, he said.

    “The matter of poverty did not excite their interest” Sexual immorality definitely includes prostitution. Since poverty cause some young girls end up/being forced into prostitution, lashing them in public is putting them lower in the ladder of society, perhaps even closing their opportunity for good future. I think, in this case poverty should be taken into consideration, giving them support and education is a better way.

  8. Julita says:

    June 11th, 2007 at 10:33 am
    Sudarsono: It is working for the people whose hearts are open to it. I feel a surge of joy every time I see the gold-specked Garuda Pancasila sparkling in the sunlight, and indeed any time. It is true, yes, that there are many Indonesians who still need to open their hearts, but in the long run, Pancasila will endure.

    Jlta: Good for you, you feel a surge of joy to see the gold-specked Garuda Pancasila sparkling in the sunlight.
    I put more pride and uphold the idealistic content of Pancasila, it is not enough just to open one’s heart to it. It needs commitment, effort from every individual to make sure it will prevail, no choice it is for all, otherwise it will result in misery for some. People should feel comfortable, peaceful, living together in unity under the wings of the ‘Garuda’ under Pancasila. Unity in diversity, diversity in race, culture, religion etc.etc

    There is concern for one another, the poor will be taken care of, no riots against any other race, no burning/ransacking of churches/mosques/temples/houses, no lashing of people in public, no intruding into people’s houses and abusing it’s inhabitants, no forcing people to convert to any religion but can freely choose what is in their hearts. In this case, anti apostacy organizations, sorry to say, would become illegal. The guy who hit Moni would be put into jail.

    Once people’s attention is more on education, economy, peace of mind then we hope prosperity will follow.
    So a strong committed government body and a law which works would be a must.

    A. Sudarsono: I sense skepticism from you.

    Jlta: It sounds better coming from the ex-president which I fully agree:

    Meanwhile former president (2001-2004) Megawati Soekarnoputri said on two occasions recently, the first on 30th May in Surakarta or Solo, Central Java, the second on 1st June in Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), that the national ideology of Pancasila was increasingly being ignored.

    A. Sudarsono: I recommend you study in-depth, the butir-butir of the Pancasila and the right way will be clear, through feminism, Anti-Australianism, and everything we have been discussing on this Blog.

    Jlta: Thanks for your thoughtfulness. The school I attended did a good job at it and in the following I will post for all, especially those who have never read it, to know how ideal it is.

    The Five Principles

    [edit] (1) Belief in the one and only God (Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa)
    This principle reaffirms the Indonesian people’s belief that God does exist. It also implies that the Indonesian people believe in life after death. It emphasizes that the pursuit of sacred values will lead the people to a better life in the hereafter. The principle is embodied in the 1945 Constitution and reads: “The state shall be based on the belief in the one and only God”.

    [edit] (2) Just and civilized humanity (Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab)
    This principle requires that human beings be treated with due regard to their dignity as God’s creatures. It emphasizes that the Indonesian people do not tolerate physical or spiritual oppression of human beings by their own people or by any other nation.

    [edit] (3) The unity of Indonesia (Persatuan Indonesia)
    This principle embodies the concept of nationalism, of love for one’s nation and motherland. It envisages the need to always foster national unity and integrity. Pancasila nationalism demands that Indonesians avoid feelings of superiority on the grounds of ethnicity, for reasons of ancestry and skin color. In 1928 Indonesian youth pledged to have one country, one nation and one language, while the Indonesian coat of arms enshrines the symbol of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” which means “unity in diversity”.

    [edit] (4) Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives (Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan dalam Permusyawaratan/Perwakilan)
    Pancasila democracy calls for decision-making through deliberations, or musyawarah, to reach a consensus, or mufakat. It is democracy that lives up to the principles of Pancasila. This implies that democratic right must always be exercised with a deep sense of responsibility to God according to one’s own conviction and religious belief, with respect for humanitarian values of man’s dignity and integrity, and with a view to preserving and strengthening national unity and the pursuit of social justice.

    [edit] 5) Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia (Keadilan Sosial bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia)
    This principle calls for the equitable spread of welfare to the entire population, not in a static but in a dynamic and progressive way. This means that all of the country’s natural resources and the national potentials should be utilized for the greatest possible good and happiness of the people. Social justice implies protection of the weak. But protection should not deny them work. On the contrary, they should work according to their abilities and fields of activity. Protection should prevent willful treatment by the strong and ensure the rule of justice.

    Jlta: In regard to your suggestion that Australia should adopt the Pancasila. As far as I know, they are in a very good shape. They have a strong government and their law works, to me Australia is fine as it is.

Comment on “National Ideology”.

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