Neo-colonialism in Libya

Mar 30th, 2011, in Featured, News, by

Hasyim Muzadi sees a dark western oil grab plot in the attack by allied powers on Libya.

Secretary General of the International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) and former leader of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Hasyim Muzadi says of the western attack on Libya:

If Libya falls into the hands of the west after the fighting stops it will be just the same, the people will suffer.

What the western countries were playing at currently was attempting to divide Libya into two parts, east and west

Why are they doing this? It’s because there’s nothing in the west of Libya, it’s the east that has the oil.

The same division attempt had recently successfully been made in Sudan, which split into separate countries, north and south, he said:

It was because the south of Sudan has oil.

People had to learn the lesson of Iraq, he said, which after having been conquered by the West was plunged into civil SARA type strife; the Iraqi people were those who suffered.

Meanwhile Hasyim’s solution to Libya’s conundrum was:

There needs to be a ceasefire, then Muammar Gaddafi has to take into account the wishes of his people.

23 Comments on “Neo-colonialism in Libya”

  1. Oigal says:

    Gotta love the PKS, it like Indonesia’s own slapstick version of Comedy Central! Do you apply for a position with this mob or audition 🙂 Did he miss the bit where no fly zone was requested by the Arab League? Did he not see the film of the regime gunning down protestors?

    Personally, I think the west for once should have told the Arab league and their brothers(?), your mess you fix it. The rest of the world is tired of your double standards. However to suggest yet another oil conspiracy …oh please just grow up!

  2. Ross says:

    Worryingly, I agree with that comment.

  3. David says:

    Smallish point but Muzadi is nothing to do with the PKS, he’s NU so if there’s a political party he’s associated with it’s PKB. From what I’ve gleaned he is rather unfriendly towards the PKS.

  4. Oigal says:

    In that case, I withdraw my comment mmmm..I thought he was tho..dang wrong..

  5. Oigal says:

    Mmmm I got him him mixed up with that PKS ranter Wahid who made the front pages of a couple of papers today with the same nonsense.

  6. Rambutan says:

    He’s closer to PPP than PKB… and he has always been an idiot.

  7. Lairedion says:

    I always thought he was a kind of moderate guy but apparently all these types are multi-headed snakes like Amien Rais. Plus it seems to be trendy to run on a populist vote appealing to the Muslims masses.

  8. realest says:

    China is actually singing the same song but i guess there is no way any non-western-styled democracy are ever correct. [eagerly waiting for the totally irrelevant lack of human rights strawman argument]
    It took the West err sorry i mean the UN four months to intervene on Iraq for first Gulf war.
    It took many years to intervene the genocide in Sudan(basically a dirt poor country consisting mostly of farmers).
    Time the UN took to intervene in Libya: 1 week

    At the end of the day, there’s only so much excuses anyone can make.

  9. ET says:

    Whatever the reasons for the intervention the UN and the allies are making a fool of themselves by limiting their support for the democratic (who says they are?) rebels by imposing a non-fly zone only. Look at those rebels and how they go about it. It’s downright pathetic. A macho show of bravery in their pick-up trucks mounted with outdated anti-aircraft guns, wasting ammunition by firing bullets in the air whenever there’s a camera around instead of saving them to kill the enemy. How can a motley crew of amateurish hotheads ever be a match against the trained Gaddafi forces with tanks and modern weaponry? If the UN ever believes this will stop the Gaddafi regime from massacring its own people and introduce a democratic order instead then I have more strategic insight in my little toe than Nato’s entire general staff. Maybe someone should remind them of the outcome of the Peasant’s War in parts of Western Europe.

    If you want to get rid of Gaddafi send a Mossad-trained squad after him to get the job done, then start giving support in nation building and arm the new regime with all necessary guarantees and precautions.

  10. madrotter says:

    you might find this interesting:

  11. realest says:

    The media says it pretty loud and clear – no intervening countries would like to send ground forces into Libya simply because they would have to pay for anything they break. Nobody has the political will nor deep pockets to pay for rebuilding another Iraq. The Americans pretty much exhausted their war chest with Iraq after getting only a small piece of the cake.

  12. Bang Ahmad says:

    I dont know how I should say it, I would agree on what Hasyim said. How come? Because the problems raised in Libya is utilized by the west interest on the search of oil for their economic back up.

  13. Arie Brand says:

    Gaddafi is a killer with dead eyes (the feature that most struck me when I saw him being interviewed). And that supposed quest for the control of Libya’s oil is largely a red herring. But, that being said, is the idea that we are dealing here with a case of neo-colonialism really so outrageous? Look at the following article by Paul Craig Roberts, once Assistant-Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan (and credited for assisting in constructing Reaganomics) and a former editor of the arch-conservative Wall Street Journal:

  14. wahono putra says:

    He remained NU, and PKS different from NU. PKS as an accomplice hardline Sunni interests in the Middle East, was willed to be able to master the Indonesian government maps. through the funny puppet Hidayat Nur Wahid. The most stupid person of the same name was inappropriate in the sandangnya. PKS is not because I hate the one, but I hate the MCC because of vision behind the actions and programs, we realize all the Indonesian people, O? Greetings – The W

  15. syonan says:

    Arab League or not, the situation is very clear that the west wants the oil from the Libyan fields. If there wasn’t any, the west will never zoom into this piece of the African desert.

  16. Guna2 says:

    Yes, Syonan, the abundance of oil in Afghanistan also explains the presence of the West there. And just think of what the Arabs could do with all that oil themselves! They could expand their already flourishing industry, and they could continue innovating. A blessing for the rest of the world, especially for the developing countries that already are doing far better because of all the aid from the rich Arab countries.
    However, I do agree that the West should keep their noses out of Arab countries. They smell.

  17. realest says:

    I could barely see any hint from gaddafi’s eyes, his face looks like a crumpled plastic.

    The aim is to control the current unsustainable price of oil. A steep rise in one energy commodity is bound to inflate the other energy commodities due to effect of demand-side.

  18. Arie Brand says:

    I was referring to an interview that took place before the present conflict. One telling incident in it was that the interpreter didn’t dare to translate properly a fragment that he believed to be unwelcome to Gaddafi. The man has however enough English to spot such things and demanded in an icy cold manner to get the proper translation.

    Perhaps I can find it on Youtube.

  19. funny says:

    totally off-topic but this should be interesting

    should we change our flag to green, rename indonesia as arabnesia, and start kissing any arab asses that pass thru?

  20. realest says:

    Ciputra made one too in manado, a christian majority area i heard.

    France was the first major western country to push for intervention and I still don’t get why they are so adamant on this no-fly zone.

  21. Arie Brand says:

    And since we seem to be off topic here anyway what about this one:

  22. Odinius says:

    This is just lazy.

    I take it he also thinks “the West” is engaged in a “cocoa grab” in Cote d’Ivoire?

  23. Ian says:

    The dictator should resign, and a truce be declared.

    Wonderful idea, it’s amazing nobody in Libya ever thought of it.

    What planet has this gentleman been living on?

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