Japan Earthquake

Mar 14th, 2011, in Featured, News, by

Some of the local reactions to the Japan earthquake and tsunami tragedy; worries about economic impact on Indonesia.

Obviously the following notes are trivial compared to the tragedy but on an Indonesia focused site….

Via JP

Indonesia’s exports and imports with Japan may be impeded by the recent massive earthquake and tsunami that resulted in damaged infrastructure in mainly coastal parts of the archipelago.

Japan is the country’s number one export destination for non-oil and gas products, accounting for nearly 13% of overall exports, or $16.5 billion in 2010.

In a similar vein, Edy Putra Irawady, deputy for industry and trade to the coordinating minister for economic affairs, said Indonesian companies should look elsewhere:

So exporters, importers and business world alike should be patient or switch to new markets other than Japan

He also worried that the massive Japanese investment in Indonesia would decline.

And the minister of Transmigration and Manpower worries that the disaster will limit work opportunities for Indonesian guest workers; there are currently 17,000 Indonesians there, many of them nurses, and Muhaimin Iskandar is fearful that the companies that employ them will go broke or have severe liquidity problems.

On a more positive note the Indonesian Red Cross/Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) is going to send 7 people to help.


151 Comments on “Japan Earthquake”

  1. Hans says:

    A ten-meter high tsunami hit Japan’s Pacific coast on Friday morning. The tsunamis swept away people, animals, houses, cars – everything in its path.
    The tsunamis were caused by an earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale. Several nuclear power plant was stopped automatically due to quake
    8 deaths so far

  2. Hans says:

    Fukushima 1: will become a classic. Japan gets its Harrisburg and Chernobyl.

  3. ET says:

    On a more positive note the Indonesian Red Cross/Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) is going to send 7 people to help.

    7 people on a total of 240+ Mio. Impressive. How about the Bulan Sabit Merah/Red Crescent?

    Of course nothing much to gain in Japan right now. Why should Indonesians waste time, money and effort on a wasteland? Besides, Japan’s contributions to the 2004 tsunami relief are probably since long been forgotten. Somebody said in another thread

    That rings some bells, I wonder whether that is something typical of the culture here, the way that people can so sharply change from great emotional distress to business as usual again in an instant.

    Business as usual. It reminds me of the 2002 Bali bombings. There was more concern about the travel warnings then than the actual fate of the victims.

  4. Lairedion says:

    Another funny statement:

    Ginandjar: Indonesia Siap Bantu Rakyat Jepang

    Eeerrm, Indonesia cannot even help its own citizens, let alone other countries….

  5. nobody says:

    Apparently both of you can find something to sneer on in everything. a chronic one in that.
    there are already 10 times more Indonesian in Japan then Australian.

  6. diego says:

    Err… nobody, what does “there are much more indonesians living in Japan than australians living in japan” have to do with “how helpful indonesia is to japan in this tragedy” ?

  7. KaoZ says:

    its not just there. European media seem to care a lot about the stock market. Yesterday CNN sent a 30 Minute Special on the “bad impact this tragedy had on the NIKKEI” (SIC!) And so on and so on.
    It seems, since a long time its not people who matters anymore but the economy. Exactly this is whats wrong with the system. Most of the people in power think about the “ME” and after finishing this extended thought, they may start to think that it is people’s lifes at stake here!

  8. KaoZ says:

    @ET: Its not just there… the same effect can be seen all around the globe. Those in power seem to forget their responsibility and only care about the money they will gain or lose, not much more. Of course they have to send some, or their reputation will suffer… so okay seven should be enough for that matter!

    something is very, very wrong with this world!

  9. ET says:


    its not just there. European media seem to care a lot about the stock market. Yesterday CNN sent a 30 Minute Special on the “bad impact this tragedy had on the NIKKEI” (SIC!) And so on and so on.

    I must admit you are right. The NIKKEI plummets because suddenly everybody wants to get rid of their Japanese shares. Idiot egoistic short term panicky thinkers and an excellent opportunity for the smart ones who can buy cheap now and make a nice profit after Japan recovers. And Japan, with its industrious and disciplined population with high work ethics, will overcome. No doubt about it.

    Of course they have to send some, or their reputation will suffer… so okay seven should be enough for that matter!

    But when it comes to active support in a crisis situation like this, sending 7 people and daring to say this publicly, could have a serious backlash in terms of public relations if one compares it to the extensive help and support Indonesia has always got from the Japanese after WWII, especially after the 2004 tsunami.

  10. Lairedion says:


    And your point is? And why are you referring to Australians?

  11. ET says:

    re. my last post.

    Unless the Indonesian Red Cross’s almost insulting reaction has something to do with the unresolved matter of the comfort women during WWII. Though it has seemingly apologized repeatedly for these offenses, the Japanese government denies legal liability for the creation and maintenance of the system of “comfort stations” and comfort women used during WWII. The possibility for seeking claims through litigation in Japan was firmly and finally closed by the Supreme Court of Japan in a decision handed down on April 27, 2007.

  12. Hans says:

    it interesting in the stock market is not that in Japan, it´s more with how much they intend to bring home.
    Japanese are not owe someone money, all profits are reinvested in the market, if they take home much money it can cause problems for many developing countries, we as sits on the market protects ofcourse our own backyard first and foremost, solidarity, of course, but not from the private economy.

    I myself have chosen to move shares to trade in Turkey, for the moment.
    they working very hard and the wheels rolling on well in Turkey.

  13. agan says:


    Apparently both of you can find something to sneer on in everything. a chronic one in that.

    Seem like many “bules” who are here for the long haul invariably calls this country either Indahnesia or Ironynesia but guess they too love this country in their own way.
    You are a more “glass half-full” kind of a guy here than others and duly noticed,
    keep it up!

  14. Oigal says:

    Mmmm, Once again in the extremely unlikely and illogical chance the Religionists be right and there is a Judgment day, surely the conversation has to be:

    “You sure ask a lot of questions for a thing that has a lot of explaining to do”

  15. nobody says:

    well, for starters, I don’t think japan needs any guy-who-is-handing-out-supermi-to-survivors kind of foreign volunteers.. so anyone sent from Indonesia should be someone highly specialized.. like doctors, or SAR dogs. Why send doctors from Indonesia if you already have perhaps 100s if not 1000s of them studying there? Obviously the doctors that can pass the exams to get scholarship for graduate study in Japan would be much smarter than the average doctors you can send from here.

  16. nobody says:

    and, just for information, those mooslems, one of them being dompet duafa, also sent teams there: http://www.dompetdhuafa.org/?p=4614

    “TOKYO—Indonesia AID Dompet Dhuafa Jepang telah siapkan genset dan bensin cadangan mendekati Sendai dengan membawa selimut makanan dan susu.
    Hal ini diungkapkan Direktur Komunikasi dan Penghimpunan Dompet Dhuafa M. Arifin Purwakanta di Jakarta, Sabtu (12/3).
    Cuaca dingin di Jepang menyebabkan warga Jepang sangat membutuhkan pakaian dan selimut guna menjaga kondisi kesehatan warga.
    Berikut ini rekening bantuan bagi korban Gempa Jepang. atas nama Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa:
    Mandiri 103 00 5577 557-7 (Swift Code= BEIIIDJA)
    BCA a/c 237 302 6344 (Swift Code= CENAIDJA)
    BNI Syariah a/c 009 153 9002 (Swift Code= BNINIDJA)”

    Oh the horror! Muslims actually is helping japanese/non muslims…. oigal must be having a heart attact now..

    by the way, where is the Australian or NZ team? Indonesian muslms is already in the ground zero.

  17. Oigal says:

    Already there Nobody along with Plane loads of Aid..If you are going to be a sad little bigot do some research helps you save face. Are you really that deluded you are seriously going to get into debate about the amount of Aid that the “West” pumps into any disaster anywhere? Get real!

    Muslims actually is helping japanese/non muslims…. oigal must be having a heart attact now..

    Dearie me ..outright misrepresentation now? As well you know, my issue is the slavish and unwarranted devotion by some to Arabs and has sweet FA to do with Muslims as such. Sorry how much are we expecting from the Arabs…??

  18. diego says:

    I detect incorrect uses of the word “arab” in the comments. It is a verb, not a noun.

    Correct use: You can uh-rub my arse.

  19. Oigal says:

    Oh and I won’t embarrass you but pointing out what your post in Indonesian is actually saying..

  20. diego says:

    Are you talking to me Oigal?

  21. Oigal says:

    Diego, No I was talking to our deluded friend Nobody..

    Oh the horror! Muslims actually is helping japanese/non muslims…. oigal must be having a heart attact now..

    Having been found wanting on detail in every debate he has wandered into, now descends into outright misrepresentation of what people have said.

  22. Hans says:

    The financial losses for the earthquake-hit regions in Japan is as an estimate based on currently available information, to 14-15 trillion yen, equivalent to 171-183 billion dollars, assessing bank Credit Suisse,
    This would mean that the losses would be just under 40 percent of the 40 trillion yen, which became the losses after Kobe earthquake 1995.
    that it is cheaper now due to the infrastructure and rural.
    Funny to see that Asian business people were so quick to invest in cement factories.

  23. Lairedion says:


    A RI rescue team will be sent to Japan this Thursday. Will you make sure these are all Muslims just to address your insecurity?

    One minor detail. This team will join other volunteers from 69 (!) other countries.

    RI disaster relief team to head to Japan on Thursday

  24. Hans says:

    Is it to help with the identification of dead?

  25. Hans says:

    Indonesian Muslim rescue teams. it surely can not work, Japan is a country that really does not like foreigners. Can see The Japanese horror when they catch sight of their veiled in the way helpers come in a dark cluster.
    ONLY FOR JAPANESE, is not unusual signs at restaurant entrances.
    The point is that! you can not rush into something you do not even know what it looks like in a dream.

  26. Oigal says:

    Diego, No I was talking to our deluded friend Nobody..

    Oh the horror! Muslims actually is helping japanese/non muslims…. oigal must be having a heart attact now..

    Having been found wanting in detail in every debate he has wandered into, now descends into outright misrepresentation of what people have said.

  27. Oigal says:

    Just as a matter of interest and part of a huge international effort but seeing how you asked. As far as I am aware, other than for yourself, religion was not a consideration any more than it was during the aid to Indonesia Tsunami.

    Australia sent the frigate HMAS Sydney and heavy landing ship HMAS Tobruk carrying helicopters, Australian Army engineers and medical teams.[202] Fire and Rescue NSW service sent a 76-member Urban Search and Rescue team, some of which had recently been rotated through the Christchurch earthquake recovery effort, and 20 tonnes of rescue equipment.

    New Zealand sent an urban search and rescue team which had spent the previous three weeks searching buildings following the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, and 15 tonnes of rescue equipment

  28. nobody says:

    Wasn’t it you who claim that Muslims has this deficiency on helping other people? (or doing good in general)? well, Indonesian Muslims (and Bangladesh muslims, etc) certainly are doing our parts. Other than this, we are known to supply troops for UN peace contingents, to cambodia, bosnia, lebanon, etc, putting the life of our brothers for keeping world peace there.
    What is the difference whether it is arab muslim or indonesian muslim or muslim from other countries? they are just the same muslim reading from the same Qur’an.

  29. ET says:


    RI disaster relief team to head to Japan on Thursday.

    Finally a more substantial effort than the initial pathetic number of 7 Red Cross volunteers. But what takes them so long? Most other rescue teams are already in place and functioning.

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