Some of the local reactions to the Japan earthquake and tsunami tragedy; worries about economic impact on Indonesia.
Obviously the following notes are trivial compared to the tragedy but on an Indonesia focused site….
Via JP
Indonesia’s exports and imports with Japan may be impeded by the recent massive earthquake and tsunami that resulted in damaged infrastructure in mainly coastal parts of the archipelago.
Japan is the country’s number one export destination for non-oil and gas products, accounting for nearly 13% of overall exports, or $16.5 billion in 2010.
In a similar vein, Edy Putra Irawady, deputy for industry and trade to the coordinating minister for economic affairs, said Indonesian companies should look elsewhere:
So exporters, importers and business world alike should be patient or switch to new markets other than Japan
He also worried that the massive Japanese investment in Indonesia would decline.
And the minister of Transmigration and Manpower worries that the disaster will limit work opportunities for Indonesian guest workers; there are currently 17,000 Indonesians there, many of them nurses, and Muhaimin Iskandar is fearful that the companies that employ them will go broke or have severe liquidity problems.
On a more positive note the Indonesian Red Cross/Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) is going to send 7 people to help.
Apparently both of you can find something to sneer on in everything. a chronic one in that.
there are already 10 times more Indonesian in Japan then Australian.
its not just there. European media seem to care a lot about the stock market. Yesterday CNN sent a 30 Minute Special on the “bad impact this tragedy had on the NIKKEI” (SIC!) And so on and so on.
It seems, since a long time its not people who matters anymore but the economy. Exactly this is whats wrong with the system. Most of the people in power think about the “ME” and after finishing this extended thought, they may start to think that it is people’s lifes at stake here!
@ET: Its not just there… the same effect can be seen all around the globe. Those in power seem to forget their responsibility and only care about the money they will gain or lose, not much more. Of course they have to send some, or their reputation will suffer… so okay seven should be enough for that matter!
something is very, very wrong with this world!
well, for starters, I don’t think japan needs any guy-who-is-handing-out-supermi-to-survivors kind of foreign volunteers.. so anyone sent from Indonesia should be someone highly specialized.. like doctors, or SAR dogs. Why send doctors from Indonesia if you already have perhaps 100s if not 1000s of them studying there? Obviously the doctors that can pass the exams to get scholarship for graduate study in Japan would be much smarter than the average doctors you can send from here.
and, just for information, those mooslems, one of them being dompet duafa, also sent teams there:
“TOKYO—Indonesia AID Dompet Dhuafa Jepang telah siapkan genset dan bensin cadangan mendekati Sendai dengan membawa selimut makanan dan susu.
Hal ini diungkapkan Direktur Komunikasi dan Penghimpunan Dompet Dhuafa M. Arifin Purwakanta di Jakarta, Sabtu (12/3).
Cuaca dingin di Jepang menyebabkan warga Jepang sangat membutuhkan pakaian dan selimut guna menjaga kondisi kesehatan warga.
Berikut ini rekening bantuan bagi korban Gempa Jepang. atas nama Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa:
Mandiri 103 00 5577 557-7 (Swift Code= BEIIIDJA)
BCA a/c 237 302 6344 (Swift Code= CENAIDJA)
BNI Syariah a/c 009 153 9002 (Swift Code= BNINIDJA)”
Oh the horror! Muslims actually is helping japanese/non muslims…. oigal must be having a heart attact now..
by the way, where is the Australian or NZ team? Indonesian muslms is already in the ground zero.
Wasn’t it you who claim that Muslims has this deficiency on helping other people? (or doing good in general)? well, Indonesian Muslims (and Bangladesh muslims, etc) certainly are doing our parts. Other than this, we are known to supply troops for UN peace contingents, to cambodia, bosnia, lebanon, etc, putting the life of our brothers for keeping world peace there.
What is the difference whether it is arab muslim or indonesian muslim or muslim from other countries? they are just the same muslim reading from the same Qur’an.
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Massive Japan earthquake triggers tsunami