An anti Islam website run by a Christian political party.
Dozens of people from the “Forum Remaja Islam” (FRI), Islamic Youth Forum, descended on the offices of the Partai Damai Sejahtera (PDS), Prosperous Peace Party, on 11th May in Solo, Central Java, to complain about the existence of a PDS website which insulted Islam, specifically by casting aspersions on the character of Muhammad bin Abdullah, the prophet of Islam.
Partai Damai Sejahtera.
Some representatives of the mob entered the PDS offices and were met by local party chairman Effendi Siahaan. As they discussed the problem some shouting and threats were heard however no violence occurred. okezone
Effendi Siahaan later said he had no idea about the website, which is apparently no longer operational, or what the name of the website was. Effendi further said that those responsible for the creation of the website would be punished, assuming they were found, and he has transmitted an apology to all Muslims in Solo through local media channels. okezone
On 11th May, just after the “Forum Remaja Islam” (FRI) visit to PDS offices in Solo, the leader of the PDS nationally, Denny Tewu, announced that he had dismissed several members of the party’s central committee in Solo. The reason given was that the offenders had caused sectarian hatreds to rear their head. The Solo branch of the party has essentially been taken over by the Central Java office. partaidamaisejahtera
A Jawa Pos report of 11th May states that the offfensive material was not a “website” but an “article” on a website. jawapos In this report Effendi Siahaan is supposed to have said that the PDS does not have an official website – which doesn’t seem to be the case – until recently had a moderately active web forum – this forum has been removed sometime in the last week however pages from it can still be viewed via Google cache: vbulletin. There are many “anti Islam” topics to found in the cached results.
Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world . If you feel the truth you can feel Islam . Christians first of all understand that we are not rejecting Jesus . We accept him as a prophet not god . Prophet Muhammad is not god . But Almighty god is one . He is unique and there is no equal to him . Islam is not spread by wars . Islamic wars were done because to defend from vicious jews and christians who killed muslims and called for war . We dont accept muslim terrorists . They may have islamic name but they are not muslims . If anyone who read my post just think it for a moment and you will find the truth .
Islam is not spread by wars . Islamic wars were done because to defend from vicious jews and christians who killed muslims and called for war
You obviously missed the invasion of Europe by the Muslim Armys pre-crusades…
Ok I thought..and you need to study history a bit more and listen to the ignorant a bit less.
Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world.
..thinking of ducking up to Aceh this weekend to watch the whipping of 20 people in the name of the most peaceful religion in the world..
Patung..What’s wrong with Scientology, its not a bad story compared to some our more traditional soul props…I do like the evil warlord throwing people into volcanos bit..disappointed ol Ron couldn’t work in a flying horse, a virgin birth or a bit of lake stolling. Still all in all not a bad yarn.
Google and Scientology kinda work the same recruitment process then?
This arguing between all of you is pointless. I am a minister and I study all religions not just my own. What I can tell you is that in their original forms all these religions are virtually the same. They all preach peace love and understanding. The only difference is l;ocation and names. The problem is later versions being edited, revamped, and or completely rewritten. They are rewritten to serve a purpose of some selfish person or persons who know that easily influenced people will do whatever they have to if the priests or rabbis or preachers or imams tell them its all for God. Christianity is a good example. 30 different versions of christianity all claiming to read from the same book and all with a different outlook. Islam is the same way. Unfortunately now most Mosques around the world don’t teach from the Quran or even have an original version of it on hand. They preach the Saudi Arabian propaganda that fills the hearts of these mostly impoverished people with hate to aim at other people because if they would wake up and realize that the Imams aheiks and shahs are making so much money off other countries by selling oil they’d revolt against their own government so that the wealth could be used to better the country itself instead of buying underage male slaves for them to sodomize at their leisure and then execute once done with them. Every major religion has its ups and downs but unfortunately Islam is the one that seems to want to kill everyone that is different. I know not all of them are like that and I do not and will not judge someone based on race religion or sexual orientation. However, how can you not keep from looking sideways at a group of people who will not even openly condemn terrorist organizations and whose religious leaders call suicide bombers heroes and condone turning children into mind warped killers. If Islam has it all worked out so much better than anyone else why are they still third world countries spewing hate filled dogma the likes of which haven’t been around since Adolf Hitler.
IamRoy said:
If Islam has it all worked out so much better than anyone else why are they still third world countries spewing hate filled dogma the likes of which havenât been around since Adolf Hitler.
After saying:
instead of buying underage male slaves for them to sodomize at their leisure and then execute once done with them
Well, IamRoy, I don’t know which church you are a minister of but I hope your congregation are not as brainwashed and blinkered as you appear to be!
It was this comment that makes me think he is brainwashed and blinkered:
instead of buying underage male slaves for them to sodomize at their leisure and then execute once done with them
This doesn’t really seem like the sort of comment which one would expect from a rational, well adjusted person, who has a balanced view of Islam based on personal experience.
First off I am not brainwashed. I unlike you can see the faults in my own religion and people. I know many cathoolic priests molest children just as I know several protestant preachers have done. The difference is when we catch these acts being done we arrest and prosecute. You turn a blind eye. I know not every Muslim does this but I also know for a fact that many prominent Muslim officials do buy child slaves, do commit sodomy on them(yes male ones too), and I know that those who do know just ignore it because they are not able to change it. These men in power are the same ones that tell you it is not only ok but your duty from god to beat and or kill your wife if she disobeys you and kill your daughter if she marries into another religion. So before you go throwing insults at someone who is merely staing facts, most of which I HAVE SEEN,take a look in your mirror and turn that judgemental pendulum in your pea brain on yourself and then tell me who’s brainwashed.
So you have personally seen young boys being sodomised and then killed, you have witnessed the murder of young girls who marry outside of their religion, you have seen with your own eyes wives being beaten? Or are your statements simply heresay?
And before you accuse me of being brainwashed, just read some of my other posts here on Indonesia Matters, You will find that I am not one of the mainstream muslims, I do promote human rights, sexual equality and the questioning of Islamic mainstream thought and behaviour, I also condemn most strongly those I see as transgressing human norms of behaviour.
However the biggest difference between you and me is that I highlight the problems in my own religion instead of others, and I do not stoop to randomly throwing around juicy tid bits of disgusting human behaviour to try and discredit others religions.
Are you a little slow? I just got done saying how Christians had done things wrong. I condemned not just fanatics of your religion but of my own as well. You were the one who got defensive when someone said something negative about your people. And yes I have seen those thing. I served overseas several times and I have seen things that I would love to erase from my memory. You people get so defensive when anyone else says something negative and act like only you can condemn your own people if and when you choose. Thats pathetic. If its wrong its wrong and anyone can call you on it. Its not my fault that other people are the ones who call you on it instead of your own.
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” Mean anything to you?
You deal with your own problems first my friend, you cannot change Islam from the outside, let us, the moslems, try and reform it from the inside. It doesn’t help us for Christians with their own set of problems to start critisizing ours.
It’s amusing to see how Muslims in Indonesia (or anywhere in the world) get all bothered, and crazy mad when there is the slightest comment that ‘insults’ their relgiion/prophet/god, but their thousands of books/sites/preachings which volumes are cranked up using speakers in mosques/mushollas that insult people of other religions/belief are ok.
They always play the victim, while in fact they are the ones who constantly victimize others, even in countries when they are the minority.
Mohamed Khafi-You deal with your own problems first my friend, you cannot change Islam from the outside, let us, the moslems, try and reform it from the inside. It doesnât help us for Christians with their own set of problems to start critisizing ours.
But this is the problem. You have done a particularly lousy job of trying to ‘reform’ your religion. The recent Jakarta bombings AGAIN have highlighted major problems within your religion.
Do not let the actions of a very small minority of misguided Moslems cloud your perception of the majority! That would be like me thinking that all Catholic men were child molesters, all Americans from the southern states are members of the Klu Klux Klan and all Christians were like their extreme right wing anti abortion campaigner brothers and sisters, who have bombed abortion clinics in the US and shot doctors with handguns. Not that I agree with abortion, but I certainly don’t agree with the people who use TERROR tactics to try and stop it.
Islam has to be reformed from within, it is the only way that will be accepted by the Mainstream Muslims. This can only be achieved by education, the use of gentle reasoning and by setting a good example. Not by conflict and certainly not by the use of inflammatory rhetoric.
There is a verse in Al Quran which I will paraphrase:
“Argue with them in the best possible way, so that they who were your enemies may become your friends”
Reform does take time unfortunately, as has been pointed out in this thread there are great numbers of Islamic leaders and scholars who abuse the religion for their own purposes and they will do all in their power to stop reform. But reform is slowly taking place and will continue to do so.
MK probably has point, perhaps its time to stop refering to the murderous scum as Muslim or Islamist as it just seems to enable more weak and feeble minded to gather around them in some sort of bizarre and sick tribal solidarity (It would be fair to say they are no more Muslim than Jim Jones was christian).
Although on the other hand its hard to take the apologists line seriously when the evil buck toothed little cleric and his minions, FPI thugs and Goverment ministers regularly and willingly promote intolerance, hatred and myopic views of the world with nary a care in the world.
Still as long as there are little children to place in detention, and pork to be banned it is wrong to expect to much. Sheesh, priorities and all that.
First off Khafi I will start with you. Don’t get me wrong, you seem like a good person with your head on straight and you are right that for the religion to change it must be from within by its own people. All I have done is point out facts and things I have seen. I have called out flaws in my own religion not just yours. I can say much more but not on here for there are too many close minded individuals who would never listen and would just want to argue. I’m not trying to change your religion by “critisizing” it. I merely wish people to see the bigger picture. There are something like 1.5 to 2 billion muslims in the world and only a small percentage are militant radicals. Unfortunately many of the others while not militant are like our friend Cukurungan up there and just turning that blind eye and following the crooked regimes like sheep to the slaughter.
Now for you Cukurungan, you shortsighted ignorant wretch. People like you make me sick. ” Oh heavens my religious leaders would never do anything unsavory or immoral. Not my Imam, not my shiek.” Fool. It doesn’t matter how many wives you give a gay man he is still gonna want sodomy. It doesn’t matter how often he can remarry and add to his harem a pedophile will still crave children. People like you will always ignore the things that your leaders do because you are uneducated swine. You still believe there was no Holocaust or World War 2 in many muslim countries simply because your leaders tell you it didn’t happen. Even though in the 1930s the Palestenian Mufti of Jerusalem met with Adolph Hitler and even pledged a battallion of troops to fight alongside the SS and help exterminate Jewish prisoners. Funny how your people helped commit atrocities they now say didn’t happen. Tell the cowards running your countries to step up and admit it if they see nothing wrong with it. Quit hiding behind your veil of ignorance. “Jihad” “Mein Kunpf” diference? I think not!
Now for you Cukurungan, you shortsighted ignorant wretch. People like you make me sick. â Oh heavens my religious leaders would never do anything unsavory or immoral. Not my Imam, not my shiek.â Fool. It doesnât matter how many wives you give a gay man he is still gonna want sodomy. It doesnât matter how often he can remarry and add to his harem a pedophile will still crave children. People like you will always ignore the things that your leaders do because you are uneducated swine.
Ha ha ha…. please calm down babe….let us discuss the matter in more intellectual manner…come on…there is no a normal man suddenly become a pedophile or gay…every pedophile or gay must be through continual horrific process it could be because they are subjected to continue sex embarrassment by their sex partner like what happened today in the western community where the tyranny feminism on the rise ( it is a clear reason why the western countries become the biggest consumer of the sex child tourism) or they are living under condition that lead them to become pedophile such as in Church community where a Man is prohibited to use his penis against pussy so what else the option except the altar boys.
You still believe there was no Holocaust or World War 2 in many muslim countries simply because your leaders tell you it didnât happen. Even though in the 1930s the Palestenian Mufti of Jerusalem met with Adolph Hitler and even pledged a battallion of troops to fight alongside the SS and help exterminate Jewish prisoners. Funny how your people helped commit atrocities they now say didnât happen. Tell the cowards running your countries to step up and admit it if they see nothing wrong with it. Quit hiding behind your veil of ignorance. âJihadâ âMein Kunpfâ diference? I think not!
I never said that Holocaust never happened but I said that Mr Beloved Hitler did not complete His humanitarian task to eliminate the predator on earth and now the Palestinian who has nothing to do with the holocaust case have to pay heavy price to deal with those remnant predator
MK, the problem is not that your majority are terrorists, far from it. Our problem is that you don’t CONDEMN these terrorists and publicly distance yourselves from them. If Americans in the south didn’t embrace civil rights for blacks and condemn the KKK they would still be living in the sixties. But they have moved on and things are better for it. Muslims are only hurting themselves by this ‘us vs them’ mentality against the west and Israel. Unite with us and you will reap the coming rewards. At the very least your children will grow up in a country without bombs and oppression. Don’t forget the majority of terrorist victims are muslims themselves. More Indonesians than westerners have died in all the attacks in recent years. Do it for them if not for us.
You merely prove your ignorance, racism, and fascism Cukurngan. Fitting name though for you are definately cookoo. Palestine had nothing to do with Hitler and the Holocaust. Read a book man. Or has your satanic cult of a government and church burned all the ones that don’t ascribe to their way of thinking already? The only difference between you and a Nazi is that Hitler was carrying a personal grudge while your moronic culture clings to false beliefs that preach hate and destroy the true fabric of what Islam should be. The only true enemies of Allah are hate mongers like you.
a Man is prohibited to use his penis against pussy so what else the option except the altar boys
Which would explain the boy on boy dances and parties so popular in the those parts of the world where Islam (Including parts of Indonesia) is taken so literally it is reduced to ritual of action as a replacement for thought.
Diego… Any dances in the more Islamic parts of Indonesia is gay heaven… đ sweaty men rubbing body parts with nary a woman in sight..
Which is just amazing considering Indonesia has the most beautiful women in the world.
Personally a big (but selfish) supporter of the status quo.. the brainwashed boys get all hot n sweaty with each other and then run home to mommy…leaving all those bored beautiful women behind..
On behalf oF all those infidels that have benefited from the myopic ones treatment and fear of women..Thanks
Of course he has a twisted view Diego. He’s been fed propaganda of hatred and intolerance since birth by his cave dwelling parents and the backwards society he lives in. His schools taught him he was superior to everything that walked the earth. Kinda like some other fascist regime from the past. The one that does the same salute, goose steps the same way, and brainwashed an entire generation of young people the same way just to hate jews, homosexuals, and people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds. he is the perfect example of what is wrong with his people. Even if they aren’t the fanatics themselves they still support and condone them. If their leaders were so brave and holy then they would be the ones attacking and sacrificing their own lives for their cause rather than hiding like the cowards they are and sending children and people with little or no education to do their bidding. Look at the curriculum in the public schools in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and those like them. From the earliest stages of school children are taught to hate and kill. To die for a belief in something that isn’t even the true message of their god. The Television in these countries shows Jews sacrificing christian children to use their blood in baked goods. It is total nonsense and for some reason these morons not only eat it up daily but they believe it. An entire group of countries filled with gullible fools ready to die to further the agenda of politicians that try only to keep their own people down and under their boot heels. And then the Imams and Muslim clerics going on Arab TV and telling the people it is their duty to beat and kill their wives and daughters. Nothing will change because these ignorant savages dont want it to. They see nothing wrong with a culture of hate.
Awww Shucks thanks….and its only taken me what five years?? Not so bad for a poor uneducated boy from the bush
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Going to use that photo….is eramuslim producing these articles themselves because they have some awfully interesting stuff in that sort of wacko way that I love, google suggests it is originally from them but I’m initially doubtful…