An anti Islam website run by a Christian political party.
Dozens of people from the “Forum Remaja Islam” (FRI), Islamic Youth Forum, descended on the offices of the Partai Damai Sejahtera (PDS), Prosperous Peace Party, on 11th May in Solo, Central Java, to complain about the existence of a PDS website which insulted Islam, specifically by casting aspersions on the character of Muhammad bin Abdullah, the prophet of Islam.
Partai Damai Sejahtera.
Some representatives of the mob entered the PDS offices and were met by local party chairman Effendi Siahaan. As they discussed the problem some shouting and threats were heard however no violence occurred. okezone
Effendi Siahaan later said he had no idea about the website, which is apparently no longer operational, or what the name of the website was. Effendi further said that those responsible for the creation of the website would be punished, assuming they were found, and he has transmitted an apology to all Muslims in Solo through local media channels. okezone
On 11th May, just after the “Forum Remaja Islam” (FRI) visit to PDS offices in Solo, the leader of the PDS nationally, Denny Tewu, announced that he had dismissed several members of the party’s central committee in Solo. The reason given was that the offenders had caused sectarian hatreds to rear their head. The Solo branch of the party has essentially been taken over by the Central Java office. partaidamaisejahtera
A Jawa Pos report of 11th May states that the offfensive material was not a “website” but an “article” on a website. jawapos In this report Effendi Siahaan is supposed to have said that the PDS does not have an official website – which doesn’t seem to be the case – until recently had a moderately active web forum – this forum has been removed sometime in the last week however pages from it can still be viewed via Google cache: vbulletin. There are many “anti Islam” topics to found in the cached results.
I haven’t seen the website, much less read about its claim. But assuming that what it has written is an “anti-such-an-such” rhetoric, then all I have to say is there we have another vivid example of ignorance that is prevalent in our beloved Indonesia.
A lot of these anti-such-and-such groups blossomed out of ignorance. It’s a clear example of the parochial views that are circulating within the masses. I blame it on the lack of interest and information. We need more outreach community program. Something that might build a sense of a unified community which is definitely lacking in Indonesia. There are abundance of distrusts. This is our most prominent stumbling block, I reckon.
People have a lot of misinformed preconceptions about Islam, this is just plain sad. The religion has been poorly misrepresented, and thus causes such a backlash to many Muslims who are, without a sliver of doubt, kind and compassionate (most of which I have the privilege to befriend). Furthermore, while some of you might disagree with this, I’m on the side of the river who sees the prevalent extremist attack (the bombings in Indonesia) as aimed precisely at moderate Muslims who are willing to communicate and reach out to the larger community. But then, again, that’s how I see it, and it’s kind of irrelevant to the larger point I’m trying to convey.
All I’m suggesting is that if we wish to tackle these cases of ignorance and ameliorate the atmosphere of trust in Indonesia then we need to be more transparent and willing to reach out to the masses. But all these, essentially require one thing that I hope we, as individuals, are modest enough to grant: sincere open-mindedness.
I don’t hate anyone, I’m just anti-stupid.
— Estupidus Ignoramus — 2000 BC
El Gran Combo Puertorico Says:
May 13th, 2007 at 7:48 am
I don’t hate anyone, I’m just anti-stupid.
– Estupidus Ignoramus “” 2000 BC
“I love humanity; I just can’t stand people”
– Charlie Brown –
I am in agreement with Nickels, but as long as religion is used as a political tool in this country, it is unlikely to happen. I seriously believe that we need a seperation of religion from the political apparatus, even a law forbidding the use of religion in politics would be a good step, but that is highly unlikely as those who abuse religion for political gain are the same people who would be expected to propose and draft the same law! Whilst they are quite happy to do anything which promotes their own power or well being I think it unlikely that they would do something this radical which would reduce their control over the masses.
It is very dangerous to mix dogmatic beliefs with politics. I think these problems will persist in Indonesia until the masses are better educated to the point where they can have an international perspective on their own country. Perhaps then they might see how backwards and corrupt their political system has become.
Maybe they should just call in Lee Kwan Yew to clean up Indonesia’s political system.
What I don’t understand is why these people are so easily offended, they don’t think straight and always act with violence.
In the koran, islam is not described as a religion.
God calls mankind to His system.
No worship rituals in God’s system, hence the reason why there is no instructions on worship in the koran.
You merely call to God for your requirements and aspirations, anywhere and at anytime, and in your own words.
In stories concerning Porphets, inlcuding Moses, Jesus, Mohamed, and abraham, there was no mention of any of them doing ritual worship/Haj fasting/giving or asking for religious tithes (zakat)/ fasting.
Some of these religious rituals were added after the deaths of prophets.
Those who practice the “religion of islam” are not practising the messages described in the koran. They have added their rituals and worshipping regime, promoted priest in similar position as God whereby preists tells them what to do, ignore God’s words in the koran, slaughter innocents in the name of their religion, when clearly God has forbade killing of another soul as described in the koran, unless what is just.
There are some simple truths that need to be understood:
1. Islam is NOT the religion of peace.
2. Muslims are NOT tolerant people.
3. Non-Muslims are NEVER considered friends by Muslims.
Until these truths are accepted by the world, dealing with Muslims is going to be impossible. Listen to someone who was born in a Muslim society and knows Islamic ways well. They don’t believe in peace/love/tranquility/friendship/tolerance etc…
There’s them and there’s you. If you’re not them, then killing you is no biggie.
Some people’s comments like the Athiest Afghan, Raden, etc are against humanity. Let us think properly and positively. God Almighty Allah gave us brain to see the world and decide properly in the matters without putting our relationship with Him in danger. If we ever do so, we will put ourselves on the path of Hell. Allah wants to save us and He gave us Islam since He created the first man and first Prophet Adam- who was not a christian nor jew. What Allah guides is called as Islam-The pure and True guidance. All prophets from Allah were muslims and their true believers were also muslims. Jesus, Moses did not bring new religions and they never declared so. They were all the part of same chain of action, the movement of Islam since Allah is the One who sent this religion for all. Only the laws were changed in different times by Allah as required for mankind. Since Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was the last prophet, Allah completed through him His Religion-Al Islam, sent the Final Guide Book-Al Qur’an.
You don’t see any faults in the system of sky and celestial world etc.Allah challenges man to see the truth and find out if there is any fault because He says there is no fault in His design and creation. Similarly He invites us to see this truth also that there is not fault, injustice, wrong etc in the Qur’an and Islam. So now tell us who knows better, whose words are true? Allah’s or yours. Whose challenge we can not confront? Allah’s or yours? We can’t confront Allah and then yet think that we can win? How can we win against Allah…
That is the thinking of a dangerous human mind who thinks he or she can say falsethings about Allah, Islam, Qur’an, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) but think that they can win and get rid without punishments from Allah. The time is coming when you will know after death that what you said was false and what Allah said was true. But you have then no chance to correct nor defend yourself other than to face Hell Fire. Allah loves His Creatures that is why He sent His Prophets who struggled day and night amid the false tauntings and propaganda of athiests and enemies of religion and God to tell them the truth and save them from the path of Hell. But one who listens carefully, thinks carefully and follows the Guidance of Allah will be saved. Others will follow their own path which ends in the end in the loss and perdition. Islam zindabad.
whatever, Believer of Islam 😉
Look, there will always be people who rant this and that and oppose the truth
Hey… look at at prophet Isa (pbuh) otherwise known as Jesus, FIRST they tried to kill him…. THEN after that they twisted the religion, THEN they adopt it. Funny Thing…
What you do is, you ignore these attention seeking rants.
this is my interpretation of Atheist Afgan comment : BLAH BLAH BLAH, I HAVE NO LIFE, so I’m going to flame you
Your belief is yours, My belief is mine
There are some simple truths that need to be understood:
1. Islam is NOT the religion of peace.
Peace is not in our priority
2. Muslims are NOT tolerant people.
Muslim has no obligation to tolerate other people who do not tolerate us
3. Non-Muslims are NEVER considered friends by Muslims.
Muslim has no obligation to be friendly with other people who hate Muslim
cukurungan, I thank you for being so honest and open with your feelings. The problem I have is there are thousands more like you out there who play nice and don’t want us to know the darkness they feel towards us. So it becomes a guessing game something like a poker game where we have to try to read the others thoughts.
Let’s just say if people didn’t think like you, Jemaah Islamiyah would no longer exist and their ringleaders would be dead and buried out in the jungle somewhere. But here we have prominent Indonesian leaders who even deny the existence this organisation.
So come on guys-all who feel the same as cukurungan come out of the closet now. The world will be safer for knowing who our enemies are.
Muslims always says they are peace loving but this isnt the case, In many countries they kill innocent like mumbai attack. I lost a friend he was in mumbai on affairs. He had many muslim colleagues, he never thought he would die like this we never thought. We hate muslim now.
All muslim reading this post are you going to do something? NO i dont think. You will just write post “we are tolerant” etc. More innocent will get killed. Do street protest to get rid of radical islamist, i havnt heard of it. American protest against Bush yet they are targetted. Muslim dont protest again radical yet we are told to love you. Strange world.
You always attack us from behind. Give us the chance to fight. We used to live with muslim in my country. But now i think they have a hidden agenda.
Atheist Afghan Says:
July 22nd, 2008 at 5:19 am
There are some simple truths that need to be understood:1. Islam is NOT the religion of peace.
2. Muslims are NOT tolerant people.
3. Non-Muslims are NEVER considered friends by Muslims.Until these truths are accepted by the world, dealing with Muslims is going to be impossible. Listen to someone who was born in a Muslim society and knows Islamic ways well. They don’t believe in peace/love/tranquility/friendship/tolerance etc…
In so far, I guess you have said it right and that many of them deny and continue defending their cause (own cause that was usually taken to represent everyone’s cause).
Muslim has no obligation to tolerate other people who do not tolerate us
3. Non-Muslims are NEVER considered friends by Muslims. Muslim has no obligation to be friendly with other people who hate Muslim
If you do not start to hate others then would be be commenting in this way? And no one asked you to be obligated to non Muslim. You are the one that is asking others to oblige you and you religion. So why rant?
Muslims always says they are peace loving but this isnt the case, In many countries they kill innocent like mumbai attack. I lost a friend he was in mumbai on affairs. He had many muslim colleagues, he never thought he would die like this we never thought. We hate muslim now. All muslim reading this post are you going to do something? NO i dont think. You will just write post “we are tolerant” etc. More innocent will get killed. Do street protest to get rid of radical islamist, i havnt heard of it. American protest against Bush yet they are targetted. Muslim dont protest again radical yet we are told to love you. Strange world. You always attack us from behind. Give us the chance to fight. We used to live with muslim in my country. But now i think they have a hidden agenda.
That is why whenever they carried out such an act they cried out loud their God is Great.
I think people should start using God as an excuse to kill someone else. But they failed to tell their God that thier ulterior motive always ends up with money. Just imagine how rich is O Same Been Laiden.
I hope he will be laiden one day like Saddam Hussein and his whole family.
When Irag was liberated they hail the US for their assistance in getting rid of Saddam Hussein. After that they start throwing shoes which the Islamic consider these act to be the lowest. WeL I guess it is only people who are low would do such a low thing for whatever reason and cause.
If the PDS had not admitted to such posting then it, could be possible of a reverse psychological reaction by some fanatics trying to frame the Chrsitians?
Then it is high time these people should be told to get screwed with people like this Cuky fella. He is always the same ole ranting from the very start.
If you think that islam is not the religion of peace then contact to Islamic research foundation, bombay. There you will find all the answer of your assumption.
It’s all too much for most to contemplate but the conflict between Islam and Christianity is documented in The Bible. Go to and start at the beginning. John was right, both rock and roll and Christianity will one day be gone…thanks to Islam. If I was to offer any advice it would be this – when your government tells you that the study of Islam is compulsory move quickly and swiftly to remove those in power or get yourself a comfortable prayer rug.
Be sure to write to me at in 40 years to let me know how you are simply amazed that what is written in The Bible is so accurate.
All you need to do is accept Jesus Christ as your savior and all will work out fine.
Jeez louise you people are so angry. The issue here is that Muslims really are misrepresented. You see the angry cultural side that is ignorant and probably has never even read a Quran. The media only has this side of Islam to show, since most peaceful sane Muslims are trying to avoid confrontation. Don’t hate on Islam as a religion or Muslims as a people, hate on those who misuse it. I mean, if a Christian guy said, “God told me to kill this old woman,” would you believe he was REALLY a correct example of a Christian. Btw do not believe everything you hear on TV.
You’re right, javabean. But there are a lot of people on here who have nothing better to do but blindly hate others.
Riddle me this, Ahmed or Mohammed or whatever you claim your name and your intentions to be:
There is one overwhelming problem that nobody (i.e. neither Muslim or Kafir) addresses. The Quran most specifically informs Muslims that they can lie to non-believers if that will facilitate the advance of Islam.
In contrast, the Christian faith teaches strict honesty and truth telling when dealing with everyone. NO exceptions and NO discrimination against anyone.
Therefore, forgetting the discriminatory dimension of the matter, if a fundamental tenet of Islam is that it’s OK for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims and indeed that Muslims MUST lie if that will serve Islam’s purpose, how can non-Muslims believe ANYTHING a Muslim says.
And where exactly does Al Quran say that it is ok to lie David? Please quote the verse.
Odinus, your quote about “casting the first stone” is a brief exercise in isogesis – taking a passage from the Bible and quoting it out of context. The statement was made by Jesus in a specific instance concerning a fallen woman (prostitute). It is one of the ‘tools’ used by ‘liberal’ thinkers to try and persuade others that everybody (Christians, in particular) must be ‘tolerant’ of everybody and under all circumstances. However, Christianity does in fact not advocate a catchall tolerance and moral relativism. In fact, Christianity is very clear about the path being straight and narrow – and stepping off it is not acceptable, and therefore not to be ‘tolerated’.
As an example of this reality, that same Jesus resorted to violence to “cast out” the money-changers in the temple.
That sure doesn’t sound very “tolerant” to me… In fact, that sounds like the actions of a person who is willing to stand up, at any cost, against wrongdoing.
Odinus, as for your “ignorant, self-aggrandizing comments about the beliefs of others” – you’d need to be mor specific before those words make any sense – if indeed they actually have any potential to make sense in some or other specific context.
Mohammed Khafi, there is no question about that quote regarding lying and deceiving ‘infidels.’ It’s most certainly there. I shall, when I have a moment, look up the Quran’s passage. In the meanwhile, if anyone else reading this immediately knows where it is, please be kind enough to post it – that would save me a lot of time, of which I seem to be too often running on empty.
Odinus, this is getting awfully boring – mainly because of your simplistic responses.
By the standards that you apparently exhort us to live by, it would be OK for a cretin (ohhhh- that judmental word!) to break into your house, rape your little daughter, murder your wife and take off with your TV.
But hey, we shouldn’t judge him. Not even a (very human) judge in a courtroom can judge him. After all, the cretin could probably give you a ‘good reason’ for his actions and gee, he’s “only human” and we ALL have “logs in our eyes” don’t we?
God! Stupidity in the name of philosophy surrounds me! (And YES, that IS being – quite determinedly – judgmental!)
Over and definitely OUT!
You’re all twisted up in a knot there, buddy. Take a deep breath, exhale. Repeat after me: there are other interpretations of theology than the one I’m comfortable with, and I’m okay with that! Now, doesn’t that feel better?
Joking aside, the purpose of the “stone casting” and “judge not” passage is both to condemn hypocrisy and ignorance (notably also a major theme of the Quran), and to demonstrate the essential flaw in human judgements, as opposed to the perfection of divine judgement.
As for Islam, I suspect you’re getting your bogus information from Islamophobes. You’d do well to read up on Islam from sources that seek neither to glorify nor defame the faith, so you avoid resembling the targets of Jesus’ ire.
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You’d think a party with more than 2% of the seats in the DPR would get a little more respect from islamist vigilantes, but I suppose that would be expecting too much.