A 3gp sex movie in Madura has clerics calling for tighter laws against pornography.
In the town of Sumenep, in Madura, East Java, an amateur 3gp sex video in circulation on the handphones of sex curious residents has religious leaders upset and calling for action. The 3 minute long video is set in a Sumenep hotel room. okezone
On 16th May the head of the Sumenep branch of Nahdlatul Ulama, Abdullah Cholil, demanded that the city government crack down on the distribution of the video by carrying out an operation to check people’s handphones for the presence of sex videos. He also called for a local law against pornography and indecency, containing specific punishments, to be enacted. okezone
The Education department of the town was quick to respond and said they planned to carry out inspections of students’ phones at school. Police chief Darmawan promised to help in the operation. okezone
June 1st 2007. Ilyasi Siradj, an official from the Sumenep Education Council and a member of the national parliament says that involving police in a search of students’ handphones would be a great over-reaction. He says schools should approach parents and encourage them to take more care with what is on their childrens’ phones.
Policeman Darmawan says he doesn’t mind whether police are involved either way. okezone
They should install video camera in all hotel rooms. Well just to make sure no illegal shootings are under progress in the rooms.
As long as we live in a sexually repressive country, where the authorities, religious and govermental impose their standards on us, what can we expect? A recent report from Saudi Arabia, stated that 76% of young people’s phones held sexually explicit content.
I don’t know any of my Western friends who have pornography on their phones but many, many of my Indonesian brothers and even some of the sisters have.
This puritanical outlook on sex has not always been here, it seems to be a product of extremist religious views, but as long as sexuality and it’s expression are repressed by the authorities, It will lead to an obsessive underground trade in sexual materials because of the attraction of what is bad. It is normal human behaviour to be interested in something whch is banned or forbidden, especially something like this which is titillating.
More openly expressed and sex would just become a part of our normal lives as it should be. God would not have created something as special and wonderful as sex, a shared activity between men and women which is both physically and mentally stimulating at the same time if he didn’t want us to enjoy it.
It is a strange paradox that the west, which used to suffer under Victorian Puritanism, whilst we accepted sex as wonderful and natural, has become more accepting of sex, whilst we seem to have adopted the values which on close inspection during the 50’s through to the 70’s they rejected.
Talk about a cultural exchange!
Strange isn’t it that these clerics always cry out about sex but remain silent about the violence and intolerance shown in society.
Here is an interesting article I found whilst researching:
http://www.deception.com.au/bogus.htm…The bottom line is that there’s an abundance of research and evidence, gathered over the last 40 years, that proves without a shadow of a doubt that violent media is harmful to children, promotes and reinforces the use of violence to solve conflicts and is clearly responsible for the perception that we live in a more dangerous world, even if that isn’t so in every neighbourhood.
However, the same cannot be said of sex, erotica or even pornography, even though just as much research has been done in this area, hoping to prove that it’s dangerous.
So why is sex always, in this country, so heavily censored while violence is not? The answer has more to do with the discomfort certain individuals may feel about their own sexuality than it has to do with actual harm it might cause to the rest of us.
Mohammed Khafi Says:
May 20th, 2007 at 8:06 pm
So why is sex always, in this country, so heavily censored while violence is not?
Which reminds me, I ask that about alchohol and smoking. Why is alchohol frowned upon but smoking isn’t. Medical science has demonstrated that red wine in particular, and beer, are beneficial in the prevention of heart disease and high cholestrol. Smoking? Obviously God meant for us to drink, but smoking not only kills the smoker, but also infringes on others’ health as well. Now, back to the topic.
In fact Mr. K , I believe there to be a causal link between sexual repression and violence. The average libido, denied the normal releases of sex or self pleasure under the yoke of religious dogma, seeks release through other means. Thus the repressed Id energy turns negative and violence becomes the means through which this energy is finally expunged from the subject. Put simply, and backed up by religious norms, the subject’s attitude is ,”I don’t get laid, nobody gets laid”. This is just one of the wonderful legacies that monotheistic religion has bequeathed the world. “Make war, not love”: Not a very enlightening philosophy.
More importantly, where is this video posted dammit?
Yeah let’s have a look then. See what the fuss is all about ay?
Those religious fellows always seem to be able to find the porn hey! I bet you they watched the entire 3 minutes too, just so as not to miss anything.
Well, that is why Taliban banned TV, radio, and all modern gadgets. But do we want to live in such condition? Don’t blame the technology.
M.Mad Says:
May 21st, 2007 at 9:07 pm
Yeah let’s have a look then. See what the fuss is all about ay?
LOL… yeah, bring it on!!
Sex is always, in all country, so heavily censored while violence is not?
The answer has more to do with the discomfort certain individuals may feel about their own sexuality than it has to do with actual harm it might cause to the rest of us.
Dear Brothers/sister
Please All before I starts, Pardon Me and forgive Me if my Views hurts any Body.
I was just Finished work so, I was searching on different topics, and fortunately I came on to this site, Now I will come to the Point I was really amazed to read How much similarity these Muslim countries of ours have, and easily one can understand why we are all called extremist and orthodox, and why we are all many hundred years Back from developed Countries, Please all keep this in Mind that I am Not any Kind of defending, Porn
material, Just I was amazed of the similarity of Indonesians and Pakistanis, Here Also these So Called Religious profiteer with Long Beard and Long Saudi gowns “Jubbas”
Please understands Me I don’t Means All of them But Many Many Many of them only Thinks that they Knows all about Islam and others normal Muslim do know nothing,
My Dear Brothers and sisters I Must Tell you that Sex is the Basic instinct of any Living thing on this earth, and Here in My Country Pakistan Leaving Elite Class Peoples (Because here No Law for any Elite Class Peoples even they Drinks openly or Make Love openly, Even they Kill any Body no Matters Here.- LAW only Applies Here for My Class People Middle and Lower). and then also it is called a Islamic Country, These Long Beard & Long saudi Gowns PROFITEER, Never Look and Care
on these Matters of How Human being is Humiliation is going here or how Peoples Sleeps
without Food here They just Care that there Name Comes on the headliners of any Big
Newspaper or TV Channel. ——– Dear Brothers/sister they even
don’t care How YOUTH of our side of Muslim World is suffering.
And I can’t write here all there own Black side of Life, and what These Long Beard & Saudi Gowns PROFITEER. are doing inside there Gowns, one of My famous here Herbal Medicine Doctor told Me, that a Big quantity of sex Medicine is used By these These Long Beard & Long Saudi Gowns PROFITEERs.
What they do is all OK! what we all do is always SIN.
Please Forgive Me if I hurt any Body unconsciously, But what I write here Its all My Own observation — May be I am not Right.
I am writing this all Because from These Long Beard & Long Saudi Gowns PROFITEERs.
I am Totally Fade Up.
my comment is dislikes handphone3gp sex it is a very disapointed me and my country it is can makes me and my country cry because of them
l don’t know what should l say.., but for sure, many islam countries showed us how rude countries they are. many foreign workers were forced and being pregnant., brutal murdering, terorism..etc.. lt is better for me to move from that kind country outside..
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Really, obviously no such thing as illegal search and seizure in this country! Government thugs.