The followers of “True Islam” are urged to return to true Islam.
An official of the Department of Religion in Lebak has strongly advised the “True Islam” (“Islam Sejati”) group in the district of Cileles, Lebak, Banten, western Java, to return to the orthodox fold of Islam. Idris Jumroni says:
The teachings of Islam Sejati are not based on the fundamentals of Islam as set out in the Quran and the hadiths.
Jumroni says that “True Islam” people teach that Ramadan fasting and Friday prayers are unnecessary and even sinful. However he says that in the real true Islam they are both obligatory for every Muslim.
Islam Sejati are clearly heretical and their followers must return to correct Islam.
What’s more “Islam Sejati” teaches that daily prayers should be three, not five, and that Judgement Day is just around the corner, in four months, and so Muslims must repent and return to true Islam, or their version of it.
Jumroni says that the Department of Religion has already sent officials to the area to ensure that the heretical beliefs did not spread more widely and to encourage the Islam Sejati people to correct their errors.
Meanwhile Buddy Laksana of the local government in Lebak has urged citizens to report to the police any activities of the True Islam believers. republika
Nurdin Tajri, the head of MUI Lebak, worries that the false beliefs of True Islam will cause damage to the Muslim faith and create social problems. Tajri says that new members of True Islam must undergo a ritual washing process in a dark room, naked, men and women mixed in together. This was against Islam, he said, and he urged the police to take action.
A later report has the regent of Lebak saying he had already asked the police to deal firmly with the group. Zul Ardi of the Lebak Attorney General’s office promised to follow up on the case. republika
On a humorous note one housewife in the area who was interviewed, Mrs Tini, said that she feared her husband could be attracted to Islam Sejati. She was especially worried because it was said that members were not allowed to have sex while they were waiting for Judgement Day, in four months. antara
May 12th. The MUI in Banten says Islam Sejati has 150 members and that the thrice daily prayers are ashar, magrib and isya. The MUI is currently studying the beliefs of the group in order to know how to deal with them. republika
May 15th. MUI Banten has issued a fatwa condemning Islam Sejati as heretical. Specifically the MUI condemns the group for only carrying out three prayers a day, without facing Mecca and without washing beforehand. antara
Jeez, this crowd are called “True Islam”, you can’t really argue with that.
We have ‘real true Islam’ and ‘true Islam’. Indonesians are creative, we have talents.
Considering it will be Judgment Day in four months, I think the Department of Religion shouldn’t be too worried about this issue.
Department of Religion, I laugh at the fact there even is such a Department.
Holy smoke, if everyone can claim theirs is the true version, which one should people follow?
The true Moslems will not be bothered by this kind of teachings selling different interpretation of Islam. Only the weak peddlers will be very worried when others selling different (may be lower quality) goods of the similar kind (but not the same). If this outfit sells hoax, they will receive back in kind. What is the big deal here?
It’s the tragedy of religion in a nutshell; any group of over enthusiastic believers have no choice but to claim fanatically that their version of life, afterlife and death ( = faith) is the absolute, ultimate and only truth. The claims will be loud because they, of course, are unable to produce any serious proof.
(As for this group: even after the predicted Judgement Day will not have occurred, they will not change their mind. Like any other religious group they will get even more convinced of their particular version of faith. Half a century ago L. Festinger c.a made this point in “When prophecy fails”. A famous example of cognitive dissonance reduction. )
Faith is a personal matter. Whether it is “true islam” or otherwise, you will be surprised at tne number of man made rules in “official orthordox islam”. God’s words in the koran cannot be added or deleted to anyones’s fancy.
Koran described islam as a deen – a way/system/order, not a religion.
And Muslims are submitters to the messages in the koran.
So if there are no text related to five daily ritual worship/friday prayers, why are Muslims doing it?
This reminds me of Moses and the heifer. Moses did not ask his followers to worship God, nor any worship rituals were described in the religious scriptures. But his followers on their own decided to worship a statue of a heifer (cow).
Wake up people! Moses and Jesus failed in their mission. What makes you think Mohamed succeeded in his quest to change Arab pagans into believers. In fact, it is the other way around. Muslims have become the number one pagan worshippers and Mecca the biggest pagan centre in the world.
They should follow the real true Islam and not the true Islam because the latter is only true but not real, you see?
Let’s hope there won’t be a group who will call themselves the real Islam because then it will be even more confusing.
Abdul Khalid al Jumhuri,
The true Moslems will not be bothered by this kind of teachings selling different interpretation of Islam.
You got me confused there. I presume you mean the real true Muslims, and not the people from “Islam Sejati”?
Tajri says that new members of True Islam must undergo a ritual washing process in a dark room, naked, men and women mixed in together.
Again a darkroom. How does he know about it in the first place? Was he present? Is this the same room that is being used for sodomising Muslims? (See article about Christianization). I wonder if the darkroom is for real or that it only exists in his imagination. It seems to be a re-occuring item when Islam is alledgedly under attack.
On a humorous note one housewife in the area who was interviewed, Mrs Tini, said that she feared her husband could be attracted to Islam Sejati. She was especially worried because it was said that members were not allowed to have sex while they were waiting for Judgement Day, in four months.
Poor Mrs. Tini. Islam yes, dry spell no!
The Department of Religion, what a joke. Have you ever wondered why, if Indonesia’s population is 11% Christian as the government claims, 96% of Depag’s employees are Muslim?
Dear Arema, these people are not SHOCKING as you described. There are number of reasons why it deviated. They might have disagreed with some of the violent verses. They might have come across verses like wife-swapping and adopted daughter is halal, and decided to start their own ‘true Islam’. I won’t say they are ‘shocking’, but rather ‘enlightened’.
You have to understand the majority of the poors are illiterate but they are not stupid. Once a poor literate peasant can read the Qu’ran and tell a crowd what its contents are, many will either leave or start a more tolerant form of Islam. Rohim and Toyib read some verses and saw that they were not compitable to our moral value. They gathered a huge followings within months. If the police don’t stop them in time, Islam will topple in East Java.
2 thing you can sell easily in Indonesia:
1. Anything that is remotely related to religion, just as long as you use religion to sell something you can get away with anything.
2. Anything that is “maksiat”.
You can draw your own conclusions.
BTW, I am opening a new branch of Islam, “Honestly True and Real” Islam. Anyone who want to join please transfer their whole life savings to my account, you will then be guaranteed to go to whatever nirvana you want.
Why so confusing. All religions teach similar thing. Why not just chill and just believe in God and be a good person.
Not have sex for 4 months? Hehehe, after the 4 months come and no judgement day, then what happens? Baby boomers in june/july 08 then.
Ihaknt said –
“Why so confusing. All religions teach similar thing. Why not just chill and just believe in God and be a good person.”
This was exactly the message found in the koran. For those who believe, you will be judged by your deeds alone, not the number of faithful children you have, not the number of times you worship, not the amount of money you donate to build houses of worship. Those who think I am wrong, then bring forth your arguments. Otherwise, abstain from worshipping in mosques or 5 daily rituals, never ever go to mecca, a pagan hotbed, and take control of your own destiny and read the koran and stop listening to imams.
Their mistakes are confusing and unfortunate. However, repressing people they will only become firmer in their beliefs.
The best solution would be for their neighbors to be good examples and to practice regular charity.
Here is where the hypocrisy applies:
They are not allowed even to TOUCH females. The touch I was referring to here is even the slightiest skin contact.
But, here is the good part, they are allowed to have more than one wife. Does it makes sense to you?
check out here
Don’t you think it is far better just to touch rather than having several wives?
I mean they are sharing their husband and they definitely will not be having a full form of him.
Are women allowed to have more than one husband? Obviously they’re not.
Having a desire to have ANOTHER spouse [ when you’re already married ] usually involves sex, need I remind you that it is called CHEATING?
What conclusion can we pull from this fact then?
They are not allowed even to TOUCH females. The touch I was referring to here is even the slightiest skin contact.
No such ruling that I know of in the koran.
But, here is the good part, they are allowed to have more than one wife. Does it makes sense to you?
Best to have only one. Circumstances to have more than wife, if second third wife are widower with children or under similar cirsumstances as paragraph on marrigae more than one comes under orphanage.
It is up to a women to have more than one husband if she desires. But eventually, God is the ultimate judge.
They are not allowed even to TOUCH females. The touch I was referring to here is even the slightiest skin contact.
No such ruling that I know of in the koran.
But !! they are doing it anyway…and they don’t do sh*t about it, so you can actually say that it’s allowed. Don’t you agee? Besides, just because one woman is widowed, doesn’t mean a man can marry her when he already has a wife.
Why God only created one woman [ Eve ] for Adam? Why didn’t God created several girls for him? Got the point?
If you say it is BEST to have only one wife, the conclusion we both can pull from this statement is…
Having more than one wife is better because “better” is one stage below “best”.
[ Good –> Better –> Best ].
Islam’s true teachings is according to guardian Wali and not from Nabi.
Nabi Teaches Islam syariat as oppose to wali teaching of true Islam (Islam sejati )
Yth arema
Well human being are not that smart. The smart one is the god.
If oneself feels smart, that person is extremely proud and forgotten our god above.
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Why not forbidding all forms of Islam in the country since that religion is the root of so many problems?