Nurdiati Akma

Feb 20th, 2011, in Featured, News, by

At a rally on 18th February carried out by the Front Pembela Islam (FPI) and similar groups saw a so-called ultimatum issued to the government to ban the Islamic sect Ahmadiyah, or else a “revolution” would be staged, and the presidential palace occupied.

One speaker at the march, Nurdiati Akma, echoed the 2008 call of FPI secretary-general Ahmad Sobri Lubis to kill members of Ahmadiyah; she said:

Ahmadiyah halal darahnya [The blood of Ahmadiyah people can be taken/they can be killed]

Nurdiati Akma

Three Ahmadiyah followers were recently killed by a mob in Cikeusik, Banten.

Nurdiati Akma, born in 1950, and whose very long curriculum vitae can be read at her Multiply page while prospective suitors receive at least a little encouragement with her “It’s Complicated” status on Friendster, is a former member of the national parliament, from Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) and currently active as the leader of Forsap (Forum Silaturahmi Antar-Pengajian), a Muslim study association, and in Muhammadiyah.

23 Comments on “Nurdiati Akma”

  1. madrotter says:

    it’s complicated is the least of this ones problems, jeeeezzzz

  2. nobody says:

    is making fun of old ladies the new fad in this site now?
    does your grand mother never speak non sensenses?
    do you yell back at women when they yell at you?

  3. madrotter says:

    hell yeah!!! and smack ’em too!!!! specially when they old!!!!

    funny thing she’s from PAN and amin rais was actually using some strong language against the FPI and those killings yesterday

  4. diego says:

    Why not? An evil is an evil, no matter how old. Sme people grow wiser as they get old, some simply become rotten. This woman is the later case.

  5. agan says:

    some spoiled brats know all too well how use their poor helpless and pikun granny to their advantage, yes its complicated.

  6. madrotter says:

    although i have to say, i do remember amin rais screaming about jihad in maluku….

  7. diego says:

    Arabized muslims, their mind is simply clouded. Probably many of them in indonesia are actually nice people, but this islamic doctrines to hate everything else outside islam have caused them internal conflicts. That’s why it’s hard to tell when they’ll speak sense, and when the will not. In short: split personality.

  8. ET says:

    Nothing to worry about. Just a little grubby nanny, financially frustrated and a little bit jealous because someone has said the Ahmadiyah people may have been given free money from their organization.

    Yes, It’s Complicated, but don’t forget: Islam has nothing to do with it.

  9. Belina says:

    . Not because getting old you can take advantage of being “pikun. Whoever is it, need to keep their mouth clean. What is come out from your mouth is the “najis”, not what is coming in. So, keep the mouth clean.

    God never teach us to kill His creation whatever the reason. Whoever use (or agree with) words “in the name of Allah” to kill people is not God’s follower but Evil’s.

    Look at yourself, are you sinless? No one in this world without sin, but God never kill us.
    He always wait us to repent, and there always be forgiveness from God for whom repents.
    God bless us all.

  10. Oigal says:

    is making fun of old ladies the new fad in this site now?

    When a scary ass, old lunatic is calling for innocent people to be murdered (or is that bludgeoned to death by 1500 odd cowards as seems to be the most recent fashion) then you are right we shouldn’t make fun of her.

    She should be heavily sedated and feed through a straw out of harms way as there obviously little rational recognizable brain human brain function left.

    What a horrible evil old woman..

  11. Lairedion says:


    hell yeah!!! and smack ‘em too!!!! specially when they old!!!!

    funny thing she’s from PAN and amin rais was actually using some strong language against the FPI and those killings yesterday

    It doesn’t mean anything from what party they are from. The mayor of Bekasi is from PDI-P and he does nothing to stop the hateful FPI mobs taking over the city. Amien Rais has always been a multi-headed snake not to be trusted.

  12. madrotter says:

    oigal: YEAH!!!! pretty sure she drives a broom to work….

    you’re right lairedion, absolutely right, just remember how rais gave that horrible shameful speech against gus dur when gus dur was president, how he with dur’s “sister” stabbed him in the back….

  13. diego says:

    Amien Rais evokes the image of “Sangkuni” in my mind (Sangkuni: that character from Bharatayudha, ”advisor” to the kurawas, really tricky / untrustworthy, and morally deprived)….. Crooked nose, asymetrical tight lips, and twinky-skinny.

  14. madrotter says:

    remember when they caught him in a coruption case, what was it? 2 years ago? and he just shrugged, no shame at all saying something to the effect of “yeah, well…”

  15. Suria says:

    This lady probably thinks she is God’s representative in Indonesia. More and more I believe that religions create more problems for human beings. Some bad Indonesian are really making the best use of religions to kill the people they don’t like.

  16. realest says:

    PAN …. *snickers* ….. the party whose leaders, esp Amien Rais, hated Chinese so much and then went on to make giant posters written in mandarin during the last election to woo chinese votes.

  17. diego says:

    Poor guy this Amien Rais, still clinging to his obsession of being a power player. Disgusting multi-headed snake!

  18. John Green says:

    The world would be a better place if we could rid the world of all religions.

    Maybe an international body could be established to begin the process. The first stage should involve counselling for all the deluded people who believe in God, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Alien abductions, ghosts, etc.

  19. oke says:

    she said:

    Ahmadiyah halal darahnya [The blood of Ahmadiyah people can be taken/they can be killed]

    who are you? Are you GOD? heemmm

  20. manchuriancandidate says:

    Nurdiati Akma… What a lovely lady. Maybe she just needs to get laid?
    I also believe that Nobody is a freakazoid.
    That is all.

    Apologies, but how could I ever provide constructive feedback or well thought out comments when respondiong to these types?
    Logic just doesn’t come into it.

  21. Bow_vernon says:

    she’s just playing God, no sense in her words, no use to listen to what she said, there’s a political intention behind that

  22. TMY says:

    Well, She’s An Evil From HELL. She had never Learnt a Teaching of True Islam, Islam Never Teach to Kill human eventhough a kafir/kufur.

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