Boy & Girl Caned

Apr 21st, 2007, in News, by

An amorous young couple in Aceh are given the lash.

Two romancing university students, a boy, Nuriadin bin Ismail (22), and a girl, Devita Citra Putri binti Ismail (21), were caught together in a boarding house room on 6th February 2007, subject to a citizens’ arrest by local people, and then handed over to the religious police, Wilayatul Hisbah, and they were then charged with unlawful proximity between an unmarried male and female.

They were later tried and found guilty of violating article 22 of Qanun (sharia law) No.14/2003 concerning sexual crimes.

On 20th April 2007 the two young people were each given four strokes of a rattan cane in the grounds of the Tungkop mosque in the Darussalam district of Aceh Besar regency, after Friday afternoon prayers had been performed. Devita cried as she was caned while the crowd cheered as each stroke landed on her back.

Aceh Map
Aceh Map.

Since 2006 there have ten public canings in Aceh Besar regency for offences against Islamic sharia law. antara tempo

77 Comments on “Boy & Girl Caned”

  1. Janma says:

    Cuk said:

    “the believers are un-stoppable and they are many people ready to die for Quranic Teaching.”

    That’s pretty depressing really, if you think about it. There are that many brainwashed people in the world!

    *MARTYR, n. One who moves along the line of least reluctance to a desired death*
    -Devils Dictionary

  2. Cukurungan says:


    Islam is religion without priest or the liason God officers whoever can check by their self what is written in Quran. If you don’t believe it OK and you can go head with your own live and your property and belonging is fully protected under the applicable law but if you confessed that Islam is your religion that the problems would start to arise because in Islam God need the believers to fully surrender all their will and intention is only to God and nothing else.

    What make Islam interesting, anyone who really want to study it because of the good intention they will find the truth but if you want to manipulate as your jokes don’t worry there is plenty in there.

    Did you know English woman reporter who were took as hostage by Taliban. Now she decided by herself became “moslemah” or “half intelegent women”.


  3. Arema says:

    Uhm, you two guys has just become the best jokers in our forum, really… I personally enjoyed your comments and would love to read this “friendly civil war” because your comments are “refreshingly fun” and stress-relieving. I believe some fellow IM-ers also feel the same. But brothers, for the best of all of us, in the name of love, solidarity, and tolerance, you two had better stop.

    I just want to say something on your comment above.

    I believe Kejawen tradition do not approve polygamy, but this statement is subject to Aluang’s approval first, because I don’t know much. If it is really so, then your example is invalid because those who violate clearly does not know Kejawen that well.

    Same with Chinese emperors. They feel that they were the “god” at that time, and thus abuse their immense power and wealth to satisfy all of their worldly desires. Best food, biggest castles, and women. But is that a reflection of the real Chinese tradition? I can ensure you, it is not. We highly value our partner, and thus we’d not commit adultery or polygamy. The sample you picked is not a good representative of Chinese people. But I admit that Chinese tradition value is eroding right now all over the world, but at least the tradition itself did not teach polygamy.

    Jesus teaches us to only have one and only one wife at any given time. What has been united by God cannot be separated by man, and therefore we strictly forbid divorce too, at all circumstances. Well, honestly, almost all, except one: adultery. In the case where husband or wife commit adultery, his/her partner have the option to divorce, but still it is not recommended. Adultery itself is a great sin. God teaches us to honor your husband and love your wife, which I think is the solid foundation of a marriage.

    But Islam, on the other hand, permit polygamy, and in addition, hinted that women are of lower value than men. Cuku, I believe you are male. If, you are a female, how would you feel? Do you want your husband to marry another woman, even if he is financially capable to support both families? Even if your religion permit that, do you still willingly allow your husband to split his love into two or even three, four? I am not saying Islam is wrong, I just want to ask you, if you were a female, how would you react to the above scenario?

    Anyway you never answer my question how pope, priest and nun are releasing their sexual desire.

    Aluang is not qualified to give the answer to that, because he is neither of them. I believe God has blessed us with sexual desire on good and holy intention, but it is our sinful nature that corrupt that. Those without sexual desire are not living being, so I believe even the Catholic pope, priests, and nuns have too. It’s just that they’re good at supressing it, for a reason I don’t know. Christian (protestant) priests are allowed to get married, and I support this, why shouldn’t they?

    Anyone has full rights to challenge the truth and authencity of Quran but since 1400 years already proven no one able to do that beside already attracted 1.2 billion followers and even growing the believers are un-stoppable and they are many people ready to die for Quranic Teaching.

    Numerous people have challenged both Islam and Christianity, with both valid and invalid claims. We, brother, are in the same boat in this matter. But if you put billions of follower, ever-growing believers, and many people willing to die as reasons, that is a very very weak justification. Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini also fulfill the same criteria, so do you think it is right to justify them? I hope you say no. And if you do say no, congratulations, you have just refuted your own argument. Convince us in the correct way. We Christians have so far able to refute all wrong claims against us, as you can read in

    But look, I want to point out something to you. Firstly, A tree can be known by its fruit. A mango tree can’t bear apples. Secondly, “extreme” means to maximum degree. Extremely good is better than good. Why “Muslim extremists” become terrorist, and they proudly claim themselves as Islam? Why Islam claim itself as “a religion of peace” while at the same time beheading those who insult Islam? This is two big question to answer.

    Cuku, thanks for reading, and please do not be offended. God Bless you.
    Singo Edan

  4. Colson says:

    Arema: A great comment, a quality comment! I love it.

  5. Janma says:

    Sorry, guys, I wasn’t joking actually, I do find it depressing that fundamentalisim is unstoppable and people are ready to die for it, or even looking for reasons to die for it. Sometimes we should be serious, but sometimes humor can save lives. it’s just about knowing what to be in any given circumstances. If I in any way brought the quality of postings to this group down, I apologise.

  6. Aluang anak Bayang says:


    Uhm, you two guys has just become the best jokers in our forum, really”¦ I personally enjoyed your comments and would love to …..

    I am glad you enjoyed our exchanges. 🙂 I am trying to help detox a brother from becoming a werewolf. Surely I am more than qualify to do this as no pribumis would want to take lesson from outsiders. Actually, I prefer a threesome, but I will be absent for business meeting for at least 2 weeks. Why not you prepare some notes on ‘original sin’ and ‘virgin birth’ so by the time I come back, we can pull in a crowd.

    I believe Kejawen tradition do not approve polygamy, but this statement is subject to Aluang’s approval first, because …..

    Since when you think I am a Kejawen follower. I do not agree with the concept of polygamy even if Kejawen approved it. I first learn about our Kejawen overseas when other Muslim students group start questioning why we do not carry Arab names, and why we were decorating christmas tree in our clubroom. No, I am not a Kejawen follower, but I am starting to like it as it had defanged Islam.


    Sorry I revoked my words you didn’t attack but investigate.

    Hope you meant it. It means that you are digesting valuable lessons. Otherwise it is a waste of my time and effort.

    ….. , remember don’t too deep push your fingers into your axxxh hole even if you experience sensational feeling because it is dangereous.

    Remember the reward of heavenly virgins and pearly boys for good slaves like you is in your God’s handbook. You may get excited with butt holes reward, but they are not for me. Thanks but no thanks.

    Anak adopsi is not anak kandung, there is no direct blood connection, moslem even can marry with anak adopsi if both parties agreed.

    You are a sick b**tard. I have 2 adopted daughters, and I treat them like my own children. Never in a zillion years would I ever think of taking advantage of them. Infact I showered them with more love than my own children as they were abandoned at birth and will grow up not knowing their real parents.

    Marrying one’s adopted daughter is morally wrong, be it in ancient time or modern time. My Javanese moral standard makes no distinction between adoption and biological daughters! You and your new found Arab brothers can keep this practice, I can’t swallow it. I say once again, you are a very sick man indeed.

    You don’t need to tell me other non-believers opinion towards the moslem beliefs and practice because moslem also sock with their practice and their way of life. See yourself in Quran what GOD said towards kafir (kafir is no better than animal what they done just entertaining and eating).

    It certainly shock alot of sane people, and you are not shocked?? In that case, I prefer to be a kafir and no better than animal 100 times over.

    Don’t be so naive, see how our brother kejawen and javanese kingdom were treating the women (perempuan cuma untuk manak dan masak), the kejawen husband is not enough with 4 wives but sometimes until 9 wives you don’t “pura-2 tidak tahu”. Husband with 9 wives still alive in Bojonegoro. Javanese King Concubine sometimes were more than 100 ladies and Chinese Emperor even more than that.

    Almost every society in the past practised polygamy. No modern countries allow polygamy now except for backward islamic countries. Why, because research tells us that polygamy degrade women and affects the children psychologically, socially and emotionally. Surely, your all-knowing God couldn’t care less about the wives and the children.

    ….. , they committed adultery and even the kid molestation are wide spread anywhere.

    Commiting adultery is a private affair between two consenting adults, and none of our business. kid molestation if you know of, pm me. I have connection with investigating officers connected to overseas child sex trade.

    ….. you never answer my question how pope, priest and nun are releasing their sexual desire.

    Pope, priest and nun, answer is ‘I don’t know’ and it is none of my business. But I do sure know what your Arab brothers going to do to our Indonesian women. They will go to our village, pick a village girl and arrange marriage contract for few hundreds USD. Safer and cheaper than going to brothel. No need condom and with full blessing of your God. What a shame you are for allowing this.

    Anyone has full rights to challenge the truth and authencity of Quran but since 1400 years already proven no one able to do that beside already attracted 1.2 billion followers and even growing the believers are un-stoppable and they are many people ready to die for Quranic Teaching.

    I am not challenging. I am asking questions. Yes, I finally got the answer from you. It is shocking.
    1.2 billion? Are you including the 0.2 Kejawen to shore up support?

    Descendant of the Great Mojopahit Empire.

  7. Janma says:

    Aluang said:

    “Almost every society in the past practised polygamy. No modern countries allow polygamy now except for backward islamic countries.”

    Actually polygamy isn’t just confined to Islam, Hindu’s practice it still and even the Mormons in the good ol US of A.

    *noting that she doesn’t support polygamy, whoever practices it, unless the women are allowed multiple partners too.*

  8. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    Janma, you missed the cue. Ancient societies were ignorant, and now we have matured. Infact I can’t think of any ancient society that didn’t practise polygamy. We made mistake, we realised our mistake, we change for the better. The deity that wrote the Qu’ran was following the trend of the day, and had no vision of the future. Obviously it was written by a male because women and children were not taken into consideration.

    NOW, if the Qu’ran didn’t claim to be a guidance for all mankind to follow till eternity, no one will give a damn.

    As always guided by the spirit of Ratu Adil.

  9. Ihaknt says:

    Who’s this spirit of Ratu Adil? Does she come in a bottle like the spirit of Jack Daniels? Ratu Adil never really shows up huh, it doesnt exist. It comes from yourself, hard work, determination. it’s time for Indonesia to wake up and work towards something not just waiting for the Ratu Adil.

  10. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    Cuk, imagine this scenario,
    You and your wife decide to adopt a little girl from an orphanage. When you adopted a child, you become the parent, and her life depend on you. If you had any biological children, they become her siblings. Of course, she will be calling your children ‘brother’ or ‘sister’, and you ‘papa’ and your wife ‘mama’.

    If you adopted her from either a baby or toddler age. You must have bathed her hundreds of times, changed countless nappies, and probably on many occassion, taken her to school together with your kids.

    Now, how on earth you can have sexual feeling for her? Tell me how your wife would feel if both of you raised her, and now her daughter had become your additional wife. Would this affect your biological children psychologically? What would your neighbours or your parents say about you?

    I know your heavenly manual say it is ‘halal’ for you. But let’s put aside your instruction book for now, I would like to know what you think.

  11. Cukurungan says:


    Sorry for my late response, I have no more time to write the post becoz when at homes my wife said “don’t touch your pda, now your times for the kids and me”.

    Both of us might be brother in blood, my ancestors was called by Villagers “Mbah Singodaru”. Until now days villagers around my kampung worship Him during” selamatan bersih desa”.

    But now, one of His direct descendants already become members so called “Hard Core Moslem” , this is nothing special a Kid want to be different from his community. I was growing up from the strong kejawen community and God already given me ability to decode and bust all kejawen myths. So for me, kejawen is death already.

    I assumed that readers in this forums “mature personal” and they should be able to distinct by themselves either it is joke or serious.

    In the islamic tenets, we are forbidden to change “God Law”, we never change haram becomes halal or otherwise.
    Polygami is clearly permitted by God but it doesn’t mean recommended while the adultery is strongly prohibited. Any moslem who rejected this law is committed apostasy because the price for anyone who already spelling “Shahadat”is to be fully surrender and obey to any God law without any exception. Of course, anyone beyond moslem can disagree with “God Decision” but statistics data in Nation Master clearly shown that rape rate, divorce rate, abortion rate, teenage pregnancy and suicide rate in non-moslem country (anti poligamy) didn’t show any better than average in the moslem countries. It means the anti polygami policy wasn’t make any improvement for the harmony within families.

    For me,the polygami should not be disbanded but to be regulated, it is transparent exits strategy to solve Indonesia problems,its function like a safety relieve valves, it should be operated for protecting the main equipment when so required.

    Iif there is a million rich man in here taking Polygamy. There will be 6 millions ladies can be safed by relentless tragedy of TKW.

    Have you ever questioned why God created love feeling between Man and Woman? If man wish with advantages power in man side, we can dominate this world’s and make all ladies becomes our slave but we don’t do that because of the love inserted by God in the man hearts. Ship or Aircraft shall have 1 captain or 1 pilot. Is captain more intelegent than co-captain and other crews, It should be in directing the ship but it doesn’t means that other crew or co-pilot is a half intelegent.

    Btw, I didn’t think that Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini are the same criteria of the religion because their influence is only temporary one and their followers were gone when its founders are died.

    In our views, there is no so called “Moslem extremist” because our threshold values of the truth and good are valid by two condition only “bersabar” or “bersyukur”. Bersabar, any Moslem must not violate “God Law” during their struggle and effort to achieve their target and during inconvenience condition. Example, a poor Moslem should not becomes a beggar or robber to get money but they must work harder. In other hand, the rich Moslem shall be “bersyukur” it means, they should put priorities all their spending to the matters that recommended by “God orders”.

    Therefore, anyone could claim as Moslem however to check whether they are within category “true Moslem” you can check it easily by both threshold values if not they might be only the blur Moslem.
    Whoever claimed as moslem but if they committed a desperate actions, it is not goods moslem because desperation is “tidak bersabar”.

    Btw, many thank for your advice.

    Descendants of Singodaru

  12. Arema says:

    Hi Cuku, has been waiting for your comment 😛 Glad that you take a few days break cooling down, it seems you’re back to who you actually are. Aluang is on a 2-weeks break, so I hope you don’t miss exchanging bullets with him, hahaha.

    If there is a million rich man in here taking Polygamy. There will be 6 millions ladies can be safed by relentless tragedy of TKW.

    Oh, so now the ratio is one to six? But putting that aside, those ladies would be “financially saved”, but I truly wonder whether their dignity is also saved too… Receiving one-sixth of her husband’s love is not a thing many woman want, I’m sure… Can you ask your wife about this?

    Btw, I didn’t think that Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini are the same criteria of the religion because their influence is only temporary one and their followers were gone when its founders are died.

    Exactly. Which is why your previous reasoning is invalid. Your reasoning is like, apple is delicious because it is eaten by many people in the world. You must be laughing right now, right? Apple is delicious because it is sweet, and its texture is nice. Alright, I admit it’s not the best explanation in the world to describe apple, but at least it has some connection.

    Bersabar, any Moslem must not violate “God Law” during their struggle and effort to achieve their target and during inconvenience condition. Example, a poor Moslem should not becomes a beggar or robber to get money but they must work harder. In other hand, the rich Moslem shall be “bersyukur” it means, they should put priorities all their spending to the matters that recommended by “God orders”.

    If that is true moslem, that’s good. I bet “true moslems” all over the world are battling terrorism too because it has stained the name of Islam right? I pray for your struggle my brothers, do it in peace.

    Singo Edan 😛

  13. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    In our views, there is no so called “Moslem extremist” because our threshold values of the truth and good are valid by two condition only “bersabar” or “bersyukur”. Bersabar, any Moslem must not violate “God Law” during their struggle and effort to achieve their target and during inconvenience condition.

    Cuk, the sentence in bold is frightening. You are in effect telling the rest of your moslem brothers to be ‘bersabar” while your jihadi brothers are waging war against the rest of the world to get Allah message across. That their woe and grievance were caused by the non-moslems, and evidented by the poor condition in moslem countries. Good gracious! The poor condition of all moslem countries are because of their 7th century mentality and laziness in this lives because of ‘pie in the sky’ promises. Snap out of it, brother. It is for your own good.

    In other hand, the rich Moslem shall be “bersyukur” it means, they should put priorities all their spending to the matters that recommended by “God orders”

    In that case, non-moslems are the most “bersyukur”-ed people on earth because most wealthy nations tend to be non-moslem. They are sending rockets to heaven, while your jihadi brothers are blowing themselves to heaven. What an ingenious way to get there! Next time you strap a bomb to yourself, think of your wife and children.

    Wisdom for you: There is no such thing as ‘pie in the sky’ afterlife. Wealth are from fruit of your labor.

    ps. Arema, I will be around until the weekend.

  14. Ihaknt says:

    Aluang, his wife and children can be married off to AA Gym.

  15. Cukurungan says:


    Hope you meant it. It means that you are digesting valuable lessons. Otherwise it is a waste of my time an

    I puked a garbage


    Remember the reward of heavenly virgins and pearly boys for good slaves like you is in your God’s handbook. You may get excited with butt holes reward, but they are not for me. Thanks but no thanks.

    No problems if you are more excited with the ritual I taught to you, remember, practice and practice make perfect


    You are a sick b**tard. I have 2 adopted daughters, and I treat them like my own children. Never in a zillion years would I ever think of taking advantage of them. In fact I showered them with more love than my own children as they were abandoned at birth and will grow up not knowing their real parents. Marrying one’s adopted daughter is morally wrong, be it in ancient time or modern time. My Javanese moral standard makes no distinction between adoption and biological daughters! You and your new found Arab brothers can keep this practice, I can’t swallow it. I say once again, you are a very sick man indeed.

    Allowed doesn’t mean to be implemented or even recommended. However, if someday Tamara becomes my adopsi kid when I was boring play “Dad and kid” I will change it to be my wives.


    It certainly shock a lot of sane people, and you are not shocked?? In that case, I prefer to be a kafir and no better than animal 100 times over.

    If you don’t to want to becomes human and more enjoy as an Animal, it seemed your destiny already determined.


    Almost every society in the past practised polygamy. No modern countries allow polygamy now except for backward islamic countries. Why, because research techologically, socially and emotionally. Surely, your all-knowing God couldn’t care less about the wives and the children.

    Nation Master statistics clearly show that the families life and marriage in the backward moslem countries is much better than in the modern countries. Even no.1 divorce rate championship is hold by US the most modern countries in the earth.


    Commiting adultery is a private affair between two consenting adults, and none of our business. kid molestation if you know of, pm me. I have connection with investigating officers connected to overseas child sex trade.

    Hopefully once day, your wife have fun with her driver, I expect you don’t angry because it is only private affairs.


    Pope, priest and nun, answer is ‘I don’t know’ and it is none of my business. But I do sure know what your Arab brothers going to do to our Indonesian women. They will go to our village, pick a village girl and arrange marriage contract for few hundreds USD. Safer and cheaper than going to brothel. No need condom and with full blessing of your God. What a shame you are for allowing this.

    The village girls need money while Arab man has the money, it is a fair transaction. I never allowed this thing but I also have no rights to stop it without any solution to the village girl.


    I am not challenging. I am asking questions. Yes, I finally got the answer from you. It is shocking. 1.2 billion? Are you including the 0.2 Kejawen to shore up support?

    You can ask any question as you want and trust me I am your savior will never upset you.

    Father or RATU ADIL

  16. Cukurungan says:


    Cuk, the sentence in bold is frightening. You are in effect telling the rest of your moslem brothers to be ‘bersabar” while your jihadi brothers are waging war against the rest of the world to get Allah message across. That their woe and grievance were caused by the non-moslems, and evidented by the poor condition in moslem countries. Good gracious! The poor condition of all moslem countries are because of their 7th century mentality and laziness in this lives because of ‘pie in the sky’ promises. Snap out of it, brother. It is for your own good.


    We will never upset the perception of other people toward us. If they perceived us as the peace lovers we will try with our best effort to prove that we are the best peace lover ever discovered but if they perceived us as the trouble makers we will try with the our best to prove it that we are the war monger ever met.


    In that case, non-moslems are the most “bersyukur”-ed people on earth because most wealthy nations tend to be non-moslem. They are sending rockets to heaven, while your jihadi brothers are blowing themselves to heaven. What an ingenious way to get there! Next time you strap a bomb to yourself, think of your wife and children.

    I didn’t think so, non-Moslem countries are squander and the environmental trouble makers, they are wasting their resources mostly for making war machine and amusement while dropped only few to the poor country. What has been stolen from the poor are at least 600% more than their aid packet to the poor.
    Jihadist Bomber is only kill few people while unfair trade policy forced to the poor countries and the aggressive and greedy policy adopted by the western countries already suffered billion people in the poor countries.

    Father of Ratu Adil

  17. Colson says:

    Cukurungan: In your comment of 10.36 am you referred to (fuzzy) statistics on teenage pregnancy, divorce, suicide etc in Muslim and non-Muslim societies and next made a sweeping statement.

    Well, I’m pretty sure you’re wrong. The comparison you made is tricky and needs a lot of nuances. I would advise you to go back to your homework, check the figures, doublecheck your sources and/or rephrase your conclusion.

  18. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    Finally you responded after battling with your conscience.

    I puked a garbage

    Like any bitter medication, you puke some, digest some.

    ….. if someday Tamara becomes my adopsi kid when I was boring play “Dad and kid” I will change it to be my wives.

    No kids will be save from you until you are fully detoxicated. I am afraid one day you might discover verses that says anak kandung is also halal.

    Nation Master statistics clearly show that the families life and marriage in the backward moslem countries is much better than in the modern countries. Even no.1 divorce rate championship is hold by US the most modern countries in the earth.

    You mean molesting adopted kids and sexually abusing maids while your wives and children stood by, powerless to stop you is better, is that what you meant? So why are there floods of frightened moslem refugees seeking asylum in the West? (better goggle search yourself)

    You seems to hold grudges against the US, and since I ain’t no big fan of the US, why not compare statistics with Asian countries like China, Japan and South Korea? Heck, like the evil US, pedophilia, and maids & wives abuses are crime in these countries. Darn, they are not following your wise God’s instruction, and yet He blessed them too much. You take a pick, should we model our country on – Kids molesting Arabia, High divorce rate America or Allah blessed pork eating China, Japan & Korea? Idols worshipping India is also on her way up. You should sms your God immediately telling Him to wake up as well.

    Hopefully once day, your wife have fun with her driver, I expect you don’t angry because it is only private affairs.

    If you caught your wife having an affair, why get angry? There is always solution, you can always divorce her and get better ones. In a civilised society, you don’t beat her up or stone her to death. Men and women are born equal. Tell me what should your wife do if he caught you molesting the kids?

    The village girls need money while Arab man has the money, it is a fair transaction. I never allowed this thing but I also have no rights to stop it without any solution to the village girl.

    Paying for sex in a brothel is fair game. You mean doing it under the mask of religion is also fair? I call them cheap skates. They know they need to pay more in brothels and there are chance of contracting STD if they don’t use condoms. Of course you don’t see anything wrong with your Arab overlords.

    You can ask any question as you want and trust me I am your savior will never upset you.

    You can be a hero once you snap out of your Arabian dreams.

    Descendant of the Great Mojopahit Empire.

    Wisdom of the day for you: No matter how Arab you desired to be, you will not be seen as equal in their eyes. End of the day, it will be your Indonesian brothers left picking up your body.

  19. Cukurungan says:


    Oh, so now the ratio is one to six? But putting that aside, those ladies would be “financially saved”, but I truly wonder whether their dignity is also saved too”¦ Receiving one-sixth of her husband’s love is not a thing many woman want, I’m sure”¦ Can you ask your wife about this?

    The Ratio can be expanded up-to 1 to 8.
    Indonesia Richman should have 4 wives and 4 ladies house maid. Don’t talk about dignity here, even our leadership hasn’t found it yet. At the moment, the only chances of our beloved sister to break the chain poverty is only available in two option either going abroad to becomes TKW with risk being abused and raped or living under umbrella of Polygamist of her own country Man. Your concern about her dignity, it should be discussed latter, after our sister can fulfill her basic live by her own, in meanwhile it much better to be neglected it. Why you requested me to ask the polygamy matters to my wife, he he he you want her to poison me. The most women in this world’s don’t want to share her belonging especially her husband.


    Exactly. Which is why your previous reasoning is invalid. Your reasoning is like, apple is delicious because it is eaten by many people in the world. You must be laughing right now, right? Apple is delicious because it is sweet, and its texture is nice. Alright, I admit it’s not the best explanation in the world to describe apple, but at least it has some connection.

    Actually you missed my point; I didn’t say that the apple is delicious because many people like it. What I wanted to say “for anyone who don’t like the apple”, they have to face the reality live that there are many people love the apple whether they like it or not. If they don’t want to eat the apple that is their own business but if they want to destroy the apple that also their own business, however, they should realize we are the apple protector will protect it with our own way.


    If that is true Moslem, that’s good. I bet “true moslems” all over the world are battling terrorism too because it has stained the name of Islam right? I pray for your struggle my brothers, do it in peace.

    You’re right but Moslem priorities is not battling the small terrorism because they are only the amateur terrorism killed handful people and causing only small destruction. We aren’t going to touch our own brother while the big terrorism is still free delivering the collateral damage and destruction anywhere.

    However, I believe for us our religion is only one and there isn’t moslem and non-moslem anymore and what we knew only one Arema.

    Desendant of Singodaru

  20. Arema says:

    Hohoho… Cuku, I do hope you’re joking in your previous reply… Are you serious in replying? You’ve just opened numerous grounds for “attacks”. Had Aluang is still here, he would have thrown “nuclear bombs” to your statements above.

    Let me show you some holes in your armor:

    The Ratio can be expanded up-to 1 to 8.
    Indonesia Richman should have 4 wives and 4 ladies house maid. Don’t talk about dignity here, even our leadership hasn’t found it yet. At the moment, the only chances of our beloved sister to break the chain poverty is only available in two option either going abroad to becomes TKW with risk being abused and raped or living under umbrella of Polygamist of her own country Man. Your concern about her dignity, it should be discussed latter, after our sister can fulfill her basic live by her own, in meanwhile it much better to be neglected it. Why you requested me to ask the polygamy matters to my wife, he he he you want her to poison me. The most women in this world’s don’t want to share her belonging especially her husband.

    1) One to EIGHT?!?!?!?! Are you serious? Even I don’t want to keep EIGHT dogs because it’s difficult to be caring to them all, eight wives would be out of question, unless that rich guy will treat them worse than a pet dog.
    2) Ask any sane woman and they’d rather live in poverty with dignity rather than marrying a polygamist husband. And that includes your honorable wife.

    Actually you missed my point; I didn’t say that the apple is delicious because many people like it. What I wanted to say “for anyone who don’t like the apple”, they have to face the reality live that there are many people love the apple whether they like it or not. If they don’t want to eat the apple that is their own business but if they want to destroy the apple that also their own business, however, they should realize we are the apple protector will protect it with our own way.

    3) You missed my point too. Before you defend the “apple”, you must know why the “apple” is worth defending first, and how to defend it. It looks like you don’t really know how (or even why too?).

    You’re right but Moslem priorities is not battling the small terrorism because they are only the amateur terrorism killed handful people and causing only small destruction. We aren’t going to touch our own brother while the big terrorism is still free delivering the collateral damage and destruction anywhere.

    4) SMALL terrorism? Even an army can’t wipe them out.
    5) AMATEUR terrorism? Then they should’ve been captured by now.
    6) Killed only a HANDFUL of people? How big is your hand?
    7) Big terrorism? you mean USA? I’m not supporting them either, but that’s not terrorism. Buy a dictionary and get your definition right.

    Alright, I’ve opened at least seven holes wide open. I’ll withdraw from the battle now, “peacefully”….

    Your distant relative,
    Singo Edan

  21. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    Quick wisdom for you, Cuk:

    The Ratio can be expanded up-to 1 to 8.
    Indonesia Richman should have 4 wives and 4 ladies house maid.

    If not for the wife swapping and halal sex with adoptive daughters, I certainly don’t mind being a Muslim. Remember there are also appetising vaginas waiting for me and pearly boys for you. 🙂

    Don’t talk about dignity here, even our leadership hasn’t found it yet. At the moment, the only chances of our beloved sister to break the chain poverty is only available in two option

    Why should our beloved sisters break this poverty chain alone? Use your brain, brother. Talk less about religion, work hard, we can built this country together.

    either going abroad to becomes TKW with risk being abused and raped or living under umbrella of Polygamist of her own country Man.

    You are acknowledging your Arab brothers abused our Indonesian daughters. And you are still emulating them. Why not you talk Islam with them, afterall, they fear your common powerful Allah.

    Your concern about her dignity, it should be discussed latter, after our sister can fulfill her basic live by her own, in meanwhile it much better to be neglected it.

    No wonder you think sex with adoptive daughters is halal. Why should our sisters be abused by our own people considered much better? I can’t see your logic. The reason why our women are abused is that our men are hopeless and useless. We should be protecting them, providing for them and keep them out of harm’s way, instead of nonsense talks about religion and lengthy discussion on which hadith is authentic. By breaking free from the shackle of Islam and stop dreaming of sex afterlife, only then will we progress. Remember, hardworking people don’t think of lazy life and sex all the time.

    Why you requested me to ask the polygamy matters to my wife, he he he you want her to poison me. The most women in this world’s don’t want to share her belonging especially her husband.

    I wonder if your wife knew you think adoptive daughter is halal. Poisoning you is a blessing as there will be one less potential jihadi terrorist. Be a nationalist, not an Islamist.

    Actually you missed my point; I didn’t say that the suicide bombing is delicious because many people like it. What I wanted to say “for anyone who don’t like the suicide bombing”, they have to face the reality live that there are many people love suicide bombing whether they like it or not. If they don’t want to jihad that is their own business but if they want to destroy the jihad that also their own business, however, they should realize we are the jihad protector will protect it with our own way.

    I rephrased it for you. Allahu Akhbar!

    You’re right but Moslem priorities is not battling the small terrorism because they are only the amateur terrorism killed handful people and causing only small destruction. We aren’t going to touch our own brother while the big terrorism is still free delivering the collateral damage and destruction anywhere.

    Talking about islamic terrorism, why not try China. I hope to see the day Allah bitten by Chinese dragon.

    However, I believe for us our religion is only one and there isn’t moslem and non-moslem anymore and what we knew only one Arema.

    I believe that too becuase tsunami and earthquake already killed those moslem not islamic enough.

    Desendant of Singodaru

    ?? Should be Descendant of Al Arabi

  22. Cukurungan says:

    Colson :
    In your comment of 10.36 am you referred to (fuzzy) statistics on teenage pregnancy, divorce, suicide etc in Muslim and non-Muslim societies and next made a sweeping statement.

    Cukurungan :
    You’re correct that we couldn’t directly correlate the statistics to draw a conclusion but I was using the some source how our beloved country is ranked among the most corrupt countries.
    The Statistics in Nation Master is clearly shown the divorce rates in modern and prosperous countries like Sweden, Finland, US are very high compare with in the average Moslem countries,so claimed that the non-polygamy systems is much better than the polygamy systems is baseless with clear indication of so many broken families in the modern countries.

    Aluang :
    Finally you responded after battling with your conscience.

    Cukurungan :
    Your savior always in the full conscienceness, otherwise, Java Island will be shinked.

    Aluang :
    No kids will be save from you until you are fully detoxicated. I am afraid one day you might discover verses that says anak kandung is also halal.

    I didn’t need any kid to satisfy my sexual desire because I have 4 different halal wives with different taste and varieties.

    Aluang :
    You mean molesting adopted kids and sexually abusing maids while your wives and children stood by, powerless to stop you is better, is that what you meant? So why are there floods of frightened moslem refugees seeking asylum in the West? (better goggle search yourself)
    You seems to hold grudges against the US, and since I ain’t no big fan of the US, why not compare statistics with Asian countries like China, Japan and South Korea? Heck, like the evil US, pedophilia, and maids & wives abuses are crime in these countries. Darn, they are not following your wise God’s instruction, and yet He blessed them too much. You take a pick, should we model our country on – Kids molesting Arabia, High divorce rate America or Allah blessed pork eating China, Japan & Korea? Idols worshipping India is also on her way up. You should sms your God immediately telling Him to wake up as well.

    God already answered my SMS 1400 years ago: In any country, if most of their citizens fully obey and follow God Law, God will flood those countries with wealth and easy living from any direction as God wish. See your brother in Arab Saudi, Qatar, UAE and Brunai they are live in desert and almost doing nothing but they have anything. See your own Indonesia brother, they live in the place where stick can becomes plants but they are very poor and becomes slave other nation because of their continue betrayal to God Law. Whereas people in the pork eater countries, they have to work 28 hours a days just to get the small drop of wealth.

    If you caught your wife having an affair, why get angry? There is always solution, you can always divorce her and get better ones. In a civilised society, you don’t beat her up or stone her to death. Men and women are born equal. Tell me what should your wife do if he caught you molesting the kids?

    If you afraid that your performance couldn’t meet your wives expectation, there is still many option, you don’t need to molest a kids, Mak Erot still open 24 hours a day.

    Paying for sex in a brothel is fair game. You mean doing it under the mask of religion is also fair? I call them cheap skates. They know they need to pay more in brothels and there are chance of contracting STD if they don’t use condoms. Of course you don’t see anything wrong with your Arab overlords.

    I fully understood your concern that you have no chances to get a portion of money from those sex transcaction becoz it won’t involve the sex broker and hotel owner like you anymore. Don’t be upset once you could offer competitive charge,your client will come to you again.

    You can be a hero once you snap out of your Arabian dreams.

    I am Father of Ratu Adil who will bring prosperity and justice to Javanese.

    No matter how Arab you desired to be, you will not be seen as equal in their eyes. End of the day, it will be your Indonesian brothers left picking up your body.

    Cukurungan :
    I never promoted Arab equality movement,
    and two times I almost got killed in Car incident at that time no Arab brother in my side becoz I was in traveling with my ambon and batak friend.

    Father of Ratu Adil

  23. Suhada says:

    I somehow remember a story of a humble yet wise Palestinian Jew carpenter. A group of religious authorities brought a woman caught committing adultery””red handedly””before him. And they asked him what must be done after her based on the law””obviously she deserved to be stoned to meet her death. He kept his stoic and calm manner. He just bowed down and began writing each of many sins comitted by the anxious religious leaders.

    Then the wise men said unto them, “Let the one amongst you who do not sin be the first to cast a stone upon her.” And those hypocrite leaders turned ashamed. And the wise men look at the woman warmly and said “Go and sin no more.”

    And this wise man happened to be admired and respected by yet another great man that later being dearly followed by the very religious authority that gave the couple strokes of rattan cane.

  24. Ihaknt says:

    Cukurungan :
    I never promoted Arab equality movement,
    and two times I almost got killed in Car incident at that time no Arab brother in my side becoz I was in traveling with my ambon and batak friend.

    Cuk try again, and please make sure you get killed this time. Actually tell me where you will be at certain time driving and I will see if I can do the deed myself. You don’t care if your wife and daughters are sold to be sex slaves to the Arabs anyway.

  25. Colson says:

    Cukurungan: Thanks for your answer on the use of statistics. It would be wonderful to elaborate on this subject, because I’ve still got doubts on whether your figures and comparisons are valid. But that’s too far off topic.

    I got another question however. I’m not sure what God said 1400 years ago (I wasn’t there to notice), but I’m sure he didn’t say: cane young people engaged in love affairs, devote yourself yourself solely to religion and get wealthy in that way. At least in countries like Pakistan it doesn’t work out that way.

    Don’t you think God’s instruction to mankind is: don’t bother about the hereafter (because that’s My business), be faithful if you want to, but at least work hard and make the best of the opportunities you have in order to get yourself a good life?

  26. Arema says:

    Hi Suhada,
    Your comment is a masterpiece in disguise, if your intended recipient know what that means. =)

  27. Cukurungan says:


    I got another question however. I’m not sure what God said 1400 years ago (I wasn’t there to notice), but I’m sure he didn’t say: cane young people engaged in love affairs,

    Many thanks for your question, there are many people either deliberately or indeliberately misleading about God Law for the adultery. The principal of God’s Law is to minimize wide spread the adultery in society by providing sting effect or maximum punishment to the sinners, however, if we carefully check whole context of God’s Law related to the adultery, actually, God said:
    1) The adultery is strongly prohibited because it is clearly violated other people dignity.
    2) If you already committed adultery keep it as your secret and ask forgiveness and don’t repeat again.
    3) Don’t accuse anyone of committing the adultery unless you’re able to bring 4 credible men as your witnesses, once you failed to do so, you will be subject to caning and your witnesses won’t be accepted until you died.
    4) Don’t spy on other people house.
    5) Caning shall be carried out on the public display for anyone who deliberately disclosed and exhibited their adultery in public display.

    It can be concluded that stoning or canning for the sinners were almost impossible to be prosecuted because the above tough regulations and how can the adultery be witnessed by 4 credible men unless it is deliberately committed in the public facilities. So if you committed an adultery in your own home and you don’t tell to other people, it will automatically evade you from the prosecution of stoning or caning because anyone is prohibited to enter other house without permission of the house owner. However, if you are crazy enough and invite 4 credible men to see you in actions, then you are fully eligible for caning or even stoning.

    The basic principal of the God Law is justice for all and no one above the law. So if there is a country claimed themselves adopting God Law but violate both basic principal, that is only the fake God Law. Moslem in Pakistan is almost the same with moslem in Indonesia, their structure of society is very unjust, there is only a handful of wealthy families benefiting and manipulating their own countrymen. The application Sharia Law in Pakistan seemed to be manipulated to protect the criminal rather the vulnerable poor women and the current implementation of the sharia law in Aceh also was clearly far away from the basic justice itself.


    devote yourself yourself solely to religion and get wealthy in that way. At least in countries like Pakistan it doesn’t work out that way.
    Don’t you think God’s instruction to mankind is: don’t bother about the hereafter (because that’s My business), be faithful if you want to, but at least work hard and make the best of the opportunities you have in order to get yourself a good life?


    God told us to fully devote our life to only Him and nothing else. It doesn’t mean, we have to worship Him 24 hours days and waiting God send us food, clothes and other needs. However, we have to maintain our effort to find a better life to be done without violating the God Law.

    I will give you an illustration, what does it mean by the fully devoted to Him. In Final Judgement Day, first person will be prosecuted by God is a Martyr who died in Jihad War, the Famous Cleric and Philanthropist. God ask question to Jihadist what were you doing? Jihadist say, I was fighting to death in order to elevate your name. God say: you cheated yourself you weren’t fighting to elevate My Name but to be honored as Hero and Courageous Man and you got it all already so you have nothing from Me and now you are fully deserve in enjoying agony in Hellfire forever. And the same process also will be happened to Cleric and philanthropist, both of them have the same fate as the Jihadist because theirs deeds weren’t fully devoted to God but for benefiting their own interests, it is either for the sake of seeking popularity and honored by other people.

    In our belief, the heaven is not for sale, in every 1000 of the death human, the only chances go to heaven is only 1 while the rest or 999 of them go to hell.

    Might you’re aware why Osama was abandoning his billion dollars wealth and his life enjoyment because he wanted to secure his place in heaven but if you ask me whether he will succeed or not, I don’t know.


  28. Colson says:

    Cukurungan: I’m grateful for the trouble you to took to instruct me on a fraction of your religion. It reminds me of the Calvinist (Christian) reverent who told me about the same on this issue in his religion (mutatis mutandis of course) a very long time ago.

    I just wondered in those days and I still wonder now: how did he know/ how do you know? Isn’t it rather presumptuous for human beings, even if they are persons we consider to be wise men or women, to think they can understand the ways of God?

    By the way: It’s hard to believe that people like Bush or Osama, who proclaim themselves to be devoted followers of a God of Peace and Love, think this is compatible with bombing or blowing other people to pieces. It is even harder to believe that anyone in his/her right mind can be a supporter of either of them.

  29. Dymal says:

    Cuku said:

    God already answered my SMS 1400 years ago: In any country, if most of their citizens fully obey and follow God Law, God will flood those countries with wealth and easy living from any direction as God wish.

    For me this is one main reason why people in those countries are still lagged behind the others.

    You need to see other SMS, may be you will find one that says that you need to go out there to learn, even if you have to learn in far away country as far as China, “where people need to work 28 hours / day for a small drop of wealth”.

  30. Cukurungan says:

    Dear Ihaknt,

    Many for your time in reading and commenting on my post, why you wanted me to death, once you ever meet with me, you will beg me to become my fifth wife’s.

    One of those near missed accident was occurred in Aghawagon tunnel mill#74 of Tembagapura in Elevetion 3000 meters above sea level. If you able to kill me then who will be the savior of ALUANG.

    Colson :

    I just wondered in those days and I still wonder now: how did he know/ how do you know? Isn’t it rather presumptuous for human beings, even if they are persons we consider to be wise men or women, to think they can understand the ways of God?

    Cukurungan :

    It is mystery of the religion what you can say while our prophet even failed to convince His own uncle but me and other 1.2 billion peoples who never meet him fully believe with His message.

    Remember, Islam is the religion without priest this is inherited both problems and advantage because Moslem don’t need brokerage in dealing with God but in other hand, some our brother thought that they can interpret and apply the verses in Quran directly without knowledge of the overall context in the verses. Let assumed , if there’s verses explaining the action during War times and it is applied within the peace time. You know what I means.

    Religion is not presumption but the personal live
    experience and it should not be forced to anyone but it doesn’t mean to be abandoned and anyone can made their religion because of the personal matters.

    Let assume, no one will harm you if you make a new religion based on your own, say “Colson Imamat” or whatever but if you made “Colson Islam” then you provoke us because
    “patent rights ” is already informally in the major moslem secte, therefore, beyond that we will destroy it.

    Remember what Bush said sometimes ago either with me or teroris. Of course, no moslem will take in the same side with the evil and unfortunately, most the victims of the conflict is the peace lover people who don’t take position in either side.

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