An amorous young couple in Aceh are given the lash.
Two romancing university students, a boy, Nuriadin bin Ismail (22), and a girl, Devita Citra Putri binti Ismail (21), were caught together in a boarding house room on 6th February 2007, subject to a citizens’ arrest by local people, and then handed over to the religious police, Wilayatul Hisbah, and they were then charged with unlawful proximity between an unmarried male and female.
They were later tried and found guilty of violating article 22 of Qanun (sharia law) No.14/2003 concerning sexual crimes.
On 20th April 2007 the two young people were each given four strokes of a rattan cane in the grounds of the Tungkop mosque in the Darussalam district of Aceh Besar regency, after Friday afternoon prayers had been performed. Devita cried as she was caned while the crowd cheered as each stroke landed on her back.
Aceh Map.
Since 2006 there have ten public canings in Aceh Besar regency for offences against Islamic sharia law. antara tempo
Dear John Orford,
I hope my Indonesian brothers will wake up to this insanity. Very soon, they will have amputation and stoning and beheading. This is exactly the kind of justice that Allah has prescribed for all mankind, yes, for all mankind, and that includes you, Mr. Orford. In Asia, only the Malay race (Indonesian, Malaysian & Bruneian) believe that a merciful God allow it. Other Asians are not that stupid. Some Indonesian women especially from the western provinces, admit they are half intelligent and agree polygamy is okay. This is part of the reason why we are lap-up dogs for the Arabs.
Caning? Because a boy and a girl want to be near to each other? What the *** happened to the RI of Sukarno-Hatta?
I can’t say much as I don’t really understand about Sharia law and everything, but it seems, I’m not sure if I have the right word, unique.
But it it’s so unfair that the people who get punished are always people who are either poor or young. Damn. It was recently reported by that many people from DPR or other top levels who got caught doing things that were against Sharia Law haven’t been punished at all. Damn this country. Sharia is just another tool for greedy people to gain their own interests and this caning is now presented to public as an amusement.
I won’t be surprised if many Muslim converting to Christian because of this inhuman law.
That’s why thousands of Muslims seek refugee in the western world (Christian countries) to escape from this law, they feared of being prosecuted under this law.
But the sad thing here is there are many Muslim men from Muslim countries mainly Arabian when they come to western country they go gambling or hire prostitutes.
Only a few months ago, several high level of Hierarchies from Jakarta got spotted gambling in Victoria Casino in London.
Guebukanmonyet was right, in Indonesia only poor people get punished, syariah law or none syariah, really sad.
only the Malay race (Indonesian, Malaysian & Bruneian) believe that a merciful God allow it. Other Asians are not that stupid.
Not all Indonesian are that stupid. Well ok 90% of Indonesians actually are very stupid and uneducated but not THAT stupid. I would say may be only 20 to 30% agree with caning and other cruel policies.
…… I’m not sure if I have the right word, unique.
Unique!! This is f**king obscene.
How can people with higher IQ like the Chinese, the Indian, the Westerners accept this form of punishment in the 21st century? Only the Arabs can see justice in this, and Achehnese are trying to mimic them.
You see, the religious zombies here argued about the authencity of the hadiths and sunnah in a very academic way, but refused to answer question why a merciful God would want to give His book of guidance to a bunch of desert robbers?
I already wake up “akang mas”, and your turn to open your eyes and let see how the half inteligent women of trade minister Malaysia deterred “full intelligent man” of US minister in recently trade negotiations between two country. You want to see more, check by Malaysia’s condition. Is there any non-moslem country in South East Asia better than Malaysia and Brunei? Yes you are correct, Philippines has been became the prosperous and the most modern country with following achievement :
1) the biggest exporter of PSK
2) highest record of criminal and kidnapping
3) High Church Attendance
You might move there once the islamist take over this country.
Siluman White Tiger
Being an (involved) outsider I know I should be careful and modest in airing criticism.
But why on earth an official, nationwide outcry against these kind of Sharia-absurdities is next to absent? Isn’t it contrary to Pancasila – to the principle of Justice, to the principle of Solidarity, to the principle of a democracy based on Consensus and to the principle of Unity? And to the pinciple of different religions but one God, as well?
And, why on earth, do these civilians and officals devote their time to maintain outdated laws which perhaps were useful in different times and different societies? Isn’t it – like it is in any civilized country- their main duty and responsibility to improve the standard of living in the country, be it Aceh or RI at large, instead of wasting their time trifling about the in and outs of real Islam? Shouldn’t they be held accountable if eventually the Republic of Indonesia slides back into the middle ages?
This is all STUPID!! The punishment is in God’s hand.
State sanctioned and administered spankings, beatings and pain for sexual contact?
Smart move – you’ll make Aceh the S & M capital of the world! Think of all those tourist dollars! Being beaten by Betty Blockbuster is one thing, but by a mullah in front of the congregation at Friday prayers!!! Even better if the whip wielder is enjoying it!!
This has the potential to wipe out Manilla and Bangkok as the primary sexual tourism destinations!!
Maybe the religious police and the regional govt. should realise that activities such as ‘illicit sex’, gambling and alcohol abuse increase during times of financial stress and political uncertainty.
Maybe the time and effort expended would be better placed trying to address the problems that cause the behaviour.
Always remember, a starving man will steal for his family. Cutting of his hand only makes him a confirmed thief – he has the stigmata and is less employable.
I already wake up “akang mas”, and your turn to open your eyes …..
Good, I see our dialogue being very constructive and going somewhere.
see how the half inteligent women of trade minister Malaysia deterred “full intelligent man” of US minister in recently trade negotiations between two country. You want to see more, check by Malaysia’s condition.
Give me a link to it as I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t not follow Malaysia news on a daily basis.
Is there any non-moslem country in South East Asia better than Malaysia and Brunei?
I can’t think of any beside Singapore. But if you look further north, there are a few. Why compare Brunei or Malaysia to the Philipines? What has the Philipines got besides sugar canes? Brunei is sitting on an oil well. Malaysia has so much natural resources, and I would have expected her to do much much better. Do you know a large percentage of Malays are still living in poverty? The Malays elites getting richer and not sharing their NEP’s royalty. Bruneian Malays idolise Arabs. I rang up my Brunei friends just now. Nah, sorry brother, I was trying to pull some string for you, but they prefer authentic Arab, not Arab-wannabe.
You might move there once the islamist take over this country.
When is islamist taking over? I double checked this link below and the top 3 candidates are Javanese. Together they total over 80% of votes. As long as Javanese stay in power, Arab-wannabes and their minions have a long way to turn this beautiful country of mine into Indonesianistan.
Why send me to the Philippines? They do not have Javanese kejawen and nasi gudeg. Besides, I love wayang kulit show once in a while.
Siluman White Tiger
Thanks 🙂 Everytime we engage in a dialogue, I am imparting invaluable knowledge to you. Now that you are awaken, I hope you use your brain that Allah gave you, and see what I have written.
As always,
Disgusting, of course, as usual, those boys and girls.
Kissing? Yucks.
Shame on them.
Please welcome acheh, the new laughing stock.
My deepest sympathy for those who suffer living there.
Yes you are correct, Philippines has been became the prosperous and the most modern country …..
Sorry, I have to disagree. The Philippines is just as corrupted as Indonesia. Another religious zealot country. By the way, Indonesia has all the natural wealth, and yet we are on par in poverty.
Welcome to the Dark Ages Aceh.
That province is a disgrace to Indonesia.
Thing that scares me the most is that people were cheering when they got caned, and its done after friday prayers, so peaceful.
As a person who live in Aceh for this two years, I’m not surprised with this news. But dont worry though Sharia Law sounds scary, I still easilly got beers or even ‘girls’ to be hired.
Yes it’s a little bit expensive if you compare with other parts of Indonesia but the security is ensured, for I got it from WH leader (Sharia Police).
So, as long as you have money, those barbaric law won’t harm you.
Is there any non-moslem country in South East Asia better than Malaysia and Brunei?
Buddhist 42.5%, Muslim 14.9%, Christian 14.6% Taoist 8.5%, Hindu 4%, other 0.7%, none 14.8% (2000 census)
GDP per capita: $31,000
Reading this story, I had to think of how Jesus dealt with a situation not unlike this one.
At the Feast of Booths, a woman had been found committing adultery, and then brought to Jesus by the scribes and Pharisees, asking him what he said should be done to her. (Ahli-ahli Taurat dan orang-orang Farisi membawa kepadaNya seorang perempuan yang kedapatan berbuat zinah. Lalu mereka berkata kepada Yesus bahwa Musa memerintahkan mereka untuk melempari perempuan-perempuan yang berbuat zinah.) Would he agree that according to Moses she should be stoned to death? (Apakah pendapat Yesus tentang hal itu?) Interestingly, he gives them an indirect answer, maintaining the law of Moses: If any of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her. (Kata Yesus: Barangsiapa di antara kamu tidak berdosa, hendaklah ia yang pertama melemparkan batu kepada perempuan itu.) They all leave, and Jesus tells the woman that he will not condemn her either, but also not to sin again from now on. (Lalu, mereka semuanya pergilah, dan Yesus berkata kepada perempuan itu: Akupun tidak menhukum engkau. Pergilah, dan jangan berbuat dosa lagi mulai dari sekarang.)
Jesus shows gentle mercy and opportunity to repent. Wish that would have happened in Aceh.
Aceh is no doubt going back to the middle ages. Other part of Indonesia will soon follow (God forbids).
Aluang and Saipul,
Both of you trapped, I knew your answer before you began to talk, Btw, I never consider “Singapore” as a Country but rather as “parasites” Singapore will always prosper and exist as long their big neighbors country are controlled by “Idiot Kejawen”. Singapore sucked up everything from the foolish javanese.
Why you don’t ask to your Ancestors or Lords reason why God giving Philipine only sugar while giving Malaysia and Brunai oil wealth.
Yes there is poor people in Malaysia but their Government don’t sell their ladies to Arab World to get money. Check your kejawen Government, they sucked up everything with their chinese crony and it isn’t enough they are still selling Javanese and SUNDANESE LADIES abroad.
I’m afraid you, Indonesia, in this affair come across as a pack of savages. The two young people were adults yet they are not free adults this would not be allowed in a western culture. Even Christians make their choices and if wrong they will face their God, this God does not need others to do His job for Him. Those interferring busybodies who ‘arrested’ these young, not free, adults, have they been sinless all their lives, if not then they are hypocrites, as for those pathetic sadists who watched the punishment and cheered they could be seen as hardly human I mean there was no pity at all – but they would be moslem! Regards, numbat.
Both of you trapped, I knew your answer before you began to talk, …..
Cuk, you see, it is not hard to use your brain. One post before, you are agreeing with me that the Qu’ran is wrong on women being half intelligent. Now, you are able to checkmate me. Using your brain is not that hard, isn’t it?
Btw, I never consider “Singapore” as a Country but rather as “parasites” Singapore will always prosper and exist as long their big neighbors country are controlled by “Idiot Kejawen”. Singapore sucked up everything from the foolish javanese.
Arema has answered that satisfactory.
Why you don’t ask to your Ancestors or Lords reason why God giving Philipine only sugar while giving Malaysia and Brunai oil wealth.
Malaysia and Brunei’s oil are found in abundace ONLY on the island of Borneo, the Land of The Dayaks. If you do a bit of research on Borneo, the original inhabitants were the Dayaks. Both Brunei and Malaysia economy will be devastated if the Dayaks claim sovereignity. Kalimantan side of Borneo has huge mineral deposits and timber. Dayaks do not belong to the Malays race, yet their ancestral land is divided into Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia, and these 3 countries are controlled by the Malay race, so let’s us not be too vocal about it, otherwise they will want self-rule or worst, Independent. Brunei Malays will have to return to Malaysia or Sumatra, Malaysia will lose over 50% of her revenue (petroleum and timber from Sarawak alone contributed to over 50% of Malaysia total revenue!). Their Lord, Keling is not Allah. You don’t need to bow toward mecca to worship Keling, just some roasted pigs and birds.
Yes there is poor people in Malaysia but their Government don’t sell their ladies to Arab World to get money. Check your kejawen Government, they sucked up everything with their chinese crony and it isn’t enough they are still selling Javanese and SUNDANESE LADIES abroad.
See, you are in tune with me now. I do not support corruption, and I also believe shariah is not the answer. Corruption has nothing to do with kejawen.
Check again my comments. Did I blame “parasite” not at all gentleman but “idiot kejawen” who ruined this country must be accountable for everything went wrong in this country.
Wrong in the Quran is only your ultimate dreams, however, once you could found it even it is a single word, you will be eligible for the noble prize because you might be considered as savior of the humanity by the Islamic Basher.
Your stories about Dayak claimed
upon Borneo made me laugh, I recommend you to make other stories that the oil well in the Arab territory is belonging to Red Indian so American has full rights to kill Arab to take back those oil reserve.
Don’t forget repeat and repeat again ritual I already taught to you, it might help you to find other amazing discovery and claim
God Slave
Let me impart some knowledge to you again. 🙂
Check again my comments. Did I blame “parasite” not at all gentleman but “idiot kejawen” who ruined this country must be accountable for everything went wrong in this country.
Please elaborate.
Wrong in the Quran is only your ultimate dreams, however, once you could found it even it is a single word, you will be eligible for the noble prize because you might be considered as savior of the humanity by the Islamic Basher.
Let’s see what you said again, ‘see how the half inteligent women of trade minister Malaysia deterred “full intelligent man”‘. Is it your grammar, or you want me to decode your message? Sorry I am not good in finding miracle in sentences.
Now that you are awaken, I need your God-given wisdom on this: The descendants of the Great Majapahit Empire think marrying your daughter-in-law is morally twisted, whereas Arab think it is okay. Who is correct?
Your stories about Dayak claimed
upon Borneo made me laugh, I recommend you to make other stories that the oil well in the Arab territory is belonging to Red Indian so American has full rights to kill Arab to take back those oil reserve.
You Arab wannabe are freaking lazy. Next time goggle search yourself. Check this link out, Borneo, land of indigenous Dayaks.
Arabia belongs to Red Indian? Look what your religion has done to you. Another reason why Javanese kejawen has to stay.
As always guided by Ratu Adil,
Akangmas anak Monsopiad.
Dayak ethnic groups:
Ahe, Banjar, Barito, Benuaq, Berawan, Bidayuh, Bukitan, Dumpas, Dusun, Iban, Iban Mualang, Iban Embaloh, Ida’an, Illanun, Kadazan, Kayan, Kedayan, Kelabit, Kendayan, Kenyah, Kejaman, Kwijau, Lun Bawang, Lun Dayeh, Lotud, Maloh, Mangka’ak, Maragang, Melanau (-Kajang), Minokok, Murut, Ngaju, Penan, Punan Ba, Rajang, Rumanau, Rungus, Selakau, Sepan, Taman, Tambanuo, Tanjung, Tidong, Ukit
Malay ethnic groups:
Arab Wannabe, Javanese, Balinese, Melayu, Achehnese, Minangkabau, Madurese, Sundanese, Betawi, Bugis, Ambonese.
Cuk, guess what I’ve found. Your group is among us. Good, we can start shariah and start caning boy and girl.
I have to admired your tough effort to find a defective of the islamic teaching but don’t forget that BUNG TOMO AND JENDRAL SUDIRMAN were using Arab wanabe wording “Allah Akbar” to keep up fighting spirit of our previous pahlawan and rakyat pejuang. Now while you have been enjoying your prosperity you want to make their beliefs as your jokes. Good day gentleman.
In the moslem belief, “anak adopsi” couldn’t be considered as “anak kandung”. So moslem man can marry with his daughter in law of anak adopsi but “forbidden for marrying his daughter in law of anak kandung”.
Concerning my comments “half inteligent woman” in moslem, I just made sarcastic comments because there is no such teaching in Islam. What Islamic tenet said “women and man” have different basic tasks and responsibility but we don’t need strictly setting up the different because it should be adjusted depending on the actual demand of society itself.
I will give you clues to attack Islamic teaching, in Quran, it is mentioned that God stay in His “ARSY” above the sky of universe while arsy lay above the water. In Quran also mentioned God is “super High and Big” it means God Himself is bigger and higher than the universe. It means, there is nothing above God and the most outer ring of the universe must be water. So if it is sciencetifically proven that the universe isn’t surrounded by water all Quran words are wrong and you will be happy to see many javanese return back to worship Kyai Slamet.
God Slave
I think they like caning cause it turns em on, kind of a S and M fetish thing, I bet they all have hard ons. Hubba Hubba!
*who thinks it’s God’s fault for giving men penis’s*
Giving them a penis, and then sending some messenger to tell em not to use it.
Let me remind you that there is a “moral police” everywhere in Indonesia. At least I am sure there is on in Jakarta, Bogor and Semarang so I thing they are alsa in all major cities of Indonesia. Every night they raid hotels looking for unmaried couples. It’s not only in Aceh, it’s everywhere in the country.
Good morning, good to see you are back for more lesson.
I have to admired your tough effort to find a defective of the islamic teaching but don’t forget that BUNG TOMO AND JENDRAL SUDIRMAN were using Arab wanabe wording “Allah Akbar” to keep up …..
Thanks for your praise. ‘Defective of the islamic teaching’ is from your mouth, most probably a freudian slip. You are gaining valuable knowledge from engaging with me, and I see you are learning thing by the day. Do you know that the Dayak also call their God “Allah Taala”? But their Allah Taala is satisfied with roasted pig and tuak. Wanna laugh again? I suggest you goggle search this time, otherwise you are going to embarrass yourself again. Remember this wisdom, “The one who laughed last laugh loudest”.
In the moslem belief, “anak adopsi” couldn’t be considered as “anak kandung”. So moslem man can marry with his daughter in law of anak adopsi but “forbidden for marrying his daughter in law of anak kandung”.
This poses a new problem, what if the daughter-in-law has few kids with his anak adopsi? The moslem men married her, are the kids going to call their new father ‘father’ or ‘grandfather’. And if their liaison produced more children, what are they going to call each other? What virtue can you get out of this? Do you think Indonesian should adopt this practice? If you tell this to a Chinese or a Westerner, they will be in for a shock. How come this didn’t shock you? Maybe you got a better explanation, but I wonder how you are going to wiggle out of this.
Concerning my comments “half inteligent woman” in moslem, I just made sarcastic comments because there is no such teaching in Islam. What Islamic tenet said “women and man” have different basic tasks and responsibility but we don’t need strictly setting up the different because it should be adjusted depending on the actual demand of society itself.
I based them on,
men have a degree (of advantage) over them 2:228
that the witness of woman is worth half of that of man 2:282
that women inherit half of their male siblings, 4:11-12
that a man can marry two or three or four women 4:3
that if a women becomes captive in a war, her Muslim master is allowed to rape her 33:50
In some islamic countries, women are not even allowed to drive, or go out shopping by themselves. If any Javanese Muslimah agree to these verses, good, I am looking for a few more spouses.
I will give you clues to attack Islamic teaching, in Quran, it is mentioned …..
Cuk, I see things as what is plainly laid out in front of me. Once again, be mindful that I am not attacking Islam. Why the sensitivity? I ask about ‘original sin’ and ‘virgin birth’ when I see Christians, and so far none has accused me of attacking their religion. Commonsense and wisdom always overwhelm me, and I am forever inquisitive why I can’t see what believers saw. You see, you think that marrying daughter-in-law is okay, I think it is disgusting. I am just voicing out my disgust.
In Quran also mentioned God is “super High and Big” it means God Himself is bigger and higher than the universe. It means, …..
Hang on there again, you kept mentioning ‘In Quran, it mentioned this and that …..’, as far as I am concerned, it is an Arabian fairy tales. Have you ever questioned the authenticity of the Qu’ran, or is questioning the Qu’ran going to get you to hell? Remember one can only be benevolent if one is rich. A dreamer will always be poor and unproductive in this life.
God Slave
Yes, you are God’s slave. I am God’s brother. 🙂
Sorry I revoked my words you didn’t attack but investigate.
Btw, I also amazed with your gaining knowledge after continually you were practicing the ritual, remember don’t too deep push your fingers into your axxxh hole even if you experience sensational feeling because it is dangereous.
You are not God’s Friend but God’s Son, (God’s is Kyai SLAMET or Buffalo). What is wrong with “roasted pig with tuak” in Dayak community, nothing wrong with anyone don’t have knowledge and no one teaching them God’s message.
Anak adopsi is not anak kandung, there is no direct blood connection, moslem even can marry with anak adopsi if both parties agreed. You don’t need to tell me other non-believers opinion towards the moslem beliefs and practice because moslem also sock with their practice and their way of life. See yourself in Quran what GOD said towards kafir (kafir is no better than animal what they done just entertaining and eating).
Don’t be so naive, see how our brother kejawen and javanese kingdom were treating the women (perempuan cuma untuk manak dan masak), the kejawen husband is not enough with 4 wives but sometimes until 9 wives you don’t “pura-2 tidak tahu”. Husband with 9 wives still alive in Bojonegoro. Javanese King Concubine sometimes were more than 100 ladies and Chinese Emperor even more than that.
However, because the strong sounds of gender equality movement, Men in civilized and world and the munafik man pretended to accept those principal but behind back of theirs wives, they committed adultery and even the kid molestation are wide spread anywhere. Men in the civilized world’s has loss appetite to their wife’s because when He wanted to make love with His wives, suddenly “big question appear, can I satisfy my wives?” if they failed, there will big complaint and salvo of the nice words from his wives. Once this is happened one or two time, a man will automatically lose his confidence in facing his wives so the solution will be two option “viagra” or “kid molestation”. So there is no wonder why those commodities are growing very popular in the civilized world and Pedophilia Tourism are becoming very prospective business.
The reason are quite clear, kambodian and philipine kid won’t complain whatever the man’s performance is. Anyway you never answer my question how pope, priest and nun are releasing their sexual desire.
Anyone has full rights to challenge the truth and authencity of Quran but since 1400 years already proven no one able to do that beside already attracted 1.2 billion followers and even growing the believers are un-stoppable and they are many people ready to die for Quranic Teaching.
Satrio Tudung Putih
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I know I am a westerner, but to me, on one side you have a young couple in love experiencing all the joy of tenderness that that brings.
On the other side you have the authorities, who use violence and perhaps even cruelty to ensure /their/ interpretation of the Koran rules supreme.
I know which side I would support every time!