Fauzi Bowo

Apr 26th, 2007, in News, by

Anti Fauzi Bowo websites.

The Fauzi Bowo Defence Team demands that two websites critical of their candidate for Jakarta governor be closed down. antara

Fauzi Bowo
Fauzi Bowo.

The “Commandant” of the Tim Pembela Foke (TPF) for Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang, and Depok, Mr Jiro S., says his group cannot stand to see the good name of Fauzi Bowo tarnished by the two websites in question. The websites could influence the views of people in Jakarta and so he gave the owners three days to close them down.

We will take firm action if our request is not heeded. Stop what you are doing or face the anger of Fauzi Bowo supporters in Jakarta.

The two sites are hosted blogs, both of them being filled largely with old news articles about Fauzi Bowo. The first, Bang Fauzi Watch, also has some commentary by the author.

In one post the author complains about Fauzi’s visit to a church during Easter celebrations. Why would a Muslim sing and clap in church? Pluralism has gone too far, he suggests, and Betawi people don’t like that sort of thing.

Fauzi Bowo
Fauzi Bowo offends the Betawi.

The second site, http://foke.blogspot.com/, is headed Long Live Foke!, Long Live Corruption!, Long Live Gambling!, Long Live Flooding!, Long Live Dengue Fever!

13 Comments on “Fauzi Bowo”

  1. Ihaknt says:

    Can someone explain to me what ‘Foke’ is?

  2. Marie Antoinette says:

    I think it’s his nickname.

  3. Robert says:

    The Fauzi Bowo Defence Team demands that two websites critical of their candidate for Jakarta governor be closed down.

    “Defence Team” is that a new name for a rioting mob or gangsters?

    The websites could influence the views of people in Jakarta and so he gave the owners three days to close them down.

    Influencing peoples views is a dangerous development. It might even cause people to think. Luckily the TPF is there to prevent these developments.
    I am just wondering how they will close down these sites. Are they hosted in Indonesia? If so, is the TPF going to destroy the server or burn down the building of the provider?

    In one post the author complains about Fauzi’s visit to a church during Easter celebrations. Why would a Muslim sing and clap in church? Pluralism has gone too far, he suggests, and Betawi people don’t like that sort of thing.

    If the Betawi people don’t like Fauzi, well don’t vote for him then! I don’t see any problem.

  4. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    In one post the author complains about Fauzi’s visit to a church during Easter celebrations. Why would a Muslim sing and clap in church? Pluralism has gone too far, he suggests, and Betawi people don’t like that sort of thing.

    Name suggested he is a Jowo boy. If the Betawi don’t support him, he will have our vote.
    lol, reminds me of my university years where our Muslim students sang christmas carol to the disgust of many other Muslim student groups.

  5. Abul says:

    In one post the author complains about Fauzi’s visit to a church during Easter celebrations. Why would a Muslim sing and clap in church? Pluralism has gone too far, he suggests, and Betawi people don’t like that sort of thing.

    And what parts of betawi are they talking about exactly? The whole? Or some part? I’m well aware that there’s some betawi groups who are devoted Christians well since portuguese set their feet here, CMIIW.

    Generalizing and stereotyping is just plain dumb. One of these days we should have these dumbs transferred to pulau buru and let them rot to death there. It’s good for Indonesia, we have all sort of problems caused by population boom anyway.

  6. Whahaha, shame on Foke. What, he wants to close down all blogs now just because those blogs say bad things about him? Yeah right. I thought we were living in a democratic society where people can say whatever they want to say under certain limits. Now, who make the limits?

    But I don’t agree if one of those blogs mocks Foke’s visit to church. That’s so stupid. That’s insane and crazy. You know what, even President Ahmadinejad gave a congratulation to Christians at christmas last year. We can see it on his official blog at http://www.ahmadinejad.com.

  7. Pabudab says:

    Wow, why so many people having bad feeling about this issue. This is not the religious issues, this is not democracy issue, this is not SARA issue this is about one people who can manage Jakarta getting better. Jakarta had complex problems, what ever, who ever, can solved Jakarta’s problem, they can be the governor of Jakarta, but if they still have policies like the former governors (not include bang ali sadikin), forgeted to be jakarta’s leader. Who are the candidates have planning to solve floading in jakarta lest than 3 years, who are the candidates can solved street crimes less than 2 years, who are the candidates can give feeling saver for jakarta’s people to went out.

    Jakarta is not Betawi’s owners, Jakarta is capital city so from where ever you came from as long as part of Indonesia you can be a jakarta’s leader.

  8. Phun says:

    Guebukanmonyet, isn’ it http://www.ahmadinejad.ir?

  9. Look at http://www.fauzibowo.org and see how my family was torn apart and my efforts to improve education in Indonesia have stopped by greed and corruption. I ask Fauzi Bowo to prove that truth, justice and concern for the poor matter to him.

  10. Ojolali says:

    I feel for you Frank – but didn’t the British Embassy do anything to help with what happened to your children? They did have British passports didn’t they?

  11. Thanks for your empathy Ojolali. The British Embassy did nothing at all to help my children who are British nationals. It was a harrowing time that, especially for my children, is continuing because, now that my schools have closed because of corrupt and inept management, their education and welfare is in serious jeopardy. I live in hope that humanity eventually be shown to us.

  12. Qiwul says:

    Allowing the uses of busway track for emergency situation is very stupid decisions, it is obvious that in case of emergency says a fire truck, or a critical patient in ambulance are allow to enter the busway track without any governor’s decisions.

    but this only to do an “ABS – Asal Bapak Senang” actions to make SBY happy.

    the decision is meant to allow cars (especially the friends who drives a Mercedes & BMW) who complained about the jakarta traffic become worse due to development of busway track.
    this decisions showing the followings:

    1. Goverment is priorities “the rich individual” then the majority people (public that using Busway).
    2. No Vision of City Transport Management, by allowing the cars will not solve the trafic problems, the only solution is to change the preference of people to use a Public Transportations, to reduce the usage of individual cars.
    In this situations, if sutiyoso were still a governor will say “Hate Traffic Jam, use BusWay, do not use a car & using a BusWay Track”
    3. Not in line with the Saving Energy Campaign.
    you can imagine how much gasoline burn for cars traps in a Traffic Jam, even more, it is subsidized by a goverment. howmuch money burn for nothing due to this decisions.
    4. Not educating people to use Good Mass Transportation.
    People will change for good, if the BusWay is not smooth, too long waiting, traped in a “traffic jam”. who will move to busway? not those who drive a cars, but those who use Metro Mini, move to a “fully airconditioned Metro Mini”

    With all respect, please withdraw your decision allowing cars entering the busway track, and improve the busway management, believe me the traffic will get better.

  13. christine says:

    YTH. Bpk Gubernur Fauzi,

    Saya hanya ingin menanyakan disini beberapa hal. Saya adalah warga yang tinggal di sekitar Tebet, dan selalu melakukan aktivitas lari pagi dan jogging sekali seminggu ditaman seno Tebet.
    Perlu diberitahukan disini bahwa sudah lama saya perhatikan taman seno ini tidak ada pemeliharaan sama sekali baik itu dengan tanaman, alat olahraga, toilet, area olahraga, itu sama sekali tidak terpelihara. Masih bisa digunakan oleh semua warga yg ingin hidup sehat dgn berolah raga disana tapi apakah pemerintah memang sama sekali tidak peduli untuk hal kecil seperti ini?
    Saya rasa dari dana APBN amat sangat cukup pak untuk mempekerjakan beberapa orang sebagai karyawan dengan gaji yang sesuai (mengingat banyak sekali rakyat Indonesia pengangguran) untuk ditugaskan menjaga dan memelihara taman tsb.
    Pertanyaan saya disini :
    1. Apakah bapak sebagai Gubernur yang sudah terpilih dan dipercayakan oleh seluruh rakyat Indonesia tidak ada waktu barang sehari saja untuk melihat langsung kondisinya?
    2. Apakah memang sudah tidak ada dana APBN untuk taman tsb?
    3. Apakah memang sudah ada orang yang ditunjuk, tetapi tidak melaksanakan dengan baik? Jika ya, seharusnya diambil tindakan lebih lanjut.
    4. Apakah penghijauan sudah tidak berlaku lagi dengan prinsip dan tujuan bapak sebelum terpilih menjadi gubernur?
    5. Apakah memang ada perencanaan pemerintah (yang rakyat tidak ketahui) untuk membongkar, meniadakan taman tersebut dalam waktu kedepan?

    Jika bapak peduli akan lingkungan hidup, sudilah menjawab pertanyaan ini mengingat semua manusia akan bertambah tua dan tidak muda, kita perlu hidup sehat. Taman Seno ini hanyalah sarana yang murah dan bisa dijangkau seluruh kalangan rakyat (termiskin-terkaya).
    Terimaksuh atas waktu dan kesempatan nya bapak.

    Hormat saya,

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